Basal cell carcinoma of the skin Flat Superficial Non-ulcerative

Flat superficial non-ulcerating skin basalioma (b. cutis planum superficiale inexulcerans) is a type of basal cell carcinoma characterized by slow superficial tumor growth without ulceration.

This type of basal cell carcinoma is also known under such synonyms as Arning carcinoid, pagetoid basal cell carcinoma, little multiple erythematous epithelioma, pagetoid epithelioma and squamous epithelioma of the trunk.

The tumor is most often localized on the skin of the trunk and limbs, has a flat or slightly raised surface of a pinkish-red color. Tumor growth is slow, without a tendency to ulceration.

Histologically, the distribution of atypical basal cells throughout the superficial layers of the dermis is determined.

Treatment consists of complete surgical excision of the tumor. The prognosis is favorable with timely treatment.