History Hereditary

Hereditary history is one of the main points in the diagnostic search for hereditary diseases. This is a clinical technique that means collecting information about the heredity and family history of the patient to identify predisposition to diseases and determine treatment tactics.

The purpose of collecting a hereditary history is to identify possible genetic disorders and predisposition to certain types of diseases, which can be transmitted from parents to children. When collecting anamnesis, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each patient, age, working conditions, epidemiological situation, obstetric-gynecological and family history of the patient.

The results of heredity analysis help the doctor choose the most effective method of treating a particular patient or a patient with a certain pathology. After all, knowledge about genetic characteristics allows us to understand how dangerous the disease is in light of the likelihood of its being transmitted by inheritance.

For example, if there is muscular dystrophy in family members of a patient who has been diagnosed with this disease, there is a high probability of the child developing muscular dystrophy and other similar types of diseases. Therefore, before pregnancy, the spouse should undergo an examination to prevent the development of complications during childbirth associated with muscular dystrolia. Depending on individual indications, individual DNA testing, medical genetic counseling, etc. are prescribed. The collected anamnesis helps to create a genetic portrait of the patient to determine the diagnosis and prognosis of the course of the disease.