Bellarminova Needle

Bellarmine Needle: History and Application

The Bellarmin needle is an instrument that was invented by Lev Bellarminov in 1896. Lev Bellarminov was a Soviet ophthalmologist born in 1859. He is known for his research in ophthalmology and was the first to describe a method for treating glaucoma.

The Bellarmine needle is intended for eye surgery. It has a long thin body, a pointed tip and a hook at the end. The tool is made of stainless steel and can be of different lengths and diameters depending on the specific task.

The main use of the Bellarmine needle is for trephination of the eye, that is, creating a hole in the eye shell to remove excess fluid. This method was developed by Lev Bellarminov and became widely used in ophthalmology. It allows you to effectively reduce intraocular pressure and avoid the development of glaucoma.

In addition, the Bellarmine needle is used to perform other eye surgeries, such as removing the vitreous humor or performing a sclerotomy, that is, creating a channel for the drainage of excess water from the eye.

Today, the Bellarmine needle remains an important tool in ophthalmology. It is used in most modern clinics where eye surgeries are performed. Thanks to this tool, many patients receive effective treatment for eye diseases and maintain their visual functionality.

Thus, the Bellarmin needle is an important instrument in ophthalmology, which was invented by Lev Bellarminov at the end of the 19th century. Over the years, it has had a significant impact on the development of ophthalmology and remains an integral part of modern medical practice.

The Bellarmin needle is a famous ophthalmic instrument that was invented by the famous Soviet ophthalmologist Lev Grigorievich Bellarminov in the first half of the 20th century. This device is designed to measure pressure inside the eye, which is an important parameter in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases of the organs of vision.

The device has the shape of a needle, at the end of which there is a thermometer with a wide temperature range. When measuring pressure, a needle is inserted into the eye through the conjunctiva. Through an optical device with a special backlight, the needle is illuminated with bright white light, highlighting the eyeball in contrast. The measurement begins with a needle slowly inserted into the moist-cloudy chamber of the eye, then the temperature inside it is measured using a thermometer.

The Bellarmine needle is widely used in modern ophthalmology, both for primary diagnosis and for the treatment of eye diseases. It allows you to identify pathological changes inside the eye and determine what drugs or procedures are necessary for effective treatment. One of the advantages of this tool is its compactness and portability. Thanks to this, it can be used even in a mobile patient’s office, and no special conditions are required for storing and processing the needle after use. Today, the level of technology development makes it possible to make this technique safe and effective for both the doctor and the patient.