Bekhterev-Strumpell-Marie Disease

Ankylosing spondylitis-Strumpel-Marie disease (ASBD) is a rare disease that affects the connective tissue and nervous system. It is named after three scientists who contributed to its study - Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, Alexander Shtrumpel and Pierre Marie.

Bekhterev was a Russian neurologist and physiologist who studied the nervous system. He described BSMB in his book Neuropathy in 1917. Strumpel was a German internist who also studied the nervous system and discovered symptoms of MSB in his patients. Marie was a French neurologist who described this disease in his work in 1899.

BSMB manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the nervous tissue, which leads to dysfunction of the nervous system and the appearance of various symptoms. These include pain in the back, neck and head, muscle weakness, impaired coordination of movements, loss of sensitivity and others.

Treatment for BSMB includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, and surgery if necessary. However, since this is a rare disease, its treatment can be difficult and requires an individual approach.

Overall, BSMB is a serious disease that can lead to serious health consequences. Therefore, it is important to know about it and take measures to prevent and treat it.

Bekhterev - Shtrumpelman Marie Disease This is a rare hereditary form of sacroiliitis enteropathy, characterized by early damage to the sacroiliac joints with sacroiliitis of predominantly one joint. Its combination with arthritis of another joint, other organs, or ankylosing spondylitis (ALS) distinguishes these manifestations as a separate form of the disease. The disease describes hysterectomy and perimysitis with the formation of bone