Oncogenic Substances Exogenous

Oncogenic Exogenous Substances: A Danger That Caught Us Unexpectedly

Exogenous oncogenic substances are dangerous chemical compounds that can cause cancer in humans and animals. Such substances enter the body from the environment and can cause mutations in the genetic material of cells. As a result of this process, the development of tumor formations may begin.

Oncogenic substances of exogenous origin can be found in water, soil, air, food, tobacco smoke, drugs, chemicals and many other sources. These substances can be carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens and carcinomas.

Carcinogens are substances that can cause cancer. They can act on body cells, causing them to mutate, or on body systems, increasing the risk of cancer. Some examples of carcinogens that can be found in the environment include asbestos, benzene, chemical pesticides and tobacco smoke.

Mutagens are substances that can cause changes in the genetic material of cells. They can act on the DNA of cells, causing mutations that can lead to cancer. Some examples of mutagens that can be found in the environment include benzopyrene, acetaldehyde and formaldehyde.

Teratogens are substances that can cause defects in fetal development. They can act on the reproductive system, causing various abnormalities in fetal development. Some examples of teratogens that can be found in the environment include lead, methylmercury, and alcohol.

Carcinomas are substances that can cause cancer in certain organs or tissues. They can act on certain organs or tissues, causing mutations that can lead to the development of tumors. Some examples of carcinomas that can be found in the environment include aspirin, Aravix, acetaminophen, and acetylsalicylic acid.

In general, oncogenic substances of exogenous origin pose a serious threat to the health of humans and animals. They can cause a variety of diseases, including cancer, and can be found in many environmental sources. Therefore, it is important to take precautions and reduce the risk of exposure to such substances. It is necessary to monitor the quality of water and food, avoid passive smoking, use protective equipment when working with chemicals, etc.

In addition, it is important to undergo regular medical examinations and monitor your health. Moreover, there are many organizations that research oncogenic substances and work to prevent them. By supporting organizations like these, we can reduce our risk of cancer and improve our quality of life.

In conclusion, oncogenic substances of exogenous origin are a serious problem for our health and require increased attention from society. Regular environmental quality monitoring must be carried out, and measures must be taken to prevent exposure to hazardous substances. This is the only way we can preserve the health and well-being of ourselves and future generations.

Cancer is a serious disease, the causes of which are not fully understood. Scientists divide malignant tumors into several groups, one of which is exogenous oncogenic factors. These factors negatively affect the body and contribute to the occurrence and development of tumors. Cancer is caused by a variety of things, from bacteria, viruses, toxins, radiation, to diet and environmental conditions. In this article we will look at how exogenous factors work and what about it