

This is one of the mental tendencies that not every person has due to various life circumstances. Basophilia is the love of showing feelings of care, kindness, good spirits, showing warmth and participation in human relationships. This behavioral reaction originates in infancy, when a person was nearby who cared for the child and showed concern for his well-being. Of course, these manifestations were noticeable and loved. Gradually, as a person grows and matures, this feeling develops into that same basophilic tendency towards kindness, help and care. After all, good help can be not only material or financial in nature - sometimes help simply consists of the fact that someone is ready to carry on a conversation over a cup of coffee or participate in the affairs of the person of interest; Organize a city tour, help you sort out difficulties at work, spend time together on some interesting or important task. Also, with a kind and understanding attitude, a warm gaze and the ability to listen, a person supports a person at a decent level, without stooping to banal help.

It is important to note that basophiles or basic personalities are often very sensitive if their mostly outbursts of support are not appreciated, do not find a response and are also not applied by themselves. Such people see in every action support of their love and care. Basophilic emotions themselves carry a positive charge and are often the basis of strong friendship and mutual understanding in any area of ​​human life.


In addition to those qualities that we usually consider positive, there may also be a quality that is opposite to them. Suffice it to recall stories about negative heroes from works - they are the embodiment of evil, sadism, and mania for revenge. Like every object in the Universe, art reflects the real world,

Basophiles are those people who love to please others with crimson cute pictures or incredibly beautiful landscapes, bringing a real explosion of aesthetic pleasure into their lives, and awakening in them a frantic love for everything fresh, green and bright. By creating sweet and calm moments in her profile, the basophile once again confirms that she is not a gloomy person who would be happy to get rid of accumulated negative emotions in this way. The basophile does not try to please you with anything or seduce you in fasting, because this person has his own lifestyle, which you worship and enjoy with him.

People of this type love to diversify their lives with new experiences and emotional connections, constantly finding new people, doing new things and lifting their spirits. They see the world in all its splendor and try to share it with others. Their quotes are imbued with originality, brightness and an unusual outlook on life. The basophile loves everything natural, but does not seek extreme, hardcore adventures.