Causes of blackheads on the face


When pores become clogged with sebum and dust particles, they become dark and inflamed. Mostly, blockages occur on the nose and in the T-zone of the face, since the glands that secrete fat are most active in these areas. The reasons why blackheads appear may be different; it is more important to find out what means exist to remove them, preferably once and for all.

What are blackheads

Scientifically, they are called open comedones. In fact, these are clogged pores with sebum, dirt and dust, etc. Comedones can be of different sizes (and small ones, which are difficult to squeeze out, are no better than large ones that spoil the appearance), can become inflamed, then turning into pimples. The problem of blackheads is medical, therefore, to solve it, it is recommended to seek help from a cosmetologist. However, there are home methods for getting rid of it.

What they look like

Comedones look as they are described - they are dark spots that appear primarily on the nose and T-zone (forehead/bridge of the nose), but can be located on other parts of the face, such as the cheeks and chin, or on the body. The problem is especially pronounced in those with oily or combination skin types and enlarged pores. The visual effect of black pores results from the accumulation of dirt in them. The more clogged debris, the larger and darker the dot.


Why do blackheads appear?

Unlike teenage acne, clogged pores also occur in adulthood. The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Hormonal imbalances in the body. At the age of 27-30, there is a sharp decline in estrogen in the blood, which is why sebum begins to be released in greater quantities than before. Some medications can also lead to hormonal imbalances.
  2. Incorrect care. Scented makeup products and incorrectly selected cosmetics have a negative impact. Oily creams can clog pores. Drying medications can dry out the skin, causing it to produce more oil in response. In addition, if you neglect to regularly cleanse your face every evening and every morning (not necessarily with expensive toners, but minimal care, washing and complete removal of makeup before bed should take place), the skin will begin to become dirty.
  3. Poor nutrition. Abuse of spicy, salty and fatty foods (especially fast food), coffee, energy drinks, and alcoholic drinks leads to active work of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Smoking. Tobacco is bad for your skin. It is recommended to limit it or eliminate it altogether.
  5. Sweating. This function can be adjusted: do not wear makeup on hot days, use thermal water, do not wear clothes made of synthetic fabrics.
  6. Ecology. The air in megacities is more polluted than in villages. The solution is simple: cleanse your face as often as possible.

How to get rid of black dots

To choose an effective way to get rid of it, you need to find out the cause of its appearance. Only by solving the original problem will it be possible to clear your face of blackheads once and for all. The methods of struggle are:

  1. Homemade cleansing face masks. They are made on the basis of drying and antibacterial components - lemon juice, kefir, chamomile decoction. The effect is noticeable after several repetitions.
  2. Extrusion. This is a simple, but painstaking, painful work that is recommended to be done once every two weeks. You can sign up for this procedure with a cosmetologist or squeeze out blackheads at home yourself.
  3. Peeling and scrubs. They can be homemade (contain sugar, soda or fine salt) or purchased cosmetics. Removal of blackheads using this method is carried out both independently and in salons. It is recommended to do it once or twice a week (for light peeling), less often for aggressive scrubbing.
  4. Strips for removing blockages. They are sold in markets or made according to folk recipes based on gelatin.
  5. Combined drugs. Medicinal gels containing anti-inflammatory components and antibiotics. They cleanse from the inside, penetrating deeply into the layers of the epidermis, thereby destroying harmful microorganisms.

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The two most popular masks are black and white (there are different manufacturers). The first is made on the basis of activated carbon, the second contains soda. The effectiveness of the products is the same, but both have the main drawback - they dry out the skin very much, so after using them you need to actively moisturize it, and you need to wash off the mask after 10 minutes of exposure. It is also useful to use cosmetic clay - blue or white. Its main function is to dry the skin, so you need to combine other cleansing methods with this mask.


One of the most effective products on the market is Differin cream. The active substance in the composition, the retinoid adapalene, can remove comedones. The cream cleanses the sebaceous glands well. The cost of the product is 600 rubles. The manufacturer already mentioned above has a cheaper option. For 100 rub. You can buy Propeller cream in the form of foam. Its main advantage is hypoallergenicity.


“Clean Line” with apricot kernels is a popular and effective budget product. Designed for normal skin. For those with dry and sensitive skin, we recommend its softer version “Clean Line” with cranberry seeds and raspberry juice. “Apricot kernels” have been on sale for more than 15 years, and their effectiveness has been confirmed by hundreds of reviews. Judging by them, the “raspberry” scrub is also not lagging behind in effectiveness.

Pharmacy products

An effective way to remove impurities from pores is to use a patch. This is a special fabric-based patch that is sold in pharmacies. The patch pulls blockages to the surface, so after use you can only wipe them off with a cotton swab. Before applying the patch, your face needs to be steamed. Another pharmaceutical remedy is calendula tincture. Diluted with water 1:1, used as a lotion.


Salon treatments

Using home remedies is a matter of trial and error. Without special education, it is difficult to choose the ideal care for yourself. That's why many girls turn to salons. In order to clean pores, specialists carry out the following procedures:

  1. Mechanical cleaning. The same extrusion, only professional.
  2. Ultrasonic. A painless procedure that stimulates regeneration processes.
  3. Vacuum. Cleans the deepest dirt using a tube that creates pressure. A life hack with an ampoule is a home analogue of this manipulation.
  4. Chemical peeling. Removing comedones with fruit acids that dissolve blockages.
  5. Vaporizer. Hardware steaming of facial skin.

Vacuum cleaning

It is carried out with a special tool that creates pressure. So, the sebaceous plugs are literally pulled out.

  1. Benefit: Effectively clears even the most serious blockages.
  2. Contraindications: dry, sensitive skin, inflammation, dermatological lesions.
  3. Process: before manipulation, the pores are opened with a vaporizer or the face is prepared with warming creams, then a vacuum tube is taken and passed over the entire surface. The procedure takes up to an hour, the cleaning itself takes 15-20 minutes. After the manipulation, a soothing mask is applied.

Mechanical cleaning

Although this type of cleansing can be done at home yourself, the effect of a professional procedure cannot be compared with it. Firstly, the masters use high-quality preparations to treat the skin, and secondly, they remove comedones carefully, using their fingers and special tools.

  1. Benefit: painstaking manual work guarantees the removal of all contaminants.
  2. Contraindications: dermatitis, menstruation (inflammation will appear), sensitive skin, vessels close to the upper layer of the dermis.
  3. Process: first, wash the face with an antibacterial solution, then apply soothing and steaming ointments or gels, or expand the pores with a bath, and then begin squeezing. The cleaning itself takes up to half an hour, the entire session – about 1.5-2. After squeezing, a mask is applied to tighten the pores and the Darsonval device is used to speed up skin healing.


Folk remedies

Folk recipes are based on the use of herbs and products for cosmetic purposes. They are used to make homemade masks and lotions against sebaceous plugs. Their main advantage: naturalness.

  1. Protein mask. One protein is mixed with one tablespoon of sugar. Apply to face and leave until dry. Then apply a second layer using patting movements, creating a stretching adhesive mask. Continue manipulation until the substance stops sticking to your fingers. Wash off the mask and then moisturize the skin with cream. Repeat 3-4 times a week.
  2. A product based on salt and soda. The substances are mixed 1:1. Moisten a cotton swab and dip into the mixture. Treat comedones with it, lightly wiping the skin. Repeat once a week.
  3. Kefir mask (for those with oily and combination skin). Apply kefir to your face and leave for up to 20 minutes. Then wash it off.
  4. A gentle product for sensitive skin. Add a few drops of lemon juice to honey, apply to areas of the face where there are blockages, leave for 10 minutes, and wash off.

Prevention of occurrence

Firstly, you need to carefully study the reasons for the appearance of comedones on the face and reduce their impact as much as possible. Normalize your diet, eliminate caffeine and alcohol. Secondly, you need to remember the main rule: touch your face with your hands as little as possible. If inflammation appears on the skin, do not touch it, squeeze it out only with disinfection. In addition, use properly selected cosmetics, provide regular care, wash your face morning and evening (only with a mild lotion, not soap, it dries).


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It is very easy to develop skin problems. It is enough to systematically ignore basic facial skin care: do not take off your make-up at night, use low-quality cosmetics (or inappropriate for your age), etc., as well as have a bunch of bad habits (this is not only about alcohol and smoking, but also about your eating style ). But fixing the problem is more difficult, to the point where regular facial cleansing is required. A cosmetologist will help you get rid of blackheads, but there are also home options for eliminating them.

Causes of blackheads

In order for the fight against unwanted points to be truly effective, it is worth looking at the “root” of the problem and acting in appropriate ways to solve it. Pores are clogged by various pollutants: sebum + dust + cosmetic residues = blackhead. Dirt sits deep in the pore and does not allow it to narrow, thereby provoking its constant expanded state. Because of this, the problem of blackheads can last forever: you just got rid of it, but the enlarged pores accept new impurities and the comedones appear again.


Example of blackheads on the nose

Some of the main causes of blackheads may be:

  1. work of the sebaceous glands in “extreme” mode. This often occurs in adolescence during the hormonal formation of the body, as well as when this feature is inherited. Don’t forget about hormonal surges in women “once a month” during pregnancy;
  2. “harmful” nutrition regarding the skin. Such delicacies include all types of sweets, smoked meats, preserves, buns and fried edibles;
  3. constant stressful situations;
  4. inappropriate facial care (improper washing, after which impurities remain on the skin, ignoring makeup removal before a night's rest, etc. also has a negative impact)
  5. preference for cosmetics with dense textures, as well as its excessive use.

The presence of at least one of the presented factors in a woman’s life can appear on the skin of the face as small black dots, which definitely need to be gotten rid of.

Treatment methods for blackheads

Going to a cosmetologist or dealing with clogged enlarged pores on your own is every woman’s business. Fortunately, there are now enough methods for getting rid of blocked sebaceous glands, so you can use any suitable one.

In parallel to changing the style of caring for your skin, it is worth changing your diet, eliminating unhealthy foods (excessively sweet, fatty, smoked, etc.) from the foods you consume.

Steaming and mechanical cleaning

Simple tools for squeezing out comedones can be purchased at any cosmetics store; in extreme cases, they can be squeezed out manually. But before you do this, you need to prepare the skin:

  1. remove makeup with your usual product;
  2. wipe your face with a decoction of chamomile to cleanse the skin of remaining traces of cosmetics and disinfect the surface (or use a decoction of calendula or sage);
  3. let the broth dry on its own on the skin;
  4. carry out the procedure of squeezing out comedones with a tool or manually.

You can complete this cosmetic procedure for mechanical removal of sebaceous plugs with a soothing mask based on aloe or cucumber. But it is worth remembering that frequent mechanical procedures cause injury to the pores and stretch them, aggravating the situation.


Mechanical removal of comedones

You can steam the skin over steam (a decoction of chamomile, mint, sage, etc.), warm compresses, or simply in a bathhouse (sauna). But the steaming procedure is essentially useless without subsequent cleaning, because simply opening the pore with steam is not enough, the comedone will not go away on its own. Therefore, it is further better to use special adhesive patches for blackheads, which, after removal, will simply linger on them and leave the pores clean.

Adhesive plasters, patches and film masks

A prepared, steamed face is an excellent base for using any adhesive device, be it a small patch or a mask. But if it is not possible to steam your face, then feel free to choose a product with a warming effect (traditionally camphor is included in the adhesive side of a special patch).

Film masks for problem skin fit perfectly, filling all the dimples of the skin surface, so they are great for “pulling out” unfortunate comedones from the pores. Before using the mask, your face should be cleaned of excess dirt, and you should keep it on for as long as the manufacturer indicated in the instructions.


Blackhead patch

Recipes for masks against blackheads

If you don’t want to buy special masks, then there are home alternative ways to get rid of blackheads. Here are some effective recipes:

  1. The easiest way to make a film mask is to mix 5 crushed charcoal tablets (pharmaceutical activated) with PVA office glue (1 tablespoon). Before the mask, it is better to cleanse the skin of dead cells using scrubbing. Next, you should apply the mixture to the “T” zone - forehead, nose and wings, chin. After complete drying, you can remove the resulting film, and along with it the comedones will be removed;
  2. Another interesting mask is made from a chicken egg and essential oils of tea tree and ylang-ylang (3 drops each). You can do it every day, especially since it doesn’t last long – only 15 minutes;
  3. if there is no inflammation on the face, then you can use this mask: mix a spoonful of baking soda with a spoonful of lemon juice and a pinch of cosmetic clay. Apply the mask to the nose and other problem areas, and after 20 minutes cleanse the skin with a sponge soaked in chamomile infusion. You can also simply wash off the mask.

Half an hour after using the mask, you can wipe problem areas of the skin with hydrosol of rose, chamomile, calendula, aloe, etc.

Scrubs and peelings for comedones

Scrubs and peelings can help in the complex of measures to treat acne. You can make the product yourself or purchase it at a cosmetic store.

Among the effective recipes for scrubs, we can highlight the following: for abrasives, you can take ground coffee or “Extra” salt, ground apricot kernels, chopped nuts, etc. Take a spoonful of the selected abrasive (take a tablespoon or a teaspoon, depending on the required amount of scrub), add this a spoonful of honey and a few drops of lavender ether.

You can combine the following components to make your own homemade scrub:

  1. cinnamon powder + honey + tea tree ether;
  2. white clay + cucumber juice;
  3. sea ​​salt + avocado juice;
  4. baking soda + liquid baby soap.

For peeling, it is effective to use honey, namely the patting method (pour a little honey onto your palms, rub them and use patting movements to work on the face, namely problem areas with pores). Such actions “pull out” comedones from the pores using the natural stickiness of honey. It is also effective to use strawberry pulp, which will serve as a scrub, and its acids as an “acid” peeling. To enhance the effect, you can use a special cosmetic glove.

Salon beauty treatments

If you can go to a salon, you can use various cosmetic procedures to get rid of sebum accumulations and blackheads that have appeared. A specialist, after examining the skin, can suggest the following methods for removing comedones:

  1. mechanical cleaning (although not a particularly useful procedure for the skin, it is effective. It takes place in several stages. After the session, a recovery period is required);
  2. phototherapy (a safe procedure without pain, which is carried out with a special device and requires a course of 8-10 sessions. Reduces the appearance of new blackheads and acne, blackheads disappear for a while, and the skin looks much healthier);
  3. chemical peeling (non-intense peeling brings the skin “to life”, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and thereby eliminates blackheads);
  4. mesotherapy (“the right” medications will not only improve the skin’s overall health, but also relieve it of many problems, including blackheads. A course of such therapy is required to see the effect);
  5. biodermabrasion (one of the peeling options, which is carried out using a complex of mechanical and chemical effects, with the help of the procedure you can significantly reduce the number and appearance of blackheads);
  6. fractional laser (an expensive procedure with a long recovery period, but it completely gets rid of blackheads. At the same time, you can reduce wrinkles and skin irregularities);
  7. ultrasonic cleaning (a gentle procedure that requires a course. But it significantly reduces pores and normalizes sebum production).


Ultrasound facial cleansing

In order for the salon procedure to give the expected effect, you should follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations for skin care after the session.

Cosmetic creams, masks and lotions

On the Internet you can find a lot of reviews about the use of this or that cosmetics for blackheads. Some express their “wow” from the effect, but there are also those who were completely dissatisfied with the result. In any case, there are plenty of such products on the cosmetic market.

Be that as it may, the use of cosmetics has its place. Manufacturers claim that only products from one line can be a salvation from blackheads and other similar skin problems. One line, as a rule, includes all the necessary “jars and bottles” for cleansing and caring for the skin of the face. By the way, it often happens that inexpensive complexes have a much greater effect than their famous expensive analogues.


Line of anti-blackhead products

Pharmacy creams and preparations

There are opinions that experts in the pharmaceutical craft know some unique recipes for drugs that allow them to look young for many years and at the same time quickly eliminate skin problems.

When contacting a dermatologist with the problem of comedones, he can select individual proportions of talkers, creams, and ointments. Among these popular remedies, pharmacists-magicians can make:

  1. zinc-based chatter (+chloramphenicol, aspirin, dimexide, etc.);
  2. ointment based on sulfur (+zinc, streptocide, etc.).

If you look at the pharmacy counter, you can find ready-made creams for blackheads: Differin, Propeller, Baziron. Ointments: Zinc, Ichthyol, Retinoic.

Prevention of acne and blackheads

It is easier to prevent the occurrence of comedones than to try all sorts of ways to get rid of them. Cosmetologists note the following basic preventive measures that prevent blockage of the sebaceous glands:

  1. if inflammation appears on the skin, you should not try to get rid of it using mechanical cleansing or other aggressive procedures (for example, squeezing out the comedone yourself);
  2. It is not recommended to remove oily shine on the skin with alcohol-containing products, or to remove makeup with them;
  3. Do not wash your face frequently with soap or use scrubs every day, as this can cause excessively dry skin;
  4. you need to use cosmetics specifically designed for a specific skin type;
  5. Do not use oily cream for oily (or combination) skin.

Treatment of acne and comedones is quite lengthy and unpleasant, and can also require considerable expenses. Timely cleansing of the skin will prevent the development of infection, and suitable cosmetics will eliminate the problem of intense work of the sebaceous glands.

Every person at least once in his life has encountered acne, blackheads, and various inflammations on the face. Only if someone suffers from skin problems very rarely, others constantly fight tirelessly for a clean epidermis. Blackheads (comedones) are open pores filled with sebaceous fat, dust, and epithelial particles. It’s not easy to deal with blackheads, but with the right approach you can still defeat them. In this article, you will learn what blackheads are, how they form, and how to get rid of them once and for all.


Causes of blackheads

Human skin performs many important functions. Pores are needed to secrete sweat and sebum. Sebum is a very necessary secretion that is secreted to protect the skin from drying out. It has been proven that people with oily skin age much later - constant hydration prevents wrinkles from appearing until the last minute.

But excessive secretion of sebaceous fat leads to unpleasant consequences - the skin becomes shiny, an oily sheen appears, which does not look very neat. In addition, the skin, covered with a thick layer of its own fat, does not receive enough oxygen. But the main thing is clogging the pores. Sebum is produced in such large quantities that it simply does not have time to be distributed over the surface of the skin. If you don't exfoliate, the top layer of the epidermis does not allow sebum to come out, and fat accumulates in the pore, stretching it. If there is a microbe or bacteria inside, this leads to an inflammatory process, a large number of leukocytes and a purulent pimple. If there are no pathogens inside the pore, comedones, or blackheads, appear. They acquire a black color after oxidation with oxygen. We can say that oily skin and increased sebum production are the main cause of blackheads. But why does the skin begin to actively produce fat? Here are several factors that can trigger the active functioning of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of comedones.

  1. Hormonal imbalances in the body. Most often, acne and blackheads are observed in teenagers. This is not surprising; during puberty, the body begins to produce a lot of pheromones and sebum, which in nature is necessary to attract a partner. Even the smell of sweat in adolescents during puberty becomes especially pungent. The skin can become excessively oily during pregnancy, before the menstrual cycle in women, and while taking hormonal medications. Any malfunction of the endocrine system, any hormonal imbalance can lead to similar consequences.
  2. Improper skin care. This can include both illiterate and excessive care. The first mistake is using low-quality cosmetics that clog pores. Those with oily skin types should avoid using foundation, especially during the hot season. The second mistake is the lack of peeling. Oily skin needs scrubbing like no other. If you do not remove the top layer of dead scales, sebum will accumulate inside the pores, which leads to their expansion and comedones. The third mistake is using alcohol-based products for oily skin. Such products dry out the upper layer of the epidermis without affecting the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This leads to the fact that the skin dries out and begins to produce sebum with even greater activity. This is such a vicious circle. Another mistake in caring for oily skin is excessive and constant cleansing. The skin has a protective layer of certain acidity. And with constant water procedures, this layer is removed. The skin begins to actively produce sebum in order to somehow protect itself. This leads to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Now you are convinced that oily skin needs to be taken care of very competently.
  3. Nutrition. The purity of our skin depends on what we eat. If you eat a lot of fatty, sweet and carbohydrate foods, you may not dream of smooth skin without acne and comedones. After all, the face is an indicator of intestinal health. Very often, blackheads are the result of prolonged constipation and food poisoning. The activity of the sebaceous glands may also be associated with a lack of vitamins and microelements. Eat natural foods, eat more raw vegetables and fruits, take multivitamin complexes during the period of vitamin deficiency, get rid of constipation, and then your intestines will thank you.
  4. External factors. Comedones can form due to poor air quality. If you live in a humid climate, this is fraught with activity of the sebaceous glands. Very often, comedones and blackheads appear in dirty environments; this can happen in industrial areas, when various gases and dust particles are released into the air.
  5. Genetics. Skin type, as well as its tendency to develop acne and blackheads, is genetically transmitted. Heredity plays an important role in this matter.

In addition, the activity of the sebaceous glands can increase during stressful situations - adrenaline accelerates many processes in the body. And regular consumption of nicotine and alcohol leads to changes in the chemical composition of sebaceous fat, which leads to clogged pores. It is very important to find out the cause of blackheads, this will help you prevent them from appearing again. If blackheads are already showing off on the skin, you need to get rid of them. Mechanical cleaning performed in accordance with all the rules will help with this.

How to remove blackheads

To rid the skin of blackheads, you need to do mechanical cleaning. To do this, the skin is first steamed, light peeling is done, then cleansing, processing and narrowing the pores. Let us describe the process in more detail.


  1. First, you need to steam the skin so that it becomes soft and pliable. This is a very important stage, because without steaming it will be quite difficult to squeeze out blackheads. Many beauty salons have a special device - a steamer. If you are doing the procedure at home, you can use the “services” of a regular basin. Fill it with hot water, expose your face to the warm steam and cover yourself with a blanket or blanket so that the steam is more concentrated. If you have acne or other inflammations, use calendula decoction instead of plain water - it has bactericidal properties.
  2. After steaming, you need to do a light peeling. To do this, mix lemon juice, almond or peach oil and natural coffee in a small bowl. Apply the mixture to your face, leave for 5 minutes. When lemon juice softens and eats away the upper stratum corneum of the skin, you need to lightly massage the skin. Coffee granules are tiny abrasive particles that perform mechanical cleaning. The oil nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis, reduces friction. This scrubbing allows you to remove the top layer of the epidermis, which prevents the removal of sebaceous plugs.
  3. When the skin is steamed and the top layer is safely removed, you can begin to directly remove the sebaceous plugs. It is best to use a special tool for the procedure that simply squeezes out comedones without injuring the skin. If you don’t have such a tool, squeeze out the blackheads with your fingers, but through a clean cloth so that the nail does not damage the delicate epidermis. After steaming, the skin is very soft and supple - you don’t have to make any special efforts. A slight pressure will be enough for the cork to come out to the surface.
  4. After this, be sure to disinfect the skin with an alcohol-containing lotion. You can wash your face with calendula decoction, which we used for steaming. At this time, the skin is most receptive to various masks - the pores are open and the effect of therapeutic masks will be maximum. You can apply kefir, cucumber pulp, a compress from a decoction of medicinal herbs, honey, eggs to the skin. Steamed pores are fertile soil; you can take advantage of the moment and apply any moisturizing and nourishing mask to your skin.
  5. The final stage is rubbing the skin with ice cubes. This must be done to narrow the cleaned pores. Otherwise, enlarged pores will again accumulate sebum.

This is a detailed algorithm for getting rid of blackheads and deep cleansing the skin. However, there are still many recipes that can help you fight comedones.

Masks against blackheads

To combat blackheads, you can use various ready-made ointments, lotions, creams and masks. However, we know the recipe for an effective cleansing mask made from gelatin and activated carbon. This is the most popular mask against blackheads. It effectively removes sebaceous plugs without mechanical impact.


To prepare it, dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin with a small amount of water and leave in a warm place. When the gelatin swells slightly, add a crushed activated carbon tablet to it and mix thoroughly. Apply the prepared mixture to your face and leave the mask until completely dry. The structure of the mask is such that after it dries, it will be removed in solid layers, and on its inside you can see small columns - these are sebaceous plugs. The fact is that gelatin penetrates deep into the pores, grabs sebum, and activated carbon disinfects the inner surface. When the mask dries, the gelatin is removed along with the sebaceous plugs - we get high-quality and deep cleansing of the skin.

In addition to the gelatin mask, there is also a salt-soda mask, which also effectively fights blackheads. Mix salt and soda, dilute the resulting powder with water to make a paste. Apply it to the affected areas of the skin. Soda delicately softens sebaceous fat in the pores, and salt pushes it out. This is an excellent remedy for blackheads.

Another effective recipe against comedones is cinnamon, honey and aloe juice. Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions and massage the resulting mixture onto the skin area with blackheads. Leave the mixture for half an hour and then rinse with warm water. After just a week of regular application, the skin will become clearer and smoother, and there will be much fewer blackheads.

How to take care of your skin to avoid blackheads

It is very good to use special strips against blackheads, which you can buy in pharmacies. They are applied to clean skin and remove sebaceous plugs, like a gelatin mask. As a rule, such strips have a certain shape - for the nose, forehead, chin. After all, these are the areas that are most susceptible to the formation of blackheads.

If all these methods do not help you get rid of blackheads, and their number is constantly increasing, it is better to see a doctor. Perhaps such a condition is a signal of serious endocrine disorders in the body. Take care of the health of your skin, and it will respond to you with cleanliness and smoothness!

Video: clearing the nose and chin of blackheads
