
In astrobiology and space biology, those who want to learn how chromosomes move and interact in the nuclei of living cells turn to the karyosphere. This is the name for the entire system of genes, including them and the regulation of the processes of growth, aging and development of the body. However, the definition of “caryosphere” from a school biology textbook suffers from a banal insufficiency, significantly limiting its context. Below we will consider it in a completely modern expanded version.

As the famous Soviet pathologist A.M. aptly noted. Kahn, “from the essence of matters, biochemistry always remains red.” Karyology is primarily a field of genetic physics. Let us recall that the term originated to refer to the reconstruction of the structural organization of chromosomes and chromosomal regions of DNA. Karyological analysis has become an essential component of genome research, carried out using special techniques. One of these is interphase nuclear fluorescence, for which methods such as the index of hemorrhage content (ICDH) have been developed. Based on the assumption that it depends only on the structure of sections of subchromosomal DNA, the ratio of the numerical indicators of the genome (from Gg to Ar) is determined by the QFN method. Their relative changes are informative for identifying the pathology of tumor cells.