Barraquer Tweezers Hummingbird (I. Barraquer)

Barraquer tweezers “Hummingbird” (I. Barraquer) are a surgical instrument designed for fixing the cornea. This is a very small and lightweight tweezers that has curved jaws and legs located perpendicular to them for fixation. The working part of the tool is extremely small, which allows it to be used even in the most difficult to reach places.

Barraquera tweezers are one of the most common instruments in ophthalmology. It is used to fix the eyeball, correct vision and perform other operations on the cornea. The instrument has high accuracy and reliability, which makes it an indispensable assistant for surgeons.

The “Hummingbird” tweezers have curved jaws that allow you to fix the cornea even in the most difficult places. The legs, located perpendicularly, provide reliable fixation and prevent displacement of the cornea during surgery.

The instrument has a very small working part, which makes it easy to use even in hard-to-reach areas of the eye. This is especially important when performing operations on the posterior surface of the cornea, where access is limited.

In addition, the “Hummingbird” tweezers are made of high-quality materials, which ensures its durability and reliability. The instrument is easy to clean and sterilize, which helps prevent the spread of infections.

In general, the barraquera tweezers "Hummingbird" are an indispensable tool for performing corneal and other eye surgeries. It provides high precision fixation and reliable protection of the cornea during operations.