
**Barylalia** is a term used to describe incorrect or impaired pronunciation and swallowing of food. This condition can be caused by various reasons, such as stress, age-related changes, speech development disorders, or other health problems. Although it is not a serious medical problem, barilalia can have a negative effect on a person's life and interactions with others.

One of the main factors causing barilalia is stress. Stress can have a negative impact on speech as the body becomes mobilized to deal with the threat, which can lead to problems with swallowing and making sounds when interacting with others. In addition, stress can cause disturbances in the central nervous system.

Another factor that causes barilalia in older people is the natural aging process of the body. As people age, their organs begin to work less efficiently, which can lead to loss of control over swallowing. Some older people may also have decreased motor coordination, which is necessary to pronounce words correctly.

Speech disorders in children can be caused by various factors. Irregularly formed facial features, difficulty breathing, stress and fear of teachers, insufficient attention from parents and other reasons can lead to various forms of barilalia in children. In most cases, a speech therapy defect in children (barilalia) can be eliminated quite quickly - with the help of professional help from specialists in speech therapy and behavioral therapy.

It is important to understand that barilalia, which occurs as a result of various reasons, has a significant impact on a person’s quality of life. The person may have difficulty communicating with people, especially when they make barial sounds, swallow, or mispronounce words. It can also lead to feelings of self-doubt, which in turn can negatively impact one's self-image and self-esteem.

One of the most effective ways to treat barilalia is through the use of a speech therapist and her speech therapy efforts. Speech therapy intervention is necessary to develop proper speech patterns that allow for correct pronunciation and understanding of words. Treatment for barilalia may also include various behavioral therapies, such as training exercises and reading, to improve swallowing skills.

Also, one of the most common treatment methods is the use of orthodontic appliances. It is used to correct certain dental defects, such as impaired functioning of the muscles of the larynx or tongue. However, this method is only effective if the cause is physical defects.

In addition, there are a number of other ways to combat barilalia. One of them is physical therapy, which helps improve coordination of tongue and body movements, as well as strengthen the muscles of the mouth and larynx. Other treatments may include the use