Post-term Pregnancy

Post-term pregnancy: what is it and what are its consequences?

Post-term pregnancy is a condition when pregnancy continues for two weeks or more beyond the normal period. Typically, the normal gestation period is 40 weeks (9 months). However, for some women, pregnancy may continue longer, which can lead to various problems and complications.

The reasons for post-term pregnancy can be different. One of the reasons may be an incorrectly determined gestational age. This can happen if a woman does not remember the date of the last menstruation or there are irregularities in the cycle. Also, post-term pregnancy can be caused by medical reasons, such as late fetal growth, abnormalities in the placenta, lack of nitric oxide, etc.

Post-term pregnancy can lead to various complications for both mother and baby. The mother may experience problems with childbirth, such as difficult and prolonged labor, bleeding, infections, etc. The child may experience problems with growth and development, as well as an increased risk of various pathologies.

To prevent complications, women who are at risk of post-term pregnancy are advised to regularly visit a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations. If post-term pregnancy is detected, a decision may be made to deliver the baby.

In conclusion, postterm pregnancy is a serious condition that requires close medical supervision. Women are advised to follow all doctor's recommendations and undergo all necessary examinations to prevent complications and ensure the health of both mother and child.

Postterm pregnancy is a common complication of pregnancy that can lead to serious consequences for the mother and fetus. In this article we will look at the reasons for post-term pregnancy, its consequences and methods of prevention.

Post-term pregnancy occurs when pregnancy lasts more than 41-42 weeks. This can happen for various reasons, including genetic factors, chronic maternal diseases, stress, poor diet and others.

One of the most common consequences of postterm pregnancy is premature birth. This happens because the mother’s body does not have time to prepare for childbirth, and the fetus cannot be born naturally. In addition, postterm pregnancy can lead to various complications, such as bleeding, infections, fetal hypoxia and others.

To prevent post-term pregnancy, you need to monitor your health and lifestyle. It is important to eat right, avoid stress, visit your doctor regularly and follow his recommendations. It is also necessary to take vitamins and minerals that will help strengthen the body and prepare for childbirth.

If you think you may be post-term, consult your doctor. He will examine you and determine if you have this complication. If the pregnancy continues beyond term, the doctor may recommend hospitalization and a cesarean section.

In conclusion, postterm pregnancy is a serious complication that can have serious consequences for the mother and fetus. To avoid this, you need to monitor your health, eat right and avoid stress. If you suspect you are post-term, consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.