Hospital 2 In the Civil Defense Medical Service

Hospital 2 is one of the medical institutions that are part of the Civil Defense Medical Service (EMERCOM). It is intended to provide qualified medical care and treatment of sick and injured people.

Hospital 2 has modern equipment that allows diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. It employs highly qualified specialists who are ready to help every patient.

In addition, Hospital 2 actively collaborates with other medical institutions and organizations to provide the most effective treatment to patients.

In general, Hospital 2 is an important element of the medical service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and plays an important role in providing assistance to the injured and sick.

Hospital 2 – medical facility in the civil defense medical service

Hospital No. 2 (B2) is a treatment and preventive medical institution in the city of M, created to provide specialized and qualified medical care to the wounded and sick.

History of creation

B2 has a more than historical biography: throughout the history of its existence, the main hospital of the city of M. has had several names - the hospital department of the military medical department of the military district, the regimental clinic, the military hospital of the Moscow Military District. In the mid-50s of the 20th century, children's infectious diseases hospital No. 1 was opened at the city hospital. The children's sanatorium was also created by a decision of April 3, 1963 and had the same name.

On February 12, 1992, the Children's Sanatorium became the Children's Hospital No. 2 of the Civil Defense of the city of M.,