Barraquera Microkeratome

Barraquera Microkeratome: An innovative tool for ophthalmic procedures

The Barraquera microkeratome, developed by Dr. José Ignacio Barraquer, is an innovative instrument used in ophthalmology to perform certain surgical procedures on the cornea of ​​the eye. This device combines the advantages of microsurgical precision and keratotomy, making it an integral tool in a number of operations related to vision correction and the treatment of various eye diseases.

The Barraquera microkeratome is used primarily in a procedure known as keratotomy, which is performed to reshape the cornea and improve the patient's vision. During this procedure, the eye surgeon removes a thin layer of tissue from the surface of the cornea to change its curvature and correct the refraction of light passing through the eye. The Barraquera microkeratome provides high precision and control during this operation due to its microsurgical design.

One of the main advantages of the microkeratome barraker is its ability to create smooth and predictable cuts on the cornea. This is especially important when performing laser vision correction surgeries such as LASIK (laser-assisted intrahilar keratomileusis). The Barraquera microkeratome ensures the creation of a uniform and precise cut on the cornea, which contributes to more predictable results and reduces the risk of possible complications.

In addition, the barraquera microkeratome has adjustable incision depth settings, which allows the surgeon to control the thickness of the removed layer of corneal tissue. This is especially useful in procedures such as intraocular lens implantation, where the thickness of the corneal flap must be accurately determined to achieve optimal results.

It should be noted that with the advent of new technologies in ophthalmology, such as the femtosecond laser, the use of the microkeratome barraker may be somewhat limited. The femtosecond laser allows precise cuts to be made on the cornea without the use of a mechanical instrument such as a microkeratome. However, the barraquera microkeratome continues to be an important tool in certain clinical scenarios and for certain procedures.

In conclusion, the Barraquera Microkeratome is an innovative tool in ophthalmic surgery that provides high precision and control when performing corneal surgery. Its ability to create smooth and predictable incisions, as well as adjustable incision depth settings, make it a valuable tool for ophthalmic procedures such as keratotomy and intraocular lens implantation. Despite the advent of new technologies, the barraquera microkeratome continues to be an important tool in certain clinical scenarios, providing the microsurgical precision and control necessary for the successful treatment of ocular diseases and vision correction.

**Barraquera MicroKeratome** is a revolutionary medical instrument that makes the cornea transplant procedure as accessible as possible to everyone. Our microkeratomere is not only a high-precision modern device, but also an instrument of art. In the skillful hands of our specialist, he will give you a clear outlook and faith in a bright future.
