Counting Chamber

A counting chamber is a tool for determining the concentration of drugs or other elements by their quantity in a test tube or flask. Until recently, this was the only method of quantitative analysis. The method is based on establishing a direct relationship between the number of particles under study and their light flux reflected from the flask (chamber

A count chamber is a specialized device that is used by microscopists to count and study organisms. It consists of a chamber in which the object to be counted is placed, and a mirror cover with built-in three holes for light. The purpose of the counting chamber is to create conditions in which the optical image of the organism is clearly visible through the three openings of the lid.

Despite the fact that the name of the cameras sounds official, this device is not a camera as we are used to seeing it. This is a technical device that actually has nothing in common with the cameras you are used to seeing in everyday life. In the world of microbiology and biology, counting chambers are used for many different purposes such as counting bacteria, counting animal cells and even plant units.

The device can be used to create a condition in which the optical image of an organism on an object becomes clearly visible. In this way, the shape, size or texture of different organisms and components can be examined. Counting under a microscope helps