Belarusian cosmetics face creams reviews 2017

Belarusian cosmetics are high quality products intended for face, body and hair care. Reviews of Belarusian face creams confirm the fact that cosmetics are only improving every year, they are becoming better quality and environmentally friendly for the body and hair. Whatever care product is preferred, it meets all expectations and wins over its consumers.

Why are they so popular?

Belarusian cosmetics are becoming popular not only due to their high quality, but also due to their low and affordable cost for every girl. Cosmetics undergo many different tests before entering the world's shelves. Its quality meets all the standards of natural cosmetics, which is why there is such demand among buyers.

Despite the fact that Belarusian companies do not spend a lot of money on global advertising, its popularity is spreading more and more every day. Facial cosmetics from Belarusian manufacturers were famous back in the last century, so now everyone knows about its natural composition and high properties.

Features of Belarusian products are:

  1. The ratio of high quality and minimal cost;
  2. Environmental Safety;
  3. Use of new technologies in production;
  4. A large assortment of cosmetics intended for face, body and hair.

The popularity of Belarusian products and body products is spreading every year, and this is not surprising. Manufacturers are only improving their products, bringing them closer to modern standards and quality standards. This is why there are many cosmetic reviews worth considering.

Reviews from experts about which Belarusian cream is better

Belarusian cosmetics presents a variety of products that are difficult to understand on your own. Therefore, there are expert reviews of the best Belarusian creams, which answer all questions and allow you to choose high-quality and modern cosmetics.

Bielita Mezo series

Bielita Mezo series creams are intended for daytime use, applied in a thin layer and quickly absorbed. Suitable for any type, has a positive effect on dry, combination, oily, sensitive skin. The main effect is moisturizing and improving the quality of facial skin. The big advantage is that the cream does not contain sulfates.

Irina Sergeevna, cosmetologist

I recommend it to my patients for daily care; I have convinced myself of its effectiveness. Soft texture that is easy to apply and absorb, quickly affecting minor imperfections of the dermis. Suitable for any skin type, which is a big advantage.

I tried the cream from this series and liked the result. The skin after applying it is like a baby's. Roughness and stains disappear, the tone becomes even. Now this is my favorite cream.

Christina, 26 years old

A friend recommended this cream to me, the results are really pleasant. After applying it, I immediately noticed improvements on my skin, now I constantly take it to work and use it often.

Bielita M series with snail mucin

Creams in this series guarantee multiple positive effects on the skin due to the increased amount of snail mucin in them. Intended for daily use, saturates the skin with vitamins, collagen, microelements, amino acids. As a result of its use, the skin improves, wrinkles disappear, the tone becomes pronounced and natural, and elasticity increases. With regular use, you can prevent the aging process.

Olga Ivanovna, cosmetologist

I recommend it to all women who complain about sensitive skin and rapid aging. The drug is very good, it quickly nourishes the skin with useful components, fights age-related changes, and does not cause allergic reactions. But to make sure that the cream is truly suitable, I always tell my clients to do an allergy test by first applying a small amount of cream to delicate skin. Sometimes there are cases of intolerance to snail mucin.

I have very sensitive skin, so I carefully choose face creams. At my last consultation with a cosmetologist, I received advice regarding the use of Bielita M series cream with snail mucin. I like all Belarusian cosmetics, so I willingly agreed to try it. Indeed, very gentle, nourishing, fits perfectly on the face. I'm happy with the result and will buy more.

I had known about Belarusian cosmetics for a long time, but did not dare to resort to it, considering cheap formulations to be ineffective. After using the Bielita M series cream with snail mucin, I realized how wrong I was - after just a month I began to look much better. The skin tightened, the expression wrinkles that had haunted me since school disappeared. Now I will advise my friends, the result is truly shocking.

Markell Bio Helix Series

The cream in this series is designed to smooth and tighten the skin, it quickly makes it elastic, firm and smooth. Due to the presence of vitamin E in the composition, metabolic processes slow down, the skin is maximally saturated with nutritional components. The presence of collagen stimulates the formation of natural collagen and gives elasticity. The main purpose of using this series is hydration.

Victoria Valentinovna, cosmetologist

I can say with confidence that Markell Bio Helix is ​​effective for skin at any age. It moisturizes as quickly as possible, prevents any aging processes, and fights age-related changes. But I can recommend it to both girls and women over 40 years old. The result in both cases will be positive. If I rate this product, I give it a 5.

This cream was recommended to me by my cosmetologist, who uses it herself. I would like to note that I have never tried anything better and more effective before. The face changes just before our eyes. Any symptoms of aging are prevented, I now do not have a single visible wrinkle, and I am sure that this is the merit of the cream.

I love any facial skin care, so I chose Belarusian cosmetics. I really like face creams, they have instructions and descriptions for use, most creams are intended for all face types. I am glad that I became acquainted with this line, and will continue to order other products from the manufacturer.

Liv Delano Fito Complex Series

It contains hyaluronic acid, as well as many additional components that help fight age-related changes and do not dry out. Suitable for facial skin of any age, as the cream does not contain dyes or artificial additives that can negatively affect the skin. It contains only natural ingredients that help the skin always look elastic, smooth and toned.

Irina Stepanovna, cosmetologist

Belarusian cosmetics produces only high-quality products, so I always recommend them to my patients. The Liv Delano Fito Complex series creams are no exception; they are characterized by a natural composition, so they do not raise any doubts about whether they are worth using. My patients are always satisfied with these creams, and I myself often prefer them due to their natural composition.

I often experiment with cosmetics, especially if they are natural. I have been using Liv Delano Fito Complex series creams for a long time, I don’t even know what brought me to them. I can say one thing, I am incredibly pleased with the result, they really help fight age-related changes, make the skin beautiful and toned. There are no complaints about cosmetics.

I started to notice the first signs of aging 2 years ago, when I had a strict work schedule at night. What saves me is the Liv Delano Fito Complex series cream, which I use daily. My skin reacts to the composition as adequately as possible, the structure is easy to apply, there is no irritation.

Belkosmex Hyaluron+ Series

It is classified as a moisturizer, provides gentle care, and allows it to be evenly distributed over the entire face area. It is suitable for women over 30 years old, has rejuvenating notes, and increases elasticity. It is recommended for use by all cosmetologists.

Daria Sergeevna, cosmetologist

I myself love using this cream, as it prevents aging, fights its signs, and increases the effectiveness of expensive cosmetic procedures. My clients regularly use this cream and notice results after just a week of use. It contains only natural ingredients, which captivate many women.

I didn’t believe that it was easy to achieve such good results with home care - after using the cream, my face evened out in just a few weeks. I don’t think I will look for another drug - I’m very pleased with this one, and I haven’t found a single drawback.

I really like it, I'm just delighted with its effect. I am sure that I will not exchange it for any other. And they will continue to use it and make their face happy.


Belarusian creams are an excellent way to get rid of obvious skin defects for a long time without the help of cosmetologists and even get rid of signs of aging. Thanks to their mild effects, you can use Belarusian cosmetics without fear - you won’t be bothered by side effects, because they contain only natural ingredients!

Girls who use it, write your reviews experts

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Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

I only use their hair masks - I really like them. Sometimes with shampoos. Nothing more. What I like about the masks is: the large volume of packaging (if I have long hair, it takes a lot), my hair is soft and manageable after use, the masks have a very pleasant smell.

R varnish is excellent. strengthens smart enamel better

from decorative - mascara "Lush eyelashes", loose powder Relui.
from care - the Whitening series and Teebaum, a good two-phase makeup remover Q10.
You should try it, there are very good products, fortunately the price is such that you won’t mind throwing it away if anything happens

Dolly's powder is the best I've ever used, the mascaras are not bad, but I didn't really like the shampoos and creams, they're on par with CHF and IBS.

I really like hair cosmetics from the professional line Belita, Bitex: masks, balms, shampoos. Face masks.

Mascara “Lush Eyelashes”, loose blush Relui, and the new 3D Belita-Vitex shadows are a complete blast. I bought all the colors that were in the store.
Also Revivor masks.

Related topics

I really like hair cosmetics from the professional line Belita, Bitex: masks, balms, shampoos. Face masks.
I agree, I also really like face creams

Somehow I succumbed to the rave reviews and bought everything: belites (revivor, hair serums, face masks) and relues (powder, blush). It didn’t cause any excitement at all, not good and not bad. You can find similar things among any cheap cosmetics.

for me that's all heh nya

I like their shampoos, no expensive foreign shampoo has made my hair so voluminous or stayed clean for so long

A very worthy protein sealing mask a la prof from Belita Hair Care. But it’s decent if you keep it longer and dry it with a hairdryer. Most balms are okay, especially Revivor in blue and white jars. I don’t like shampoos; they give me dandruff and itching. Vitex has a good anti-cellulite cream, a series of bath-sauna-massage, like a wrap under a film, it’s really nothing. A good 2 in 1 scrub from Vitex “Dead Sea Cosmetics”. The entire whitening line is nothing for the face. They have a good mask there. Two-phase makeup remover with Q 10 is simply an amazing thing. PL hand cream is excellent.

I also use Belita Vitex. I like the amber magic gel-exfoliant for the face, the thermal water line, hair balms in jars, foot scrubs, creams with Q10. It costs a penny, but the effect is good. Why pay ten times more for luxury? those who spit, or snobs who shop exclusively at high prices, or simply the cosmetics are not suitable. but this can happen with any remedy.

Belita - "double oxygen" series, Olive shampoo and balm, shower gel and hand cream. I really like all of the above.

Mascara “Lush Eyelashes”, loose blush Relui, and the new 3D Belita-Vitex shadows are a complete blast. I bought all the colors that were in the store.
Also Revivor masks.

Oh. girls, it’s so nice that our Belarusian cosmetics are popular!
I would also recommend the depilatory cream from Vitex "Special Care" for normal/sensitive skin. In white-orange and white-green boxes. I don’t know if they sell it in Russia, but out of a whole bunch of depilatory creams, this is the only one that didn’t cause me irritation and removed almost zero hair! I've been using it for many years (not an advertisement).

Vitex lipstick is super.

Hygienic cosmetics are simply super, I don’t know about decartive cosmetics, I haven’t used them.

Relui's decor is cool. powder in balls is no worse than meteorites from Guerlain. Mascaras, with silicone brushes - all great. (I just love silicone ones). The polishes are super, especially the new metallic series. strengtheners in very beautiful nude shades.

I really like Tar shampoo, a series of bio-line hair balms, without fragrances, parabens, laurisulfate. "Special Care" for depilation is really super, all these Vitas are incomparable!

mascara - Luxury make-up, decorative - Relui and Belkosmex. Hair care - you need to choose according to your hair type, I like to always take different ones, I love how delicious they smell. - For example, Exclusive cosmetics, Belita, Vitex - if Belkosmex - then only the line Secrets of Nature, Body and Face - I like to experiment and buy that expensive or budget products. In the end, I realized that the creams in Loreal and Garnir are similar in composition to Belarusian cosmetics, but the effect is worse from them. And in super branded brands like Chanel you also pay for the brand. That’s why I started using the Belarusian one and am very pleased.)) I recommend the site Thank you! Good luck to all!

Hair balm "Revivor" with mink oil is simply wonderful. I’ve been digging it for about 10 years, well, I think everyone knows it. After it, the hair is perfectly combable, shiny, and smells pleasant.

I also switched to Vitex products, they’re just super, not expensive at all, the effect is amazing, I used to use expensive cosmetics, I took the ones they sell in pharmacies (I have sensitive skin), but after trying this, I don’t even see the point of spending my money on brands! I advise everyone to like everything!!


In Yekaterinburg I order here, I like the goat milk balm, it’s just super, and the protein mask seals the hair. Their anti-cellulite cream came to the rescue a couple of times, it’s just FIRE. Good line Almond superfood - the aroma is incomparable, moisturizes very well for winter!

R varnish is excellent. strengthens smart enamel better

I completely agree. I bought it to try. The result is excellent! Very pleased!

Belarusian cosmetics are simply SUPERB. The branded one is in the background on the shelf, either throw it away or give it away. The main thing is to choose one for your skin type. I was visiting in Yuzhka, a friend took me to a Belarusian cosmetics store. girls, still looking for such a choice, left with two packages. If anyone is nearby, come by, st. Chertanovskaya 20 bldg. 2, in the basement. Good luck to all !

Good evening everyone. I use Belarusian cosmetics. I really like the aurum series and black caviar. I like goat milk hair mask and shampoo. I recently found a Belarusian cosmetics store. They work by cash on delivery, the safest way. They provide free consultations. Girls, I advise. If anyone is interested, I’ll share And by the way, after the first purchase I received the status of a regular customer, now I buy the product at a discount)))

Good evening everyone. I use Belarusian cosmetics. I really like the aurum series and black caviar. I like goat milk hair mask and shampoo. I recently found a Belarusian cosmetics store. They work by cash on delivery, the safest way. They provide free consultations. Girls, I advise. If anyone is interested, I’ll share And by the way, after the first purchase I received the status of a regular customer, now I buy the product at a discount)))

I really like the Markell mineral cream, facial toner, and liposomal cream. I bought it, I was cautious at first, but I didn’t even think that I would like it so much. very light cream, does not “stick” the skin, looks natural, absorbs quickly. the feeling is very pleasant.

Depilatory cream from Vitex "Special Care" for normal/sensitive skin. I’ve been using it for at least 3 years now, it applies beautifully, doesn’t run, doesn’t sting, 5 minutes and the effect is great, the skin is not irritated, I tried other analogues, I suffered from irritation.. I highly recommend it.

I have long fallen in love with Belarusian cosmetics, and recently discovered an anti-acne concentrate. Nice little thing. You can read more about it in my review

I always use relui white eyeliner (which is gold). Nothing frays, holds well and the brush is comfortable (1 in 1 bourgeois)

mascara - Luxury make-up, decorative - Relui and Belkosmex. Hair care - you need to choose according to your hair type, I like to always take different ones, I love how delicious they smell. - For example, Exclusive cosmetics, Belita, Vitex - if Belkosmex - then only the line Secrets of Nature, Body and Face - I like to experiment and buy that expensive or budget products. In the end, I realized that the creams in Loreal and Garnir are similar in composition to Belarusian cosmetics, but the effect is worse from them. And in super branded brands like Chanel you also pay for the brand. That’s why I started using the Belarusian one and am very pleased.)) I recommend the site Thank you! Good luck to all!

On their website we placed an order specifically in advance on February 27, everything was in stock and perfect, on March 8 our women were promised that there would be delivery in 3 business days. As a result, they called yesterday and said that they did not have 3 out of five items in stock! And they have no way to track data on the site! I was very disappointed(

I use the Belita-Vitex “keratin restoration” hair mask (brown round jar) - it’s wonderful!
I recently bought a “5 stars” mascara after the article “7 good Belarusian mascaras that are cheaper than a cappuccino” - and it’s really very good: it lifts, curls, covers everything.

for me that's all heh nya

I use Belarusian cosmetics Vitex. I bought myself a day cream Peptides for mature skin. After I tried it, I immediately purchased the entire series. This series is simply a find. I bought it at a Belarusian cosmetics store on Letchika Babushkina 31, not far from the Babushkinskaya metro station.

I was very praised here for the line of creams for those over 50 from the Belita brand. I want to try it. What do you say?

There is a very good chain of stores called Zapovednaya Polyana. There are a lot of Belarusian brands represented there. Belita, of course, is there. Probably the most popular Belarusian brand. Look on the website of the Zapovednaya Polyana store chain for addresses. They have several stores in Moscow. Personally, I buy at the Azovsky shopping center.

I live in Mytishchi and shop at the Horizon shopping center. I really like it, large selection at competitive prices. And now they have a website. where prices are cheaper. I’ll give you a link if anyone is interested

I recommend you a series of Meso creams for ages 50+.

About decorative products: some mascaras, despite the prices, are better than Lancome. For example, XXL and Luxury.

I know the Zapovednaya Polyana chain of stores very well. I usually buy Belitovsky creams, masks, and tonics there. The quality of Belarusian cosmetics has not yet failed. Winter care cream is especially relevant for me now.

I also like the winter care cream. The skin becomes not only tender and soft, but also the unpleasant dryness and irritation after frost goes away, by the way, the cream heals cracks on the hands well. It contains different oils, which is why it has such a cool effect.

I live in Otradnoye and buy from a specialized store of Belarusian cosmetics on the street. Letchika Babushkina, 31. I really like the Mezo series, and especially the meso-peeling ray from this series. Large selection at competitive prices. I'll give you a link if anyone is interested.

We use it often and for a long time. We really like it. We buy cosmetics from the Perfect Skin line. And soon we will need more cosmetics for the baby. It’s just a little scary to buy something like this for a child. Who uses it or has already used it?


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Are you familiar with Belarusian cosmetics? More and more often you can hear about it as a high-quality product for body, face and hair care. Positive reviews about Belarusian cosmetics Belita, Vitex, Belkosmex indicate that it is constantly being improved and, thanks to its environmental friendliness, becomes safer.

Any representative of the fairer sex dreams of well-groomed skin and luxurious hair, so she chooses the best for herself. Do you want to know customer reviews about Belarusian cosmetics and why so many consumers buy these products? Then the information below is for you.

Features of Belarusian cosmetics

The main advantages that Belarusian cosmetics have are their low cost and high quality. Before the products hit the shelves, they go through several stages of state certification.

It is certain standards introduced in production, which no manufacturer has the right to violate, that ensure quality and positive reviews of Belarusian cosmetics, be it powder or mascara or other products.

The low cost of cosmetics can be explained simply - companies in Belarus do not invest huge sums in advertising their products, since reviews of Belarusian facial cosmetics were known back in the last century. People know and love these products both for their quality and for the fact that they don’t have to overpay.

The features of Belarusian cosmetics include the following factors:

  1. environmental Safety;
  2. ratio of quality and cost;
  3. application of new technologies in production;
  4. presence in the composition of a full complex of substances for skin and hair care.

Reviews from consumers and cosmetologists about Belarusian cosmetics

Since it is not so easy to understand the huge variety of cosmetic products, we invite you to read reviews and questions from consumers, as well as comments and advice from experts.


I have heard about Belarusian cosmetics, but I doubt the quality due to the low cost. I want to buy it, but I'm afraid.

This fact protects the composition of cosmetics from something frankly harmful to our health. I confess my love for TM Vitex, confirming that this manufacturer has many worthy products. Although some consumer reviews about Belarusian decorative cosmetics say that you shouldn’t expect a big miracle from it. Personally, I recommend giving it a try.


I really like decorative cosmetics from Belarusian manufacturers. I want to try hair products. Tell me which ones are more gentle and natural.

My personal opinion

Composition is not the main indicator. Sometimes it happens that professional hair cosmetics are declared by the manufacturer as a natural super product, but there is no benefit from it. I recommend choosing those products that are suitable for your intended purpose. Try alternating several, and you will understand which option works best for you.


Please recommend a good product for the care of young facial skin from Belarusian cosmetics. I can't seem to find a good cleanser.


I've been using it for a long time face creams from TM Belita Vitex. I have reached the age when I need to choose a cream that suits an older age than before (40+). I heard good reviews about the Belarusian cosmetics Meso. What kind of series is this and what are its positive qualities?

MEZO-complex line belongs to series for facial skin care after 40 years of age. It includes creams: day, night and eyelid skin care.
This line of creams is based on two patented complexes. The first one is “Ambre Oceane” to activate the process of collagen production. As a result of its use, wrinkles are smoothed from the inside, metabolic processes in the skin are restored, and the epithelium is protected from the harmful effects of free radicals.

The second complex – “Polylift” to create an artificial lifting process. As a result of its use, the skin texture is smoothed, after which it becomes smooth like silk and radiates youth and beauty.
I recommend that you use the MEZO-complex line, and you will be completely satisfied with the result.

You can find out more about what creams are available at TM Belita Vitex and how do they differ from each other? A friend highly recommends this cosmetics to me, but there are so many creams that I get lost in choosing the right one.

  1. Firstly, they are divided by area of ​​application (body, face, legs, arms).
  2. Secondly, according to its intended use for skin type (oily, dry, normal, combination, sensitive, acne-prone).
  3. Thirdly, creams differ in purpose depending on the age of the buyer.
  4. Fourthly, they are divided into universal, day and night. In each of these categories, select the item you need, and the ideal cream for you will be selected.

In Belarusian cosmetics TM Belita There are both foundation and BB creams with good reviews. I recommend choosing a decorative cream in the same way as a skincare cream. Cosmetic products from Belarusian manufacturers have long become favorites in the vast expanses of the near and far abroad.