Bepanten cream for dry skin

Cream "Bepanten" is not a cosmetic product. The specificity of the product is to have a healing effect on the skin.

But, as reviews show, Bepanten face cream can act not only as a medicine, but also as a means of adding beauty.

So what else is the benefit? Let's try to figure it out by attaching photos and reviews of the Bepanten face cream.

Cream "Bepanten": what is it for?

This product is in good demand, despite its cost. Its main purpose is healing and disinfection. Moreover, the cream copes with these tasks perfectly. Most often it is used to eliminate diaper rash in infants, as well as nursing mothers whose nipple skin cracks from feeding the baby.

"Bepanten" is a medicinal, but not a hormonal drug. The main indications for its use are: diaper rash in newborns, burns, wounds, cracks and skin irritations. But, as practice and customer reviews show, the cream is very effective and completely safe for the face, and it can become a means for daily care and protection of the dermis, which can be used in conjunction with other cosmetics.


The composition of Bepanten cream is a complex of gentle components, and none of them are hormonal. The main substance of the product is dexpanthenol, a vitamin belonging to category B and a derivative of pantothenic acid, into which it is converted when it penetrates the tissue structure of the facial skin.

Vitamin B is one of the leading components of the coenzyme, which performs a regenerating effect in the cells of the dermis and mucous membranes. It also starts metabolic processes, restores the structure and production of collagen. It is the latter action that leads to the rejuvenating effect that Bepanten cream has.

Its action is carried out in all layers of the epidermis, while reducing inflammation and providing an antimicrobial effect.

Additional elements included in the cream are:

  1. lanolin (sheep fat) – responsible for moisturizing and elasticity of the skin;
  2. water, as one of the foundations, its function is hydration;
  3. cetyl and stearyl alcohols;
  4. pantolactone;
  5. amphizole;
  6. propylene glycol;
  7. phenoxyethanol.


Good performance of "Bepanthen" is possible thanks to three main components: dexpanthenol, lanolin and almond oil. Dexpanthenol acts on the inner layers of the epidermis. Lanolin, also known as sheep fat, and almond oil normalize skin elasticity, nourish and moisturize it.

Is it possible to use Bepanten on the face?

Many women are interested in the question: can Bepanten be used instead of face cream? Reviews say it's so good.

Despite its specificity as a healing agent, the cream will be a worthy replacement for the usual cosmetic nourishing and moisturizing products. It is absolutely safe for the face. The only thing is that you should not apply it to delicate areas of the skin: the areas around the eyes and lips. Otherwise there are no restrictions.

Does "Bepanten" help against wrinkles or not?

Wrinkles appear not only from age-related changes. Sun, wind, insufficient water consumption - all these factors affect the condition of the skin. It becomes dry, cracks and wrinkles appear. Therefore, “Bepanten” is quite capable of becoming an analogue of nourishing, moisturizing and protective creams.

As reviews say, Bepanten face cream against wrinkles, dryness and aging can protect any skin type. It, of course, will not replenish the water balance, but it will help reduce its secretion, restore elasticity and softness to the face, and most importantly, get rid of wrinkles.

This remedy cannot cope with deep wrinkles, but it will ideally get rid of those that have just appeared or are very shallow. In order for the result to be visible, it is necessary to take a course of using Bepanten face cream. Reviews from those who have tried it say that applying it twice a day is enough: morning and evening.

Treating acne with cream

According to user reviews, Bepanten face cream is an effective remedy for combating skin rashes in the form of small pimples. But you should not pin your hopes on the cream to eliminate advanced forms of acne, as well as to cure teenage acne associated with hormonal changes. Small rashes or single pimples are a problem that Bepanten can control.

If you have overcome such an illness, then you need to apply the cream to the affected area of ​​the face a couple of times a day. It is necessary to continue using the product until the problem is completely eliminated.

In addition to the fact that the cream gets rid of acne, it also does not dry out the skin, like many products whose function is to get rid of this disease. The thing is that the latter contain a high alcohol content. In Bepanten its quantity is insignificant.

In some cases, as soon as pimples disappear, pits and spots remain in their place, which can sometimes be difficult to heal. In this case, Bepanten will come to the rescue, which will help with rashes and will not leave any consequences.

Buyer recommendations and reviews of the Bepanten face cream say that its effectiveness in the fight against acne will increase if it is used in combination with an ointment of the same name.

Will Bepanten help with dryness and flaking?

Dryness and flaking are the most common problems affecting facial skin. They are the result of insufficient care, non-compliance with the drinking regime, as well as exposure to external factors such as ultraviolet radiation, wind or frost. After such contact, the face looks haggard, aged and unhealthy. It is for this purpose, in order to restore the skin to its former beauty, that it is necessary to choose an effective product.

The cream will perfectly protect your face from all of these factors if you apply it half an hour before going outside. If, in addition to Bepanten, any other cream will be used, then you should apply it first, and after 20 minutes, Bepanten.

As for skin types, it is a creamy product that is suitable for protecting against flaking for oily and combination dermis, and for those with normal and dry skin, it is better to trust the ointment of the same name, since the cream has a denser consistency.

Burns and minor facial injuries: is the cream effective?

The cream that this article is devoted to is effective as a healing agent. Therefore, if burns (including from the sun), wounds and scratches appear on the face, then this is exactly the creamy drug that doctors prescribe more often than others.

To return the skin to its original condition, Bepanten should be applied 2-3 times a day until complete recovery occurs. As soon as the substance comes into contact with the epidermis, its active components are activated, preventing the progression of inflammatory processes and swelling. In addition, the cream relieves burning and pain, while soothing the skin.

If scratches or wounds appear on the face, Bepanten should be used immediately, as it acts as a disinfectant that reduces the risk of infections.

Allergic rashes on the skin of the face

Cream "Bepanten" is one of the auxiliary products for people prone to allergic rashes on the face. It is used precisely as an additional substance to help the main ones.

Its action is not aimed at eliminating the cause or allergic spots and pimples. The product relieves disturbing itching, severe redness, eliminates irritation and flaking.

To eliminate the cause of the allergy, you will need to take medications of the required specificity. Cream with dexpanthenol eliminates the consequences of the disease or weakens them, relieving disturbing symptoms.

Contraindications for use

"Bepanten" cream is completely safe and has no contraindications. It is suitable even for the delicate skin of newborns, pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

The product is fully compatible with other drugs and does not cause adverse reactions. The only caveat is that some components included in the cream may cause allergies, but this is in rare cases and due to individual intolerance. Therefore, before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with its composition.

Are there any analogues

Bepanten cream, according to many buyers, is not a cheap product, especially considering the small volume of the tube and rapid consumption. In this regard, buyers are looking for analogues of Bepanthen face cream, reviews of which have found some of the best advisers.

So, instead of the described cream, you can purchase:

  1. "D-panthenol". It also contains the main active ingredient – ​​dexpanthenol. Regular use of D-panthenol can achieve the following results: nutrition and hydration of facial skin, elimination of dryness and irritation, healing of wounds and scratches, protection from ultraviolet radiation and cold.
  2. "Dexpanthenol" is another analogue of "Bepanten", which is recommended by customer reviews. Its actions are similar to those of the described drug. And the price is several times lower.

You can also replace Bepanten cream with:

All of the listed products contain dexpanthenol and are very effective for facial care. They are used in the same way as Bepanten, 2-3 times a day, have no contraindications and are suitable for any skin type.

Customer reviews about cream "Bepanten" for face

Most buyers remain completely satisfied with the effect the cream has on their facial skin. Many girls say that they use the product during cold weather, when dry skin is a constant companion. "Bepanten" perfectly nourishes and protects the face from chapping and cracking.

Also, a considerable number of women speak of the cream as a wonderful product that they use after visiting beauty salons. Peels and laser exposure leave redness and possibly peeling on the face, which goes away over time. Using Bepanten, you can significantly shorten the healing time and soothe the skin.

As for the rejuvenating effect of the product containing dexpanthenol, its customers also observe it. There are especially many positive reviews on this issue from women in the age category of 25-35 years. During this period, wrinkles are just beginning to form, and therefore their depth is insignificant, but they cause aesthetic discomfort. Women claim that Bepanten really smoothes out facial and minor age-related defects.

Reviews from cosmetologists about face cream "Bepanten"

Cosmetologists have identified the product as one of the best healing preparations after cosmetic procedures. Beauty industry specialists prescribe it to their clients after hardware peeling, when the skin is especially sensitive due to laser exposure.

In addition, cosmetologists note the high-quality composition of Bepanten, which eliminates the presence of allergens and harsh chemical elements.

Cosmetologists also recommend applying the cream to those who have recently visited a tattoo parlor: exposure to needles and coloring pigments is all stressful for the skin, especially if the facial area has been exposed. Dexpanthenol in the product will soothe the skin, reduce inflammation and possible irritation.

In custody

Cream "Bepanten" is a multidisciplinary drug that has both a therapeutic and cosmetic effect on the skin. It is also applicable for the face. Therefore, the product can be trusted to solve many problems: healing, getting rid of dryness and flaking, rejuvenation, nutrition and hydration.

Daily use of the cream will show its effectiveness after 2-3 days. It is worth using "Bepanten" for a month, with a break of 1-2 months. If necessary, use can be resumed.

In today's article, suggests considering the Bepanten Derma care line for very dry skin. It includes moisturizing and nourishing lotions, foot cream, lip and hand balm. If you have dry, irritated and sensitive skin, we recommend that you pay attention to these products.


You should immediately talk about contraindications to the use of this line of products. It is, in general, one thing. This is intolerance to any component included in a balm, lotion or cream. If an allergic reaction occurs, stop use and consult a specialist. Do not apply Bepanten to mucous membranes or areas of skin with open wounds.

New series for dry skin

Dry skin is quite difficult to care for; it constantly requires attention. A person is often bothered by redness, dryness, flaking, and a feeling of tightness. This causes discomfort not only physically, but also psychologically. Bepanten has released a series of products that will make caring for dry skin much easier.

Action of the main components of the series

Here we will leave information about how the main components of the Bepanten Derma product line work, so as not to describe the same thing every time.

  1. Provitamin B5. Activates the regeneration process, promotes the natural restoration of the skin's protective barrier.
  2. Complex of physiological lipids. Replenishes the supply of physiological lipids in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, thereby retaining moisture in the skin.
  3. Vitamin E. It has an antioxidant effect: it inhibits lipid oxidation and the formation of free radicals, preventing the destruction of cell membranes. Skin cells become protected and the aging process slows down.
  4. Active complex HYDROVITION (it contains urea, allantoin, lactate, amino acids and other substances). Intensively nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin. The complex makes the skin more elastic and complements the protective effect of the epidermal barrier and hydrolipid film.
  5. Beeswax. Helps form a protective barrier that protects the skin of the lips from the effects of various external factors and increases skin elasticity.
  6. Urea (5%). Retains water in the cells of the epidermis, thereby increasing its degree of hydration. Helps remove dead skin cells, improves access of other components to its deep layers. Prevents excessive keratinization of the skin.
  7. Meadowfoam seed oil, squalene, allantoin. Additionally nourish, moisturize and protect the skin.

Cream Bepanten

  1. It is well absorbed, does not leave marks on the skin and does not stain clothes.
  2. Improves the quality of life of people suffering from eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, ichthyosis, etc.
  3. It does not just moisturize the skin, but promotes its restoration, penetrating into the deeper layers.
  4. Can be used by pregnant and lactating women. The cream can also be applied to the skin of children from birth.
  5. Reduces moisture loss and strengthens the skin's natural protective barrier. Reduces the appearance of dryness by more than 90%.
  6. Excellent healing of skin, especially dry and cracked skin (knees, elbows).
  7. Makes skin firm and elastic. Returns her healthy appearance.

Indications for use:

  1. burns, minor skin damage;
  2. prevention and treatment of dry skin, including dermatitis;
  3. as a daily care for the skin of the face and hands;
  4. during lactation with cracked, reddened nipples;
  5. for caring for small children (diaper rash, diaper dermatitis).

The cream is applied externally once or twice a day with light rubbing movements.

When caring for children, the cream is applied with every diaper or diaper change.

Best before date: 3 years at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Price: 453-772 rubles.

Nourishing lotion

  1. Suitable for the care of sensitive and dry skin.
  2. Can be used for senile xerosis and diabetes.
  3. Intensively nourishes even very dry skin prone to irritation. Makes it smooth and elastic, eliminates the feeling of tightness.
  4. Supports skin barrier function due to its high lipid content.
  5. Promotes natural skin restoration. Protects it from various external adverse factors.
  6. Well tolerated.
  7. It is absorbed almost instantly and has a pleasant texture.

The product should be distributed evenly throughout the body after taking a bath or shower. Suitable for daily use.

Best before date: 2 years at temperatures up to 25 degrees.

Price: 684 rubles.

Moisturizing lotion

Created using innovative Nanosorb nanoemulsion technology, thanks to which the components quickly penetrate the skin. It becomes moisturized, soft and silky. Suitable for daily care. The lotion should be applied evenly to the body after a shower or bath.

Best before date: 2.5 years at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.

Price: 645 rubles.

Lip balm

  1. Recommended for the care of dry and chapped lips. Restores and protects in unfavorable climatic conditions, suitable for use in heat, wind, frost.
  2. Can be used as a base for makeup.
  3. Contains no parabens, fragrances, or silicone oils. The product is suitable for people with sensitive lip skin.

The balm should be applied evenly to the skin of the lips, lightly rubbing until completely absorbed. You can use it as needed, as well as at night.

Best before date: 3 years from the date of manufacture. Store the opened tube for 2 years.

Price: 209 rubles.

Hand balm

  1. Recommended for daily care of dry, rough, cracked hand skin.
  2. Can be used in winter, after washing dishes without gloves or contact with any chemicals.
  3. Restores, moisturizes, nourishes, protects and prevents skin irritation.

Apply to clean hands as needed.

Best before date: 2.5 years at temperatures up to 30 degrees.

Price: 415 rubles.

Foot cream

The cream moisturizes and nourishes dry skin on the feet and prevents excess keratinization. Can be used for diabetes care.

It should be applied regularly morning and evening to clean skin of the feet.

Best before date: 2 years at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Price: 452 rubles.


The Bepanten Derma line for very dry skin for face and body is very good. Reviews of the products from this series are mostly positive. The only drawback is the rather high cost (approximately 200-700 rubles). All prices are indicated at the time of writing (summer 2018).

By the way, be sure to leave your opinion in the comments about this line, it is important for us and other users.



All information posted on the site is taken from open Internet sources and is provided in its original form. We are not responsible for its accuracy, and in no case do we encourage self-medication. All articles are for informational purposes only.

Before using any products or recipes, we recommend that you consult your doctor!

Bepanten Cream is a multifunctional product for the treatment and prevention of dry skin.

Bepanthen Cream

Dry skin is one of the most common manifestations. Thus, it is present in almost 100% of patients with atopic dermatitis. Dry skin is observed in patients with psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, ichthyosis, hand eczema, etc. It has been established that more than 75% of people over 70 years of age have dry skin, which is the main cause of itching of the skin of the lower extremities in older people 2 . The gentle effect on dry skin and accompanying itching, which Bepanten Cream provides, helps improve the quality of life and prevent unpleasant health consequences.


Bepanten Cream has been proven to restore dry skin - not just moisturizes it, but penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and starts the cell self-healing process. Clinical studies have shown Bepanthen Cream's ability to significantly reduce moisture loss and improve skin barrier properties, reducing the appearance of dryness by more than 90% 1 .

  1. Strengthens the skin's natural protective barrier to retain moisture.
  2. It has a high safety profile - approved for use in children from birth, pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Absorbs well without leaving marks on the skin or clothes.

Main Components

The therapeutic effect of Bepanten Cream is achieved due to the inclusion in its composition Provitamin B5, capable of stimulating the formation of new cells. This ingredient is actively involved in the metabolic processes occurring in the skin and helps restore the protective barrier. Due to this action of Provitamin B5, Bepanten Cream significantly reduces skin roughness and also has the ability to reduce itching and redness 1.

Bepanthen Cream is excellent for healing skin on particularly dry and cracked areas, such as elbows and knees. Bepanten Cream returns the skin to a healthy appearance, making it elastic and firm.