Polyopia Hallucinatory

Hallucinogenic Polyopsia is an unusual visual phenomenon that is characterized by the appearance of multiple instances of objects or perceptual illusions that are combined into one network. This disorder is associated with impaired perception and is classified as a type of schizotypal brain disorder.

The history of studying the phenomenon of hallucinatory polyopsia goes far back into the history of medical practice and medicine. The emergence of this problem was actively studied in Ancient Egypt, India, China, as well as in various nations in Europe. Whereas modern researchers of this phenomenon refer to data from studies of patients under long-term observation in solitary confinement cells or freedom of speech fighters. At the same time, many patients are also mentioned who exhibit symptoms as after epileptic seizures and drug intoxication.

Now experts cannot fully understand the physical manifestations and causes of the problem of hallucinatory polyopsia. The most popular two scientific theories of this phenomenon: the first assumes the existence of a small network of optical