Belara for acne on the face reviews

I was prescribed OK to lower the level of male hormones. I've been drinking Chloe for a week now. Before the first pill, I thought that now the problems with my face were solved (or that at least there would be no new breakouts), but this week I got even more acne. I hope that this is just an addictive effect of the body, it’s just that in all the reviews the skin improves after taking it, but for me it’s the opposite. I also feel like the more nervous I get, the more acne I get. But it doesn’t work without nerves, because... I’m afraid of side effects, in the evening I constantly think “what if my heart hurts at night, what if I feel nauseous in the morning, what if there’s trouble with my veins tomorrow, etc.” I would like to ask those members of the forum who took OK as treatment, did you have any aggravation on your face in the first weeks of taking it? And if so, how long did it take until the second pack? Or does everyone either have no changes or immediately improve in the first weeks of taking it? Please write more, the name is OK. experts

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Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

You need to fuck more often, you won't get acne.

How fast you are, you expect improvement right from the first days. )))) At first it really doesn’t sprinkle like a child. There will be a visible improvement only after 2-3 months of constantly taking the pills, and after half a year or a year you will forget about acne like a bad dream. This happened to me personally. At first I drank Diana-35, then switched to Chloe (the same thing, only cheaper).

It’s terrible, why even take medications with such suspiciousness? If your heart hurts or anything else, you’ll quit, nothing super-terrible will happen to you. The main thing is to stop taking it as a lie. Our body is much stronger than you think.
And you will have to wait at least three months for the effect. By the way, how old are you? If it’s from 16 to 20, then it’s better not to start taking it. OK, just be patient and the hormonal balance can be restored. I really regret that I started, and now I can’t get rid of them, I’m afraid of the withdrawal effect

It’s terrible, why even take medications with such suspiciousness? If your heart hurts or anything else, you’ll quit, nothing super-terrible will happen to you. The main thing is to stop taking it as a lie. Our body is much stronger than you think.
And you will have to wait at least three months for the effect. By the way, how old are you? If it’s from 16 to 20, then it’s better not to start taking it. OK, just be patient and the hormonal balance can be restored. I really regret that I started, and now I can’t get rid of them, I’m afraid of the withdrawal effect

I somehow decided to switch to pills and bought Yarina. On the first day, my heart began to hurt terribly, it was simply unbearable, the condition was terrible. I immediately stopped drinking. One friend says: “Yes, this is normal at first, then the body will get used to it.” Yeah, but am I suffering all this time? It hurt too much. So, screw these pills.

At first, the doctor prescribed Diana-35 for me (for the same reason, to reduce the male hormone), but I began to get better and she and I switched to Yarina. Everything seems to be fine, I’ve been drinking it for more than 3 years, and now I’m taking a break (for 3 months already) nothing is OK. The condition of the skin is normal, even the hairs in the navel area have almost disappeared. So, OK with the androgenic effect this is the way out

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I had acne on my back (heredity failed me), my face also broke out during the red days, but after a week and a half it went away, although the marks on my face, naturally, remained for a long time, so, at the age of 16, the dermatologist prescribed Diana-35, and honestly took it 2.5 years, the acne on the face has completely disappeared, on the back - it has decreased by 50 percent. By the way, I regularly visited a gynecologist, but once I had an appointment with a gynecologist-endocrinologist, I found out that hormonal hormones were generally contraindicated for me. I was very surprised. I quit drinking. Six months later, menstruation began to appear on the face again, it passed quickly, but there were traces. on the back, as a rule, they were small, but persistent and always 1-2 of them that do not ripen, but only hurt, the big ones do not go away for a long time, they feel like a lump to the touch. In general, the dermatologist prescribed Roaccutane. I drank for six months, everything went away. But! a year later, small ones began to appear on the back again, and by the time of menstruation there were 1-2 large ones. On the face - rarely, and did not particularly bother. So I thought of getting sunburned with this set on my back - the result is that they remain forever in the form of white pimples. And ok. years ago, due to severe stress, it mercilessly covered my face, I thought it would go away - but no, I waited three months, then I decided to give Diana -35 on drink - after 3 months a visible improvement began, I drank approx. six months. I haven’t drunk for 2-3 months now - it’s fine, 1-2 on the face or back don’t particularly bother me, they go away quickly.

Many women suffer from acne - it reduces their self-esteem, prevents them from leading the desired lifestyle, and even changes their character, making them withdrawn. They have to spend a lot of effort and money to get rid of rashes. But in the fight against this phenomenon, not only specially created products and developed techniques help, but also those in which getting rid of acne is an additional bonus. Belara is one of these remedies.

Let's look at how Belara gets rid of acne, what are the contraindications for taking it and what adverse reactions it can cause in the body.

Composition of the drug and principle of its action

Belara is a drug that has antiandrogenic properties. This is an oral contraceptive, which contains two main active ingredients - chlomadione acetate (related to progestogens) and ethinyl estradiol (a synthetic estrogen substitute). The positive effect of the drug was revealed:

  1. as a contraceptive;
  2. to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  3. in the treatment of functional ovarian cysts;
  4. in reducing the severity of premenstrual syndrome;
  5. in the treatment of malignant tumors of the ovaries and endometrium;
  6. in the treatment of dysmenorrhea;
  7. to reduce the incidence of iron deficiency anemia;
  8. for the treatment of pelvic inflammatory diseases;
  9. to eliminate acne and smooth out skin texture.

Such an extensive list of indications for taking the drug is due to its effect on hormonal levels and a decrease in the amount of free testosterone in the blood plasma. It is used in dermatological practice due to the fact that the drug reduces the production of sebum and helps reduce the secretion of the sweat glands of the skin. That is why the drug Belara helps quite effectively against acne. However, it is worth knowing that additional indications are required for its use, and getting rid of acne is just its secondary effect.

Interaction with other drugs

Ethyl estradiol, which is part of the drug, interacts with other drugs taken simultaneously with Belara, which can cause an increase or decrease in the concentration of the estrogenic component in the blood serum. This must be taken into account, since a decrease in the concentration of ethyl estradiol not only reduces the contraceptive effectiveness of the drug, but also leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle and more frequent episodes of breakthrough bleeding. Increasing the concentration of the estrogen component can increase both the frequency and severity of adverse reactions.

The following drugs reduce the concentration of ethyl estradiodl:

  1. drugs that enhance gastrointestinal motility or change adsorption - these include even simple activated carbon;
  2. substances that cause the induction of microsomal liver enzymes - these include anticonvulsants, barbiturates, rifabutin, rifampicin, ritonavir, as well as drugs containing St. John's wort;
  3. some types of antibiotics - tetracycline, ampicillin.

The following means increase the concentration of the estrogen component in the blood:

  1. paracetamol and preparations containing ascorbic acid;
  2. antifungal imidazoles;
  3. Atorvastatin.

The drug causes severe reactions from the cardiovascular system in women who smoke. If quitting smoking is very difficult or even impossible, then it is recommended to choose a different method of contraception. In addition, the drug has an effect on glucose levels, which may require adjustments in insulin requirements or antidiabetic medications.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

You should not take Belara in the following cases:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. breastfeeding period:
  3. smoking;
  4. tendency to thrombosis;
  5. diabetes;
  6. surgery is planned;
  7. post-traumatic application of a plaster cast;
  8. previous myocardial infarction or stroke;
  9. impaired liver function or previous jaundice.

It is recommended to stop taking Belara if you have even one of the following stated symptoms:

  1. a significant increase in blood pressure - to clinically significant levels;
  2. the appearance of the first signs of thrombosis;
  3. disturbances in the outflow of bile;
  4. liver enlargement;
  5. suspicion of internal bleeding;
  6. porphyria – both first appearance and relapse;
  7. the appearance of frequent headaches;
  8. acute sensory disturbances, which can result in hearing and vision impairment;
  9. severe depression;
  10. motor dysfunction;
  11. hypersensitivity to the components contained in the drug.

Medicines such as hormonal oral contraceptives, which include Belara, should be taken under the supervision of a doctor. Before starting treatment, consultation with a specialist is required, as well as laboratory testing. If getting rid of acne is your only motive for starting to take the drug, then you should weigh all the pros and cons so as not to get an additional bunch of problems with the hormonal system.

Feedback from respondents about taking the drug

According to reviews of women taking the drug, as well as specialists who practice prescribing it, Belara helps those with increased oily skin against acne. This is due to the effect of the drug on the presence of free testosterone in the blood, which also affects the production of sebum.

The drug dries out the skin, the number of pimples decreases significantly, and then they disappear completely. However, for women who have dry and sensitive skin, Belara is unlikely to help get rid of acne. Here are just some typical reviews:

“Since I was 13 years old I suffered from acne. I was very surprised that when I started taking Belara, my acne began to disappear after about a month and a half. Moreover, at first they seemed to become smaller in size, and then I noticed that on the back and chest they first turned into small dots, and then that was gone. I noticed improvements on my face after 2 months.”

“I was prescribed Belara to restore a normal menstrual cycle. However, after 2 months I discovered that I had less acne, and my face itself became much better, it’s not so shiny, now I can even forget about foundation.”

Valentina, 20 years old:

“And when I took Belara, it only got worse - small rashes appeared on my face, apparently I’ll change my contraceptive.”

It is worth remembering that after the drug is stopped, the skin condition may return to its previous level.

Belara is a hormonal antiandrogen, so its use should only be started after consultation with a specialist. A dermatologist can advise you as a means to get rid of acne, if it is possible to switch to this drug for other indications - for example, as an effective contraceptive.

I’ll write it down for myself, and whoever was interested, I’ll tell you how it goes)))) So, I took the first cycle of Belar contraceptives, 28 days - 21 days, 7 days off. I'll start a new pack on Monday. In summary, my feelings: There are impressions and effects. Continue reading →

I was writing a review and decided to write my own story. I am 20 years old and have suffered from acne for 8 years. already at the stage of completion of treatment (I hope). At one time I tried all possible methods. Of course, there was treatment with folk remedies and various pharmacy creams. The clay I loved at one time dried out my face greatly, but there was no effect. Baziron also did not show itself in the field of treatment, but it caused a terrible allergy. I applied it at night, and in the morning I woke up like a bee, swollen. Continue reading →

girls, the doctor prescribed Belara (due to increased male levels) due to hormones. There has been no failure of M for the second month. . my sister tells Belara to start drinking on Monday, because M may not come for a long time. and my hair was already starting to come out in rows. In general, I’ve been struggling with my hair for a long time, pimples are popping up on my face, some kind of rash and the hair has darkened above my upper lip, what do you recommend? Still wait for M (they should come anyway) or start drinking and don’t delay treatment. Continue reading →

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girls need advice from those who understand such problems or have encountered something similar in their own experience or from friends. In general, I have very bad skin, loose, constantly acne-prone. there was a time when I was running to doctors, to be honest, I was a little disappointed, the gynecologist immediately prescribed ok for me without tests, of course I took a course of Belara and everything was fine, the skin became elastic, all the pimples, potholes and spots disappeared, in general the condition was wonderful, but when I stopped It all came back to me to drink them. I turned to Mr. again, she prescribed me ok again, I. Continue reading →

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After completing breastfeeding, I plan to protect myself with pills. It’s easier, more convenient, calmer for me. Before B. I took Logest, they worked for me, but I prescribed them for myself, the ones prescribed by the gynecologist (without tests) did not work - my chest hurt, I was in a PMS-like mood, zero libido, I felt nauseous. in general the whole bouquet! Now I’m thinking about getting tested first, then choosing pills based on the results. If anyone has information, please tell me how long after breastfeeding is completed you should take hormone tests so that the results are correct? Now to. Continue reading →

Hello girls! In general, my story.. we are planning a doll for 2-2.5 years.. male hormones were elevated, almost everything leveled out, but then one month 17, progesterone was increased, cortisol was normal, then on the contrary, cortisol was normal, 17, it was increased.. I drank metypred but I was covered in pimples, walked around like a hedgehog, switched to dexamethasone, drank for 2 months, decided to try stimulation.. clostobe runs from 5dc to 10dt, 1t each, from 15dt duphaston, well, naturally folliculometry... the follicles grew normally, the dominant one was at 13dts-2.5cm, the endometrium was 0.7cm, they did hCG 17dc the endometrium is 1.1cm, but the follicle is 2.2cm deflated, they said ovulation won’t come after m. I came at 3dtc, the endometrium is 0.3cm and the follicle is already 2.9cm, no big deal, it’s not with menstruation. Continue reading →