Bayer Achilleoplasty

Bayer Achillothenoplasty: History, Description and Application

Bayer Achilles tendonoplasty is a surgical procedure that is used to repair a damaged Achilles tendon. It was named after the Czech surgeon K. Bayer, who first described this technique in 1905.

The Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the human body, connecting the calf muscles to the heel. It plays an important role in maintaining balance and moving the body in space. However, when this tendon is damaged, a serious problem occurs that can lead to impaired mobility and pain in the ankle area.

Bayer Achilles tendon surgery involves replacing the damaged Achilles tendon with the tendon of another muscle. Typically, this procedure uses the tendon of the semitendinous muscle, which is located on the back of the thigh. This tendon does not usually play an important role in the functioning of the body, and its use to replace a damaged Achilles tendon does not lead to serious consequences.

The Bayer Achilleotenoplasty procedure is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes about 2-3 hours. The surgeon makes a small incision on the back of the leg and exposes the damaged Achilles tendon. He then removes it and replaces it with the semitendinous tendon, attaching it to the heel and the remainder of the tendon.

After surgery, the patient must wear a plaster cast on his leg for 6-8 weeks. He should then begin the rehabilitation process, which includes stretching and strengthening exercises for the lower leg muscles. The full recovery period may take up to 6 months.

Bayer Achilles tendonoplasty is widely used in modern medicine to treat Achilles tendon injuries. It is used for both partial rupture and complete rupture of the tendon. Thanks to this procedure, patients can return to normal active life and avoid serious complications associated with tendon damage.

Author of the note

Bayer Achilles (1852-1904) is a legendary Czech neurosurgeon who made a huge contribution to the development of surgery of the nervous system. He is the author of many methods, one of which is Bayer's Achilles tendonoplasty - plastic surgery by installing a prosthesis on the damaged area of ​​the tendon.

History of invention

Presumably, the introduction of tendonoplasty on the tendon area was proposed by German doctors in the early twentieth century. But, there is a fact that the first scientifically proven and patented method was developed by a Czech neurosurgeon in 1968.

In his research, he found that patients who underwent Achilles surgery at an earlier age had much better treatment outcomes than those who waited a few more years. Bayer realized that to achieve the best results, it was necessary to speed up the process of tendon recovery, reducing the rehabilitation time. He concluded that the best way to do this was to insert an artificial tendon into the area of ​​the tear. Thus, Bayer developed and patented his original invention - the Bayer Achilles Achilles operation. It is now widely used throughout the world as an effective treatment for tendon and ligament injuries and defects.

One of the most popular reasons for this operation is degenerative changes or ruptures of the Achilles. This condition is characterized by deterioration in the mobility of the leg - the damaged tendon cannot maintain tone and bring the leg together at the knees. The operation consists of installing an artificial analogue of tendon fibers, which replaces the damaged