White pimples in the groin of men

It has long been known that acne in the groin in men is not only unpleasant, but also quite dangerous. After all, various types of rashes can appear due to various diseases. Therefore, if such alarming signals occur, you should immediately see a dermatologist.

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Often, acne in the groin area refers to various rashes, for example:

The main reason for the appearance of rashes in the male groin area is dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, causing blockage of the fatty and follicular ducts and inflammation of the adjacent tissues. One type of dysfunction is a secretory anomaly. In this case, sebaceous secretion is produced in excessive quantities. The composition of the secretion becomes much thicker.

Clogged ducts are a breeding ground for bacteria. Their active reproduction leads to irritation of adjacent tissues. As a result, an inflammatory reaction occurs.

Acne that appears as a result of inflammation in the groin area is usually:

Papules, or nodules, are small, reddened raised areas above the skin. Pustules are purulent pimples surrounded by bright red rims. Nodules are a type of acne. They have a compacted structure, red color and significant size. Cysts are subcutaneous neoplasms. They are distinguished by deep roots (up to 1 cm) and small tuberculate elevations on the surface of the skin. Acne, the appearance of which is not a consequence of inflammation, includes subcutaneous acne of open and closed types.

Boils, conventionally called pimples, are purulent neoplasms. Their appearance is caused by an infectious infection of the skin. A boil is a noticeable red swelling. A yellowish abscess forms inside, which gradually acquires a greenish tint. The adjacent tissues around the boil swell.

Due to colds, bright red pimples may appear in the groin. They rise slightly above the surface of the skin. Inside a cold pimple, pus accumulates.

The process of acne development goes through various stages. At first, small pimples appear without signs of inflammation. Most often they are single. A small scattering of 8-10 units may appear.

In the next stage, the development of the inflammatory process begins. This causes the appearance of comedones, boils and other pimples with an inflamed structure. Their number can reach 30-40 pieces.

In a severe form of the disease, a large number of pimples appear in the man’s groin. In this case, acne can be of various types: non-inflamed, cold, inflamed, etc.

Acne and other similar growths that occur in the male groin area usually do not pose a serious health risk. The main reasons for their appearance:

  1. failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  2. epilation type effects;
  3. constantly wearing tight underwear, especially synthetic ones;
  4. allergic reactions of various origins;
  5. colds;
  6. significant hypothermia;
  7. excessive sweating.

Sebaceous glands and hair follicles are often translucent when located closely under the skin. Therefore, they are mistaken for a type of acne. There is no treatment for this condition. To avoid mistakes in this case, you need to see a dermatologist.

Various diseases and pathological processes in a man’s body cause the appearance of acne, which requires mandatory treatment. Such ailments include:

  1. inflammation of the sebaceous glands in the groin area - hidradenitis inguinalis;
  2. furunculosis of hair follicles;
  3. allergic (contact) dermatitis;
  4. herpes;
  5. psoriasis;
  6. syphilis;
  7. fungal infection;
  8. seborrheic dermatitis;
  9. molluscum contagiosum.

All of these diseases cause the appearance of various types of rashes, single or multiple.

If left untreated, an inflammatory process may develop, which may result in secondary infection of the affected areas of the skin.

Therefore, when the first rash or redness of the skin in the groin appears, a man needs to see a dermatologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary laboratory tests to clarify the nature of the rash and the cause of its appearance. Then you will need to carry out a course of treatment as prescribed by a specialist.

Acne of various types, single and in the form of a rash, is a very common occurrence. Acne in the groin in men is one of the types of such skin diseases. Their reasons may be different, as well as the degree of danger to human health.

Acne in the groin in men most often is not a serious disease and, apart from a certain inconvenience, does not manifest itself in any way. But very similar formations can also be the result of diseases, incl. and those that are sexually transmitted. The appearance of acne in an intimate place should alert a man, and the pathology should be treated after consultation with a dermatologist.

Features of acne

In the broadest sense of the word, acne in the groin in men includes all inflamed elevations on the skin in this area: individual acne and blackheads, rashes of various types, colds, boils, etc. These could be red, inflamed bumps, or they could be ulcers. In any case, the formation of acne is a skin pathology associated with blockage of the fat ducts and inflammation of the sebaceous glands, causing disruption of their functional activity.

The average mechanism for the formation of acne can be represented as follows: a secretory anomaly of the glands leads to an excess of sebaceous secretion and a thickening of its composition, and follicular disorders lead to excess horny tissue that clogs the follicular ducts.

Infectious propionic bacteria actively develop in a nutritious fatty environment in clogged channels, irritating surrounding tissues and leading to an inflammatory reaction.

According to the mechanism of manifestation, acne is classified as non-inflamed and inflamed formations. The non-inflammatory (open and closed) type has no symptoms of inflammation. These include comedones of white subcutaneous acne in the groin. Inflamed acne has several varieties: papule or nodule (small bump with redness); pustule (an abscess with a red rim around a pimple); nodule (a large acne with induration and redness); subcutaneous pimple or cyst, which has a low bump above the skin, but deep (up to 10 mm) roots.

Boils can also be classified as acne - an infectious disease with purulent formation (a red tumor with swelling of the surrounding tissues and an internal yellowish abscess, which then acquires a green tint). A separate group is represented by cold pimples - bright red bumps with internal suppuration.

Acne development level

According to the degree of spread of skin pathology in the groin area, the following stages are distinguished:

  1. Mild form: non-inflamed pimples, single or scattered, no more than 10 pimples.
  2. Medium form: the number of comedones can reach 40, various inflamed pimples and small boils develop.
  3. Severe form: non-inflamed and inflamed rash (interspersed) more than 40 pieces, painful cold rash, large boils.

Causes of acne in the groin

Acne in the male intimate area can be divided into non-dangerous acne and formations, which can be symptoms of diseases. Non-hazardous pathologies of both types can result from the following reasons: lack of personal hygiene; epilation effects; wearing synthetic tight underwear; allergic reaction; cold effects; hypothermia.

Sebaceous glands, which are located close to the surface of the skin and are visible through it, are sometimes mistaken for acne. A similar trend can be seen with hair follicles. Such phenomena are not pathologies and do not need to be treated.

A rash and individual pimples in the groin can be symptoms of the following processes and diseases:

  1. Hidradenitis inguinalis is an inflammation of the inguinal sebaceous glands caused by the penetration of Staphylococcus aureus. The main symptom is nodules and small pimples with itching and pain.
  2. Contact dermatitis: an allergic manifestation to detergents or synthetics. Symptoms: acne, swelling, itching, redness.
  3. Boils of an inflamed hair follicle: initially appear as a small pimple, gradually developing into a boil.
  4. Psoriasis: scaly nodules that grow into plaques when scratched. The disease is chronic. When scratching, capillary bleeding appears.
  5. Seborrheic dermatitis is pimples that coalesce into red plaques.
  6. Fungal disease: watery pimples.

Dangerous diseases

Pimples in the groin can be a signal of the development of dangerous diseases of an infectious nature:

  1. Syphilis: a small pink rash in the groin and pimples on the genitals, developing into open sores. In this case, the first manifestations can begin in the groin 30-40 days after infection.
  2. Herpes begins as a burning sensation in the groin with the rapid development of individual blisters that turn into ulcers. Relapses can occur due to hypothermia or nervous stress.
  3. Pediculosis: a large number of pimples, itching. The causative agent of the disease is the louse.
  4. Molluscum contagiosum: pimples in the form of flesh-colored warts with a crater in the center. Inside the formation there is an infectious mollusk that can be transmitted from person to person.

Possible diseases can be classified according to the type of acne in the groin area:

  1. rash in the form of papules and plaques: candidiasis, psoriasis, chronic dermatitis;
  2. rash in the form of vesicles and blisters: impetigo, contact dermatitis, pemphigus;
  3. rash in the form of spots: dermatophytosis, seborrheic dermatitis, erythrasma;
  4. rash in the form of pustules: candidiasis, furunculosis;
  5. scaly rash: dermatophytosis inguinalis, psoriasis, erythrasma, subacute dermatitis;
  6. rash in the form of erosions: impetigo, candidiasis, pemphigus.

Treatment of acne in the groin

Acne in the groin in men can be caused by various reasons and signal the existence of a disease.

These circumstances indicate the need for examination by a dermatologist before starting independent treatment.

If it is possible to differentiate acne from dangerous diseases, then purulent non-dangerous formations can be cured with a common set of procedures:

  1. the skin area in the groin area is cleaned with a solution of antibacterial soap in water;
  2. apply Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment 2 times a day;
  3. a compress of aloe leaves is applied to the affected area;
  4. To accelerate the maturation of ulcers, iodine is used (a tampon soaked in iodine is left for 15-20 minutes).

Hydrogen peroxide, which is used to treat acne twice a day, has a good disinfecting and drying effect. Treatment to eliminate the inflammatory process can be done with the drug Levomekol, applied 2 times a day until cure.

At home, you can use a product made in the form of a mixture of crushed aspirin (2 tablets) with glycerin. The composition is applied to the groin area 2 times a day.

Irritation is relieved with fatty ointments Rescuer and Healer; and severe inflammations - with hydrocortisone ointment or zinc ointment. For difficult stages, Zinerit and Dalatsin are used.

Skin rashes can be localized in absolutely any area of ​​a person’s protective covering. Acne in the groin of men is not uncommon. Such a delicate problem can arise for a number of reasons, both external and related to internal disorders in the body.

External factors

Pimples in the groin do not necessarily indicate any serious health problems. The occurrence of an inflammatory process in protective tissues can be influenced by the following factors:

  1. insufficient self-care;
  2. preference for synthetics over natural fabrics;
  3. increased sweating;
  4. violation of the integrity of the cover;
  5. hypersensitivity to hygiene products.

Acne in the groin area is sometimes just a consequence of insufficient self-care. Lack of daily hygiene can cause the development of pathogenic organisms that cause inflammation in tissues.

The reasons may also well lie in wearing underwear made from synthetics. Such fabrics do not allow moisture to pass through well, blocking the access of oxygen to the dermis, resulting in the formation of a humid environment - a favorite place for bacteria to accumulate and multiply.

A pimple in the groin area in men can often occur due to excessive hyperhidrosis. In this case, the inflammatory process especially flourishes in people who pay insufficient attention and time to personal hygiene. Sweat products are an excellent environment for the growth of the population of pathogenic microbes that provoke dermatological inflammation and rashes.

Sometimes a man who has shaved his intimate area discovers an abscess after some time, most likely caused by a cut. Microbes instantly penetrate the wound, beginning to actively multiply, during which dermatological problems of an inflammatory nature are formed. For this reason, you should shave more carefully, and if you cannot avoid the appearance of a wound, then the affected area should be immediately treated with an antiseptic.

If red pimples appear in the intimate area, then you should suspect an allergy to personal care products. Usually the problem goes away after eliminating the allergen and does not require specialized treatment.

Internal factors

Any pustular rash of an inflammatory nature clearly indicates a malfunction of the body’s protective functions. The following internal factors can weaken the immune system:

  1. infectious diseases;
  2. diabetes;
  3. disorders of the thyroid gland;
  4. chronic liver diseases;
  5. excess body weight;
  6. avitaminosis;
  7. Iron-deficiency anemia;
  8. AIDS.

This list can be continued endlessly, but all these internal conditions lead to a decrease in immune status. Against this background, a person often develops the following dermatological problems:

As you can see, acne in the groin area can occur against the background of multiple skin pathologies. Each of them has its own symptoms and treatment methods.


One of the most common dermatological problems of an inflammatory nature is perhaps boils in the groin in women, as well as men. The occurrence of such a problem is facilitated by a decrease in local protective functions. It can be caused by multiple factors: from disruption of the integrity of the skin when people shave, to chronic diseases.

A boil in the groin in men forms much less frequently than in the weaker sex due to certain physiological characteristics. After staphylococcus damage to a weakened area of ​​the skin, some redness and thickening of the affected area are observed. In this case, the patient may also experience an itching sensation. This indicates that the inflammatory process is actively occurring. In severe cases, an increase in body temperature and enlargement of lymph nodes are also observed.

Boils in the groin in women, as well as in the stronger sex, require mandatory therapy. The problem is quite serious and therefore requires an integrated approach.

Treatment must necessarily include the use of local antiseptics and adherence to diet therapy. For more severe disease, oral antibiotic therapy is prescribed. For this purpose, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed, which include Flemoxin Solutab, Flemoklav, and Amoxicillin.

Nutrition correction involves eliminating all junk food from the daily menu, which not only pollutes the body, but also significantly weakens the immune system. This category includes all fast food, processed foods, animal fats and fried foods, as well as alcoholic beverages.

Boils in the groin can be treated with antiseptics such as salicylic alcohol. In order for it to ripen faster, it is permissible to apply dry heat. If a white head has already appeared, this method cannot be used, since the procedure can lead to the development of an abscess.

After opening the boils, it is allowed to apply Vishnevsky ointment to them in order to draw out the remaining pus.

How to treat a boil, especially if it is not isolated, must be decided by a dermatologist, since independent therapeutic actions can only lead to a worsening of the patient’s condition.


Quite often, a boil in the groin in women or men is confused with a disease such as folliculitis due to similar symptoms. The disease can occur for the same reasons. It can be caused by candidiasis, infectious, chronic diseases. In this case, the disease occurs against the background of blockage of the sebaceous glands, in which bacteria actively begin to multiply, causing an inflammatory process.

Initially, a slight redness forms on the affected area, which over time turns into a pustular formation. The difference between the two dermatological manifestations of a pathogenic nature is that with folliculitis, black dots are observed in the middle of the pustules.

Treatment is carried out by treating the affected areas with brilliant green or salicylic alcohol. After purulent pimples in the groin open, it is recommended to treat them with ichthyol ointment. Typically, this dermatological problem goes away after local antiseptic treatment.

If the abscess in the groin continues to increase in size, surgical treatment may be required. It is prohibited to crush such formations, as this can most likely lead to infection, which can result in blood poisoning.


Sometimes both the weaker and stronger sex have to deal with a dermatological disease such as atheroma. The rash can be localized absolutely on any part of the body. An exception is the pimples that have arisen in the groin of women, white in color, which are in all respects similar to male formations.

Atheroma most often occurs in the stronger sex, as in most cases it is caused by a surge in testosterone. Treatment is carried out only surgically if the formations become large.

But acne in the groin in women may well be a consequence of the development of a fatty cyst, the formation of which can be triggered by numerous factors. They usually do not bother you, so in most cases they do not require treatment. Rashes of this type are small, hard balls that cannot be squeezed out. If they cause aesthetic discomfort, then you should contact a dermatologist to have them removed surgically.