Enlarged pores and blackheads on the face

How to clean and get rid of blackheads and tighten pores?
The face is in a terrible state.

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Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

I'm interested too. Propeller strips do not pull them out, scrubs are also useless, gelatin with activated carbon are ineffective. How can I remove them at least temporarily?!

Facial cleansing and peeling by a cosmetologist. No other way

It’s useless to clean - after a week the blackheads appear again, and the pores become even wider. I went to cleanses. it seems that the pores have expanded (((but cosmetologists don’t care. It’s beneficial for them when you constantly go to them regularly. And what’s the point of throwing away money on cleanings if the result lasts for a maximum of 2 weeks? Moreover, the first week is spent on healing redness and peeling after cleaning is not worth the candle.
If the skin is oily, then there WILL be blackheads, but if you go for cleanings, then in addition to the spots you will get redness and peeling and waste of money. I realized this and now I squeeze out the most noticeable blackheads myself, and I’ve filled in the small ones and powdered them.

I don’t suffer from this myself, but a friend told me that she made masks from ground oatmeal, it helped her, plus masks, I don’t know what they’re called, like black film, which come off the face)

Personally, I have such skin that I can’t squeeze it out myself, peeling will help

Hydrofilters and oil for makeup removal helped me, I used different ones and Korean ones for 800 rubles and now from a liter for 36 euros, you remove makeup with it, then wash your face with any cleanser and your pores are clean!

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Cleaning has made my pores wider and I'm desperate. I'm thinking about laser resurfacing

clay masks with a drop of essential oil (tangerine or tea tree). Mechanical cleaning with a spoon uno.

Mechanical cleaning is contraindicated for large pores; it will make things even worse. Author, you need atraumatic cleaning from a cosmetologist - ultrasound, fruit peelings. Don't touch anything with your hands

Cleaning with baking soda at home helps.

Steam your face, squeeze out noticeable and large ones, then disinfect and use a pore-tightening mask. You can do this at a cosmetologist, but I do it at home. As a child, I spent a lot of time at a relative’s office; she is a cosmetologist, so in theory I know everything, I’ve seen enough)
They are right about unnoticeable points; you don’t have to touch them. And doctors say that there is no need to look at yourself in a magnifying mirror and try to remove all skin imperfections.

Mechanical cleaning is contraindicated for large pores; it will make things even worse. Author, you need atraumatic cleaning from a cosmetologist - ultrasound, fruit peelings. Don't touch anything with your hands

Natural facial sponge (soft peeling and cleansing), clay masks, nourishing masks for oily skin, daily cleansing with suitable products.
Use foundation and/or mattifying powder. Dirt settles on them, pores become less clogged.

Cosmetologists don’t warn about this! It's like they don't talk on purpose. although they know very well. and our pores are deliberately expanded by cleaning. to get regular customers. I just have orange peel on my cheeks near my nose right now! the pores are gigantic, and the wider the pore, the larger and more noticeable the black dot. comedones are like a pit—the more you take from it, the larger it becomes.

I have spider veins on my cheeks, thank God that they are symmetrical and from a distance and under the powder they look like blush. I'm not a drunk, I don't have stars on my nose. Salons offer many methods of maintaining beauty. But, as it turns out, with rosacea, only a few of them are available to you - the most gentle and non-aggressive.
Thus, facial peeling for rosacea is prohibited. We are talking about any peeling, be it innocent “bran and oatmeal” or chemical peeling - peeling for rosacea is unacceptable, especially medium and deep.
Massage for rosacea is also prohibited. It is almost impossible to perform a manual or vacuum massage without stretching the skin and disturbing the capillaries.
Facial cleansing for rosacea is also contraindicated, especially manual cleansing. As a last resort, you can do ultrasonic cleaning. However, some cosmetic lines today offer unique protocols for non-traumatic facial cleansing specifically for problem skin.

I have spider veins on my cheeks, thank God that they are symmetrical and from a distance and under the powder they look like blush. I'm not a drunk, I don't have stars on my nose. Salons offer many methods of maintaining beauty. But, as it turns out, with rosacea, only a few of them are available to you - the most gentle and non-aggressive.
Thus, facial peeling for rosacea is prohibited. We are talking about any peeling, be it innocent “bran and oatmeal” or chemical peeling - peeling for rosacea is unacceptable, especially medium and deep.
Massage for rosacea is also prohibited. It is almost impossible to perform a manual or vacuum massage without stretching the skin and disturbing the capillaries.
Facial cleansing for rosacea is also contraindicated, especially manual cleansing. As a last resort, you can do ultrasonic cleaning. However, some cosmetic lines today offer unique protocols for non-traumatic facial cleansing specifically for problem skin.

I endured it, didn’t clean it, didn’t squeeze it out, and they practically disappeared, only from the nose, no way.

girls, I'm 37 years old and I'll tell you what
1. food. yes, eat oatmeal in the morning and don’t eat fatty foods or sauces at all, it will be easier on your skin
2. regular cleansing should be regular and correct, for example, I solved the problem of blackheads when in the summer I washed my face three times a day with mousse with Sophora japonica for blackheads from Siberian nature, there is also a serum with Sophora, there is a day and night cream. plus masks - clay for 20 rubles, blue or black green, is also normal, and clay with bodyaga is also super. The result is that the dots turned gray and dried out twice as often, the main thing is regularity. who does not have rosacea, apply a mask with honey and soda to a steamed face
4. The points themselves are simply oxidation of fatty plugs. and that's all. The worse the air, the stronger the problem. The oilier the skin, the worse the problem. Personally, outside the city I practically don’t have these points without any mousses - the skin begins to breathe the right air and cleanses itself! I just washed my face with a simple gel that I had on hand since soap dries out. AND ALL)))))))))

try lundenilona cleansing gel, it removes spots well

I squeeze my pores myself and see that they are getting bigger and bigger. How to stop pushing? Just huge greasy plugs come out, and when I see them, I just shake and I can’t walk with this crap on my face. And then, at the place where the pressure was pressed, a pimple becomes inflamed. This is some kind of nightmare. But if you don’t press, how will this sebaceous plug go away? She already exists...

need to regulate body fat. Everything has already been described above using various means to help. and keep your hands off your face! otherwise he will walk around with craters and then pay 40 thousand for painful laser resurfacing.

The same problems for oily skin. I go to a cosmetologist once a month for atraumatic Holly Land cleaning. and twice a week, a clay mask (I mix it with hydrosol for oily skin and a drop of salicylic acid) and I also wash my face with tar soap with a silicone brush 2 times a day (I buy natural soap, not in packaging). and I use it 2 times a day, morning and evening, after washing with Bioderma Sebium Acne Cream. with such care there are almost no points (ttt)

How to clean and get rid of blackheads and tighten pores?
The face is in a terrible state.

need to regulate body fat. Everything has already been described above using various means to help. and keep your hands off your face! otherwise he will walk around with craters and then pay 40 thousand for painful laser resurfacing.

Yes, the device is a dangerous thing.

What makes you think that the device is a dangerous thing? I cleanse my face quite often, plus I also do facial peels and take Nature’s Bounty zinc chelate. The skin is cleansed well from this complex of procedures and the effect lasts for 3-4 months.

What makes you think that the device is a dangerous thing? I cleanse my face quite often, plus I also do facial peels and take Nature’s Bounty zinc chelate. The skin is cleansed well from this complex of procedures and the effect lasts for 3-4 months.

Black clay masks helped me along with, and this is the most important thing, the exclusion from the diet of chocolate, cookies, other flour, fatty, salty, spicy, all sorts of other spices (just a little bit), soda and fast food.
And, by the way, I also chose the right foundation, tonic and moisturizing cream, this is extremely important for oily skin. If you don’t use moisturizer, the skin “moisturizes” itself and then it’s just a mess on your face.
Now she's a beauty))

Please share what kind of cream and tone it is.

Max Factor color adapt foundation shade 50, if I'm looking correctly.
Eva esthetic facial tonic for any skin type, and also Eva Aquagel cream, such a silver-orange series. Now not even a single white dot appears, and I can’t describe in words how much I suffered.

Black dots - tovaroobzor.ru


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The appearance of blackheads on the face indicates that the pores are clogged. A similar situation occurs in both women and men. It is possible to remove blackheads on the nose and reduce pores on your own at home. This requires an integrated approach, including cosmetic procedures, as well as changes in diet and physical activity.

Causes of blackheads on the nose

Blackheads or open comedones are the result of overworking of the sebaceous glands. Excess sebum production leads to clogged pores. If the upper layer of the epidermis is not removed, sebum is not able to come out. This causes oil to remain on the skin surface and clog the pores. If an infection joins the process, a purulent pimple forms. The following conditions can trigger excessive sebum production:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. Puberty is characterized by increased formation of blackheads and pimples due to unstable hormonal levels.
  2. Lack of proper skin care. Skin contamination due to improper cleansing or lack thereof contributes to clogged pores. Excessive cleansing disrupts the pH of the skin. To compensate for this, she begins to produce increased amounts of sebum to protect herself. It is important to select cosmetic products depending on your skin type.
  3. Poor nutrition. Frequent consumption of fatty, hot, smoked, spicy foods leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. This is expressed not only in pain, but also in the production of large amounts of sebum. Long-term constipation occurs due to impaired intestinal motility. Eating enough fiber will help you cope with this. It is recommended to include vegetables, fruits, and whole grain products in the diet.
  4. Hereditary predisposition. Having skin prone to increased sebum production has a genetic predisposition. If relatives have a similar feature, there is a high probability that future generations will encounter a similar problem.
  5. Bad habits. Smoking and alcoholism help speed up the body's metabolic processes. This leads to an increase in the rate of sebum production and clogged pores with the formation of blackheads.

Steam the skin to eliminate blackheads on the nose

A properly prepared person before the procedure for removing blackheads is the key to successful manipulation. There are several ways to steam your face:

  1. Use a pot of boiling water. You need to boil about 3 liters of water. When it boils, you can add essential oils or herbs for a better effect. It is recommended to wait until the prepared bath cools down to avoid getting burned by the hot steam. When the water reaches the required temperature, you need to bend your face over the pan and cover your head with a thick towel. The duration of the procedure is up to 20 minutes.
  2. Use a special inhaler. A special device will allow you to quickly and effectively prepare your face for upcoming procedures. You can also add essential oils and herbs to the water.
  3. Apply a warming face mask. For this purpose, you can use special masks. In addition to them, you can dip a towel or napkin in hot water with herbs and place it on your face until it cools completely.

Correctly squeezing out comedones

After the skin is cleansed and steamed, you can begin to remove blackheads. Before the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect your hands to minimize the risk of wound infection. It is necessary to wrap your fingers with a sterile napkin. Use gentle squeezing movements to apply pressure in the area of ​​the comedone. After completing the procedure, it is recommended to treat the skin with a pore-tightening lotion. The use of greasy creams or cosmetics after cleansing pores is prohibited.

Removing blackheads on the nose using a special patch

In addition to mechanical cleaning of pores, there are special methods that allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of the problem. One method is to use a blackhead patch. A patch is applied to previously cleansed and steamed skin. Due to special components, the patch softens the sebaceous plug. It is removed along with the patch. You can use a similar method in the area of ​​the forehead, nose, and chin. The required frequency of use is up to 3 times a week.

Removing blackheads on the nose using the lightening method

One of the effective methods of dealing with blackheads is to lighten them. However, this method masks comedones and does not eliminate them completely. This method can be used if there is an emergency need to hide blackheads.

  1. Has a good brightening effect lemon juice. It must be diluted with water in equal proportions. Rub the resulting solution onto the affected area.
  2. In addition to lemon lotion, you can use hydrogen peroxide. This method is contraindicated for those with dry skin, as peroxide greatly dries out the skin.
  3. A solution prepared from soda, salt and soap will help lighten comedones. This lotion, like peroxide, dries the skin very much, so its use on dry facial skin is not recommended.
  4. A kefir mask has a brightening effect. Add lemon juice, honey and salt to a glass of kefir. The resulting mixture is applied to the face with rubbing movements. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.
  5. A rice mask will help lighten comedones at home. Pre-soaked rice should be applied to the face for 10 minutes, then rinsed with water.

Eliminate blackheads with cleansing masks

In the fight against blackheads, cleansing masks have a good effect. You can use cosmetic clay or activated carbon as the main component.

  1. Oatmeal has a good cleansing effect. To prepare the mask, you need to soak oatmeal in hot water. Apply the resulting paste to your face and rinse with water after 10 minutes.
  2. Crushed activated carbon is mixed with gelatin. The heated mixture is applied to the face until completely dry. Activated carbon is a good sorbent. This quality allows it to be used for poisoning of various origins. A cleansing mask with charcoal will help absorb harmful substances from the surface of the skin.
  3. In the absence of individual intolerance, you can use a honey-based mask. Before this, the product should be melted in a water bath and lemon juice should be added. Cooled honey is applied to the face, left for 10 minutes and washed off with warm water. In addition to the cleansing effect, this mask perfectly tones the skin.
  4. Coffee has an antioxidant effect, which allows it to be used for cosmetic purposes. To prepare the mask, mix ground coffee with honey. The resulting mass is applied to the face until dry, then washed off with water.
  5. Cosmetic clay is diluted in water. The resulting mass is applied to the face and wait for the mask to dry. After this, the clay must be washed off with warm water. Some types of clay, in addition to their cleansing effect, have the ability to whiten the skin. This property helps to use this method as a lightening agent for blackheads.

Compresses for cleansing and lightening the skin

The use of compresses to cleanse the skin requires caution. Do not resort to using hot compresses. This can lead to the development of a burn. The use of compresses with anti-inflammatory herbs additionally soothes the skin. Place a napkin or towel in a decoction of chamomile, sage or calendula. Place on face and keep a warm compress for 10 minutes. After the towels or napkins have cooled, they are removed. The compress can be used to steam the skin before cleansing the pores of blackheads.

We reduce pores using “tightening” procedures

After the comedone is removed, it is necessary to narrow the pores. For this purpose, the following methods can be used:

  1. Apply egg white to face. It will create a thin film that helps narrow the pores.
  2. A lotion based on cucumber juice has a good anti-inflammatory, tonic and contracting effect. Rubbing the skin with this solution will help in the fight against blackheads.
  3. To further disinfect the cleaned pore, you can use a lotion based on calendula and mineral water.

The above methods allow you to complete the procedure for cleansing your skin of blackheads at home.

Precautions when removing comedones at home

Any manipulation to eliminate blackheads requires careful use and also has its own contraindications.

Before cleaning your face from blackheads at home, you need to disinfect your hands and equipment that will be used.

Such measures are taken to reduce the risk of infection through steamed pores. Any masks, compresses used at home to remove comedones are canceled when the first signs of an allergic reaction appear. In this case, you will need to consult a doctor immediately.

There are many methods for removing blackheads at home. This is not a substitute for professional cleaning carried out in a beauty salon. However, comprehensive and systematic use of such methods at home can contribute to less frequent visits to a cosmetologist to clean pores. You should also undergo an examination to determine the cause of excessive sebum production, which clogs pores and leads to the formation of blackheads. To do this, you can contact a therapist, endocrinologist and gynecologist.

Skin is an indicator of a woman’s health and beauty. Therefore, it is so necessary to take care of maintaining its shape. But what to do if the condition of your skin does not fully satisfy you? Let's talk about skin problems such as enlarged pores and blackheads. How will we fight them?

It's time - what is it?

What is time? In simple and accessible language for everyone, it's time - this is where hair grows and sebum is secreted. Everyone knows why sebum is secreted and why hair grows, and everyone knows that everyone has pores. But not everyone knows why some people have pores so enlarged that they can be seen with the naked eye. Therefore, let's return to the topic of enlarged pores on the face and try to talk about it.

What you need to know about pores

Pores are channels for the removal of fat to the surface of the skin. They are follicle openings located on the surface of the skin, consisting of hair and several sebaceous glands.

There is always hair in the pore, i.e. where there is hair, there is time. Hair and oil come to the surface of the skin through the pores. The pores are a kind of hatches of a bunker, in the depths of which a large amount of equipment is located and various works are carried out.

The size of the pore is directly related to the production of sebum - the more intense it is produced, the larger the pores, and vice versa.

What causes pore enlargement?

Why are the pores wider in some places than others? Enlarged pores appear for many reasons. The most common cause of enlarged pores on the face (as well as acne) is genetics. We all experience genetic changes as we age. Some people go bald, others gain weight or, on the contrary, lose weight, and some people notice enlargement of their pores as they age.

Another noteworthy cause of enlarged pores is having oily skin. With more sebum secretion, the pores become larger over time. Poor skin care can also lead to enlarged pores on your face. If you do not take care of your face, regularly cleansing it of sebum and dead cells that constantly accumulate as a result of skin renewal, then the pores will begin to enlarge.

Excessive sun tanning also leads to enlarged pores. Due to constant exposure to sunlight, the skin thickens over time, which also leads to enlarged pores. Loss of collagen, elastin and water due to too much sun exposure causes damage to the subcutaneous tissue. The skin dries out and tightens the pores, thus causing them to expand.

The formation of impurities in pores is also facilitated by:

— Disruption of the endocrine glands
— Hormonal imbalance
— Stress
— Taking medications
— Weakening of the immune system
— Excessive use of decorative cosmetics

And finally - black dots. If you have blackheads, or blackheads as they are also called, then it is more than likely that they will leave behind traces in the form of enlarged pores. Blackheads are formed as a result of oxidation of sebum protruding to the surface of the skin

So, in the fight against pores they will help you:

Foam wash with exfoliants, as well as scrubs. Used 2-3 times a week, these products perfectly remove excess sebum, dead skin cells and other elements that clog pores and the surface of the skin.

But remember, you can’t get carried away with scrubs: exfoliating too often will “confuse” the sebaceous glands, they will start working in emergency mode and the result will be the opposite. In addition, massaging movements when applying the gel should be light and delicate so that the skin is not injured.

Microdermabrasion or laser resurfacing, which can significantly reduce pores. At the same time, the procedure stimulates the production of collagen, which makes the skin look more youthful, smooth and well-groomed.

But the problem with large pores most often occurs in combination with other “charms” of oily skin - pimples and skin rashes. If careful care alone does not help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, then you should definitely contact a specialist cosmetologist.

And one more thing: do not prescribe procedures for yourself. When you come to a cosmetologist, you shouldn’t say: “I want to do this and that.” It’s better to ask for a consultation: a good cosmetologist will clearly explain the essence of your problem and options for solving it. This way you can determine the level of his professionalism and choose one of the proposed procedures.

3. Alpha and beta hydroxy acids

Alpha and beta hydroxy acids cleanse pores by removing old dead cells. Alpha hydroxy acid is water soluble. Beta-hydroxy acid (salicylic acid) is oil-soluble, which allows it to penetrate deeper into pores and produce a deeper clean. Salicylic acid should be present in any of your skin care products if, in addition to problems with your pores, you also have problems with pimples and skin rashes

This is a medical preparation based on vitamin A, which allows you to remove “blackheads”, cleanse severely clogged pores, and accelerate the formation of new cells. Before using it, you should consult a dermatologist-cosmetologist.

5. Correct makeup

If you have enlarged pores, use loose powder, blush, and other similar products to improve skin color and add texture. Foundations and even mattifying foundation applied to areas with enlarged pores accentuate the pores.

6. Special creams that tighten pores

Most companies have developed entire series of cosmetics specifically to combat pores.

7. Berry - fruit masks

A berry-fruit mask made from strawberries, apples, plums, apricots, and peaches also has a tightening effect on the pores of the face. They are simply rubbed and applied to the skin. If the skin is sensitive, add a little fresh sour cream or cottage cheese. After half an hour, wash off the mask with a cotton swab dipped in milk. A mask of whipped protein with the addition of lemon juice greatly tightens pores and makes the skin elastic. But it is not recommended for dry skin, and can be used no more than once a week.

8. Contact a specialist

However, if enlarged pores are accompanied by other problems, most often with pimples and skin rashes, then you should consult a specialist cosmetologist, since you need to deal not with the pores, but with the disruption of the sebaceous glands.