Baroreceptors Hair

Hair baroreceptors are special receptors located in the skin and respond to shifts in the skin area in the area where the hair follicles exit.

In clinical practice, when damage to the skin occurs on its surface and under it, hyperemia develops symmetrically in the subcutaneous area and is noted

Baroreceptor stimulation and regulation of peripheral vessels in pulpous flasks - the basic principles of regulation of the microvascular bed

**Baroreceptors** are receptors that detect the mechanical properties (barometric stimuli) of the environment, which include displacement, stretching, compression, tension, deformation, vibration. The nervous system includes many devices that respond to changing pressures. These include baroreceptors (mechanoreceptors) and neuroreceptors (electroreceptors).

In the subcutaneous tissue, which surrounds the loose skin vessels, there is a set of hairs that protrude in the form of rods