
Pyelectasia is a benign enlargement of the pelvis, a cup-shaped cavity that stores urine in the kidneys. The disease is indicated by an increase in the volume of the urinary cavity from 15 to 50 cubic centimeters and increased intrapelvic pressure. If the process is asymptomatic, but worsens over time, patients are prescribed emergency surgery.

This congenital pathology has a number of signs that indicate its manifestation:

- increased blood pressure - frequent headaches, nausea, dizziness - swelling of the limbs and abdominal cavity - frequent urination

The causes of this disease may be pathology of the urinary tract, or disruption of the normal outflow of urine due to structural changes in the organs of the genitourinary system. The swelling persists constantly, slowly increasing due to an increase in the volume of the bladder. A constant subfebrile temperature indicates the accumulation of blood in the renal tubules with a favorable environment for the development of a bacterial infection. Pain during movement increases the possible inflammatory process. Pressure in the abdominal area increases because fluid in the kidneys does not exit through the opening of the ureter, as nature intended. The pressure in the brain increases, which causes pain in the back of the head. Cystitis, urethritis, chronic pancreatitis, inflammation of the lining of the kidney tubules, cancer: abdominal tumors or the presence of small kidneys cause a violation of the rules of the natural outflow of urine. In this case, a neurogenic bladder is diagnosed.

Pyeelectasis also occurs with prostate diseases. Vesiculitis, epididyma, prostatitis are common causes of inflammation of the prostate gland. The process is triggered by the presence of a bacterial agent - mycoplasma or trichomonas, populating the reproductive organ. Infectious processes lead to the formation of purulent foci in the tissues of this gland. Increased pressure in the abdominal cavity due to dilation of the pelvis occurs due to compression of blood vessels by the bladder. Delayed urine output occurs when there is a hormonal imbalance associated with androgen deficiency. Pyeelectasis is accompanied by abnormalities in the location of organs in the abdominal cavity and spine.

Urine becomes saturated with pathogenic microorganisms and leaves the kidney through the dilated opening of the pelvis into the kidney. The progression of the disease disrupts the outflow of fluid, the increased content of protein and sugar is aggravated, and the formation of urine is disrupted. The leading cause of pyelecters is frequent inflammatory diseases. This process is also characterized by congestion in the pancreas and intestines. Dysfunction of the biliary and urinary tracts

**Pyelectasia** is a type of reverse flow of urine. The etiology of pyelectasia is associated with congenital anomalies or traumatic changes in the intramural nerve plexuses of the ureters, resulting in hyperreflexia of the internal ureteral sphincter. It is believed that the main cause of pyelectasia is a decrease in sensitivity or loss of motor function of the internal sphincter when it is damaged. As a complication, pyelectasia can be accompanied by renal diverticulosis and stone reflux.