Cells Mast

Mast cells (lat. Labrocytus), also called mast cells, are cells of the macrophage system, have numerous cytoplasm which contains a nucleus and various intracellular organelles, phagolysosomes, secreting numerous biologically active substances histamine, trypsin, somatotropic hormone, monoclonal antibodies, alkaline phosphatase , the cytoplasm contains a large number of different lipids. Phagocytic activity is exhibited for a long time, without their destruction, since it is they who carry out phagocytosis before the formation of amyloid plaques in the central nervous system of such patients as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and others, which increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks associated with the degradation of amyloid protein, the synthesis of normal proteins . In this case, the ability to clean the intercellular fluid takes on a different, pathological direction, and the broken down protein enters the blood, thus leading to