Orange oil for cellulite at home

How many frustrations and sad moments are experienced by women who, with displeasure and a deep sense of disappointment, discover that they have cellulite. It's not the dimples on the cheeks that make you look charming, it's the dimples on the thighs that make you feel embarrassed.

Anti-cellulite properties of orange oil

Extremely juicy and refreshingly sweet, orange is the source of one of the most popular and essential oils in aromatherapy, which creates a cheerful mood and an atmosphere of happiness. At the physical level and when applied locally, it increases blood circulation, which entails accelerated lymph flow. Softens the epidermis and is very useful for swollen body tissues.

By using orange oil for cellulite, you help the body balance the amount of water in the body, as it has a diuretic property. This process has a good effect on cleansing cells of toxins. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the immune system, which is good both in favorable times of the year and in bad weather, when the likelihood of colds and flu increases.

How to use orange oil for cellulite

Orange oil for cellulite is considered one of the best, and it really works. It's funny, but the orange peel fruit defeats the "orange peel" of the body. Orange essential oil for cellulite is used for daily self-massage, the best weapon in the fight against the aesthetic problem. This is the surest way to force cells to release toxins that are stored in adipose tissue.

Orange oil: recipes against cellulite

Using one oil alone or in combination with other essential oils can help win the war against cellulite, as long as you take action and take action on a daily basis. Buy and try orange oil for cellulite, the recipe will help you prepare an effective mixture. The given compositions have proven their effectiveness; they reduce cellulite within a short period.

Recipes for massage

“Break” cellulite with a mixture of essential oils and massage. This recipe will warm the skin a little and give a slight tingling sensation during the procedure.

  1. 50 ml hazelnut oil;
  2. 50 ml jojoba oil;
  3. 10 k. cinnamon leaf oil;
  4. 10 k. juniper;
  5. 10 k. cypress;
  6. 10 k. orange.

Mix jojoba and hazelnut oil and add the rest of the esters drop by drop. Pour into a dark glass container with a tight-fitting lid. It should be stored in a dark place (not in the refrigerator!). Use before 6 months.

Recipe No. 2.

This composition smells incredible, thanks to the “cocktail” of citrus fruits. Its wonderful aroma and effective composition helps improve the circulation of substances in the skin exactly where it is applied.

  1. 50 ml hazelnut oil;
  2. 50 ml jojoba;
  3. 10 k. cypress;
  4. 8 k grapefruit;
  5. 7 k. cedar;
  6. 5 k orange;
  7. 5 k. lime;
  8. 5 k. lemon.

Recipe No. 3.

  1. 2 parts patchouli oil;
  2. 3 k. clary sage;
  3. 3 k. fennel;
  4. 4 k coriander;
  5. 4 k. cedar;
  6. 5 k rosemary;
  7. 10 k. orange;
  8. 10 k lemon;
  9. 10 k. cypress;
  10. 100 ml base oil (sweet almond or coconut).

Before you give yourself a massage, take a hot shower and finish with a cold rinse to tighten your skin. Use a dry, soft brush to scrub areas of your body before applying oil. Afterwards, take a shower again and lubricate the red areas of the skin with nourishing cream.

Anti-cellulite bath recipe with orange oil

  1. 100 ml milk;
  2. 4 k oranges;
  3. 2 k. cypress.

First, the essential oil is added to the milk, which is poured into the already filled bath (t – 40° C). Duration: 15 minutes. Get up from the water very slowly, do not wipe your skin! Blot lightly with a towel and let the water dry on the skin.

Recipe for wrapping

  1. any clay is mixed with water until sour cream thickens;
  2. 5 k orange;
  3. 3 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon.

The mass is applied to the hips, buttocks, shoulders and wrapped in cling film. You need to lie down and cover yourself with a blanket or thick towel. Keep the compress for about an hour. Wash off the clay and apply nourishing cream. Frequency: every other day, at least 2 weeks.

You will love orange oil for cellulite, its uses are so wide that it will not only serve you in your battle for a beautiful body, it will give inspiration, improve your mood and relieve anxiety.

Cellulite is one of the pressing problems of modern women. You can fight cellulite both in beauty salons and at home, using natural remedies. The orange tree is a valuable assistant here, the fruits of which carry not only sweetness and aroma, but also medicinal properties. Essential oil is obtained from orange peels by cold pressing, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, mood and, when used correctly, reduces the severity of cellulite in “problem” areas.

Effect of orange oil

Orange essential oil contains many beneficial substances, including a large amount of provitamin A. Thanks to this, the product has beneficial properties for the skin:

  1. improves local blood circulation;
  2. normalizes fat metabolism;
  3. stimulates the removal of toxins;
  4. increases skin turgor.

The aroma of orange helps to relax, relieve fatigue and stress, improve mood, which is an additional influencing factor in the fight against cellulite. The skin becomes smoother, velvety and acquires a pleasant aroma.

When properly combined with physical exercise, you can achieve a loss of 2-3 centimeters in “problem” areas (most often the hips and buttocks, sometimes the stomach and forearms). To get rid of cellulite and prevent it, it is necessary to carry out 3-4 courses of massage or wraps with orange oil per year. However, the effect can be felt after the first 10-day course - procedures with orange oil in combination with physical exercise help smooth out the cellulite relief by about half.

There are two types of ether:

  1. sweet orange oil, which has a sweeter aroma;
  2. bitter orange oil, which smells more subtle and refined.

Smell and choose to your taste. If you don’t like the smell at all, then replace it with another oil of your choice (tangerine, grapefruit, bergamot, etc.), because the selection of essential oils in pharmacies and stores is very diverse.

Important! Before first use, you need to check whether you are allergic to orange oil. Apply a drop of oil to your wrist or inner elbow and wait 1-2 hours. If there is no irritation or redness in this area, then everything is fine. You can safely use this remedy to combat cellulite. Never use orange oil on damaged skin if there are wounds, ulcers, abrasions or dermatological diseases!

Methods of using orange oil to get rid of cellulite can be divided into three types:

Each method has many recipes and reviews, let’s take a closer look at some of them.

Baths with orange essential oil

The simplest method, which in itself will not have a pronounced anti-cellulite effect, however, will be an excellent preparatory step for other procedures. In addition, being in warm water fragrant with the aroma of orange will have a relaxing and calming effect, reduce appetite, soften and warm the skin, which is especially important before performing an anti-cellulite massage.

Preparing a healthy bath is simple: you should take water at a temperature of no more than 40 0 ​​C (the fact is that at higher temperatures, essential oils lose their beneficial properties), add 5-10 drops of essential oil. This can be orange oil or a mixture of it with other oils such as mandarin, bergamot, lemon, juniper and many others. It is often recommended to mix essential oil with a base oil - olive, almond - before adding it to water, this is done to soften the effect.

It is possible to add orange oil to bath products (shower gel, bath foam), but you need to act carefully here, first trying to mix a small amount of the product so that such a mixture does not acquire an unpleasant smell or appearance. It is still better not to mix natural oils with bath products containing artificial dyes, fragrances and other dubious additives.

If, before taking a bath, you rub the problem areas with a washcloth or a special brush, and while in the water, perform a light massage, the effect will intensify.

You can take such a bath for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on your mood and well-being. Let us remind you that baths with orange oil alone will not get rid of cellulite, but will serve as an excellent aid for more serious procedures.

Anticellulite massage

A massage with orange oil is very labor-intensive, but the most effective method of getting rid of cellulite, because it stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow, causes fat cells to break down and improves the nutrition of other cells. Pure ether is not used for massage. It is necessary to mix it with heated base oil.

The following oils are most often used for this:

  1. almond;
  2. olive;
  3. grape;
  4. peach;
  5. coconut;
  6. avocado oil

Essential oil is added to the base oil, you can use a couple of drops of different types to obtain a mixed aroma. Approximate proportions: a tablespoon of base oil per 5 drops of essential oil. You can add orange oil to ready-made anti-cellulite oils and creams. The portion must be disposable, that is, such a mixture cannot be stored, it must be used completely.

The oil is rubbed in a circular motion from bottom to top, because this is how lymph moves in our body. The movements are effleurage, kneading, rubbing, quite energetic. The massage should last at least 15 minutes. Before rubbing in the oil, it is advisable to thoroughly cleanse the skin, then the effect of the oil will be much more pronounced.

This massage must be carried out for 7–10 days in a row.

In addition to creams and oils, homemade scrubs with orange oil are very popular. Most often, coffee is used for this, and both ground coffee from a pack and the grounds from drinking coffee are suitable. The proportions are approximately as follows: for three tablespoons of ground coffee, take 5-10 drops of orange oil. However, you can experimentally find your ideal proportions.

The point is that this fragrant mixture should be applied to a washcloth and massaged well on the hips, buttocks and other areas of your body that you want to change for the better. Massage for at least 10–15 minutes. After this procedure, the skin tightens and becomes smooth and velvety. You can add orange oil to your finished body scrub.

Massage with oils and massage with scrub can be alternated in a 10-day course of anti-cellulite massage.

How to do anti-cellulite massage at home - video

Wraps at home

The wrapping procedure is in great demand in beauty salons. Why is it so effective? The fact is that when you wrap problem areas with film, a bathhouse effect is created: the skin sweats and then gets rid of accumulated harmful substances and excess liquid. Fat cells break down and the remaining cells receive more nutrients. The skin looks smoother and tighter after the first procedure. In addition, courses of wraps and massages with orange oil have a preventive effect, that is, they prevent the appearance of cellulite.

Wraps should be carried out in courses of 8–10 procedures, then the effect will be pronounced and long-lasting.

The basis for wraps is most often cosmetic clay and honey, less often coffee, cocoa, seaweed, and mumiyo are used. For three tablespoons of base, take a teaspoon of essential oil. The mixture is applied to problem areas and wrapped in plastic film (cling film in rolls is quite suitable). Next, it is advisable to climb under a warm blanket or blanket for about an hour. A more active option is to exercise during this time. And don’t forget to unroll the film after an hour and wash off the anti-cellulite mixture from the skin.

We offer two interesting recipes for such wraps:

  1. Dilute the white clay with warm boiled water to the consistency of thick sour cream and add 2-3 tablespoons of crushed kelp leaves. Add 5 drops of orange or almond essential oil to the mixture. The duration of the wrap is 40 minutes.
  2. Mix 4 tablespoons honey, 10 tablespoons cocoa powder, 1 teaspoon olive oil and 10 drops orange essential oil. Such wraps should be done in courses of 10–14 procedures.

How to choose quality essential oil

Essential oils are currently a popular product and are sold in many pharmacies and stores. At the same time, orange oil is one of the most affordable. To avoid purchasing a fake, you need to remember simple rules:

  1. oil cannot be very cheap, since its cost is quite high;
  2. the oil should be poured only into dark glass vials, since it loses its properties when exposed to light;
  3. The bottle must be closed in such a way that it can only be opened by breaking the lid. Thus, manufacturers protect their products from unscrupulous sellers who want to drain or replace the oil;
  4. The oil itself is a yellow, orange or brown liquid. If you drop a little oil on a napkin, a yellowish stain will form, which after two hours will be barely noticeable, because essential oils are very volatile. If the stain is colorless, very greasy, or does not disappear for a long time, then this is a fake.

Recipe for making orange essential oil at home

There is a recipe for making orange oil at home. If you make it with your own hands, you will be confident in its qualities such as naturalness, usefulness and purity.

  1. Fresh peels from 2–3 kg of oranges must be thoroughly washed and scalded to get rid of the chemicals with which the fruits are often treated.
  2. Grind until oily secretions appear and place in a glass container with a lid. You can also use dry orange peels.
  3. Add olive or sunflower oil to the crushed zest (it is better to use refined oil) and leave in the dark for several days. Fresh zest is infused and releases useful elements in three days, dry zest needs to be infused for two weeks.
  4. After this, it is advisable to heat the mixture in a water bath to activate its beneficial properties, strain and pour into bottles where the oil will be stored. The storage place should be dark and cool.


Down with the orange peel! Orange oil has no equal in the fight against cellulite!

Pros: gets rid of cellulite, smells nice, inexpensive

Cellulite, cellulite... This infection does not allow millions of women to live in peace... unfortunately, I have it too. The best way to combat it is, of course, proper nutrition, clean water and exercise (jumping rope is especially good). But we are all living people and sometimes (and sometimes often) we sin with harmful goodies and like to be lazy, especially in winter. It’s different for everyone, but for me, cellulite is instantly restored at the slightest error in the regime, and therefore I try to destroy it in every possible way. I don’t use cosmetics like Floresan very often, because I don’t like the effect - and such products have either a warming effect or, on the contrary, a cooling effect. Over time, I found the most pleasant and VERY effective procedure for myself. This is a coffee scrub with orange oil. Girls, he just works wonders. Orange oil itself has a good anti-cellulite effect and is often used as an independent remedy, and in combination with the tonic effect of coffee it is simply an incredible effect. I try to do it at least every other day, but in fact it comes out when it comes out. The result is stunning. The skin becomes velvety, tightened, and cellulite becomes much less noticeable. The smell of coffee lingers on the skin for quite a long time, so quite often after a scrub I take another shower with shower gel - I don’t always like the smell of coffee on my body. I take 1 heaped tablespoon of coffee—enough for the whole body. It is best to do this scrub in the morning, because coffee, even externally, has a very invigorating effect, and if you do a similar procedure at night, you risk developing insomnia 😉 You can buy orange oil in almost any pharmacy. Compared to other essential oils, it costs mere pennies - from 30 to 50 rubles. Therefore, you should not be lazy and use it for your beauty!


In my experience, essential orange oil helps against cellulite only in combination with massage, nutrition and sports. It refreshes the skin and gives it elasticity. I definitely add it to my massage oil. And also grapefruit essential oil. And another bonus - spider veins turn pale from orange essential oil.

Miss Juli

I also use orange oil for anti-cellulite wraps. I mix white clay, cinnamon and add a few drops of orange oil. Then I apply all this to the legs, wrap it in cling film and wrap myself warmly for 30 minutes. I carry out such procedures 2 times a year for 10 days. The effect is amazing!


Orange oil is a popular natural remedy for fighting cellulite; it really helps improve the condition of the skin and, in addition, has many other beneficial properties. However, you need to remember that orange oil, like other anti-cellulite creams and oils, is much more effective when combined with exercise and a healthy diet. It is the combination of all three factors that will help you get the ideal shape of your figure and smooth skin in the shortest possible time.

Cellulite is considered one of the common problems among the female half of the population. Natural remedies are used to restore the skin to its former beauty. One of these is orange oil for cellulite.

Effect of orange oil

The ether consists of a large number of useful components, as well as provitamin A. As a result of its presence, the product exhibits several positive effects in the form of:

  1. improving local blood flow;
  2. normalization of the fat process;
  3. stimulating the process of removing slag components;
  4. increasing the density and elasticity of the skin.

If you combine the product with physical training, you will be able to get rid of 2-3 cm of fat on problem parts of the body. Orange oil is used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. To do this, the procedure is performed 3-4 times a year.

How to choose orange oil?

Orange oil for cellulite is a popular remedy, so it can be purchased not only at the pharmacy, but also in stores. The price ranges from 59-170 rubles. But in some cases, a fake comes across.

To purchase a suitable product, it is recommended to follow several rules:

  1. Oil cannot be cheap. This is explained by the fact that the cost of the product is not cheap.
  2. The product is bottled in dark glass bottles. If the liquid is in a glass container, it will lose its properties due to excessive sunlight.
  3. The bottle must be closed tightly. This indicates that manufacturers protect their products from counterfeits.

The oil is characterized by a yellowish, orange or brownish tint. If you drop the product onto a napkin, it will leave a yellow stain. After 2-3 hours it will become less noticeable, since esters are volatile. If the stain is colorless or greasy, it means it’s a fake.

Recipe for making orange essential oil at home

There are several ways to prepare orange and other oils against cellulite. This method is suitable for those who do not trust manufacturers and are afraid of purchasing a fake.

The recipe for making orange oil is as follows. To make the product you will need 2-3 kg of fresh orange peels. They are washed thoroughly and then scalded to remove harmful chemicals. Then the peels should be ground until an oily liquid forms. The resulting substance is placed in a glass container with a lid.

Olive or sunflower oil is added to the resulting product. The components are thoroughly mixed and placed in a dark place for 5-7 days. After this, the composition is heated using a water bath. This will activate beneficial properties.

Baths with orange essential oil

This method is used as a preparatory stage. Baths do not have a pronounced anti-cellulite effect. But they help to quickly relax and calm down, reduce appetite, soften and warm the skin.

An orange oil bath is prepared according to the following procedure. Water is collected at a temperature of 40 C. If the liquid is hotter, the esters will lose their beneficial properties. After which 5-10 drops of liquid are added. Can be mixed with other oils in the form of tangerine, bergamot, lemon or juniper.

Before immersion in water, the affected areas are rubbed with a washcloth or a special cheek. While in the bath, a light massage is allowed. The duration of the procedure is 20-25 minutes.

Anticellulite massage

Orange oil for weight loss is used in combination with massage and body wraps. The first method is considered labor-intensive, but effective. Its effect is aimed at stimulating blood and lymph flow. Fat cells begin to intensively break down, which improves tissue nutrition. Ether in its pure form is not used. It is pre-mixed with olive, peach, and almond oils.

To prepare for the procedure, you first need to mix 1 tbsp. l. base oil and 5 drops of ether. The proportion is prepared for one time.

Rub the finished mixture in a circular motion from bottom to top. They should be tapping, kneading and rubbing. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. It is recommended to cleanse the skin before applying the product.

Not only creams and oils are popular, but also scrubs. For preparation, use ground coffee with the addition of 5-10 drops of orange oil. The resulting mixture is applied with a washcloth and massaged into problem areas.

Anti-cellulite wraps

Orange oil wraps are used in beauty salons. During manipulations, a bath effect occurs under the film. The skin begins to sweat. Harmful substances and excess fluid come out with sweat. Fat cells undergo breakdown, and tissues begin to be saturated with oxygen and nutritional components.

The procedure with oils is carried out in courses. One session consists of 8-10 such procedures.

Cosmetic clay or honey is used as a basis. In rare cases, coffee, algae or mumiyo are used. To prepare the mixture you will need 3 tbsp. l. base and 1 tsp. essential oil. The finished product is applied to problem areas and then covered with plastic film. To enhance effectiveness, it is recommended to cover yourself with a blanket for 1 hour.

There is another option - to do fat-burning gymnastics. After time, the composition is washed off with warm water.

In practice, there are 2 recipes. The first of them involves the use of white clay. It is diluted in warm water and mixed until it becomes thick sour cream. Then add 2-3 tbsp. l. crushed kelp leaves and 5 drops of ether. The finished mixture is applied to the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. Leave for 30-40 minutes.

The second method involves using honey as a base. You will need 4 tbsp. l. product, 10 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 1 tsp. olive oil and 5-7 drops of ether. The resulting composition is applied for 40-45 minutes.

Contraindications for use

Not everyone is allowed to use orange oil. There are a number of contraindications such as:

  1. cholelithiasis;
  2. history of epileptic syndrome;
  3. pregnancy period;
  4. increased susceptibility to the components of the product.

Esters contribute to a sharp decrease in pressure.

People are often allergic to citrus fruits. To ensure its absence, it is necessary to conduct a reaction test. To do this, apply 1-2 drops of oil to the inside of the wrist. You need to wait half an hour and then rinse off. If no rashes or redness appear on your hand within 24 hours, then the liquid can be used.

Orange oil is characterized by phototoxic effects. To prevent the formation of burns, it is recommended after the procedure not to go out into direct sunlight for 24 hours.

Orange essential oil has many beneficial properties. When using it, you can relax and get rid of the adverse effects of stress. Instantly eliminates cellulite and smoothes the skin. Promotes weight loss and elimination of extra pounds. But the product must be used with caution, as there are a number of restrictions.