Excitement Hallucinatory

Agitation is a syndrome of a functional psychosomatic state caused by a shift in the levels of cortical activity from the physiological normative zone towards psychotic arousal. It is observed in exogenous-organic (infectious, toxic, traumatic) and endogenous psychoses, within the framework of schizophrenic, cyclophrenic syndromes, as well as after their completion, in psychasthenics and psychopaths of the excitable range. Its manifestations are increased heart rate, a tendency to vegetative fluctuations with respiratory distance, salivation, lacrimation or nasal discharge, dyspeptic symptoms, sleep disturbance, anxiety, insomnia, rapid speech, bright gestures, unjustified mood swings, an angry attitude towards others, ideas of persecution, of special significance, the presence of various unrealistic pictures and ideas that have little relevance to the situation.

The following degrees of excitation are distinguished:

a) elementary; b) euphoric, c) hyperkinetic.

For treatment, tranquilizers and small doses of psychotropic drugs are used in combination with antipsychotics during the first 7-10 days with mild agitation. If agitation is accompanied by somatic disorders (disorders of cardiac, vascular, pulmonary activity, breathing), it is necessary to involve therapists and resuscitators. In case of psychomotor agitation, sedatives and hypnotics are indicated; after normalization of vital organs, the dosage of sleeping pills is gradually reduced, anticonvu is prescribed

Hallucinatory arousal is a phenomenon that can occur in people suffering from mental disorders. It manifests itself in the form of visual, auditory or tactile sensations that have no connection with reality. In this case, a person can perceive non-existent objects, sounds or sensations as real, and experience strong emotions.

Symptoms of hallucinatory arousal vary, but are usually accompanied by feelings of fear, anxiety, panic, or anxiety. Agitation can lead to serious consequences for human health, as it can lead to psychological trauma, decreased self-esteem and impaired social adaptation.

One of the reasons for hallucinatory arousal is poor nutrition and insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals. Exposure to environmental toxins is also possible. This phenomenon can be caused by exposure to neurotoxins and certain drugs.