Wrinkles are Wikipedia



Wrinkles - visible folds of the skin resulting from excessive activity of facial muscles, decreased elasticity, firmness of the skin and due to other reasons.

The elasticity of the skin is given by the collagen fibers contained in the dermis, and the elasticity is provided by the hyaluronic acid molecules located between them.


Age wrinkles

With age, as well as under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors, the content of collagen and hyaluronic acid decreases, the skin loses elasticity and moisture, which leads to the appearance of visible signs of aging. Due to excessive activity of the facial muscles, facial wrinkles occur. To prevent them, there are special exercises for facial muscles.

Wrinkles on wet fingers [1]

Wrinkles also appear on a person's fingers after a long stay in water. Presumably this is a consequence of evolution. Fingers and toes wrinkle to hold wet objects. In ancient times, the ancestors of modern humans were forced to rummage through wet grass and explore bodies of water in search of food.

Since it is much more convenient to grasp objects with fingers with an uneven surface, changes have occurred in the human nervous system over time. Wrinkled fingers also allowed the ancestors of modern humans to better control hunting tools in the rain or when catching fish.

The appearance of such wrinkles is explained by the compression of blood vessels under water. In turn, compression depends solely on the human autonomic nervous system, which is triggered in stressful situations. Previously, the appearance of such wrinkles was attributed to the absorption of water under the skin of the fingers, but this was refuted by studies that showed the effect disappeared when the nerves in the fingers were damaged.

It is still not known why, as a result of evolution, wrinkles did not remain on human fingers forever, regardless of the influence of water; it is assumed that this would interfere with the sensitivity of the hands.

Application of cosmetics

Most cosmetic products designed to reduce wrinkles act by either moisturizing the skin (emulsion creams) or helping to reduce transepidermal water loss (fat-based creams).


  1. Kyriacos Kareklas, Daniel Nettle, Tom V. Smulders.Water-induced finger wrinkles improve handling of wet objects // Biology Letters. — 2013-04-23. - Vol. 9, iss. 2. - P. 20120999. — ISSN1744-957X 1744-9561, 1744-957X. — DOI:10.1098/rsbl.2012.0999.


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Wrinkles - visible folds of the skin resulting from excessive activity of facial muscles, decreased elasticity, firmness of the skin and due to other reasons.

The elasticity of the skin is given by the collagen fibers contained in the dermis, and the elasticity is provided by the hyaluronic acid molecules located between them.


Age wrinkles

With age, as well as under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors, the content of collagen and hyaluronic acid decreases, the skin loses elasticity and moisture, which leads to the appearance of visible signs of aging. Due to excessive activity of the facial muscles, facial wrinkles occur. To prevent them, there are special exercises for facial muscles.

Wrinkles on wet fingers [1]

Wrinkles also appear on a person's fingers after a long stay in water. Presumably this is a consequence of evolution. Fingers and toes wrinkle to hold wet objects. In ancient times, the ancestors of modern humans were forced to rummage through wet grass and explore bodies of water in search of food.

Since it is much more convenient to grasp objects with fingers with an uneven surface, changes have occurred in the human nervous system over time. Wrinkled fingers also allowed the ancestors of modern humans to better control hunting tools in the rain or when catching fish.

The appearance of such wrinkles is explained by the compression of blood vessels under water. In turn, compression depends solely on the human autonomic nervous system, which is triggered in stressful situations. Previously, the appearance of such wrinkles was attributed to the absorption of water under the skin of the fingers, but this was refuted by studies that showed the effect disappeared when the nerves in the fingers were damaged.

It is still not known why, as a result of evolution, wrinkles did not remain on human fingers forever, regardless of the influence of water; it is assumed that this would interfere with the sensitivity of the hands.

Application of cosmetics

Most cosmetic products designed to reduce wrinkles act by either moisturizing the skin (emulsion creams) or helping to reduce transepidermal water loss (fat-based creams).


Wrinkles... Philosophers consider them an honest seal of time, physiognomy specialists can determine character by wrinkles and even predict fate. Wrinkles can add wisdom and authority to a man’s face – within reasonable limits, of course. But wrinkles have never made women more beautiful, at any age.

People have been waging a war against wrinkles for several centuries. The exotic methods used by our great-grandmothers have been replaced by the achievements of modern science. Now, in addition to plastic surgery, cosmetologists have at their disposal a sufficient number of non-surgical methods that allow them to smooth out any wrinkle without leaving a trace.

Wrinkles - what are they?

Cosmetologists classify wrinkles by depth and reasons for their appearance.

By depth:

Superficial (“epidermal”) wrinkles affecting the surface layer of the skin – the epidermis. These are small wrinkles, in some cases looking like a “mesh”. If there are many epidermal wrinkles, the skin takes on the appearance of parchment. The most common cause of superficial wrinkles is skin dehydration. Their appearance is also facilitated by the thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, caused by a slowdown in the process of exfoliation of the scales of the stratum corneum and the rate of renewal of its cells.


Medium-deep (“dermal”) wrinkles affect the middle layer of the skin - the dermis, and are a consequence of the further development and deepening of superficial wrinkles. Their appearance is primarily due to damage to collagen fibers by free radicals and a slowdown in its synthesis by fibroblasts.


Deep wrinkles – affect not only all layers of the skin, subcutaneous fatty tissue also plays a role in their formation. First of all, deep wrinkles appear in the area of ​​natural skin folds, for example, nasolabial folds. A major role in their occurrence is played by gravitational ptosis of facial tissues, when they droop under the influence of gravity against the background of weakening muscle tone.


The predisposition to the formation of deep wrinkles in a certain area is largely genetically determined and depends on the individual characteristics of the facial structure. However, the degree of their manifestation depends on the influence of the same negative factors that affect the appearance of superficial and medium-deep wrinkles.

For the main reasons for its appearance:


Dynamic wrinkles
appear primarily as a result of regular contraction of facial muscles. They are also called "mimic". Facial expressions are a reflection of our emotions, facial movements are produced by the facial muscles of any person, but each of us has characteristics, including characteristic facial expressions. For example, many of us have the habit of often raising one eyebrow, frowning, or squinting. Moreover, people with such habits regularly grimace unconsciously, without noticing it. In those areas where such increased muscle activity is noted, the skin folds that arise during facial movements cease to fully straighten out by the age of 20 - dynamic wrinkles are formed. Most often, the first expression lines appear on the forehead. A little later - at the outer corners of the eyes. Around the age of 30, wrinkles form on the upper eyelids.


Static wrinkles
(age-related, gravitational). As a rule, they appear after 40 years. Unlike dynamic wrinkles, static wrinkles occur regardless of the work of facial muscles. Their occurrence is due to the processes of skin aging, both natural, age-related aging, and “artificial” caused by the effects of smoking, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other negative environmental factors. As the skin ages, blood circulation slows down, the content of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid decreases, which leads to a decrease in its elasticity and it becomes flabby. Facial muscles also lose their tone. Under the influence of gravity, facial tissues droop. Moreover, they fall unevenly, which leads to the appearance of static (gravitational, i.e., arising under the influence of gravity) wrinkles. Their appearance can also be provoked by poor posture, incorrect posture during sleep and other factors.

Wrinkles can also be combined – having signs of both static and dynamic.

Wrinkle correction methods

  1. Contour plastic – the method is almost universal; using gels with different densities, it can be used to get rid of both superficial and deep wrinkles.
  2. Botox And Dysport – their introduction is the main method of combating dynamic wrinkles. By temporarily suppressing the activity of facial muscles, they affect the cause of their occurrence.
  3. RF lifting – provides a “lifting” effect, the skin area is reduced, which is especially pronounced in the neck and chin area with age-related wrinkles.
  4. Superficial peels – accelerating the renewal processes of epidermal cells, they prevent the appearance of wrinkles. When used, the microrelief of the skin is evened out and fine wrinkles disappear.
  5. Medium peels act deeper. With their help, you can remove medium-deep wrinkles, while simultaneously solving many other aesthetic problems.
  6. LPG massage allows you to improve blood supply to facial tissues, restore tone to its muscles (which is especially important for gravitational wrinkles), activate “youth cells” - fibroblasts and increase their production of collagen and elastin.
  7. Biorevitalization. Loss of moisture from the skin is the first factor that causes wrinkles to appear. With its help, you can not only prevent the occurrence of wrinkles, but also eliminate existing superficial wrinkles.
  8. Biocybernetic therapy Beautitek Premium is a “lifting” effect provided by normalizing the tone of facial muscles, visible immediately after the procedure. In addition, under the influence of microcurrents, microcirculation in soft tissues improves and the potential of fibroblasts is restored.
  9. Mesotherapy allows you to introduce into the skin the substances it needs. While not a method of “treating” wrinkles, it allows for effective prevention. Using this method, a cosmetologist can select the composition of the drug individually and introduce exactly those substances that are necessary in a particular case.
  10. Threadlifting with 3D mesothreads — the introduction of absorbable threads under the skin provides a “face-lifting” effect and smoothing out wrinkles by creating an internal “framework” that supports the skin.

How to slow down the appearance of wrinkles?

The main causes of wrinkles are:

  1. natural aging;
  2. skin aging caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other external factors;
  3. skin dehydration;
  4. excessive activity of the facial muscles;
  5. improper skin care (especially dry skin);
  6. smoking, other bad habits;
  7. features of the facial structure (for example, an incorrect bite can contribute to the formation of nasolabial folds and other wrinkles).

Prevention methods should be aimed at eliminating or reducing the impact of these factors.

Skin care. Home care products will not be able to give the same effect as professional care using Dermalogica or Natura Bisse, but they can be used daily, and this is very important. Cosmetics should be selected depending on skin type, age, and individual tolerance. Particular attention should be paid to its moisturizing effect.

Hydration. Exposure to a variety of external and internal factors leads to dehydration of the skin, including when taking diuretic medications, frequent water procedures without subsequent moisturizing of the skin. Moisturizing components in cosmetics are usually hyaluronic acid and its derivatives, elastin and collagen hydrolysates, ceramides, extracts of algae, aloe and other plants, essential oils, unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, linolenic).

Stimulation. Most active ingredients included in home care cosmetics do not penetrate deeper than the stratum corneum of the epidermis. But now there are drugs whose components penetrate deeper, to the level of living cells. These substances can influence their production of collagen and elastin. These components include active forms of vitamin C, retinol, phytoestrogens, fruit acids, and some minerals such as copper and iron.

Skin protection. Protect your skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, use sunscreen, and in the cold season, protect it from wind and cold.

Gymnastics for facial muscles. Before doing it, consult a cosmetologist. On the one hand, such training strengthens the facial muscles and improves blood supply to the skin, which is useful for the prevention of static wrinkles. On the other hand, there are dynamic wrinkles that arise as a result of facial movements. If the set of exercises is incorrectly selected and there is a tendency to develop dynamic wrinkles, the effect of gymnastics may be the opposite of what was expected.

Relaxation. Notice how tense your face is when you are stressed. Such prolonged tension is not beneficial; it does not improve blood circulation, but on the contrary, blood stagnation occurs and tissue nutrition deteriorates. Learn to relax. Not only spa treatments provide a relaxing effect. Mastering psychological relaxation techniques, for example from auto-training or yoga, also has an effect. Regular training to relax the facial muscles leads to the fact that their tone is normalized, the moment of appearance of dynamic wrinkles is delayed. In addition, the number of nerve impulses from tense muscles to the brain is reduced, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the nervous system as a whole.

Smoking etc. With age, all the vices and bad habits are imprinted on the face. Therefore, the sooner you begin to treat your body wisely and lovingly, the greater your chances of maintaining youthful skin.