
**Hypersomnia** is a condition of a person during which he feels the need to sleep and sleeps for a significant amount of time. The phenomenon can be one of the symptoms of the disease not only in children, but also in adults. A special form of hypersomnia is chronic fatigue, which is often accompanied by frequent insomnia. As the conditions develop, the person quickly gets tired, becomes absent-minded, and constantly wants to sleep. In some cases, people suffering from chronic fatigue experience severe headaches. Without adequate treatment, hypersomnia is fraught not only with serious physical problems, but also with mental disorders. If you or your child suffer from this condition, it is important to consult a doctor in time, who can prescribe a set of therapeutic measures aimed at treating pathological conditions of the body.

Hypersomnia is a syndrome of circadian rhythm disturbance, accompanied by an irresistible desire to sleep during the day while maintaining sufficient volume and quality of sleep at night. This condition is one of the most common sleep disorders. Hypersomnia can be diagnosed if an individual is unable to sleep and meets three criteria - excessive sleepiness during the day (includes sleepiness and daytime sleepiness), interrupted nighttime sleep of less than 4 hours, and more sleep than usual at night. During the day, many people with hyposomnia sleep and feel tired and lethargic, even if they get a good night's sleep. Human sleep consists of so-called sleep cycles. The duration of the cycles is approximately 90 minutes, during sleep the muscles relax. The longer the duration of night sleep, the fewer the number of daytime cycles.

Daytime sleepiness is often manifested by increased interest in certain topics and stimulation of the nervous system, which increases the need for sleep. People suffering from hypersomnia during the day often feel restless, irritable, and apathetic. In the absence of an increased desire to sleep, despite fatigue, they complain of a feeling of drowsiness and slight pain in the head area. During the day, these people try to relax by sitting down or getting comfortable. If they