Age Prepubertal

Prepubertal age is the period of a child’s life from 9 to 14 years. At this time, the formation of the body occurs, puberty begins, and the first signs of puberty appear. During this period, the child begins to actively take an interest in the opposite sex, he develops new interests and hobbies.

Prepuberty is an important stage in a child's development. At this age, it is important to pay attention to the child’s physical and mental health, as well as his social adaptation. Parents should ensure that their child eats a healthy diet, exercises and exercises regularly, and has access to education and cultural activities.

During prepuberty, the child becomes more independent and independent. He begins to show interest in his peers and communication with them. It is important to help your child find friends and teach him to communicate with other people.

In addition, during prepubertal age, a child may experience health problems, such as dental problems, sleep and appetite disorders, headaches, and others. Parents should monitor their child's health and consult a doctor if necessary.

It is important to remember that prepuberty is a period of active development and formation of the child’s personality. Parents should support their child in this process and help him develop harmoniously and successfully.

Prepubertal age is the period of child development that occurs before the onset of puberty (puberty). During prepuberty, the child transitions from childhood to adolescence and begins to go through physical and psychological changes associated with the development of the reproductive organs and systems. This period takes about 2-3 years for boys and 1-2 years for girls.

The main physical change in prepuberty is the onset of enlargement of the chest and uterus in girls, and the development of erection and ejaculation in boys. These changes lead to the emergence of sexual fantasies and desires in adolescents. Also at this age, children begin to experience the first emotions of love and friendship, which can affect their behavior and attitude towards others.

Psychologically, prepubescent children often find it difficult to recognize their own wants and needs, so they may not realize the value of their body and inner world. They may experience increased emotional sensitivity, shyness, anxiety, irritability and restlessness. This can lead to a feeling of misunderstanding on the part of others, as they are not always able to understand the experiences and feelings of other people.

However, this period is also characterized by increased self-esteem, self-confidence and self-confidence, as well as the desire to learn to manage one’s emotions and behavior. Teenagers, especially girls, may begin to experiment with their image