Pharmaceutical products for wrinkles around the eyes and for facial rejuvenation

The first signs of fading female beauty are wrinkles in the corners of the eyes - the hated “crow’s feet” can appear after 30 years. Soon other manifestations of aging of the facial skin become noticeable: loss of elasticity, blurring of the contour, formation of facial folds. Trying to maintain their youth, ladies are ready to spend large sums on courses of Botox injections. Cosmetologists advise not to rush into such radical measures and use pharmaceutical products for wrinkles around the eyes and for facial rejuvenation.

Top three

Almost all fairly large modern pharmacies always have several shelves for cosmetics - here you will see creams and serums from famous brands, and natural soaps. Prices in this segment sometimes make you recoil in fear from the window display. Don't rush to leave: best pharmaceutical remedies for wrinkles located in the middle price segment:

  1. Hyaluronic acid. This substance serves as a regulator of skin moisture and protects it from UV radiation. Nowadays ampoules with “acid of youth” are in great demand. For the desired facial rejuvenation, it is important to use acid and cosmetics enriched with it correctly: they are applied strictly to damp skin. Otherwise, hyaluronic therapy will work on the principle of glycerin - it will draw out moisture and dry out problem areas. This product can remove a fine network of wrinkles around the eyes and visually rejuvenate the face, but it will not smooth out deep wrinkles;
  2. Retinol acetate (vitamin A). Retinol ointments and creams have a regenerating effect, relieve swelling, and rejuvenate the deep layers of the epidermis. The liquid vitamin must be combined with vegetable oil (olive, rapeseed) in a ratio of 1:10. Apply the mixture to clean, dry skin, after 20 minutes remove excess with a napkin. After 3-4 days, repeat the procedure. The full course will be 2 weeks, then a rest period of at least 8 weeks is required;
  3. Shark oil. A very effective pharmaceutical product. Shark oil has a rich vitamin composition and has a wound healing effect. Thanks to the latter property, it is usually sold in the form of rectal suppositories or ointments for hemorrhoids: but are such little things significant in the fight for facial rejuvenation? Using shark oil instead of night cream every other day will help you forget about wrinkles around the eyes and nasolabial folds.

When you decide to enrich your favorite cream with pharmaceutical products, do not forget about the benefits of plant extracts. Extracts of flax, milk thistle, chamomile, and parsley will enhance the rejuvenating effect and prevent irritation.

Wrinkle prevention products

Proper facial skin care can delay the first age-related changes by a good ten years. Moisturizing and nutrition and active oxygen exchange will preserve your attractiveness. Use regularly pharmaceutical products for the prevention of early wrinkles around the eyes and maintaining skin tone:

  1. Contractubex. The gel is used as an anti-scarring agent, but the effect of the drug is much broader due to its unique composition: allantoin starts regeneration processes, heparin prevents circulatory disorders, Suare onion extract removes excess fluid. The pharmaceutical product activates the production of its own collagen and elastin. The gel is applied instead of day cream for 2 weeks, then a break for a month is required;
  2. Petrolatum. Paraffin, petroleum jelly, ceserine - the composition of the drug is simple but effective. Fine wrinkles around the eyes are noticeably smoothed out with regular use. Vaseline is applied to dry, clean eyelid skin in the morning twice a week, removing excess with a napkin. You should not postpone the procedure until the evening, as the dense texture of the product can cause slight swelling. In a similar way, Vaseline is used to rejuvenate the face and maintain skin elasticity;
  3. Purelan. A universal moisturizer based on lanolin helps quickly restore water balance. Thanks to its light texture and lack of habit-forming effect, the pharmaceutical preparation can successfully replace a regular moisturizer and serve as a base for makeup. Purelan visually rejuvenates the face, tightening its contour, eliminates seasonal peeling and dryness;
  4. Levomekol. Ideal for oily skin as it has a pronounced drying effect. The rejuvenating course will be 2 weeks when applied once a day. During this time, the pharmaceutical product will deeply cleanse the skin and saturate it with collagen. Wrinkles around the eyes will continue to shrink after levomekol is discontinued, due to the activation of elastin production.

Women 30-35 years old should not overload their facial skin with anti-wrinkle products, be it pharmaceutical products or anti-aging cosmetics. In the absence of pronounced facial creases, such excessiveness will have the opposite effect.

Remedies for severe wrinkles

Ladies who have left Balzac's age behind are forced to make a lot of efforts to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. And other signs of aging in women after 40 years become more noticeable. In this case for facial rejuvenation you will need effective pharmaceuticals:

  1. Bepanten. The popular wound-healing drug contains vitamin B5, which strengthens collagen structures in the deep layers of the skin. To obtain a noticeable result, you will need a month-long course of using Bepanten: it is applied to the face 3-4 times a day. The cream is perfectly absorbed, does not give an oily sheen and protects the skin from external factors;
  2. Vishnevsky ointment. This is what is commonly called balsamic liniment. The pharmaceutical product is famous for its strong, not pleasant smell for everyone: birch tar and xeroform give a persistent aroma. But for the sake of beauty, you can tolerate the peculiar amber for 1 month, especially since it is enough to apply the ointment for facial rejuvenation a couple of times a week. In addition to smoothing out wrinkles, balsamic liniment will give a radiant, even complexion and eliminate inflammation;
  3. Fleming's ointment. The main purpose of this pharmaceutical product is the treatment of hemorrhoids, and almost all such drugs contain a huge amount of regenerating components, which is very helpful in the fight against wrinkles. Fleming's ointment improves oxygen exchange in tissues by stimulating blood supply at the cellular level. Extracts of calendula and horse chestnut have an anti-inflammatory effect. In order to rejuvenate the face, the substance is applied to the skin in a thick layer every other day for a month, removing the excess with a napkin after half an hour. Then it is recommended to wash well with warm water;
  4. Actovegin. A strong remedy for improving oxygen metabolism. To rejuvenate your face, you should purchase Actovegin in the form of injections, and store the opened ampoule for a maximum of 24 hours. Apply to skin with a cotton swab as a toner after morning and evening cleansing. After the procedure, do not apply makeup, so as not to impede cellular respiration. The full course lasts a maximum of 2 weeks, otherwise there is a risk of oversaturating the skin with the active ingredients of the pharmaceutical product.

In women over 40, facial skin aging occurs at different rates - much depends on heredity and lifestyle. And if the first factor cannot be changed, then it is never too late to reconsider your diet and habits. Cosmetologists recommend supplementing the use of pharmaceutical products with long walks in the fresh air, then the result of your efforts will be more noticeable.

Products with a lifting effect

It's not just the wrinkles around the eyes that reveal a woman's true age. A decrease in skin elasticity leads to the fact that the oval of the face loses its clear contours and becomes blurred. Some pharmaceutical products can be used in addition to their direct purpose like a tightening cream:

  1. Methyluracil ointment. Developed as a remedy for burns and dermatitis. The active substance is lanolin, which fully moisturizes the upper layers of the epithelium. To rejuvenate the face and reduce wrinkles around the eyes, apply in the morning and before bed instead of cream for 3-4 weeks;
  2. Balm “Star”. One of the most famous pharmaceutical products gives a powerful lifting effect, but it must be used extremely carefully for facial rejuvenation. Formic acid and essential oils in the balm can cause an allergic reaction, so a preliminary sensitivity test is required (on the bend of the elbow). Apply a thin layer weekly. Exposure time is no more than 10 minutes, then rinse with plenty of cool water.

It should be remembered that pharmaceutical products alone, even the most effective ones, will not solve the problem of skin aging. Their regular use should be part of comprehensive care, only then will facial rejuvenation be noticeable and wrinkles around the eyes will be reduced for a long time. Don’t forget about scrubs, peelings, masks, be sure to get a good night’s sleep, avoid stress and be the most beautiful at any age!

When age takes its toll and age-related changes on the face become more and more noticeable, you can try to slow down this process by using modern cosmetology, for example, effective inexpensive pharmaceutical products - creams for wrinkles on the face.

Benefits of pharmacy creams and ointments

Pharmacy products that are purchased for body and face care can be developed for completely different purposes and cost much less than popular anti-wrinkle creams developed by advertised professional cosmetic brands.

However, this does not make them any less effective. Their advantage is determined by the characteristics of their composition: they contain useful vitamins and substances that can heal and nourish.

Anti-wrinkle creams sold in pharmacies without a prescription

Anti-wrinkle creams from pharmacies have an effect on the deep layers of the epidermis, since their texture is very light and the composition is quickly absorbed into the skin.

Using pharmacy creams and ointments, you can:

  1. relieve any inflammation;
  2. strengthen the hydrolipid mantle of facial skin;
  3. accelerate cell regeneration;
  4. save your budget on visiting salons and purchasing other products;
  5. get quick and noticeable results;
  6. ensure 100% safety for facial skin.

To exclude an allergy to the drug, a test is performed by applying a drop of cream to the wrist and waiting 10 minutes. If there is no reaction in the form of itching or redness, you can apply the ointment to your face.


This drug exists in several forms: nourishing cream and eye cream.

They contain vitamins, minerals, vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid and saturated acids.

  1. Thanks to the content of vitamins A and E, facial skin remains youthful for as long as possible.
  2. Hyaluronic acid nourishes the skin with moisture.

The nourishing cream softens, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, gives the face a vigorous appearance, and slows down the aging of the skin. You need to use it every day. When used regularly, eye cream will help improve skin elasticity and fill out crow's feet.

Based on the reviews, most women are satisfied with the effect of using Libriderm. The average cost of face cream is 650 rubles.

Hydrocortisone ointment

This product contains hydrocortisone acetate. It helps improve skin quality. The ointment inhibits the aging process and is “Botox without injections.” Since this drug is hormonal, it cannot be used without consulting a doctor, otherwise it can harm the skin and lead to atrophy.

It is recommended to use the ointment for no more than 2 weeks in a row. It is best to take a break after 1 week so as not to cause the skin to become addictive.

Women in their reviews say that the product can cause an allergic reaction or cause hair growth, since it is hormonal. Some were actually able to get the expected result, but the ointment did not suit everyone. The cost of the ointment varies from 35 to 45 rubles.

Salicylic ointment

Salicylic ointment is best used in the fight against fine wrinkles. Salicylic acid penetrates deep into the skin, burns damaged cells, and then opens pores. Salicylic acid works best in combination with other drugs, such as glycerin.

Judging by the reviews, women are satisfied with this ointment, and it really has a rejuvenating effect, but only when wrinkles have just begun to appear. The cost of salicylic ointment in a pharmacy is less than 30 rubles.

Heparin ointment

The ointment is not intended to combat wrinkles. It reduces blood clotting and fights the formation of blood clots. The product contains heparin.

Also included:

These components nourish the skin, protect it, moisturize and smooth it, and also eliminate swelling, so the ointment can be used to get rid of wrinkles. During application, heparin penetrates deep into the skin, then the remaining components begin to act, due to which wrinkles are evened out, the skin is nourished with useful substances, and the complexion improves.

In their reviews, women complain of redness of the skin after using this drug, so it is best to use it as prescribed by a doctor. If the desire to try this ointment is great, then you need to use it before bed so that the redness goes away overnight. Heparin ointment in a pharmacy costs no more than 100 rubles.

Retinoic ointment

With its help you can increase skin elasticity and get rid of wrinkles. The composition of retinoic ointment includes isotretinoin, and the excipients are petroleum jelly, water, glycerin, ethyl alcohol, dibunol and butyloxyanisole.

Isotretinoin is considered a form of vitamin A. Vitamin A accelerates skin regeneration, regulates skin oiliness, fights flaking and treats inflammation. The ointment should be used after 30 years. Thanks to it, the upper layers of the skin are renewed and collagen synthesis is activated.

It is better to use the ointment no more than 3 times every 7 days after washing, after 20 minutes. If the skin does not become irritated and red, you can increase the intensity of use of the ointment. It can replace night cream.

The course of using retinoic ointment should not exceed 12 weeks. The most optimal duration of use is 8-9 weeks.

While using the ointment, you should not go to the solarium or sunbathe. It is also prohibited to wipe the skin with alcohol or apply scrubs. Many women write in their reviews that retinoic ointment is very effective, so you can safely use it in the fight against wrinkles, but it is important to ensure that you do not overdo it with its use, since this is a medicinal product.

The cost of the drug in pharmacies varies from 250 rubles to 450.

Zinc ointment

The active ingredient of the ointment is zinc oxide. Additional substances are petroleum jelly and lanolin.

Thanks to zinc oxide, collagen production is stimulated, so the skin becomes elastic and wrinkles are smoothed out. The ointment also protects against ultraviolet rays, which are one of the main causes of skin aging.

The drug should be applied to the skin no more than 3 times in 7 days. You can use it for 3 weeks, no more. Next, you need to take a break for 30 days, after which the course is allowed to be repeated.

Women in the reviews say that the ointment is effective and wrinkles really disappear, but it is better to apply the composition in combination with a moisturizer, since zinc ointment dries out the skin. The cost of zinc ointment in pharmacies is no more than 100 rubles. The average price is 77 rubles.


An anti-wrinkle cream in a pharmacy called Bepanten contains vitamin B5. This vitamin restores the skin from the inside. When using Bepanten, you can achieve rapid healing of wounds, as well as speed up metabolic processes.

The cream has a comprehensive effect on the skin. After application, a chemical reaction occurs, due to which the active component becomes panthenolic acid and regenerates tissue. After a full course of use, collagen structures are strengthened, blood circulation improves, and metabolism is normalized.

Bepanten should be used no more than 3 times a day. It is important to cleanse your skin before using it. Avoid getting the cream into your eyes. In the reviews, women confirm the effectiveness of the drug Bepanten and are surprised at the positive results from use. The cream in pharmacies costs around 800 rubles.


Actovegin anti-wrinkle cream is available in various forms - ointment, gel, injections, dragees and cream. All of them can be purchased at the pharmacy.

The active ingredient is a complex that is obtained from the blood of calves. The composition also contains cetyl alcohol, glycerin and other beneficial substances.

The cream accelerates regeneration by activating metabolic processes at the cellular level and normalizing the supply of oxygen and glucoses.

Before applying the cream to your face, you need to cleanse your skin. Next, Actovegin should be applied in a thin layer, performing a small self-massage. After half an hour or an hour, you need to blot your skin with a dry cloth, ridding it of any remnants of the drug. You should use the cream no more than 2 times a day.

Many women report that Actovegin can be used in combination with other drugs. Thanks to the resulting mixture, better results are achieved and wrinkles are smoothed out. The cost of Actovegin in pharmacies varies from 500 rubles to 1500.


The ointment contains a concentrate from the blood of calves. It starts regeneration processes thanks to natural protein, which helps deliver oxygen to all cells.

The drug is able to rejuvenate by activating metabolic processes inside cells and producing collagen in skin cells.

Women who share their impressions of using the drug say that they are very satisfied. They note that after using the drug, the skin becomes velvety, elastic and toned. It is best to add Solcoseryl to face masks. The cost of Solcoseryl is on average 250 rubles.


The manufacturer does not provide for the use of Relief anti-wrinkle ointment. However, according to reviews from cosmetologists, even stars use this product to smooth out their skin.

The ointment has a white-yellow tint and has a characteristic aroma, which is determined by its composition. The ingredients used in the preparation of the ointment are oil obtained from shark liver (only in American-made ointments) and phenylephrine hydrochloride.

The oil has regenerative properties, perfectly nourishes the skin, fills it with moisture, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed out, and prevents the appearance of black circles under the eyes.

And the main chemical substance constricts blood vessels, prevents swelling and edema from appearing, and stimulates blood circulation in the skin.

Additional components that also have an effect on reducing the number of wrinkles include glycerin, thyme oil, cocoa, vitamins A and E. The ointment is applied to the face with massage movements, removing excess with a napkin. If the wrinkles are deep, then, on the contrary, you need to apply a thick layer of ointment to the wrinkles and seal the area with an adhesive plaster. After half an hour, the ointment must be removed from the face.

According to reviews, the ointment especially helps if the wrinkles are small, but in advanced cases the effect will be, but not so significant.


This drug, according to reviews, is increasingly being purchased not to eliminate the problems it is intended to combat (treatment of styes, swelling of the eyelids, diseases of the eye system), but to combat wrinkles.

It contains aloe juice, hyaluronic acid and glycerin. Aloe juice has anti-inflammatory properties, hyaluronic acid retains moisture in the deep layers of the skin, and glycerin additionally moisturizes.

The drug should not be used if you are prone to tearing, especially sensitive skin, skin diseases, during pregnancy and lactation.

The ointment is applied to the steamed skin of the face and the skin reaction is monitored. If tightness or itching is felt, it is necessary to wash off the product, as this indicates an allergic reaction to the drug. It is recommended to apply the gel using massaging movements. According to reviews, the drug is not suitable for everyone and can dry out the skin. However, those to whom it suits speak enthusiastically about it.

What ointments to use for the skin around the eyes

Anti-wrinkle cream (there is a large selection of similar products in the pharmacy) is suitable for the skin around the eyes, but not every product can be used, since the skin in these areas is thin and delicate.

Suitable for use:

  1. Heparin ointment.
  2. Retinoic ointment.
  3. Zinc ointment.
  4. Panthenol.
  5. Lyoton gel.
  6. Solcoseryl.

The preparations should be applied in a thin layer, carefully, without getting into the eyes. After some time, you should remove the excess with a dry cloth.

Using anti-wrinkle ointments during pregnancy

Not all ointments can be used during pregnancy. Radevit, retinoic and heparin ointments are strictly prohibited. If there is evidence for this, you can use Panthenol.


You should not use anti-wrinkle creams from pharmacies if you have:

  1. allergic reaction to the components of the composition;
  2. wounds, ulcers and skin rashes;
  3. oncology;
  4. increased skin sensitivity;
  5. problems with the blood or cardiovascular system;
  6. chronic liver or kidney diseases;
  7. problems with the pancreas.

Side effects of anti-wrinkle ointments

Anti-wrinkle cream (you can choose an inexpensive product at the pharmacy) is not suitable if there is a burning sensation or a feeling of tightness. Such reactions may go away on their own.

If the skin is very sensitive, skin allergies occur. Pimples, itching, redness and peeling may also occur. If after using the ointment you feel a burning sensation and the skin turns red, it is important to quickly rinse it off with water. This reaction means an allergy to the drug.

You can buy any anti-wrinkle cream at the pharmacy, the main thing is to pay attention to its composition and contraindications.

If after using the medicine a reaction appears on the skin in the form of peeling, redness or itching, you should stop using it, since most likely the ointment is not suitable and may have a negative effect.

Video about ointments and creams from the pharmacy

Miracle product for your skin:

Zinc ointment for wrinkles:

I use zinc ointment diluted and apply it under the eyes until there are no wrinkles

From year to year, every person notices changes in their skin, not for the better. The appearance of many wrinkles begins to frighten and forces you to resort to all sorts of methods to eliminate them. Pharmacy products for wrinkles around the eyes and for facial rejuvenation will help you cope with this task.

Causes of skin aging

Over the years, the skin structure undergoes age-related changes. It begins to fade and change its structure:

  1. The sebaceous and sweat glands partially atrophy or weaken;
  2. Atrophic thinning of the skin makes it look like tissue paper;
  3. Senile keratomas appear - keratinized, unevenly pigmented areas;
  4. Blood supply decreases;
  5. As the subcutaneous fat tissue becomes thinner, it changes the facial oval;
  6. Regeneration worsens, the skin is easily injured.

The age barrier can occur at any age - it all depends on the characteristics and condition of the body, lifestyle.

Causes of skin aging

On a note. Skin aging depends equally on external and internal causes.

External causes that negatively affect the entire dermis and contribute to the formation of fine and deep wrinkles include:

  1. Meteorological – wind, cold, dirty air;
  2. Stress;
  3. Ultra-violet rays;
  4. Cosmetic factors;
  5. Synthetic materials;
  6. A feature of the lifestyle is bad habits.

The appearance of the first wrinkles forces you to look for the most effective drug in order to get rid of them as quickly as possible and restore elasticity and youth.

Pharmacy products

Before purchasing pharmaceutical preparations for wrinkles and to preserve youth, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist or doctor.

On a note. Inexpensive pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products are available in a wide range. Some need to be pre-cooked and combined with healthy ingredients.

Most often these are scrubs and soft peelings that deeply cleanse the skin and are aimed at rejuvenation. Whatever scrub is chosen, it must be used weekly.

Types of scrubs:

  1. Aspirin. It renews the skin well, eliminates wrinkles and redness. Relatively cheap aspirin is poured with a small amount of water and honey is added. The scrub is applied to the forehead, chin and cheeks, avoiding the eye area.
  2. With henna. Henna is mixed with olive oil and lemon juice. A fairly simple scrub recipe will help get rid of acne and smooth out unevenness.

Important! An incorrectly formulated product can cause undesirable effects.

Homemade peelings are easy to prepare and give good results.

The use of calcium chloride as a peeling makes the face look younger, as the substance effectively removes dead cells, improves tone, and helps the skin smooth out wrinkles. Calcium chloride should not be used if there are inflammations or wounds.

Lactic acid can rejuvenate, whiten and soften the skin. The gentle effect of the substance allows peeling to be applied to the most delicate skin. You can easily purchase lactic acid in pharmacies.

Anti-wrinkle gels

A variety of medicinal gels are successfully used to eliminate signs of skin aging.


The gel contains hyaluronic acid and zinc. This combination makes the medicine able to correct several problems at the same time:

  1. Carry out disinfection;
  2. Relieve inflammation;
  3. Moisturize;
  4. Accelerate regeneration;
  5. Smooth out wrinkles.

On a note. The gel is absolutely harmless; you can combine it with the most common caring cream. To achieve a positive result, the medicine should be used in courses prescribed by a cosmetologist.


The tendency to edema constantly stretches the skin. Over time, having lost elasticity, it sags. Flabby contours make you look very old. Lyoton gel helps well against harmful swelling.

A thin layer of the drug can be applied as a base, before applying the usual cosmetic cream.

On a note. The absence of allergic manifestations makes it possible to use Lyoton gel daily.


The gel is originally intended to treat sore eyes, but it can also rejuvenate the skin of the face. The composition of the gel is rich in substances so necessary for the aging dermis. Systematic use of the drug will give positive results:

  1. Softens;
  2. Relieves inflammation;
  3. Smoothes out wrinkles;
  4. Accelerates collagen synthesis;
  5. Eliminates swelling.

Ointments and creams

To eliminate age wrinkles, you don’t have to visit expensive salons. Pharmacy anti-wrinkle creams can be purchased for literally a ruble.

Interesting. Therapeutic products nourish the dermis, penetrating into the deepest layers, pushing out every wrinkle, straightening out unevenness and helping to retain precious moisture. In addition, pharmaceutical ointments for wrinkles are more effective than creams created by the cosmetology industry.


The combined drug has long been at the top of the list of popular pharmaceutical products. It has a rich fortified composition; after a course of ointment, the face returns tone and youth.

The light consistency of the ointment makes it suitable for cosmetic use. Easily distributed and completely absorbed, the ointment does not leave greasy marks. However, one should not discount the potent substances in Radevit - side effects may occur if the recommendations in the instructions are neglected.

Attention! For the face you need to use Radevit Active, which increases protection against ultraviolet radiation.


You can buy ointment for deep wrinkles at a pharmacy without a prescription. Such a strong rejuvenating effect is provided by the shark oil contained in the composition. Any wrinkle has no chance of resisting this substance. Under the influence of shark fat, tissue regeneration is completely restored. Fatty polyacids give the dermis its original elasticity, relieve swelling, and increase blood circulation.

The thick consistency of the ointment does not allow it to be completely and quickly absorbed. Therefore, Relief is applied only to the required area.

Retinoic ointment

The main component of the drug is isotretinoin. It is an artificial analogue of such a substance necessary for the skin as retinol. By systematically applying the ointment to the skin, you can achieve excellent results:

  1. Eliminate wrinkles;
  2. Speed ​​up recovery processes many times over;
  3. Restore water balance;
  4. Return elasticity to the dermis.

Important! The only condition for using retinoic ointment is evening use, since it increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Panthenol is also included in pharmacy ointments for facial rejuvenation. After applying it, the skin almost instantly becomes soft and tender. Redness disappears and moisture is restored.

Anti-wrinkle oils

Anti-wrinkle oils

Pharmaceutical essential oils have a smoothing and tightening effect. They are quite affordable in price and availability. Every penny spent on them guarantees:

  1. Tightening of scars;
  2. Prevention of new wrinkles and getting rid of existing ones;
  3. Restoring elasticity;
  4. Healthy color;
  5. Softness and tenderness.

At the moment, cosmetologists identify 5 of the most effective oils that actively fight wrinkles:

  1. Neroli. On dry skin, the signs of rosacea decrease, it becomes elastic;
  2. Geraniums. Neutralizes senile pigmentation, gives the dermis smoothness;
  3. Palmarosa. Accelerates regeneration, has an antibacterial effect;
  4. Rosewood. Designed for delicate skin around the eyes. Prevents sagging, regenerates, tones, improves lymph circulation;
  5. Lemon. Lightens pigmentation, gives freshness, smoothes.

Vitamin complexes

Vitamin deficiency in the body greatly affects the condition of the skin: premature aging, the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation, metabolism is disrupted.

Multivitamin complexes will completely help solve this problem. Most often, every anti-wrinkle cream in a pharmacy contains vitamins C and E. Sometimes B and A may be included in addition.

Vitamin C helps synthesize collagen.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that slows down aging.

The most common vitamin preparation is called Aevit. The substance from the capsules is recommended for application around the eyes, preventing the formation of wrinkles.

On a note. Fat-soluble vitamins can cause an overdose only when taken orally for a long period and in maximum doses. Local use does not threaten overdose.

Foreign cosmetology specialists claim that water-soluble vitamins are effective only when used internally. This is motivated by the inability of the vitamin to be absorbed due to the use of creams and ointments.

Resourceful modern women successfully use such vitamin complexes immediately after scrubs and peels, enriching the skin with all the necessary nutrition.

Still, the best effect is achieved with the combined use of vitamins: orally, injections, massage, and biorevitalization.

Care instructions

To look young, you don’t have to spend a lot of money, visiting all kinds of procedures in salons, or getting plastic surgery. Facial care should always be carried out and start from an early age.

Do not apply any cream around the eyes

Dr. Malysheva points out some common skin care mistakes:

  1. Any cream around the eyes should not be applied. Special creams have been developed for this type of skin; they must be used. Thin and delicate dermis needs nutrition.
  2. Do not wet your neck. You should know that the skin there is somewhat thinner and more delicate than the face. Very often, it is the appearance of the neck that reveals age. The neck muscle is thin and begins to sag with age. If you miss this problem in your youth, then only plastic surgery can correct it.

The famous doctor also gave recommendations regarding the care of aging skin:

  1. Sleeping on your stomach contributes to the appearance of puffiness under the eyes;
  2. The nourishing mask is more effective at night, so it is better to apply it before bed;
  3. You need to follow the rule - remove all makeup before going to bed.

You need to take care of maintaining youthful skin from your youth. It is very difficult to correct mistakes made at a more mature age. Nevertheless, the skin always, at any age and under any conditions, needs quality care. Simple pharmaceutical products will help with this.