
The barofunction is considered to be a highly sensitive function designed to convert signals using a device called a barometer (measuring air pressure). In simple terms, the barofunction is a measuring device that converts air pressure levels into an electrical signal that can be measured by a conventional voltmeter. Among mechanics, such a device has always been in great demand, since the scope of use of this technique is not limited to pressure measurements alone. Using the method considered, it is possible to record the progress of the trolley, and the bar function itself represents the principle of a simple construction and is easy enough to maintain and repair if necessary.

The main and main function of the barofunction is to determine the altitude level. It is also worth noting that, among other things, you can find meters for gas density, barodynamics and oxygen consumption, special float sensors that implement the barooximeter method, and so on. This type of device has standard industrial calibration. That is why one of the tasks of this characteristic is to control the temperature environment - the higher the temperature, the lower the operating parameters of the barofunction.