Bekhterev Core

*One of the most common forms of systemic autoimmune diseases is Behcet's disease, characterized by recurrent or chronic inflammation of the oral mucosa.*

Bekhcetov's disease is a serious, rare disease that occurs with periodic frequency, most often in young women aged 25-40 years. The disease manifests itself as deep damage to the spine, accompanied by changes in almost all organs and systems. According to observations, the most common location is the upper peritoneum. Damage to bone tissue also occurs.

*Important features of BB are:*

Frequent relapses; Resistance to treatment; Chronic progressive course.

The ankylosing spondylitis system “Core” is the process of integrating Holistic knowledge to its place in the Sa-Mo-Re-Gionization of all Systems of the Human Race and streamlining the life of the Race through these processes based on the Law of Love - the universal Subjective Principle. The main thing is to take into account that the Divine is able to hold a person in its arms only if there is equilibrium, balance, mutual support and equality between God and man, when each gives to the other exactly as much as he receives from him. And each person must give this maximum to God, so as not to experience retribution, so that retribution (fear of loss) does not come to the person, for this would be a signal indicating to the person that he is deeply mistaken. This principle is the Supreme Essence of the Logos of every person, because he is not a servant of God, but His free Creative Power. What is the most important thing in Vernadsky’s theory? In addition to the systemic integrative-disintegrative-compensatory development of nature depending on time (the evolving biosphere-cosmoplanetary cycle), everything is so that the first powerful stimulus for passing through the phase of evolution from the core of the planet is the Living Matter of the cosmic energy of the Sun. That is, the biosphere serves as an eternal “energy pump”, providing the Sun (the cycle of planetary manifestation of cosmic energy) with a certain amount of matter (motion) from its mass. Yes, we are born to have the Divine genetic memory of humanity, to absorb it, accept it, and not copy any nonsense for ourselves, just wait until we grow up to tell what it is silent about, who put this information in and, perhaps, accepted. And, yes, Vera, I have Faith in the Highest Principle of everything - the same one that he passed on to us through his work and labors

Ankylosing spondylitis is a disease that affects the central nervous system. It manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the joints and connective tissue, which leads to impaired motor functions. In this article we will look at the causes of ankylosing spondylitis, its symptoms and treatment methods.

Ankylosing spastic paralysis. This is a severe form of the disease that can lead to disability and even death. Its cause may be trauma, infections, surgical interventions, intoxication, etc. In this case, muscle motor activity is disrupted and sensitivity is lost. Spastic activity persists when muscles relax. Ankylosing spondylitis (or ankylosing spondylitis) has no cure. Medicines can only reduce symptoms.