Effective masks for bags under eyes

If puffiness and dark circles bother you, use masks for bags under the eyes, made at home from natural products. Proven recipes cope well with the aesthetic problem, but remember, in order to get rid of it forever, you need to find out the reason for the formation of “bags” and eliminate it. Swelling that does not go away for a long time may indicate various diseases, so be sure to get examined.

Causes of bags under the eyes

The skin around the eyes is thin and sensitive. It has practically no fatty tissue and muscles, therefore it is susceptible to the negative effects of internal and external factors that provoke swelling.

The deterioration of metabolic processes disrupts the water balance. Liquid accumulates in the intercellular space, stretching the thin dermis. The firmness and elasticity of the integument decreases. Wrinkles and swelling appear under the eyes. Anatomical features lead to the fact that sagging areas of the epidermis remain even after the swelling is eliminated.

Homemade masks can easily remove bags under the eyes that appear as a result of:

  1. lack of sleep;
  2. extreme physical activity;
  3. chronic stress;
  4. lack of proper skin care;
  5. use of low-quality cosmetics;
  6. drinking alcohol;
  7. smoking;
  8. genetic predisposition.

Eye masks for “bags” remove swelling that forms due to impaired lymph flow. With their help, you can eliminate swelling caused by frequent consumption of salty and smoked foods.

Often unpleasant symptoms are a sign of pathological processes in the body. Bags and dark circles can be a result of:

  1. pyelonephritis;
  2. allergic reaction;
  3. hormonal disorders;
  4. inflammatory processes;
  5. infectious eye diseases.

In such cases, an integrated approach is needed, aimed at eliminating the internal causes and external manifestations of the disease.

Sometimes “bags” occur due to age-related changes. The skin under the eyes loses elasticity, becomes flabby and saggy.

The best anti-puffiness ingredients

To remove swelling, you need to use natural products rich in vitamins. Effective masks for bags under the eyes are made from:

  1. parsley;
  2. raw potatoes;
  3. cucumber;
  4. apple pulp;
  5. aloe juice;
  6. green tea.

It is useful to pre-cool the components and mix them with homemade sour cream, eggs, and natural honey.

On a note. To eliminate swelling, cool lotions made from birch leaves, chamomile, mint, and plantain are in demand. Rubbing problem areas with ice made from fruit juice or herbs helps a lot.

What cosmetologists recommend

To finally cope with the problem, cosmetologists advise finding out why the skin around the eyes swells. After this, the specialist prescribes treatment on an individual basis. Salon procedures quickly get rid of “bags”:

  1. vacuum massage;
  2. peeling;
  3. lymphatic drainage;
  4. laser exposure;
  5. mesotherapy;
  6. biorevitalization;
  7. fillers.
  1. Use quality ingredients to make recipes.
  2. Mix the components for the mask immediately before use.
  3. Apply the products to cleansed, dried skin and leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove the compounds with a cotton sponge soaked in water or chamomile infusion.
  5. Carry out the procedures in the evenings regularly 3 times a week. The duration of the course is about a month.

Use recipes made from fresh potatoes, parsley and herbal lotions in the morning to quickly eliminate swelling.

A simple way to relieve swelling is cosmetic ice. Squeeze juice from aloe or green apple. Fill ice cube trays and freeze. You can brew a spoonful of chamomile flowers in 200 ml of boiling water and use the cooled infusion to make ice. In the morning and evening, take one piece from the refrigerator and quickly treat the area around the eyes.

Important. Exposure to ice on one area of ​​the dermis should not exceed a couple of seconds, otherwise frostbite can occur.

To learn how to remove bags under the eyes, watch the video:

Recipes for masks for bags under the eyes at home

Lighten dark circles, tighten sagging skin and remove excess fluid with easily proven folk recipes.


For bags under the eyes, use a parsley mask. Wash the leaves, cut and grind in a blender. Apply the green paste in a thick layer to problem areas and leave for 20 minutes.

By the way. It is useful to mix finely chopped greens in the same proportion with fatty sour cream and use the composition as a mask.


Wash the tuber and grate on a fine grater. Place the mushy mass on cotton pads and place it on your closed eyes. After 15 minutes, remove and wash the epidermis with cool green tea.

You can use boiled potatoes. Mash the hot tuber, add a little butter, milk and puree. Apply the cooled product under your eyes. This homemade mask for bags under the eyes is ideal for women over 30, as it smoothes out fine wrinkles and eliminates sagging.


Beat the chicken yolk. Add a spoonful of May honey and a pinch of oatmeal. Apply the brush to the area under the eyes. After 20 minutes, cleanse your skin with chamomile infusion.

Tighten wrinkles easily with egg white foam. Apply it in several layers. Wait until the product dries and sets into a film. When you feel a slight tightening of the epidermis, rinse it with water.

Effective mask recipes for bags under the eyes include potato starch. Beat the egg yolk. Enter starch. You should get a homogeneous mass reminiscent of sour cream. Distribute it evenly around the eyes.

Vegetables and fruits

Peel the cucumber, grate it and spread the mixture generously onto the swollen skin. You can simplify the recipe by cutting the vegetable into thick rings. Place circles on closed eyelids. After 10 minutes, remove and place a new portion of cucumber.

To relieve swelling, the following are in demand:

  1. green apple pieces;
  2. banana puree;
  3. pumpkin;
  4. zucchini;
  5. fresh strawberries.

Apply them to the formed “bags”, avoiding getting the components into your eyes.


Measure out a tablespoon of birch leaves. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Strain and refrigerate for half an hour. Soak gauze in cool liquid, fold it several times and place it on closed eyelids. Change the lotion every 10 minutes for half an hour.

Finely chop fresh mint and lemon balm leaves. Wrap in two pieces of gauze and apply to your eyes for 20 minutes. Crushed plantain, thyme, and calendula flowers can be used as cool compresses.

Cosmetic oils

Cosmetic oils are recommended for preparing the mask. To reduce swelling at home, try simple and effective recipes.

Heat the coconut oil slightly in a water bath. Extract the juice from the sauerkraut and combine the ingredients in equal proportions. Soak cotton wool in the liquid and place it on your closed eyes. After 20 minutes, blot the skin with the herbal infusion, dry and lubricate with a thin layer of coconut oil.

Sea buckthorn oil helps with dark circles and wrinkles. Soak cotton pads in the product and leave on your eyes in the evenings for 20-30 minutes.

Are there any contraindications?

Maxi made from natural products have increased safety. A contraindication to their use is individual intolerance to the components.

Advice. If you are prone to allergic reactions, be careful and always test the composition before first use by lubricating the skin on your wrist. If after half an hour there is no rash and beauty on the body, use the recipe for a face mask.

For information on how to get rid of puffiness under the eyes, see the program “Everything Will Be Good”:


Natural masks are an excellent way to eliminate puffiness under the eyes. If you do them regularly, combine them with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, you can easily achieve amazing success. Use the recipes to improve the elasticity of the skin, get rid of sagging, signs of fatigue and restore lymph flow.

The skin around the eyes is too vulnerable. Therefore, she needs special care. If you do not take care of this area of ​​the face, very soon bruises, swelling, and sagging skin will form around the eyes. Of course, such a flaw does not decorate a woman at all. Therefore, you should know why bags under the eyes occur and how to deal with the problem. A homemade mask for bags under the eyes made from natural ingredients will help in this matter.

Why does blueness and puffiness appear under the eyes?

The main reason for the appearance of swelling in the eyelid area is a violation of the water-salt balance in the female body, as well as age-related changes in skin turgor. Excess moisture, as well as a decrease in firmness, as well as elasticity, of tissues are initially reflected in the vulnerable skin of the eyelids. To correct the problem, cosmetologists recommend using face masks for bags under the eyes.

What can bags and bluish circles under the eyes and sagging eyelid skin mean? In a healthy person, the problem arises due to:

  1. insufficient skin care or lack thereof;
  2. inflammatory eye diseases;
  3. stress, insufficient rest, insomnia - masks for bags under the eyes will help restore a fresh look to your face;
  4. hormonal disorders, age-related changes in the skin and body;
  5. alcohol abuse, smoking;
  6. poor nutrition;
  7. using inappropriate, low-quality cosmetics.

A high-quality mask for bags under the eyes at home will help eliminate the problem. However, the process must be approached comprehensively. This means that you need to find and eliminate the root cause of the problem: review your regimen, balance your diet, give up alcohol and cigarettes, take care of your skin, etc.

Recipes for face masks for bags under the eyes

In order for homemade cosmetics, in particular, a mask against bags under the eyes, to give the desired effect, it is important to use it correctly. So, any mask will be more effective if applied to a previously steamed face. To do this, use herbal decoctions, mixtures of essential oils with warm water.

Tip: Since the skin of the eyelids is sensitive and very thin, face masks for bags under the eyes should be applied with a cosmetic brush or spatula, sponge, or cotton pad.

Masks for bags and wrinkles under the eyes are used both to obtain a quick effect and to prevent the problem. The course of such therapy lasts a month with a frequency of application up to 3 times a week.

Recipes for masks for bruises and bags under the eyes

A parsley-based mask for bruises and bags under the eyes is one of the best and most effective remedies. The cosmetic mixture is prepared from fresh herbs, which are pre-chopped, and sour cream (you can replace it with cottage cheese or soft butter) in a 1:1 ratio. The components are mixed and placed on pieces of gauze. The resulting compress is applied to the areas around the eyes. After 20 minutes, the remaining product should be washed off.

A mask for bruises and bags under the eyes with walnuts, butter, lemon juice perfectly nourishes the skin and brightens it. Add 1 tbsp to a teaspoon of nuts, ground into flour. l. oil and 4-6 drops of lemon juice. Using gentle movements, distribute the mixture around the eyes, and after 20 minutes, wash off.

Another effective mask against bags under the eyes, which also helps get rid of blueness of the eyelids, consists of cucumber and sour cream. The components for the product are taken in equal parts. Finely grate the vegetable and add sour cream to it. The finished mixture is spread around the eyes and washed off with slightly cooled water or tea after 20 minutes.

And the easiest way is to cut cucumbers and place them under the eyes.

Recipes for masks for bags and wrinkles under the eyes

It is very important to prepare masks for the hated bags and fine wrinkles under the eyes immediately before using them. During long-term storage, their effectiveness decreases sharply.

  1. For this recipe you will need a banana and cream, which are mixed in a 1:1 ratio, then distribute the mixture around the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, the product should be washed off, preferably with warm water.
  2. A mask for fine wrinkles and bags under the eyes with hyaluronic acid works wonders. To prepare it you need water and 1 g of the main component. 50 ml of purified water is taken into the container, gradually adding hyaluronic acid powder. The product must be constantly stirred to prevent lumps from forming. The finished mixture is placed in the refrigerator for a day, after which the product is used every evening, applying it with light tapping movements to problem areas of the facial skin. After half an hour, the product is removed with a napkin. The finished gel can be stored in the refrigerator for about 10 days.
  3. Face masks for bags and wrinkles under the eyes with oatmeal and tomato cope perfectly with the problem. To prepare such a remedy, 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal is steamed with boiling water, the tomato is peeled, the vegetable is mashed and combined with the flakes. The cooled product is applied for 10 minutes around the eyes, then washed off.

Express masks for puffiness and cyanosis of the eyelids

Fast-acting masks for bags under the eyes are effective within 20 minutes of application. They help out when there is no time for lengthy procedures. Every woman should have at least a couple of such magical recipes in her arsenal.

  1. This express mask for bags under the eyes effectively eliminates the main problem and makes your look fresh and rested. It is prepared from cottage cheese (1 tbsp), parsley (2 tsp chopped herbs), mint essential oil (a couple of drops), starch (2 tsp). The components of the product are mixed and applied around the eyes. After a third of an hour, the mixture should be washed off.
  2. Brew 2 green tea bags, squeeze, cool and apply to swollen eyelids for 20 minutes.
  3. An express mask for bags under the eyes with fresh potatoes helps get rid of the problem in 20 minutes. For the remedy, you need to take a potato, peel it, grate it, squeeze out the juice and apply the paste under the eyes on the swollen area of ​​the eyelid. After a third of an hour, you need to wash your face or remove the remaining mixture with a napkin.

“Golden” masks for bags around the eyes

A mask with turmeric for bags under the eyes gently removes puffiness and fine wrinkles, tones the skin, makes it fresh, bright, and youthful. For the “golden” product you will need:

  1. turmeric (1 tsp);
  2. citrus juice, squeezed during preparation of the product (1 tbsp.);
  3. half a tomato;
  4. a tablespoon of chickpea flour.

Using a blender you need to mix the ingredients. Before applying the product, you should cleanse your skin. Apply the mask around the eyes with a brush or sponge. If the turmeric mask for bags under the eyes begins to dry out (usually this happens after 20 minutes), then it’s time to wash it off. Use cool running water. It is advisable to repeat the procedure 3 times a week.

Is it possible to find masks for bags under the eyes in pharmacies?

Very often you can hear that ointments intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids are used for wrinkles. Such drugs are effective, but they must be used with extreme caution, since they are intended for completely different purposes.

Masks for bags under the eyes can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of special plastic bags filled with a special gel. These bags are stored in the refrigerator, used if necessary, placed on closed eyes for just a few minutes.

Masks for bags under the eyes are also sold in pharmacies as oils. To solve the problem of swelling and blueness of the eyelids, you can use olive, castor, rose and other oils. The product is distributed on the eyelids, performing circular movements in a clockwise direction. After 10 minutes, you should wash with water.

Homemade cosmetics

A homemade mask for bags under the eyes is prepared from a variety of ingredients. Let's look at simple but effective options.

  1. Mask for bags under the eyes with egg white. For this remedy you need to take half an apple, 30 g of sour cream, 1 egg white. A puree is made from the apple, which is mixed with sour cream and protein. The paste is applied around the eyes, allowed to dry, and washed off with water.
  2. Vegetable masks, like other masks for morning bags under the eyes, are effective if used on cleansed skin. This recipe includes 10 g of cucumber and pumpkin, as well as liquid honey, slightly warmed (1/2 tsp). Cucumber and pumpkin are grated and combined with honey. The resulting face mask for bags under the eyes is applied to the problem area. The remaining product is removed with a napkin after a quarter of an hour, after which it is thoroughly washed.
  3. A DIY mask for bags under the eyes made from potatoes, sauerkraut and blue (green) clay removes puffiness of the eyelids and their cyanosis. The ingredients are mixed in approximately equal quantities and distributed around the eyes. After 5 minutes, the mask should be washed off. For the best effect after the procedure, the skin of the eyelids should be lightly massaged with an ice cube.
  4. Herbal masks for bags under the eyes are effective if the ingredients are chosen correctly. For example, sea buckthorn oil will help against cyanosis and swelling of the eyelids. You need to soak a couple of cosmetic discs with the product and put them in the refrigerator. After 20 minutes, you need to place these discs on cleansed and closed eyes and remain at rest for 30 minutes. Remove any remaining oil with a napkin.
  5. A coconut face mask for bags under the eyes and bluish circles under them is very good. Squeeze 30 ml of juice from sauerkraut and soak two cotton sponges with it. After this, the discs are placed on the prepared eyelid skin for half an hour. After the specified time, the discs are removed, and the eyelids are gently moistened with coconut oil.
  6. Honey masks for bags under the eyes are effective, especially in tandem with egg white and flour. A teaspoon of honey, heated in a steam bath, is mixed with wheat flour (1 tsp) and egg white, whipped into a stable foam. Apply the product around the eyes, wait 20 minutes, and rinse off.

Important: A DIY mask for bags under the eyes is not only an effective remedy to help get rid of a cosmetic problem, but also very affordable, since you can prepare it from products that are in every kitchen.

A properly prepared mask for bags under the eyes can work wonders. With regular use of home remedies, the condition of the skin around the eyelids significantly improves, the cyanosis and swelling of the tissues disappear. The main thing is to take your appearance and health seriously, reconsider your habits and lifestyle. And then those around you will appreciate your efforts, and you will be proud of your beauty.

In the morning, looking in the mirror, you sometimes notice unattractive swelling under your eyes. If such swelling is not a sign of some serious disease, then you can fight it yourself by using masks for bags under the eyes at home.

Causes of swelling on the face


Under-eye bags form when the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, and it no longer supports the fatty tissue around the eyelids as well.
The human body consists of almost 60% liquid, most of which is located in tissue cells, the other part in the intercellular space. This ratio must be constantly maintained at the same level with the help of water balance, but if it is disturbed, edema appears.

Why are they so obvious under the eyes? This is related to the anatomical structure: the skin around the eyes is very thin, underneath there is fatty tissue with a loose structure, sebaceous glands are practically absent, and there is weak muscle activity.

Edema Is an accumulation of excess interstitial fluids that are retained due to metabolic disorders. The skin, under the influence of frequently appearing edema, becomes deformed, sometimes stretches, sometimes contracts, and subsequently, even when the edema subsides, it sags.

Factors that provoke the appearance of swelling under the eyes:

  1. Chronic lack of sleep
  2. Stress, depression
  3. Poor diet (fatty, spicy, pickled foods)
  4. Uncomfortable position while sleeping (lying on your stomach)


  5. Using poor quality or expired cosmetics
  6. Too much alcohol the night before
  7. Excessive smoking

But defects on the face are not always caused only by these reasons. Edema very often signals more serious problems in the body:

  1. Inflammatory processes
  2. Kidney diseases
  3. For allergies
  4. Hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause, hormone therapy)
  5. Mechanical damage (especially bites)
  6. Disorders of lymphatic drainage (after surgery, including plastic surgery)
  7. Eye strain and general fatigue


  8. Excess salt in the body
  9. Age-related changes
  10. Genetic predisposition

If swelling occurs frequently, you should immediately consult a doctor. Without treating the disease that causes edema, you will not be able to cope with it on your own.

Several ways to reduce and get rid of bags under the eyes


Some actions of the modern cosmetics industry are aimed at combating unaesthetic swelling under the eyes. The salons can offer the following procedures:

  1. Special peeling
  2. Lymphatic drainage
  3. Laser therapy
  4. Microcurrents

But these manipulations are expensive, have a number of contraindications, and require time. Therefore, without resorting to them, you can try to eliminate swelling with the help of some independent actions.

According to the recommendations of alternative medicine, it is reasonable to fight under-eye bags using these methods.



Rub the swelling with light circular movements directed towards the temporal area. At this time, the bioactive points located on the cheekbones and responsible for the health of the eyes are massaged. In this area, the skin is very thin and sensitive, therefore, to make the massage softer, you need to moisten your fingertips with vegetable oil, preferably natural olive oil with the addition of a few drops of any essential oil. This technique is not suitable for people suffering from high blood pressure. They should massage using ice cubes.

Contrast baths

  1. 2 cloth napkins (or 2 towels)
  2. 2 bowls, one with warm water, the other with cold water, you can add a little salt to the water



Puffiness under the eyes can be easily removed with compresses. For this, tea is used - black or green. These products contain caffeine and tannins. Caffeine has a vasoconstrictor effect, and tannins have an astringent effect, both of which reduce swelling.

For compresses, you can use herbal tea (calendula, chamomile), they soothe the skin, relieve redness and swelling.

For treatment, take cotton pads soaked in freshly brewed tea and apply them to the eyes and hold for 20 minutes. You can also use the infusion bags themselves: moisten them in warm water, squeeze them lightly and apply.

Drug effects


A radical remedy against edema is the drug “Pinoxide”, it is administered in the form of subcutaneous injections. It has been experimentally proven that the medication is aimed at improving blood circulation, thereby relieving swelling.

If swelling appears regularly, you should think about preventive measures:

  1. ventilate the room before going to bed
  2. sleep at least 7-8 hours
  3. exclude spicy, salty, fatty foods from the diet
  4. give up alcohol, strong coffee
  5. drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, but most of it should be consumed before 14-15 hours
  6. avoid stressful situations, no tears before bed
  7. use high-quality cosmetics, which must be washed off at night using special cosmetics

"Grandma's" recipe

You can deal with swelling using metal spoons, applying their wide convex part to the swelling. As soon as one spoon warms up, you need to apply another.

Homemade masks for puffy eyes

You can also fight puffiness under the eyes with the help of various masks that are easy to prepare at home:

From parsley


Wash and chop a small bunch of fresh parsley thoroughly, mash a little so that the juice comes out.

Then put the pulp on a damp gauze napkin and wrap it in an envelope, apply it to your eyes, and hold it for 20 minutes.

From sage


Brew a teaspoon of dry sage leaves with hot but not boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes, cool the broth, pass through a strainer. Soak a napkin or cotton pad in it and apply it to the swelling. It is better to make this mask 30 minutes before bedtime and use it daily for a month.

Instead of sage, you can use any medicinal herb: chamomile, linden flowers, birch leaves, horsetail.

Pumpkin - honey


Take 2 tablespoons of pumpkin pulp and the same amount of liquid honey (slightly warmed), mix thoroughly and apply to the problem area for 15 minutes. Do it before bed 2 times a week.

Instead of pumpkin, you can use cucumber pulp.

Mask “Cabbage, clay and potatoes”

  1. maski-ot-meshkov-pod-glazami-xMJyC.webp

    Sauerkraut – 2 spoons
  2. Potatoes (small) – 1 pc.
  3. Cosmetic clay (white, blue) – 1 spoon

Squeeze the cabbage, chop the potatoes on a fine grater, mix and add clay. Apply the mixture to the swelling and leave for no more than 5 minutes, rinse.

Mask “Sour cream and parsley”

  1. maski-ot-meshkov-pod-glazami-SwTsn.webp

    Sour cream with high fat content - 2-3 tablespoons,
  2. A small bunch of fresh chopped parsley

Mix and apply under the eyes, leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse.


  1. maski-ot-meshkov-pod-glazami-VFOkpl.webp

    Small oat flakes - 2 tablespoons
  2. Milk

Pour heated, but not boiled, milk over the oatmeal so that it becomes a non-liquid paste, and apply it to problem areas. After 10 minutes, wash off.


  1. maski-ot-meshkov-pod-glazami-SiyMP.webp

    Liquid honey – 1 spoon
  2. Wheat flour – 1 spoon
  3. White of one egg

Mix the ingredients and apply under the eyes, keep for 15 minutes, rinse.

From parsley root

  1. maski-ot-meshkov-pod-glazami-xOIOyb.webp

    Parsley root - 1 root
  2. Large-brewed black or green tea - 2 tablespoons

Pass the parsley root through a meat grinder, take 2 tablespoons of this mass and mix with strong brewed tea, apply the mixture to the swelling for a quarter of an hour, then rinse.

From lemon balm

  1. maski-ot-meshkov-pod-glazami-PEUVUYq.webp

    Melissa - bunch
  2. Wheat bread - a piece

Grind a bunch of lemon balm and squeeze out the juice, soak the crumb of wheat bread in it and apply to your eyes for 10 minutes. Wipe your face with a damp cloth.

From mashed potatoes

  1. maski-ot-meshkov-pod-glazami-AqQdy.webp

    Mashed potatoes
  2. Milk

Wrap warm fresh mashed potatoes (potatoes and a little milk) in a gauze napkin and apply to the eyes, rinse, hold for 10-15 minutes.

From buckwheat


Heat the buckwheat in a heated frying pan and grind it using a coffee grinder. Mix the resulting flour with warm water into a thick dough, form it into flat cakes, and apply them to your eyes for a few minutes.

Medicinal lotions


Chop any medicinal herb (mint, calendula, horsetail, chamomile) and add one glass of mineral water, leave overnight. In the morning, soak cotton pads in the tincture and make eye lotions. The tincture can be frozen and then a light massage can be done using these cubes.

Blitz methods

If time does not allow you to make a mask, then you can use very quick recipes:

  1. Apply slices of raw potatoes (pre-peeled and washed) to your eyes for a few minutes.
  2. Place fresh cucumber slices on your eyes for 10 minutes. You can also use slices of fresh strawberries or apple slices for these purposes.
  3. soak a cotton pad in kefir and hold on the swelling for 15 minutes.