Baresthesia [Ar(I)- + Greek. Aisthesis Sensations]

Baresthesimetry is a method for studying proprioceptive sensitivity, which involves measuring the sensation of pressure on certain areas of the body. This method is used to diagnose proprioception disorders associated with musculoskeletal diseases, neurological disorders and other diseases.

Baresthesia is a type of proprioceptive sensitivity associated with the sensation of pressure on certain areas of the body. To study baresthesia, a special device is used - a baresthesimeter, which allows you to measure the force of pressure on the skin. Depending on the force of pressure, the level of baresthesia can be determined and impaired proprioception can be identified.

Typically, baresthesia is used in medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and others. In addition, baresthesia may be useful for athletes to assess their fitness level and determine optimal stress on muscles and joints.

Overall, baresthesimetry is an important method for studying proprioception and can be a useful tool in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The definition of “Baresthesia” comes from the terms: “Ara” (Hebrew) - sensation, and “Aisthesis” - sensation (Greek) Which in Russian means “Feeling of pressure”. The pain threshold of pressure is studied using the baresthesia method. All pain scales can be measured in different ways: pain, temperature. The science of psychophysiology studies this; the study of sensations of pressure in a session with a psychologist or psychotherapist is called the study of the function that is provided by this tissue. The baseesthetic system is used in the diagnosis of neurological diseases. If a person has difficulty understanding language, he or she experiences hallucinations. This developmental syndrome is a consequence of anesthetic inflammatory processes in the cerebral cortex or meninges. The phenomenon is manifested by weakness, poor understanding of the surrounding world, feeling