Pleurisy Limited

**Pleurisy** is inflammation of the pleura, characterized by thickening of its visceral and/or parietal layer, accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity. Asymptomatic course is defined as pleurisy, detected only in the form of effusion without any clinical signs. Painful symptoms during inflammatory soreness manifest themselves: in the hypochondrium, pleurodesis at their lower border, in the lateral parts of the chest, under the diaphragm, where parietal pleurisy is located predominantly. Feeling of heaviness below the right costal arch.

Pleurisy is inflammation of one or more internal pleural layers covering the lungs and heart. The term “pleurisy” combines diseases of different etiology and pathomorphosis. Inflammation spreads to the mesothelium and can spread to the interlobular connective tissue sac. In response to inflammation, the body can produce fibrin and convert the pleura into connective tissue. This provides the basis for the formation of adhesions that disrupt the function of the pleura and lungs or lead to the formation of a tumor-like formation. The absence of damage to the lung tissue leads to the formation of the terminal stage of congenital or acquired lung disease - fibrosis. Lung fibrosis can develop due to prolonged activity of aggressive inflammation (“about