Masks after facial steaming

One of the best universal skin care products are steaming face masks: they are suitable for all types, and they can be used both separately for deep cleansing and for preparation before using other cosmetic compositions. For preparation, you can use natural ingredients or buy ready-made packaging with masks, which already include all the useful substances for cleansing and improving the appearance of the epidermis.

Why do you need to make steaming facial masks?

The main problem of most girls is clogged pores. This is typical for all skin types, but oily skin is most susceptible to clogging due to the large amount of sebaceous secretions due to improper functioning of the glands. To eliminate this defect, it is recommended to use masks for steaming the face: they perfectly remove all impurities and also allow access to other beneficial substances through cleansed pores.

Another advantage of steaming compositions is the possibility of use on sensitive epidermis. If you are prone to redness after using scrubs, such masks are a real salvation for those with delicate skin. Having chosen the right product for yourself, there is no need for harsh peelings, because steaming compounds act gently but effectively.

What are the benefits of using steaming procedures:

  1. After warming up, the synthesis of elastin and collagen accelerates, metabolic processes are activated;
  2. The steaming effect guarantees the rapid removal of impurities, toxins and sebaceous secretions, which often clog pores;
  3. Clean pores are the key to optimal access of oxygen to the deep layers of the skin;
  4. If there is redness and inflammation, they go away after warming up, because... masks have a calming effect;
  5. Increases elasticity and firmness;
  6. Regular use slows down the aging process, prevents the appearance of acne and other problematic rashes.

Important! The most positive effect is achieved through systematic use. To achieve this, it is enough to use warming compositions once a week.

Are there any contraindications?

In general, steaming masks are considered quite safe, but there are contraindications in which it is better to avoid them:

  1. Ulcers;
  2. Open wounds;
  3. Individual intolerance to components.

If there are none of the above problems, you can safely move on to using homemade or purchased products, but subject to the rules for their use:

  1. You cannot steam the skin with different compositions twice in one procedure - this can lead to overheating of the epidermis and tissue death;
  2. If you are prone to allergic reactions, before applying to your face, it is recommended to test the composition on the crook of your elbow: apply it there and leave for 15 minutes. If there are no negative changes, the product can be used;
  3. If you plan to use other (non-steaming) masks, they should be applied only after warming up, when the skin is as clean as possible and the pores are open;
  4. You can keep the warming composition for no more than 20 minutes, and for rinsing it is best to use a pre-prepared herbal decoction of chamomile, calendula or another plant, depending on your skin type;
  5. The procedure should be carried out before bed or on a day off so that you don’t have to go anywhere. If you steam the skin and then apply cosmetics, there will be only one harm.

By following these simple rules, you can achieve positive results in the shortest possible time.

The best steaming face masks

Warming compositions are divided into two types - homemade and purchased. For self-preparation, you may need vegetable oils, oatmeal, herbal infusions, natural juices, but the specific ingredients depend on the recipe or skin type.

As for products from the mass market, they already contain steaming agents, but some of them should only be used in a bathhouse or sauna. Before use, you should read the instructions.

Home Recipes

To prepare a steaming face mask at home, just use the appropriate recipe depending on your skin type.

For fatty

This composition cleans pores well and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands:

  1. Pour 20 g of Dead Sea mud into a bag and place in boiling water for a few minutes;
  2. Heat 5 ml of grape oil mixed with a few drops of tea tree ether in a water bath;
  3. Mix everything until smooth, treat the dermis with an even layer;
  4. Remove after 15 minutes. We use it 1-2 times a month.

For dry

The following composition will help get rid of peeling and make the skin smoother and more elastic:

  1. Pour 15 g of gelatin with herbal decoction, stir and hold for 10 minutes;
  2. Combine with preheated olive oil (1 tbsp) and 5 g of melted honey;
  3. Apply a thick layer to the skin;
  4. After holding for 20 minutes, remove.

For normal and sensitive

If your skin is prone to flaking and redness, you should use this product for gentle cleansing:

  1. Grind 10 g of oatmeal in a coffee grinder;
  2. Pour chamomile infusion over the oatmeal and stir;
  3. Apply to the epidermis;
  4. Wash off after leaving for no more than 20 minutes.

From the mass market

If you don’t want to prepare homemade masks yourself, you can purchase a ready-made composition in the store. Store-bought ones usually contain natural ingredients that help warm the skin.

Garnier “Clean Skin”

The drug is sold in a sachet for two uses. The composition contains sulfur and zinc, which have cleansing and drying properties, so it is best suited for girls with oily skin. The mask is considered aggressive, so it is not recommended for those with sensitive dermis.

You can learn about the action of the mask in the video from Garnier:

Floresan “Face without problems”

A distinctive feature of this drug is its low cost and high efficiency. It is sold in a package of five sachets, so it will last a long time. The composition contains zinc and kaolin - active opponents of comedones, blackheads and pimples. The mask cleanses and tightens pores, and also prevents inflammation.

Avon "Volcanoes of Iceland"

The popular brand produces a mask from the SPA series, containing spring water and volcanic minerals. Sold in a 50 ml tube, when used once a week it lasts for a long time. Suitable for cleansing even the most sensitive skin.

Organic Shop "Organic Kitchen"

This is a facial bath containing lavender, tea tree and chamomile oils. These ingredients have soothing and moisturizing properties, so the mask is suitable for those with delicate and dry skin.

Real reviews of using steaming masks

Having decided to steam their skin, many girls look for real reviews on the Internet, here are some of them:

Marina, 24 years old, Orel:

“I use a mask from Garnier. I can’t say that it is aggressive, but after using it for a few minutes there is still some redness. I have oily skin, so it suits me perfectly, and it really does make my blackheads disappear.”

Lyudmila, 20 years old, Lipetsk:

“I make my own mask with oatmeal, but I also add olive oil to it. It perfectly moisturizes and cleanses the skin, and after it the complexion becomes much better. After using it for 2 months, I already forgot about peeling.”

Galina, 29 years old, Tambov:

“The mask from Floresan suits me best. There are no unpleasant sensations during use, and after it all you can do is enjoy the beauty and velvety of your skin, and it also helped me get rid of acne.”

Tatyana, 18 years old, Astrakhan:

“A friend recommended Avon to me because... other masks acted extremely aggressively on my skin and caused irritation. Now there are no such problems, and it cleans perfectly.”

Julia, 20 years old, Kaluga:

“I prepare a gelatin mask at home, it does its job perfectly. I don’t see the point in buying anything when all the products are at hand and are inexpensive.”


The use of warming face masks gives the most positive results, affecting not only the appearance, but also the condition of the skin:

  1. Inflammatory processes occur;
  2. Problematic rashes disappear;
  3. Pores are cleansed.

Steaming products can be used by women at any age to always look beautiful and well-groomed, and also forget about skin problems.

You can learn about the effect of steaming masks from the video:

Many skin problems can be avoided if you pay enough attention to its cleanliness. Most people mistakenly believe that regular washing is enough for this. Some people add scrubs, peels and gommages and do not see the need for deeper cleaning of pores. But they get clogged with whole plugs of dermal debris: remnants of cosmetics, particles of atmospheric dust, sebaceous deposits. As a result, cellular respiration is disrupted, the amount of oxygen supplied to the tissue becomes catastrophically small - the skin becomes dull, pimples and blackheads appear.

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In order for the cleansing stage to be deep and high-quality, you need to know how to open the pores in order to extract all this dirt from them. There are different techniques and ways to steam your face at home - you can use any of them.

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Why is this necessary?


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Is it beneficial to steam your facial skin? When is it necessary to do this? Typically, this preliminary step is carried out before large-scale cleaning of clogged pores. This procedure allows them to open as much as possible under the influence of heat (or cold). Accordingly, the scrub, cream, mask and any other cosmetics applied after this will be able to penetrate much deeper into the epidermis in order to launch the necessary processes at the cellular level.

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The mechanism of action for steaming pores on the face is quite simple, and the results can surprise you in the most pleasant way:

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  1. hot steam cleanses pores of sebaceous deposits, cosmetics, toxins and other skin debris;
  2. It is very useful to steam your face from blackheads, because after such a procedure their rods are either independently removed (pushed) to the surface, or come out very easily under gentle pressure with your fingers;
  3. improvement of cellular respiration - a guarantee of a beautiful complexion: a natural blush appears, and grayness and yellowness go away;
  4. if you steam your face before the mask, its effectiveness will increase several times, since the nutrients penetrate into the very depths of the epidermis;
  5. various metabolic processes in cells are activated;
  6. steaming has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on the skin;
  7. pimples, blackheads, and comedones become noticeably smaller, so this procedure is recommended for all those with problem skin, and especially for teenagers.

If you regularly steam your pores before cleansing, you can open them up as much as possible and enhance the effect of scrubs and peels, eliminating all dermal debris.

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You yourself will be surprised how well-groomed and beautiful your skin will become if you perform such procedures regularly. The main thing here is to do everything correctly, without violating the general recommendations.

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The secret of efficiency. Under the influence of heat (hot water, steam, thermoactive components), even the most narrowed pores can open. However, given this principle of operation, you need to be careful with enlarged pores, for which you will then have to use products with the opposite effect - narrowing ones.

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Progress of the procedure

If you need to quickly and efficiently steam your facial skin, you will have to follow a certain algorithm of actions. It is the same for all existing methods and techniques. If you follow it exactly, the results will exceed all expectations.

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  1. Remove makeup using special products for this.
  2. Wash with cleansing milk or gel.
  3. Pin your hair up or tuck it under a cap/scarf. It is important that they do not interfere with the procedure.
  4. Steam the pores in accordance with the chosen method.
  5. How long should you steam your face before cleansing? The optimal time required to completely open the pores is 10 minutes.
  6. After the procedure, you should not wash or dry with a towel. Allow the skin to rest for another 10 minutes so that the moisture is completely absorbed.
  7. Wipe your face with a dry cloth.
  8. Clean with scrub/peeling/gommage.
  9. Apply a soothing mask.
  10. Treat steamed skin with cream.

Many people are interested in the question of how often you can steam your face. You can carry out the procedure according to this scheme 2 times a week for very problematic and dirty skin. If her condition is not so critical, 1 time will be enough.

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If something is not clear, you can always find a training video and watch how a professional does it. Of course, the effectiveness of the procedure will largely depend on which particular steaming method was chosen. But before we move on to a review of these techniques, here are some more general useful tips from cosmetologists.

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Wrong opinion. Some women try on their own to increase the thermal effect of cosmetics (masks, gels, wipes) that steam the pores. To do this, they actively move during its action: do gymnastics, dance, do something around the house. And they only make it worse. After all, they sweat intensely. Droplets of salty sweat get under thermoactive cosmetics and cause severe irritation.

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To avoid side effects, you need to be able to properly steam your face at home to avoid health problems. This procedure falls into the category of quite dangerous, since there is a high risk of complications if the technique is not followed.

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To avoid unwanted consequences, follow simple but important recommendations from cosmetologists.

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  1. Do not steam your skin with unbearably hot water or steam: they can leave a burn on your face or provoke the development of rosacea.
  2. For dry epidermis, it is advisable to reduce the procedure time to 5 minutes and do it no more than once a month.
  3. You should not go outside for 3-4 hours after steaming your face. This applies to any weather: open and cleaned pores are equally negatively affected by both ultraviolet radiation and frost.
  4. The best time to steam your pores is 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  5. Any steaming cosmetic products must first be tested on the sensitive skin of the wrist.
  6. They should not be applied to the area around the eyes and lips.
  7. If after this procedure irritation appears on the face, you should abandon this method and consult a cosmetologist / dermatologist as soon as possible.

One of the most important steps is to choose how exactly you will steam your pores at home. After all, there are several ways, but you will only need to choose one. But first you will have to study the list of contraindications and decide for yourself whether this procedure is harmful to you at all.

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Helpful advice. To prevent cosmetics that are designed to steam pores from burning your lips and skin around the eyes, apply rich moisturizing creams to them.

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The moment you steam the pores, hot air and vapor penetrate deep into the skin and affect not only cellular processes, but also blood circulation and air ventilation in the lungs. If some internal organs do not function properly, the condition may worsen. Accordingly, this procedure has a number of contraindications:

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  1. asthma;
  2. lung problems;
  3. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  4. high blood pressure;
  5. heat.

If you have any chronic diseases (even if they are not associated with contraindications), it is better to dispel all doubts and consult with a specialist whether you can steam your pores before cleaning. This will help avoid complications.

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Well, now, finally, the long-awaited ways to tidy up your skin.

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Be careful! If you have too much inflammation on your face (lots of pimples), the fumes can spread the infection further.

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Among the ways to steam your face for cleaning at home, there are advanced methods that are used in beauty salons (vaporizer, cold hydrogenation), and there are artisanal ones, that is, as simple as possible, using improvised means (basin, towel, herbal teas). ).

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Only you can choose which one is most acceptable and effective for you.

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Herbal steam bath


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If you need a high-quality, good steam on your face with minimal risks to the skin, you won’t find anything better than a steam bath. And the first thing you will need to do is choose herbs according to your skin type.

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  1. For acne: aloe, immortelle, calendula, St. John's wort, lavender, coltsfoot, string, plantain.
  2. For oily skin: butterbur, birch, aloe, oak, nettle, burdock roots, linden, mint, horsetail, plantain.
  3. For dry skin: thyme, oregano, calendula.
  4. For wrinkles: rosemary, coltsfoot, chamomile, sage.
  5. For blackheads: rowan, nettle.
  6. For age spots: parsley, dandelion.

The technique for performing the procedure is as simple as possible:

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  1. Make a concentrated infusion or decoction from the herb.
  2. Pour a glass of herbal infusion into a liter of boiling water, prepared in advance in a deep cup (basin, small bath or special device - steam sauna).
  3. Bend over the container so low that the vapor does not burn your face.
  4. Cover your head with a terry towel.
  5. As the infusion cools, to completely steam the pores, bring your face closer to the surface of the healing liquid or add boiling water.

A herbal bath allows you to open your pores as much as possible in a minimum amount of time. This is a proven method that rarely causes side effects.

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A terry towel or cotton napkin allows you to very quickly steam your face at home - literally in 5-7 minutes. Moreover, there is a universal way: moisten them in ordinary hot water, squeeze them lightly, cool to avoid burns and apply to the problem area.

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And there are special medicinal solutions that will not only open the pores, but also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. And then the towel or napkin is moistened directly into them.

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The most effective recipes turned out to be the following mixtures of herbs and essential oils:

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  1. For problem/oily skin: a mixture of sage, birch, St. John's wort, linden + lemon or mint essential oils.
  2. For dry skin: infusion of linden, chamomile, dandelion, bay leaves + rose or fir esters.
  3. For wrinkles: a decoction of cinnamon, licorice, nettle + essential oils of lavender or orange.
  4. For combination skin: a mixture of sage, calendula, mint + bergamot or jasmine esters.

Now you know how to steam your face with a towel: perhaps this is one of the easiest and fastest ways with the minimum cost. If you want an even greater effect and are ready to empty your wallet for this, thermoactive cosmetics are at your service.

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Thermoactive cosmetics


Thermoactive lotion-tonic from “Styx” (Austria)

A very noticeable effect is achieved by a steaming gel for facial cleansing, which removes dirt, dead cells, toxins from pores, improves blood circulation and perfectly prepares the skin for the subsequent application of cream/scrub/mask. Thermoactive cosmetics of this kind receive good reviews:

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  1. gels from Anna Lotan (Israel), New Line and Kora (Russia), physiogel from Stiefel Laboratories (Ireland);
  2. Detox - thermoactive tonic lotion from Styx (Austria);
  3. exfoliating thermoactive mask from Nuxe (France).

In addition, beauty salons offer cold hydrogenation for facial cleansing. It does not injure or stretch the skin. Products for this procedure are produced by brands such as Anna Lotan, Magiray, Holy Land from Israel. Today they are sold in the public domain, so it is quite possible to do cold facial steaming at home.

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  1. Apply hydrating gel to face.
  2. Rub it into the skin with light massage movements.
  3. Cover your face with a cloth mask with slits for the mouth and eyes.
  4. You can apply a warming compress on top to enhance the effect.
  5. After 10-15 minutes, everything is removed, the remaining gel is removed with a dry cloth.

With the help of thermoactive cosmetics, you can steam your face very efficiently and quickly, since it contains special formulas - the latest developments in the beauty industry.

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Steaming masks

There is a special steaming face mask that can be easily prepared at home. Its operating principle is to create a vacuum underneath so that the layers of the dermis are heated deeper. After the thermal composition is applied to the face, it must be covered on top with a special fabric mask with slits for the eyes and mouth. This will enhance the effectiveness of the procedure.

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Several recipes for homemade masks of this kind will allow you to thoroughly steam your pores at home.

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  1. Egg-honey

Beat the yolk with olive oil and honey (1 tablespoon each).

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  1. Manna

Boil coarse semolina porridge in milk without salt until the desired thickness (so as not to spread), apply warm (almost hot) to the face.

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  1. Oatmeal

Cook thick oatmeal in milk without salt, add 10 grams of baking soda, apply warm (almost hot) to your face.

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Now you know how to steam your face before cleansing: there are a lot of products, you can choose any method to get rid of dermal debris.

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Keeping your pores clean is key to your skin's health, so take care of it regularly. And if there are any doubts, perhaps they will be dispelled by a block of questions and answers on this topic.

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This is interesting. Preparations for cold hydrogenation (steaming) are produced in the form of a gel and are produced mainly on the basis of extracts of succulent plants (these include aloe, cacti, etc.).

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Questions and answers on facial steaming


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If you decide to steam your face at home yourself, you will have to work out every nuance of the procedure. Answers to the most problematic questions will help you understand everything thoroughly.

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  1. Is it possible to steam your face every day?

Even with the most contaminated skin, you cannot steam your face every day. Maximum (for oily and problematic epidermis) - 2 times a week.

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  1. Is it possible to steam your face if you have acne?

If they are isolated and the inflammation has not spread throughout the entire face, it is not only possible, but also necessary. But if the rash covers a very large area, you first need to be treated and relieve inflammation.

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  1. How to steam the skin on your nose?

To steam the pores on the nose so that blackheads disappear, you can use thermoactive strips. And any of the methods described above is suitable for cleaning any area of ​​the face.

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  1. Do I need to steam my face before using a clay mask?

Before any cosmetic mask (be it homemade or industrial), including clay, steaming the pores is very useful. This enhances the effectiveness of the cosmetic product.

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  1. Do I need to steam my face before peeling?

Before any peeling, it is better to steam your face properly - this is one of the main tips from cosmetologists.

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You can wash your face thoroughly every day using all kinds of cosmetics with a cleansing effect, regularly use scrubs and peels, but still feel that your pores remain clogged. Because of this, a lot of skin problems arise: acne, dull color, blackheads, uneven texture, etc.

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But you can also get rid of skin debris at home if you thoroughly steam the pores on your face using one of the methods described above. Then the cleaning products you use are guaranteed to fulfill their functions, penetrating to a sufficient depth and removing from the innermost layers of the dermis the dirt that prevented it from looking clean and well-groomed.

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If you decide to use a face mask at home, then you need to pre-steam the skin; for this you need to know how to properly steam your face before the mask. The effectiveness of facial cleansing and the further condition of the skin depend on the correct preparation.

Why steam your face before using a mask?

Steaming is necessary to open pores and improve blood circulation, which contributes to a deeper effect of the mask on the skin of the face.

Knowing how to steam your face before a mask, you can get rid of skin problems such as acne, blackheads, and the procedure itself will help cope with the expansion and contamination of pores in problem areas - on the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin.


The steaming procedure cleanses the skin, making it lighter and younger.

Before procedures such as peeling and using masks, skin preparation is necessary and important. Steam helps open pores and soften skin, which helps the components of the mask penetrate as deeply as possible into the layers of the skin and more effectively cleanse the pores of various impurities.

Steaming helps remove toxins and get rid of excess oil in the skin. Also helps improve blood circulation, skin becomes softer and smoother, skin tone increases and the aging process slows down.

Preliminary preparation

Steaming, like any cosmetic procedure requires knowledge of the rules and methods of its implementation. Before you begin the steam procedure before using the mask, you need to learn how and by what methods you can steam your face.


Thermoactive wipe is an alternative to baths.

There are several steaming methods:

  1. steam method;
  2. thermoactive wipes;
  3. thermoactive cosmetics.

The simplest and most free method is the steam method, which uses direct steam on the skin of the face. Steam can be produced using water, or decoctions of a mixture of dry herbs. To do this, you need to bring the water to a boil, then pour the boiling water into a wide bowl, bend over it and cover your head with a towel.

If you want to use a decoction of herbs, then When the water boils, you need to add the desired herbs and boil for a few more minutes. For this method you can also use essential oils; for this you need to add a few drops of oils to boiling water. Then repeat all the same procedures as with water.

Steaming using herbs and oils is more effective, as it not only opens the pores, but also cleanses them at the same time.

Important to rememberthat steam can damage the skin, so you need to keep your face at such a distance above the boiling water that it does not get too hot. If you feel discomfort, you need to raise your head higher to prevent steam burns to your skin.

Steaming can be carried out using special means, such as thermoactive wipes. They are a face-sized fabric base that is saturated with warming and cleansing ingredients.

The action of the wipes is aimed at simultaneously opening the pores and the effect of cleansing agents. When using thermoactive wipes, you feel a pleasant warmth on your face. However, if you feel a strong burning sensation, you must stop the procedure to avoid irritation and damage to the skin.

An alternative to thermosetting wipes can be made at home. For this you need to take any cloth napkin and hold it in hot water, then squeeze and apply to face. If the napkin cools down quickly, you can repeat the procedure again.

Note, The napkin should not be too hot, otherwise you may get burned.

Another steaming method is use of thermoactive cosmetics. Such cosmetics may include serums and masks, which, when exposed to the skin, warm it up.


Thermoactive tonic lotion from Styx will open pores and cleanse the skin

These products contain components that irritate the skin, which promotes a thermal effect and opens pores. You should not use such cosmetics for sensitive or irritated skin.

What is needed for a steam procedure

For steam treatment at home It is necessary to prepare a container for boiling water, also a bowl over which steaming will then take place, preferably not a plastic dish.

The bowl should be wide so that the steam covers the entire face. Also you will need water, no more than 1-2 literswhich will need to be brought to a boil.


To steam with a decoction of herbs or with the addition of essential oils, you will need the necessary set of dry herbs and oils.

For a steam procedure using napkins, you need to prepare water that needs to be heated, as well as a cloth that will be used as a napkin.
If steaming is carried out using thermoactive cosmetics, then you must first purchase these products in a store or pharmacy.

Execution Rules

There are several rules for steaming your face before the mask, which include preparing the facial skin for the procedure, preparing the necessary utensils and components used.


Herbs should be added to the water. Then the procedure will not only open the pores, but also cleanse them

First you need to prepare your face for steaming. For this you need to cleanse your skin of cosmetics, since it is very important to carry out steam treatments on a clean face to avoid contamination from getting into open pores.

After removing your makeup, you can use a scrub or cleanser to cleanse your face more thoroughly. The hair must be collected so that the face is completely exposed and so as not to get it wet.

The steam procedure must be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Pour 1-2 liters of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Pour boiling water into a wide metal or glass bowl.
  3. Add herbs to boiling water or a few drops of essential oils. You can choose one type or combination of herbs that suit your skin type.
  4. Tilt your head over the bowl and cover yourself with a towel so that the steam covers your entire face. Don't bend too low to avoid breathing problems and getting burned.


  5. Hold your head over steam for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Blot your face dry towel.
  7. Steamingover, now you can proceed to the next cosmetic procedures, or wash your face with cool water and apply a moisturizer.

Steaming duration

How long you need to steam your face before using the mask depends on your skin type. Steam can cause your face to become overly dry, so for dry skin 5 minutes will be enough.

If your skin is oily, you can increase the time to 25 minutes. For normal skin, steaming time should be 10-15 minutes. The time also depends on the sensitivity of the skin.

If the skin quickly heats up and redness appears, then the duration of the procedure must be reduced.

To be effective, steaming should be done regularly. For dry skin, it will be enough to carry out a steam procedure once a month. For normal skin steaming must be repeated every 2 weeks, and if you have oily skin, then the procedure should be carried out once a week.

What is prohibited and dangerous to do

Steaming is one of those procedures that should not be performed frequently, as it can harm the skin. Frequent steam cleansing of the face may lead to increased sensitivity of the skin. The minimum time interval between procedures should be at least 1 week.


Do not steam your face if your skin is scratched, irritated or inflamed.

Before steaming Don't squeeze pimples and in general you should refuse the procedure if there are damaged areas of skin, inflammation and irritation on your face.

It is not recommended to use steam cleansing when you have acne on your face.
After the procedure Do not perform mechanical facial cleansing, You should avoid using a scrub, as after steaming the skin is very vulnerable and sensitive.

Exposing a steamed face to cleansers can cause skin damage and irritation.

You cannot perform a steam procedure on an uncleaned face., since there is a risk that particles of cosmetics will get into the opened pores, which will lead to inflammation of the skin. Hands should also be washed thoroughly and only then begin cleansing.


The steam procedure is contraindicated for people with vascular diseases and rosacea, as well as for overly enlarged pores. For such diseases and skin problems, heat exposure is strictly prohibited.

During the steam procedure, you have to breathe over boiling water for some time, so Steaming is contraindicated if you have heart disease, as well as with high blood pressure.

People with bronchial asthma should proceed with steam cleaning with caution, as breathing steam may cause an attack of oxygen deficiency.

If steaming is carried out using herbs and essential oils, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to these components.

To do this, you should conduct a test Apply the ingredient used to the area of ​​skin on the wrist and wait 30-60 minutes. If during this time no redness, irritation or other signs appear, then you can use these components during the steam procedure.

Important to remember, that when steaming your face, boiling water is used before the mask, so pay attention to how you feel during the procedure.

If you feel that your skin is getting very hot, you should increase the distance between your face and the steam or stop the procedure to avoid overheating of the skin and burns.

Skin care after the procedure

Since during steaming the pores of the skin open deeply, they should be closed after the procedure to avoid contamination from getting into them.


After steaming, you should narrow the pores. To do this, you can wipe your face with tonic or lemon juice.

If you steam your face before using the mask, then after the procedure you need to use a toner that tightens the pores. Also You can use lemon juice to close pores. To do this, apply a small amount of diluted juice on a cotton pad and wipe your face.

If, after steaming, no further cosmetic procedures are envisaged, then you should wash your face with cool water, which will help narrow the pores.

For dry skin After steam cleaning you may feel a slight tightness and dry skin, which can be relieved by applying a moisturizer to your face.

Steaming is a very important and beneficial procedure for the skin, but do not forget that, like any cosmetic procedure, it has its contraindications. If steam cleansing is carried out correctly, this contributes to a more effective and positive effect on the skin of subsequent procedures.

This video will show you how to properly make a steam bath for your face:

The following video will teach you how to cleanse your face using steam baths:

This video will show how steaming helps with blackheads: