Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Introduction Teeth are one of the main elements of a person’s appearance, which affects his attractiveness and overall impression. Unfortunately, smoking, drinking coffee and tea, and poor diet can cause dark stains on your teeth. Teeth whitening is the process of removing these dark spots using various methods such as chemical and ultrasonic whitening. In this article we will look at the main methods of teeth whitening, how to choose the appropriate method and how safe it is for dental health.

Chemical bleaching Chemical bleaching is the most common method of teeth whitening. For this purpose, various chemical compounds are used, which, when they come into contact with teeth, cause the destruction of organic substances that stain the teeth. This method has its advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss below. One of the benefits of chemical whitening is that it works even on heavily stained teeth. This method is also safer than others. However, it may cause side effects, such as allergic reactions to the components of the drug. Additionally, this method is not suitable for people with sensitive teeth. When choosing chemical whitening, it is recommended to contact a professional dentist who will select the appropriate procedure and the necessary drug. It should also be remembered that the result of chemical bleaching does not appear immediately, but after several hours. Ultraviolet teeth whitening Ultraviolet teeth whitening is a more modern method based on the use of ultraviolet radiation. It affects the organic substances of the teeth, destroying them and making the teeth lighter. This method is less painful and does not require the use of chemicals. However, like any other teeth whitening method, ultraviolet whitening can also have side effects. Example: White Teeth Several methods can be used to remove dark stains on teeth. One of them is electric teeth cleaning. This process involves removing stains using electrical impulses that are transmitted from a sensor on the teeth to the electrode of the machine. This method is safer than chemical bleaching or ultraviolet light. It also does not require special preparation and is suitable for any tooth color.