Contractubex cream for stretch marks reviews

I’m using this “contractubex” now. I heard that it helps with stretch marks. Has anyone tried it yet? helps? I'd really like to hear some advice. Thank you! experts

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I used it to completely remove the scar after the operation. however, it took about six months

Polina, was the scar very old? Mine is already 35 years old.. Do you think the ointment won’t help?

Author, I don’t know about stretch marks. The doctor personally prescribed it for me to treat a post-operative scar.
Polina, I had an operation 4 months ago, abdominal. I’ve already smeared one tube of this cream. I don’t see any changes. I mean, the scar itself has healed, of course. But it hasn’t lightened, it’s kind of dark. How did you use it, please share ?

I am 2 years after the operation, nothing helped((.

I had a boil on my face (on my forehead), I had to cut it off. the scar was terribly scary. I started applying it as soon as it healed. For the first 2 months I didn’t see any changes AT ALL. I smeared it only because of faith))
I smeared the entire tube in six months (a little bit at a time), the scar disappeared. Of course, it’s visible, but that’s only if you look closely. In general, I'm pleased with the result.
I used it on the advice of my brother, he removed the scar left after in his youth he wrote the name of his beloved girl on his hand with a knife (what a fool). Looking at his hand now, no one would have thought that there was a scar there))
By the way, I smeared it a little at a time. As I understand it, it removes the skin in layers, because personally, that area was constantly peeling off and the skin was constantly “changing.”

Polina, thanks for the answer. They gave me hope, otherwise there’s a scary scar in the lower abdomen, from one problem to another and looks like an evil smile. :))) I smeared one tube, but haven’t bought a new one yet. Yes, I noticed that the skin it was peeling and very itchy in the area of ​​the scar. Did you just smear it or rub it in?

Try this one:

So. So! I am also interested in removing stretch marks from my body.

Anastasia, the cream is very effective if you use it correctly.
I used it for stretch marks both during and after pregnancy, now I have a great figure, almost no stretch marks. Excellent cream. I can give some tips for use:
1. The main thing is not to panic if there is no effect after a couple of months. It takes longer to remove stretch marks, about a year.
2. Do not skimp on the cream, apply generously, preferably about 3 times a day
3. After applying the cream, place cling film on this area for an hour so that the cream is better absorbed.
If you use it like this, the result. I'm sure it won't keep you waiting)

I used it for stretch marks both during and after pregnancy. It is better to prevent stretch marks than to get rid of them later; Contractubex is great for this.
Author, if you are pregnant NOW, start using it, then it will be too late, seriously.

I have stretch marks, both old and new, is it possible to somehow get rid of them without resorting to surgical methods?

Polina, what if contractubex helps the scar for a year?

helped me. There were old spots on my legs from sores and abscesses. but they were deep, so the spots disappeared from the sores, but from the ulcers they were almost invisible. Now I’m pregnant and my breasts are very stretched, so I apply it as soon as noticeable streaks appear or I can almost see the result, everything goes away. This is a very good gel and the most important thing is to use it correctly, do not forget to smear it, and preferably on very fresh ones. and by the way, I then smeared my feet for three months and then spat that it didn’t help, and then I’ll tell myself where my spots are. but no.

I used it for stretch marks both during and after pregnancy. It is better to prevent stretch marks than to get rid of them later; Contractubex is great for this.
Author, if you are pregnant NOW, start using it, then it will be too late, seriously.

I also used Contractubex to remove stretch marks. The gel really helped. I think if I had started using it earlier, the results would have been faster. I started using it 4 months after giving birth. But still, the result is obvious. The stretch marks are almost equal to the color of the skin.

From my own experience, I will say that Contractubex helps those who use it in a disciplined manner, i.e. do not forget to smear 2-3 times a day, every day and for several months. I applied it to the stretch marks myself and now they are simply not visible.

I haven’t tried it yet, but I want to use it. Is it necessary?

Varvara, I thought so too, but the doctor said to use Contractubex for 6 months, no less, so that changes are visible. And so it was, within a year I almost completely got rid of the scar.

I also used Contractubex to remove stretch marks. The gel really helped. I think if I had started using it earlier, the results would have been faster. I started using it 4 months after giving birth. But still, the result is obvious. The stretch marks are almost equal to the color of the skin.

I haven’t tried it yet, but I want to use it. Is it necessary?

He helped me make the scar no longer noticeable after surgery.

It didn’t help me, my mother bought comfort cream for stretch marks, the pharmacy said that this cream for existing stretch marks would not help much
Well there is hope

It didn’t help me, my mother bought comfort cream for stretch marks, the pharmacy said that this cream for existing stretch marks would not help much
Well there is hope

Has anyone used it while breastfeeding?
The instructions say that the effect has not been studied. I’m wondering whether I should wait until weaning or start while the CS scar and stretch marks are fresh.


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The fair half of humanity is often tormented by the question: how to get rid of hated stretch marks? Unpleasant formations can appear as a result of disruptions in the hormonal system of the female body, pregnancy, adolescence or sudden weight loss. It is impossible to completely remove stretch marks, but you can definitely make them less noticeable. Contractubex is a tool that can help you with this.

What is the drug

Contractubex is presented in the form:

  1. gel, produced in tubes of 10, 20 and 50 grams;
  2. long-acting patch.


The main components of the product are:

  1. onion extract;
  2. sodium heparin;
  3. allantoin.

The gel also contains excipients:

  1. sorbic acid;
  2. methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate;
  3. flavoring;
  4. xanthan gum;
  5. polyethylene glycol 200;
  6. purified water.

Store the drug at a temperature of 25 o C. Keep the tube with gel away from children.

Contractubex is not a remedy for stretch marks. The main indications for the use of the gel are:

  1. scars resulting from operations and injuries;
  2. keloids;
  3. scars left by burns and resulting from skin deformation;
  4. traumatic contractures are damage to joint components that prevent normal movement.

Beneficial properties of Contractubex for body skin

Contractubex has a positive effect on the skin of the body:

  1. perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin;
  2. has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the presence of onion extract in its composition;
  3. reduces allergy symptoms;
  4. stops the growth of keloids (scars) by suppressing mitosis (cell division) and reducing the formation of certain substances outside cells;
  5. has a bactericidal effect on the skin;
  6. heparin, which is part of Contractubex, has antiallergic, antiproliferative (reduces the rate of division of connective tissue cells that lead to scar formation) and anti-inflammatory effects on the skin;
  7. helps improve hydration (moistening) of tissues;
  8. allantoin, which is part of the product, heals wounds and improves the absorption of water into skin cells;
  9. reduces itching.

Using Contractubex against stretch marks

Why does Contractubex help with stretch marks? The answer is simple. These formations are scars that occur in areas where layers of skin are torn. These spaces are instantly filled with connective tissue, so the stretch marks differ in color from the main cover.

Contractubex makes even keloid scars paler, so the product can easily cope with more inconspicuous formations. This especially applies to newly developed stretch marks.


Rules for using Contractubex against stretch marks

To quickly and effectively get rid of stretch marks using the drug, you must follow the rules:

  1. You should not apply the product to your skin every hour. Twice a day for fresh stretch marks and four for old ones is enough. Just lubricate problem areas with a thin layer of gel;



Side effects and contraindications

The only side effect of the drug is itching. It often appears at the beginning of treatment and is not considered an indication for stopping the course.

A contraindication to the use of Contractubex is hypersensitivity to parabens, since the gel contains alkyl-4-hydroxybenzoate. In general, the product is safe for health. The drug can be used during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.



The cream is very effective if used correctly. I used it for stretch marks both during and after pregnancy, now I have a great figure, almost no stretch marks. Excellent cream.


I also used Contractubex to remove stretch marks. The gel really helped. I think if I had started using it earlier, the results would have been faster. I started using it 4 months after giving birth. But still, the result is obvious. The stretch marks are almost equal to the color of the skin.

Anastasia ©

I used it for stretch marks both during and after pregnancy. It is better to prevent stretch marks than to get rid of them later; Contractubex is great for this.


Contractubex is an effective remedy for stretch marks. The gel will help fight both new formations and old ones. The main thing is to be patient and use the product regularly. The big advantage of Contractubex is that it has virtually no contraindications or side effects.

Postpartum stretch marks are a common phenomenon, and almost every second young mother, soon after giving birth, notices peculiar scars on her body, which sooner or later she will want to get rid of forever. The creators and manufacturers of various cosmetics are well aware of this desire of women, and recently more and more various ointments, creams and oils have appeared on the market with tempting promises of getting rid of even the deepest and most outdated scars. Such products are most often classified as medications, although it is not always the doctor who prescribes this or that cream for stretch marks.

Among “affected” parents, the stretch mark gel Contractubex is very popular. You can hear a lot of good things about him, but are these reviews always true? Trust, but verify, as they say, so in this article we will reveal all the “secrets” of this tool.

A few words about postpartum stretch marks

To begin with, it is still important to understand what you have to “fight” with. Stretch marks in medicine have a very sweet name - stretch marks. This term denotes a kind of skin atrophy, manifested by narrow wavy stripes of different widths and colors (from white to purple). In simple words, stretch marks are the result of excessive and sudden stretching of the skin.

During pregnancy, as you know, the skin undergoes this stretching, especially in the abdomen and chest. And if the expectant mother’s weight gain increases rapidly, then the skin on other parts of the body stretches. Due to hormonal changes during this “interesting” period, many processes in the epidermis slow down, including the production of elastin and collagen, so the skin becomes less elastic and elastic, and therefore more vulnerable (elastin and collagen fibers are torn, and on their “protective” scars are formed from rough connective tissue).

Stretch marks are very difficult to treat, and as practice shows, no one can get rid of them completely, even using the most modern and expensive procedures. The only reliable treatment is prevention. Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, special attention should be paid to “problem areas”. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers a lot of natural remedies to prevent stretch marks, which are absolutely safe for the health of both the expectant mother and her baby. They most often contain vegetable and essential oils (rosemary and tea tree, for example), vitamins A, E, C, as well as collagen and elastin.

But what if sufficient attention was not paid to prevention, and stretch marks did appear after childbirth? Contractubex gel will come to the rescue. Its uniqueness is that it is able to cope even with scars of any “negligence” - at least that’s what the manufacturers assure and the instructions say.

Contractubex for stretch marks: instructions

Contractubex gel is a medicinal product for external use that has anti-inflammatory, antithrombic and keratolytic effects. It contains: