Access-type bathhouse

Pass-through Bath: An ideal place for complete sanitization

Baths are an integral part of many cultures and traditions around the world. They offer the opportunity to relax, feel pleasantly warm and receive a number of health benefits. Currently, more and more people are paying attention to the importance of maintaining hygiene standards and rules, especially in times of increased public anxiety caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to these needs, the concept of the "Pass-Type Bath" was born - an innovative and modern system that provides complete sanitization capabilities.

The basic principle of the Pass-through Bathhouse is the presence of separate rooms for undressing and dressing those who are washing. These are specially designed areas that avoid crossing the flow of people and ensure maximum hygiene. Visitors first go to the locker room, where they can get rid of their clothes and personal belongings. Then they move to the main room of the bathhouse, where there is a steam room and other recreational amenities.

However, before entering the main room, each visitor passes through a disinfection chamber. This is a special room equipped with modern disinfection systems that effectively destroy bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms. Before entering the bathhouse, each person passes through this chamber, guaranteeing the maximum degree of cleanliness and safety.

One of the main advantages of the Pass-Type Bathhouse is that it provides complete sanitization before entering the main room. This is especially important during periods of epidemics and pandemics, when protecting health and safety is a priority. The Pass Type Bathhouse becomes an ideal place for relaxation and recovery, where every visitor can be confident that they are receiving treatments in an absolutely clean and hygienic environment.

In addition, the Pass-Type Bathhouse helps reduce the risk of the spread of infections and diseases in public places. Its innovative design and disinfection systems help minimize exposure to harmful microorganisms, contributing to public safety and welfare.

In conclusion, the Pass Type Bathhouse represents an innovative approach to creating bathing complexes that pay special attention to compliance with hygienic standards and provide complete sanitization before entering the main room. The separation of areas for undressing and dressing those who are washing, as well as the presence of a disinfection chamber, ensure a high level of cleanliness and safety for visitors. A pass-through sauna is an ideal choice for those who attach great importance to hygiene and want to enjoy all the benefits of a sauna in a safe and comfortable atmosphere.

**Bathroom of access type B** is a specially equipped room with separate sanitary and hygienic blocks for different types of processing of visitors. Such baths are convenient for medical dispensaries, sanatoriums, children's sports schools, complexes and other public places. Most often, such baths and saunas are located in large regions and cities, mainly in environmentally friendly places, far from industrial zones. This allows you to purify the air and maintain clean water in wash booths and showers.

Advantages of **pass-through bathhouse**:

1. Convenient logistics. 2. Full body treatment - from head to toe with disinfection after each client. 3. Comfort for visitors, the opportunity to relax and enjoy the physical cleansing procedure. 4. Organizing events and banquets, anniversaries and holidays. 5. There are special technical requirements and equipment standards. 6. High cleaning efficiency, since such baths have all the necessary technologies. 7. Affordable cost of service, proven by the practice of many institutions. The bathhouse has a special ventilation and air conditioning system, thanks to which it is possible to achieve a natural type of ventilation in the room. 8. You can carry out bath procedures according to a pre-prepared schedule. 9. Taking into account all engineering calculations and recommendations of specialists, an individual plan for the operation and maintenance of special premises is developed. 10.