Masks for dry problem skin

Problematic skin causes a lot of trouble for its owners. It can occur in both women and men in adolescence and adulthood. At the same time, some blemishes on the skin of the face may appear periodically, while others may be chronic. Some women try to hide these imperfections under foundation and powder, but this approach only gives a temporary cosmetic effect. To solve the problem globally, it is important to establish the cause of this skin condition. Its external manifestations can be eliminated with the regular use of natural homemade masks.


  1. Features of problem skin
  2. Recipes for skin care masks for problem skin
  3. Recipes for healing masks
  4. Precautionary measures


Features of problem skin

Skin that does not look healthy and fresh is considered problematic. Its main features are:

  1. the presence of rashes of various types, age spots, spider veins;
  2. unhealthy color, pallor and dullness;
  3. peeling;
  4. increased greasiness, greasy shine;
  5. irritation;
  6. fungal infections;
  7. high sensitivity and tendency to allergic reactions.

In most cases, excessively dry or excessively oily skin becomes problematic, less often combination skin. The most common problems of oily skin are enlarged and contaminated pores, excess sebum, comedones and acne, while dry skin is flaking, redness and premature formation of wrinkles. The reasons for their appearance can be a variety of factors: hormonal imbalances, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine diseases, unhealthy diet, hereditary predisposition, inappropriate cosmetics and others.

Recipes for skin care masks for problem skin

Daily care for problem skin consists of cleansing, toning and nourishing it. The masks used for this purpose are applied up to twice a week after preliminary cleansing of the face. You can eliminate excess sebum by washing with solutions of citric or acetic acid (½ teaspoon table vinegar or a pinch of citric acid per 500 ml of water). To cleanse problem skin, steam baths can be used with the addition of essential oils that have an antibacterial (eucalyptus and lavender oils) and tonic (rosemary and grapefruit oils) effect.

Advice: If you have problem skin, you should avoid washing your face with hot water, as it expands pores, increases the secretion of the sebaceous glands and dries out the skin.

Video: How to properly wash your face if you have problem skin

Toning mask with green tea for oily skin

Green tea leaves – 5 g
Kefir – ¼ cup

Grind the tea leaves to a powder. Add kefir, stir until smooth. Apply the resulting mask to your face and wash off after a quarter of an hour.

Purifying mask for problem skin

Egg white – 1 pc.
Honey – 10 g
Tea tree essential oil – 2-3 drops
Ground oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix these ingredients thoroughly. Distribute the composition evenly over the skin. After 15 minutes, rinse your face first with warm and then cool water.

Yeast cleansing mask

Live yeast – 5 g
Milk – 30 ml
Olive oil – 15 ml

Dissolve yeast in heated milk, add olive oil and stir. Using a cotton pad, apply the mask to your face. Leave for half an hour and then wash off.


Nourishing carrot mask for dry skin

Carrots – 1 pc.
Sour cream – 25 g

Grind the carrots on a fine grater, add sour cream and mix. Apply the resulting mass to your face and leave for 1 hour, then rinse with water.

Nourishing mask with nuts and yolk

Walnuts – 5 pcs.
Yolk – 1 pc.

Peel the nuts, grind the kernels to a pulp, add the beaten yolk and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to your face. After 20 minutes, remove the mask with water.

Moisturizing mask with avocado for dry skin

Avocado – 1 pc.
Flour – 5 g

Cut the avocado, remove the core, grind the pulp into a puree, add flour and evenly distribute the mask over the skin of the face. Leave for 15 minutes and wash.


Recipes for healing masks

For problem skin, therapeutic masks are used to combat acne, inflammation, irritation, to tighten pores and remove blackheads. They can be used for both treatment and prevention. They should have antibacterial, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and drying effects. As in the case of care masks, such masks should be used for problem skin after preliminary cleansing of the face.

Anti-inflammatory acne mask with potatoes

Wash, peel, grate, squeeze out the juice. Then apply the cake to problem areas on the face. After 15 minutes, wash with warm water.

Clay mask for the prevention and treatment of acne

Clay (white, blue or black) – 1 tbsp. l.
Boiled water – 20-30 ml
Lemon juice – 5 ml

Mix the clay thoroughly with water until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. Add lemon juice, mix and apply a thick layer of the mask on your face. After 20 minutes, wash off. If desired, you can also add 1 tsp to the mask. alcohol tincture of calendula or honey.

Mask for problem skin to tighten pores

Camphor alcohol – 10 drops
Protein – 1 pc.

Beat the egg white until a thick foam forms, add camphor alcohol, mix and apply to the skin. After 20 minutes, remove any remaining product with cool water.

Video: Lotion for oily problem skin

Mask for the treatment and prevention of acne

Freshly squeezed aloe leaf juice – 2 tbsp. l.
Honey – 1 tbsp. l.
5% alcohol solution of iodine – 3-4 drops
3% hydrogen peroxide solution – 3-4 drops

Mix these components thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 10-15 minutes, then wash.

Anti-inflammatory mask for acne

Fresh chopped cabbage - 2 tbsp. l.
Laundry soap – 40 g

Crush the soap or grate it on a fine grater. Grind the cabbage in a blender. To 2 tbsp. l. add soap to the cabbage mass. Apply a 2 mm layer of the product only to the inflamed areas. After an hour, rinse your face with warm water. For medicinal purposes, this mask is used for 4-5 days daily, and for preventive purposes - 1-2 times a week.

Preventive mask for problem skin with licorice root

Grind licorice root into powder. Then pour boiling water in a 1:1 ratio and cover with a lid. After 15 minutes, apply the product to your face and leave for 1 hour. Use the mask once every three days.

Anti-inflammatory mask with nut peel

Peel the unripe walnut, then make a paste out of it and apply to problem areas of the face. Leave for 30 minutes and wash. Repeat 2 times a day until inflammation disappears.


Acne prevention mask

Cilantro leaves – 1 tbsp. l.
Mint leaves – 1 tbsp. l.
Zinc oxide (pharmaceutical preparation) – 1 tsp.

Grind the cilantro and mint leaves, add cold water until a thick consistency is obtained and mix. Then add zinc oxide and mix again. Apply the mixture to problem areas of the face for 15 minutes, then wash with cool water.

Anti-inflammatory drying mask

Low-fat cottage cheese – 20 g
Kefir – 50 ml

Grind cottage cheese with kefir. Apply the product to the face, after 15 minutes remove the remaining mask with cool water.

Revitalizing mask for dry skin

Unsweetened yogurt – 20 g
Fresh cucumber – 1 pc.

Grind the cucumber, add yogurt and beat with a blender. Apply the composition to the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, rinse off.

Garlic mask for acne

Peel garlic cloves (3 pcs.), chop into a paste and apply directly to inflamed areas. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse. Apply twice a day. You can also wipe pimples with freshly squeezed garlic juice.

Video: Effective acne treatments for different skin types from a professional cosmetologist

Precautionary measures

When using masks for problem skin, you need to be especially careful, as it often has increased sensitivity. Before the first use of each new composition, you need to conduct an allergy test by applying a small amount of the product to the inner bend of the elbow or wrist and monitoring the reaction of the skin at the site of application.

Important: Before you start using any mask for problem skin, you need to undergo an examination and find out the cause of such skin changes. First of all, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist and dermatologist.

The choice of masks should be made taking into account your skin type and its individual characteristics. In order for masks to bring maximum benefit, they must be used strictly following the rules.

Masks for problematic facial skin help cure acne and tighten pores; they are easy to prepare. And the necessary components are easy to find in any kitchen. Homemade care products will also relieve flaking or hyperpigmentation and improve the condition of sagging skin. They are suitable for teenagers and older women.

Their use in courses gives visible, lasting results. It is important not to overdo it, take breaks every month or two. It is worth changing recipes periodically so as not to become addictive.

Problem skin and the reasons for its appearance

Most often, the epithet “problematic” is used when talking about skin prone to inflammation, oily sheen, and enlarged pores. Peeling, hyperpigmentation, and a tendency to irritation are also characteristic of it. Care for this type of dermis must be carefully selected, taking into account all the needs of the skin, and not just solving a specific problem.

The epidermis, which is prone to increased fat content, should not be overdried. Alcohol-containing cosmetics are used locally during periods of exacerbation of inflammation. Moisturizing and nutrition should be regular, and additional care should include medications. Problem skin will look healthy if you choose wisely face masks that are easy to prepare at home.

Causes of skin problems:

  1. Genetic predisposition. Skin type cannot be changed, so properly selected care is important.
  2. Adolescence. Due to the increased production of sex hormones, sebum secretion often increases, and associated problems arise in the form of acne and blackheads.
  3. Diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, gynecological.
  4. Frequent stress, improper daily routine, smoking.

Abuse of fast food, sweet, spicy, smoked foods, and alcohol negatively affects the condition of the epidermis.

What ingredients will help improve facial skin?

Face masks that improve the condition of oily skin are prepared from various components. The most effective:

  1. Yeast. They reduce sebum production, cleanse pores, dry out inflammation, and remove toxins due to the steaming effect. Improves the condition of mature dermis, restores hydro-lipid balance.
  2. Gelatin. Tightens pores, removes impurities from them, has a lifting effect, treats acne.
  3. Cereals. Moisturize, nourish, have an exfoliating effect, relieve acne and comedones.
  4. Dairy products. Kefir, cottage cheese, yoghurts whiten, moisturize, and reduce the severity of acne marks. Reduces the activity of sebaceous glands and promotes regeneration.
  5. Various vegetables, fruits, herbs. Parsley, sorrel or cilantro will lighten areas with post-acne and nourish the skin with vitamins. Citrus juice will relieve inflammation. Aloe vera dries out acne and moisturizes the skin. Potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, and avocados are also effective.
  6. Tar soap. Quickly gets rid of acne and reduces oiliness.
  7. Cosmetic clay. Deeply cleanses pores, neutralizes inflammation, increases elasticity.
  8. Egg. Moisturizes, nourishes, dries acne.

You can add essential oils to homemade masks - tea tree, pine, eucalyptus, citrus fruits or medications (aspirin).

Coffee grounds, ground almond kernels or oatmeal play the role of nourishing, vitamin-rich scrub-masks.

Contraindications for use

General contraindications are skin injuries, including small wounds after self-opening of acne. For any serious dermatological diseases, masks should be abandoned.

You should stop using home remedies if they do not produce results after 14 days.

Individual intolerance to the components is a contraindication.

For grade III and IV acne, it is prohibited to use homemade masks without consulting a dermatologist.

Tips from cosmetologists

It is important to prepare homemade masks for problem skin from fresh ingredients. It is better to mix the components in a separate glass or ceramic container, in which food will not be stored later.

Experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. Apply the mask for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Thoroughly cleanse your face beforehand, even if you don’t have any decorative cosmetics on it.
  3. Wash your hands before preparing and applying masks.
  4. Rinse off the compositions only with warm, running water.
  5. Finally, treat your face with tonic and apply cream.

Preliminary steaming of the skin allows you to significantly increase the effectiveness of the procedures. Regular use of peelings improves the condition of problematic epidermis. Reviewing your diet and giving up bad habits will also help you quickly restore health and beauty to your skin.

Cosmetologists do not recommend frequently touching your face with particularly dirty hands. Girls and women with problem skin need to change their pillowcases two or three times a week.

The best recipes for therapeutic masks for problematic facial skin

Effective recipes for combination (oily) skin:

  1. The easiest way to prepare masks for problem skin at home is from yeast. Pour two teaspoons of the dry product with boiled, warm water (a tablespoon), leave for 10 minutes in a warm place. To increase effectiveness, you can add the juice of half a lemon or 15 drops of tea tree oil. A tablespoon of white or dove clay will help to cleanse the pores more deeply. The product should not be applied to areas near the mouth or eyes.
  2. The combination of kefir and white clay quickly neutralizes inflammation. Pour a tablespoon of clay with 50 milliliters of kefir. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. A face mask for oily and problem skin that allows you to remove post-acne and reduce sebum production at home is prepared from sorrel and egg white. Chop a small bunch of greens and mix with a beaten egg. If desired, you can add chopped parsley.
  4. A mixture of cottage cheese and the juice of half a lemon will not only whiten the skin, but also relieve inflammation and nourish. Two teaspoons of cottage cheese are combined with 10 milliliters of lemon juice, left on the face for 5 minutes, then a second layer is applied and left for another 5 minutes.
  5. Therapeutic masks for problem skin that significantly improve the condition of the face can be prepared from aloe vera juice, honey, and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Mix 20 milliliters of plant juice with a teaspoon of honey and add 3 drops of peroxide.

For dry skin, it is better to use the following recipes:

  1. Grind the pulp of one persimmon to a puree-like state, add a tablespoon of honey.
  2. Mix the pulp of one avocado with red clay (a tablespoon).
  3. Grind the kernels of 4 walnuts and mix with the beaten yolk of one egg.
  4. Add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil to full-fat kefir (2 tablespoons) and mix.

Suitable for any skin type:

  1. Mixtures with gelatin. It must be diluted (1:5) with heavy cream or milk. If you have rosacea, you should not use this mask.
  2. Steam a tablespoon of rolled oats with warm milk (30 milliliters), add 3 crushed aspirin tablets.
  3. Grind two tablets of streptocide into powder, mix with olive oil, apply only to areas with inflammation.

Kefir restores the natural microflora on the surface of the epidermis.

To learn how to treat problem skin, watch the video:


Homemade masks will help improve the condition of problem skin. The main thing is to select components for individual needs and follow simple recommendations from specialists. If there is severe inflammation on the face (more than 30% is covered with acne, comedones), it is better to consult a dermatologist for treatment.

Skin care is an important part of our beauty. Only the right selection of products can help you achieve the ideal tone. Today we will talk about the simplest, but very effective face masks that you can prepare at home!

Problem skin is one of the most popular problems that can appear at any age. In order to correct the situation, you need to approach it comprehensively. Let's start with face masks. Beauty brands offer us a wide range of products that cope with certain tasks: tighten pores, remove blackheads or dry out inflammation. There are a lot of options!

Before starting SPA treatments or multi-masking, you need to cleanse your face of makeup or dirt. Use a cleanser and then a toner. It activates metabolic processes and accelerates the penetration of all active components.

1. Avocado face mask

Making an avocado mask for problem skin is very simple. The oil of this fruit relieves inflammation, moisturizes and tightens pores. You will need one tablespoon of pulp, egg white and tsp. lemon juice. Leave for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with water at room temperature.

2. Purifying clay mask

A clay mask is suitable for any skin type and will be a godsend for those who do not like to spend a lot of time preparing home remedies. Take one tbsp. spoon of cosmetic clay and dilute with water (preferably mineral). The consistency should resemble sour cream. Apply for 15 minutes and rinse.

3. Brightening face mask

After acne or rashes, small spots or pigmentation often remain on the skin, which can be removed with the help of cosmetic masks. The recipe is simple: 1 tbsp. white clay, water and half a tsp. lemon juice. These masks can be applied to the entire face or only to problem areas. Repeat three times a week for a month!

4. Soothing mask

Problem skin is very capricious, so a soothing mask will help remove acne on your face faster. You will need: green clay, water and a couple of drops of almond or peach oil. Apply for 10 minutes. If you feel it tight, rinse it off; don’t leave the consistency on for longer.

5. Mask with tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It activates renewal processes, soothes and relieves inflammation. In order to prepare a mask for problem skin at home, you will again need clay (as a base). You can take white or green. Add three drops of essential oil and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Apply for 10 minutes!

6. Mask to tighten pores

It is possible to narrow pores in a short period of time. The first rule is to “close” the pores after cleansing your face, the second is to regularly make cleansing masks. An effective and simple recipe: beat one egg white until foamy and add tsp. lemon juice. Apply for 15 minutes and rinse. If you have dry skin, it is better to prepare a product for spot use (it tightens a little).

7. Honey mask for problem skin

A honey mask improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolic processes and “helps” quickly remove acne. One tsp. honey should be diluted with almond oil (3-5 drops). Apply for 5-7 minutes. Express method: the consistency can be poured onto a cotton swab and applied to problem areas.

8. Blackhead mask

You can prepare a film mask against blackheads using activated carbon. Take two tablets (grind to powder), a spoonful of gelatin and two tsp. milk. Mix all ingredients and heat slightly. Keep the consistency until completely dry. Do not apply the product to the area around the eyes!

9. Potato mask

A homemade potato mask removes oily shine on the face and mattifies the skin. Grate it (determine how much consistency you need) and add a little kefir. Apply a soft mass to the skin and rinse after 15-20 minutes.

10. Cucumber face mask

Cucumber juice lightens pigmentation and reduces sebum production. You need to grate the cucumber, then mix it with yogurt and add a teaspoon of oil (coconut, olive, almond). After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. You can repeat the procedure two to three times a week!

11. Drying acne mask

Yeast is needed not only to bake a delicious cake, but also to prepare a drying mask. Take one tablespoon of the component, mix with kefir and add a couple of drops of lemon juice. Keep for about 15 minutes.

12. Vitamin mask for inflammation

Liquid vitamins A and E can be purchased at any pharmacy. They will be an excellent find for lovers of homemade cosmetics and the main component of a vitamin mask. Base: green, blue or black clay. Mix two spoons with water (bring to the consistency of sour cream). Add a couple of drops of vitamin A and E. Apply for 10 minutes.

The results of homemade masks can be seen after several uses, but it is best to take a course. Please note that all components must be tested for individual sensitivity to avoid allergic reactions.