Eucalyptus Plus

Eucalyptus leaves are a raw material for the production of many medicines. The leaves have pronounced anti-edematous properties and have a diaphoretic effect on the body; they are used to treat respiratory diseases. In addition, eucalyptus was also used to treat eye, uterine diseases, skin diseases, and weakened immunity. More than thirty species of eucalyptus - from Malaysian to African - are known to people. The most valuable types of eucalyptus are used to make various medicinal preparations, in particular for inhaling its vapors through the nose or inhaling over a pan of leaf decoction. Decoctions for preparing inhalations can be made from leaves, branches, eucalyptus tree bark or eucalyptus essential oil. For medicinal purposes, eucalyptus is successfully used in the form of tinctures, since oil is obtained from the leaves by distillation. It is useful to remember the contraindications in the use of eucalyptus; you need to use medications with eucalyptus very carefully; it is better to generally start with small doses so as not to harm the body, especially children. And then, eucalyptus has no miraculous powers. For coughs and colds, it has a vasodilating effect, fights fever and inflammatory processes, but only gently, without affecting the root cause of the disease.