Pimples on the back of the hand

There can be various reasons for the appearance of acne on the hands. Pimples can be a main or secondary symptom, single or one of several, they can be located in one place or throughout the hand. Some even spread across the arm, shoulders and chest. The most common causes of inflammation are the following:


It is characterized by redness of the skin, peeling and itching; with strong exposure to the allergen, swelling, fever and sneezing may occur, and the eyes begin to water. An allergic reaction may occur to:

  1. Certain foods and drinks (citrus fruits, fish, milk, nuts, some grains and vegetables). Allergies can also occur when consuming large quantities of certain foods, such as chocolate or tangerines. In this case, the rash on the hands is often combined with other symptoms;
  2. Dust, animal hair, plant pollen: such allergens penetrate through the respiratory tract. Often, like food allergies, they have several symptoms, the most obvious of which are sneezing and watery eyes;
  3. Certain medications, cosmetics or household chemicals, fabrics or metals: Acne appears from direct contact with the skin, such as wearing jewelry or using cleaning products without gloves. Appears only at the point of contact;
  4. Sun rays or cold: occurs when there are sudden changes in temperature due to skin burns.

If acne on the hands appears due to an allergy, it is often enough to get rid of the allergen and wait a little. If this is not possible, for example, the allergy is caused by pollen, you will need to regularly take anti-allergy medications prescribed by your doctor.

Digestive disorders and vitamin deficiency

In case of any disturbances in metabolic processes, accumulation of toxins and lack of vitamins, the body strives with all its might to get rid of toxins. This is what causes small red pimples with pus inside to appear on the hands. Most often they spread throughout the body and are accompanied by itching and pain.

To determine the exact cause, you need to consult a dermatologist and take a course of vitamins, as well as normalize your diet. In some cases, a strict diet may be required, excluding dyes, food additives, fried foods and fatty foods.

Hormonal changes

Due to hormonal imbalances, pimples may appear on the fingers. This can happen during adolescence, during pregnancy or menopause, or while taking hormonal medications. With increased production of hormones, the sebaceous glands begin to more actively produce sebum. Once on the surface of the skin, it mixes with dirt, sweat and dead skin cells, causing sebaceous plugs to form. They clog pores in which germs and viruses begin to develop. This ultimately leads to acne.

You can get rid of them by thoroughly cleansing the skin and normalizing your diet. In some cases, time can help: the body itself rebuilds itself and normalizes the production of sebum. In addition, you can use hormonal ointments for acne.

Infections and fungi

The first include measles, chickenpox, rubella and some others. With these diseases, small watery pimples appear on the hands and all over the body. They are accompanied by fever, chills, weakness and other signs of the disease. Such inflammations go away along with the disease itself.

With fungal diseases, fungal spores enter the wound and begin to actively develop inside. Pimples appear on the hands, feet, skin folds and groin area. Their distinctive feature is the local formation of rashes around the affected area.

Heredity and related diseases

Hereditary pathology (excess sebum production, Darier's disease, psoriasis and other diseases) often leads to the appearance of subcutaneous acne on the hands, which regularly appears on the skin and does not disappear for a long time, despite all efforts. They can affect the entire body, with the arms, chest, back and shoulders most commonly affected. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of them; you can only alleviate the condition.

Other reasons

Pimples on a child's hands are usually associated with dirt and insufficient cleansing of the skin. If infection or dust gets into the wound, it can cause inflammation and rashes. You will need to thoroughly cleanse the skin and be sure to teach your baby to wash his hands regularly.

In teenagers, the appearance of acne is usually associated with adolescence, hormonal imbalance and excess sebum. They disappear after long-term and thorough preventive care, as well as after normalization of hormones.

In adults, inflammation can be associated with stress. A nervous disorder can lead to redness and pimples similar to allergic ones. In this case, complex treatment is required.

Another reason may be demodicosis.

Important to remember

It is worth separately noting two dangerous viral diseases that cause acne on the hands:

  1. Streptoderma: occurs when the streptococcus microorganism enters the body through scratches. It is characterized by the appearance of small transparent pimples filled with cloudy liquid inside, itching and general weakness. The disease itself is extremely contagious and easily transmitted to healthy people, and if the immune system is weakened, it can lead to damage to the joints and cardiovascular system;
  2. Neurodermatitis: this is a chronic disease that is neuro-allergic in nature. There are several types of neurodermatitis, which differ in the types of acne and where they spread. The main feature of the disease is its chronic nature: the disease cannot be cured completely; there is always the possibility of remission.

What to do if pimples appear on your hands

When small pimples appear on your hands, the first thing you need to remember is that a dermatologist must make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Since most rashes are similar to each other, although they have a different nature, only a professional can make an accurate diagnosis. It is especially important to visit a doctor as soon as possible if we are talking about a child: it is likely that the baby has measles or chickenpox, and he needs competent treatment .

Before visiting a doctor, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Do not touch pimples or scratch them;
  2. You can gently cleanse the skin with mild cosmetics, such as exfoliation - this will help remove dirt and cleanse pores;
  3. Check for other signs of illness: fever, weakness, chills.

It is also worth trying to determine for what reasons acne on your hands could appear:

  1. First, it is necessary to exclude nervous disorders and hormonal problems: for example, during stress, this is the most likely cause of rashes. However, during pregnancy, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible: if acne does not appear due to hormonal imbalances, the doctor will be able to choose the most gentle and optimal treatment.
  2. Then you need to check for the possibility of an allergic reaction. One of the signs of contact allergies caused by the use of cosmetics or household chemicals is the concentration of inflammation in one place. If in the coming days you have used any new products, worn jewelry or synthetic clothing, you need to remove them for a while and wait a few days.

It is also necessary to exclude harmful foods with dyes and preservatives from the diet, and remove the most likely allergens.

  1. If pimples between the fingers and on the palms are accompanied by fever or weakness, most likely the cause is a viral disease. The likelihood increases if you have had contact with sick people in the near future.
  2. It is necessary to adjust your diet by adding vitamins to it.
  3. You should not use cosmetics with aggressive ingredients (alcohol or acid): this can cause acne to grow.

First aid

If you can’t see a doctor, you can use some folk recipes. They will help reduce inflammation and itching, but they will not be able to get rid of the cause.

Subcutaneous acne

Most often they occur with hereditary Darier disease. If this is not the problem, you can use the following remedies:

  1. Wipe acne with a solution of the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water;
  2. Make hand baths with sea salt;
  3. Target the affected areas with iodine or ichthyol ointment: they have an antimicrobial effect and relieve inflammation.

Dry acne

Such rashes may appear immediately or form in the final stages, when the pus has dried. Usually, to remove them, it is enough to carry out a course of gentle cleansing of the skin from dead cells and moisturizing it.

Red pimples

They are often accompanied by painful itching and inflammation. These symptoms can be reduced with calendula tincture, salicylic acid solution or aloe juice. Ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment will also help relieve inflammation. They must be applied pointwise, strictly on pimples.

Purulent and watery pimples

White pimples on the hands filled with pus should never be treated independently. Before visiting a dermatologist, you can lubricate them with aloe or celandine juice, as well as chamomile infusion - this will help remove irritation and reduce the activity of bacteria. You can read more about watery acne here.

Any appearance of acne on the hands indicates a disturbance in the body's functioning: this may be a reaction to a virus or fungus, a consequence of hormonal disorders or a lack of vitamins. Treatment of inflammation should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. A specialist can draw up a complete treatment program only after conducting all the necessary tests and long-term observation.

Если на руках внезапно появились прыщики и воспаления, первым делом стоит определить причину из возникновения.

Author: Alexey Shevchenko July 23, 2017 23:55 Category: Survival problems


Good day, dear readers of Alexey Shevchenko’s blog “Healthy Lifestyle”. Surely each of us from time to time encounters such a phenomenon as a rash on the hands in the form of pimples. This is very unpleasant, and I would like to know what causes it. As is often the case, there are many reasons for a rash in the form of small pimples, and in this article I want to list some of the most common ones.

Hands are constantly at risk

The hand is one of the most important parts of the human body. One of its main functions is to grasp and manipulate objects. This means that hands come into contact with aggressive substances much more often than other parts of the body, and this contact is very close. Therefore, minor injuries, abrasions, cuts and the penetration of all kinds of infections into the thickness of the skin of the hands are a daily reality.


Small pimples on the hand like a rash can appear on any part of the surface of the hand. Even if they don’t itch, they still spoil the appearance of your skin and your mood. In the vast majority of cases, these small rashes, even when they appear in a child, are completely harmless, but in some cases they can be a sign of serious skin diseases.

Allergies are a frequent visitor

Despite all the wonders of modern household appliances, your hands still have to constantly deal with very aggressive chemicals. These include washing powders, dishwashing and plumbing detergents, all kinds of fertilizers, paints and hundreds of other strong poisons. In addition, allergies in the form of small pimples can be caused by plant pollen, fur, dander and animal waste.

Moreover, allergies can be either constant or episodic. (For example, my hands sometimes get a small rash when I clean up a cage with rabbits. To prevent this from happening, I have to use gloves, but they are uncomfortable to work with).

Cosmetics can also cause persistent allergic reactions. They are especially susceptible to people who have to have constant and massive contact with these substances. The risk group includes hairdressers, makeup artists, and actors.


If the manifestations of allergies are too unpleasant, they can be neutralized by taking some kind of antihistamine (it must be prescribed by a doctor). Today, the entire television and radio airwaves are filled with annoying advertisements for drugs promising “life without allergies.” But we must not forget that this is nothing more than an advertising exaggeration, with the help of which marketers try to lure more gullible buyers.

Antihistamines are far from harmless drugs; they themselves can cause allergies, and also have a number of severe side effects, such as vomiting, diarrhea, sensory disturbances, drowsiness, depression, headache, and so on. Therefore, if a person has an intolerance to cat hair, then he should not have a kitten and suppress the allergy by constantly taking antihistamines, as some commercials advise.

Miliaria – a hot summer companion

The hotter the weather, the more active the sweat glands are. But if for some reason the evaporation of sweat from the skin slows down, then characteristic irritation in the form of red pimples (or water pimples) may occur. This disease is called miliaria, and almost 100% of young children experience it.

But adults are not immune from it either. If the weather is very hot and humid, and at the same time a person is forced to actively move, then the hands and other parts of the body may become covered with this unpleasant rash. In addition, prickly heat “loves” to bloom if a sweaty person in the heat suddenly falls under a stream of cold air coming from an air conditioner or from a powerful fan.


Miliaria rashes are usually accompanied by severe itching, which sometimes becomes unbearable. But under no circumstances should you scratch, pick or squeeze out pimples, as this can lead to an associated infection.

If the pimples have not become infected, then prickly heat does not require any medical treatment. But in order to prevent it from developing further and from capturing fresh areas of the skin, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that cause it - namely, overheating and high humidity. To do this, you need to cool and cleanse the skin.

The human body always tries to warn about the development of serious disorders in it by the appearance of visible signs indicating pathological changes in health. One of these first signs of illness is acne that covers the fingers of the upper extremities, palms and backs of the hands. Such pathological changes on the wrist should not be ignored, especially if the rash on the hands itches, crusts, bleeds or becomes infected with the appearance of purulent blisters.

Very often, a rash on the arm in the form of small pimples that itches is a signal of the development of a dermatological illness or disease of internal organs, which should not be ignored under any circumstances. Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner or a complete lack of medical care can lead to complex variants of the course of the underlying disease, complications of the pathological condition, and its transition to a chronic form.

The rash on the hands in the form of pimples itches: causes of appearance

Red pimples and itchy blisters on the hands can occur for a variety of reasons. In most clinical cases, they are a dermatological problem, less often - a manifestation of diseases of the internal organs. So, why do your hands itch and pimples appear on the skin of your hands? Today doctors identify the following reasons for this pathological condition:

  1. allergy;
  2. infectious and parasitic diseases;
  3. dermatological ailments;
  4. diseases of visceral organs and endocrine secretion glands;
  5. violation of hygiene;
  6. hypovitaminosis;
  7. psychogenic problems.

Pimples on the hands with redness and itching in adults and children are a common occurrence in medical practice. Often such pathological manifestations are accompanied by similar itchy rashes on the surface of the skin of the legs. In young patients, the most common factors of the disease include childhood infections, in particular measles, rubella, and chickenpox. And in people with a low level of socialization - scabies, when tiny blisters and blisters affect the interdigital areas of the skin and then spread throughout the body.

Improper hygiene measures

Lack of hygiene, as the cause of the development of ulcers on the skin of the hands, is a problem mainly in childhood. After all, it is young patients who avoid periodically washing their hands with soap, which provokes the development of infection with its penetration into the deep layers of the skin and the formation of purulent inflammatory pimples.

Lack of vitamins

It is extremely rare that if a person has small bumps on his hands and itches, he thinks that the cause of the rash is a vitamin deficiency. Despite this, a similar problem occurs in medical practice, since vitamins take an active part in most metabolic processes, and therefore control the condition of epidermal cells. Such small pimples on the hands are very itchy, thickly cover the surface of the hands, and can also appear on the forearm.

Psychological problems

As you know, the condition and functionality of internal organs, as well as the skin, largely depends on the nervous system. Therefore, stress and nervous overexcitation negatively affect the entire body, in particular, they can cause the development of pimples on the fingers.

Allergic reactions

Among the most common factors that provoke allergies are: household chemicals, food, cosmetics and medications. If the disease is of an allergic nature, an adult or child develops an itchy rash on the fingers, as well as the back of the hands, which goes away almost immediately after the main culprit of the pathological reaction is eliminated.


Among the most common skin diseases with the appearance of pimples on the palms that itch, special attention should be paid to eczema - a chronic disease of the epidermal tissues with a recurrent course. At first, itching on the hands and small pimples are rare and may go away on their own. Over time, this phenomenon becomes more serious, the rash on the palms and back of the hands begins to get wet, and crusts appear on the rashes, which often bleed. This disease is predominantly hereditary and difficult to treat.

Infectious diseases

Do small pimples on your arms itch from your shoulder to your hands? This may be the result of infection of the skin of the hands. In particular, pimples on the palms and dorsum of the distal parts of the upper extremities occur when infected with fungus, staphylococcus bacteria, and the like. In such cases, the rash on the hands consists of red pimples with purulent or serous exudate, which can increase in size and spread to surrounding tissues.

A rash on the hands that itches is part of the symptom of childhood infectious diseases, namely measles, rubella, and chickenpox. Such pimples on a child’s hands are accompanied by itching, an increase in general body temperature and catarrhal manifestations (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract). It is important to note that the rash also spreads to other parts of the body (legs, stomach, back, face).

Parasitic lesions

Small pimples on the hands can be manifestations of scabies. This disease is caused by scabies mites that gnaw tunnels under the skin between the fingers, leaving paired, red and white pimples that can bleed or become infected. In this case, on the finger of the hand, under the skin, passages of the parasite are visible in the form of thread-like stripes. The only way to get rid of a rash on your fingers is with special anti-itch products.

Diseases of internal organs

If pimples on your hands itch, this may be a manifestation of pathology of the internal organs. For example, such rashes occur with hormonal disorders, more often in pregnant women and adolescents. In this case, hormones in excess or deficiency provoke blockage of the sebaceous glands of the skin, which contributes to the appearance of bubbles on its surface.

Preventive measures

The formation of small pimples on the hands can be prevented if you adhere to basic hygiene standards and do not expose your body to constant exposure to various types of allergens. Doctors note that this problem will almost never affect a person who follows the following recommendations:

  1. control over the cleanliness of hands, periodically washing them with soap, treating minor injuries with antiseptic solutions;
  2. maintaining a normal daily routine, providing the body with adequate sleep and daytime rest;
  3. eating foods enriched with vitamins and minerals, and in the winter season - taking additional vitamin complexes to prevent the development of hypovitaminosis;
  4. strengthening the immune system;
  5. high-quality hand skin care using moisturizing creams, nourishing masks, etc.;
  6. giving up bad habits, which always complicate the course of the underlying disease and increase its relapse;
  7. avoiding stressful situations and nervous tension;
  8. timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases of internal organs.

It is important to remember that only by taking good care of your health can you prevent the development of an itchy rash on your hands. You should be attentive to your health and when the first signs of deterioration appear (in this case, acne on the hands), immediately contact a specialist to find out the true causes of pathological changes and determine the only correct methods for their correction.

Treatment with medications for minor rashes on the hands

What to do if a rash appears on your hands? How to treat such pathological manifestations? When acne on your hands itches, you can’t put off treating it. If a problem arises, you must immediately contact specialists who will help determine the true causes of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment regimen. It is important to understand that self-medication can lead to complications of the condition, chronicity of the disease and infection of the emerging tubercles with the development of a purulent process.

How to treat acne and blisters on hands? Only a doctor can answer this question after conducting a detailed clinical examination of the lesions and conducting the necessary studies to clarify the diagnosis.

  1. Infectious skin diseases are treated by prescribing medications to the patient that act on the causative agents of the disease. For mycoses, local application of antifungal ointments is indicated, for example, Clotrimazole 2-3 times a day for a week. You can also use Exoderil, Terbinafine according to the instructions and recommendations of your doctor.
  2. Bacterial dermatoses are an indication for taking antibiotics. For streptococcal pyoderma, it is advisable to take macrolides or broad-spectrum ceftriaxone. Azithromycin can be prescribed at a dose of 0.5 g daily for 3 days, as well as Erythromycin tablets, 1 tablet. 2 times for 7-10 days.
  3. For scabies, topical application of sodium benzyl benzoate or anti-scabies sprays to the affected areas of the skin before bed after taking a shower is recommended. Frequent changes of bed linen, clothing and boiling are also necessary, which will completely destroy all ticks.
  4. Allergic diseases require the use of antihistamines. Patients are prescribed drugs such as: Claritin, Diazolin, Suprastin, 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, depending on the complexity of the pathological process. Eczema must be treated with hormonal drugs, among which the most commonly used are: Hydrocortisone and Prednisolone ointments, 2 times a day for a week.
  5. For hypovitaminosis, patients need to take multivitamin complexes, and for nervous exhaustion or stress - sedatives, antipsychotics, and tranquilizers.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine recipes are recommended to be used only in relation to dry pimples and small purulent rashes. In order to eliminate the manifestations of an allergic reaction, you can use a proven remedy - chamomile infusion or calendula decoction.

Video on the topic

Practicing doctor
Specialization: Infectious diseases