Wrinkles in the corners of the lips photo

The appearance of wrinkles around the mouth and lips is caused by age-related changes in which the skin becomes less elastic. To cope with the problem and stop the withering process, it is recommended to use several approaches to rejuvenation at once. Currently, there are many methods that give good results not only in the salon, but also at home.

Why do wrinkles appear around the mouth and their types?

Wrinkles around the mouth and lips appear when the skin loses its former elasticity over the years. In this case, there is a significant decrease in the amount of hyaluronic acid in the cells, and the production of elastin and collagen ceases. The skin becomes more susceptible to stretching. That is why emotional people, who are accustomed to active facial expressions, face the problem earlier than others.

The main types of wrinkles around the mouth and lips, depending on the cause:

  1. Mimic - occur with the active manifestation of emotions, the corners of the mouth are involved first.
  2. Age-related - appear as the body ages. In men, this process is less pronounced.

Depending on the location, the following types of wrinkles are distinguished:

  1. In the corners of the mouth - they represent races that go down to the chin.
  2. Above the upper lip there are, as a rule, small multiple vertical grooves.
  3. Nasolabial - start from the nose and smoothly move to the lips. These types of wrinkles appear earlier than all others, since this area is especially susceptible to stretching when smiling.

Additional classification depends on the advanced state of the aging process. In this case, wrinkles are distinguished:

  1. small - barely perceptible to the eye and appear when smiling or sad;
  2. medium - visible to the naked eye, but affects small areas;
  3. deep - clearly expressed and represent rather massive grooves.


As the body ages, the skin loses a large amount of moisture, the muscles become less elastic and strong. This leads to drooping of the epidermis and the appearance of wrinkles.

How to remove wrinkles around the mouth and lips

To get rid of wrinkles around the mouth and lips, you should approach the task in a comprehensive manner. Home remedies such as creams and exercises can be used to correct minor changes. To get rid of medium wrinkles, in addition to home remedies, you can turn to the services of a salon. In this case, fillers, for example, based on hyaluronic acid, give good results.

To eliminate deep wrinkles, it is better to use radical measures such as a circular facelift. Which method will be optimal depends on the degree of age-related changes and health status. After all, surgical intervention is not always indicated.

Home treatments

At home, nourishing masks, massage, gymnastics and creams are the best help. However, you need to understand that if you have deep wrinkles, it is impossible to achieve quick results. Masks must be done at least 2 times a week. At the same time, in order for the nutritional compositions to penetrate deeper, it is good to pre-warm the skin with a massage.

Facial exercises (face building) also give good results if done daily. The procedure should be completed with a contrast wash and application of a nourishing cream.

Exercises to eliminate wrinkles around the mouth and lips

There is an effective complex that Carol Maggio developed specifically to combat expression and age wrinkles around the mouth and lips. Basic exercises:

  1. Place your palms on both sides of your cheeks. Your fingers should touch the corners of your mouth. Then you need to tighten your lips, stretching them slightly. Hold for a few seconds and relax your mouth. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Place your index and middle fingers at the corners of your mouth. Try to lift your upper lip upward, overcoming resistance. Only 20 times.
  3. The starting position is the same. Only this time you need to pull your lips forward like a tube, and lightly press with your fingers on the corners of your mouth, interfering with this process. Only 15–20 times.


A very useful exercise for different types of wrinkles is to stretch your lips forward like a tube and from this position try to close and open your mouth. At the same time, you can feel how the muscles work. This exercise can be added to the complex or performed separately.

Applying anti-wrinkle creams around the mouth and lips

Using creams in combination with other procedures gives good results. To combat different types of wrinkles, the following compositions are used:

  1. Nourishing creams with plant extracts. Such compositions are suitable for shallow wrinkles. They usually have an environmentally friendly composition, a minimum of fragrances and preservatives. These creams deeply moisturize the skin and stimulate metabolic processes in cells.
  2. Moisturizing compositions with a lifting effect. They help nourish the skin, have a tightening effect and are used in the presence of medium-depth wrinkles. The composition often includes collagen and elastin stimulants, but when applied superficially to the skin they do not produce a pronounced result.
  3. Creams with hyaluronic acid. Used in the presence of deep wrinkles. Of course, such compositions cannot eliminate age-related changes, but they prevent further loss of moisture from cells.

After 30 years, every woman should use age-appropriate creams, since it is during this period that the first fine wrinkles appear in the area around the mouth and lips. It is advisable to use formulations with a filter that will prevent harmful UV radiation from penetrating the skin.

Creams should be used only after preliminary cleansing of the skin 2 times a day with massage movements.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth - video

Massage and masks for the area around the mouth

Massage gives excellent results if carried out with moisturizing creams or cosmetic oils. It is better to do this before going to bed, once a week for 3 months is enough. Then you should take a break for 10 days. When performing massage movements, you need to follow special lines. It is recommended to use stroking, pinching and patting.


Masks with a lifting effect will give excellent results if you use them 2 times a week. In this case, it is not necessary to use purchased products; you can prepare the compositions yourself. The most effective recipes:

  1. Toning mask. It will take 1 tsp. orange juice and the same amount of jojoba cosmetic oil. Next, you should mix both ingredients and apply to the problem area with patting movements. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water. Repeat every week.
  2. Lifting composition. You will need lemon and lavender essential oil, 1 drop each. Such components must be diluted in 1 tbsp. l. thick sour cream. Then apply to face and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with cool water. Repeat 2 times a week.
  3. Moisturizing mask. It will take 1 tsp. olive oil and 0.5 tsp. wheat germ. Both ingredients must be mixed and applied to the problem area. Leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water. Repeat every week.

The results of using masks will be better if you first cleanse the skin with a scrub. This way the nutrients will better penetrate the problem area.

Ingredients for masks - gallery

Application of fillers

Injection methods are often used to smooth out wrinkles around the mouth and lips. Several injections are made in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold and in the corners of the mouth, then carefully distribute the composition with your fingers so that it does not concentrate in one area. For this purpose, fillers are used, which come in different types:

  1. Based on hyaluronic acid. Such drugs usually dissolve within 6 months. This group of fillers often includes vitamins that improve skin condition and smooth out wrinkles. By saturating the cells with moisture and nutrients, the production of its own hyaluronic acid is stimulated.
  2. Based on collagen. Such fillers also dissolve within 6 months. They stimulate the production of your own collagen and fill the space under the skin, smoothing out wrinkles.
  3. Slowly dissolving fillers. They are produced on the basis of calcium hydroxyapatite and polycaprolactone. Such drugs dissolve within 2 years. During this time, a pronounced lifting effect is ensured.
  4. Silicone-based preparations. They do not react with tissues and do not dissolve. Such injections give results that will last for a long time. Compared to absorbable analogues, it is the least beneficial for the body.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are considered the most effective and safe today. However, if the substance is not distributed correctly, small bumps may appear under the skin.


Surgical lift

Surgical skin tightening is the most effective method for getting rid of deep wrinkles around the mouth and lips. However, this method also has its drawbacks. After the operation, rehabilitation is necessary. If tightened incorrectly, distortion may occur and the face will look unnatural.

During the operation, the doctor must accurately calculate the tension force so that later annoying consequences do not occur that will require additional intervention. At the very beginning, a small incision is made in the area behind the ears. Then the doctor tightens the skin so that the wrinkles are smoothed out. Excess epidermis is excised and sutures are applied, which are removed after a few days.

The operation is performed only under general anesthesia and in the absence of contraindications, such as heart and vascular diseases, central nervous system lesions and oncological pathologies.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient must walk in a special bandage that will secure the stitches. The result can be seen immediately after the operation.


Lifting the area around the mouth and lips is done gradually with regular adherence to all recommendations. If you are patient, you may notice that after a few months the wrinkles become less pronounced. You should constantly moisturize your skin with nourishing ingredients and do not forget about salon treatments.

Wrinkles around the lips, whenever they appear, are an insidious thing. Firstly, they always add years to us. Secondly, they irreversibly change their facial expression, giving it a grumpy and dissatisfied expression.

In the lip area, cosmetologists and surgeons distinguish:

purse-string wrinkles – small vertical wrinkles around the lips,

marionette lines that run almost vertically down from the corners of the lips to the chin,

Today we will only talk about the causes of purse-string wrinkles.

Where do purse-string wrinkles around the mouth come from?

The first purse-string wrinkles near the lips can appear quite early, and, alas, every year they become deeper and more noticeable.

There are several reasons for their appearance. Some of them can be eliminated and thereby prevent early wrinkles.

Expert comment:

“Plastic surgeons know that the orbicularis oris muscle attaches directly to the dermis. Therefore, with each contraction it stretches the skin to the sides. At the same time, in principle, there is no fat layer in the lip area and very few sebaceous glands. It is very, very difficult for such skin to recover.

This is how the first wrinkles near the mouth are formed.

The second feature of the lip area speeds up the process: it is an estrogen-dependent zone. The less estrogen produced with age, the less collagen is synthesized, the less elastic the skin becomes. Therefore, age-related changes here begin much earlier.”

Third reasonThe way facial wrinkles appear around the mouth is facial expressions. Active articulation, for example in singers, wind instrument players or teachers, very often causes vertical and horizontal wrinkles to form above the upper lip.

If you have a habit of pursing or curling your lips, add this to the list of reasons for the appearance of wrinkles. Even frequent laughter can cause wrinkles near the lips. What to do? Naturally, no one is calling for giving up facial expressions – but it’s worth paying attention to.

Fourth reason, very close to the first - the activity of the orbicularis oris muscle. Do you often drink drinks through a straw and can’t imagine life without chewing gum? Wrinkles on your lips are practically guaranteed. To reduce the risk, do facial exercises, massage your lips - and again, make sure that lip tension does not become habitual and constant for you.

Fifth reason. Smoking. One of the most common causes of wrinkles around the lips. Why? Not only because of the same tension in the perioral muscles mentioned above.

Nicotine destroys elastin and collagen fibers, that is, it turns the already not very moisturized skin around the lips into thin and dry “tissue paper”, on which creases instantly appear. No wonder Another name for purse-string wrinkles is smoker’s wrinkles.

Sixth reason not associated with tension in the perioral muscles. These are disproportions of the facial skeleton, micrognathia, malocclusion, missing teeth or abrasion of the enamel.

Moreover, even if you have naturally beautiful teeth, with age they wear out, the bones of the skull become thinner - this is a natural process.

Therefore, before starting treatment with a cosmetologist, it makes sense to visit an aesthetic dentist - today there are methods for raising the bite.

Seventh reason - weather. Temperature changes, excessive dryness and ultraviolet radiation harm your lips. The latter penetrates deep into the skin and has great destructive power, triggering the aging process.

Eighth reason – nutritional imbalance. Sudden weight loss, poor diet, and insufficient fluid intake accelerate skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip.

How to remove wrinkles above the lip at home

Let's be realistic: complete elimination of wrinkles around the lips is impossible because we chew, talk and use facial expressions every day. However, there are remedies to make wrinkles at the corners of the lips less noticeable.

Let's start with a few basic things, then consider free correction methods and end the story with ultra-effective products from the arsenal of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

Stop smoking. Completely, forever. Not only your lips, but also your eyes, ovaries, and every cell of your body will thank you for this.

Stop believing advertising stories about the benefits of chewing gum. It only benefits chewing gum manufacturers, but not you. Of course, there are times when you need to quickly brush your teeth after eating - but to do this, chewing gum for five minutes is enough. Anything more is harmful to both teeth and youthful lips.

Learn to control your face.

Do you look always dissatisfied, your lips are tense, there is a dissatisfied grimace on your face? Get rid of the habit of curling your lips or pursing them - this does not decorate anyone, but why do you need something that even now looks ugly and in the long run will form wrinkles of grief on your face near your lips?

A slight half-smile is what should be his “background expression.”

Be careful with the sun! Undoubtedly, the sun, air and water are our best friends. But only when using protective products with SPF filters of at least 30, or even 50. Otherwise, your best friend is quite capable of doing outright nasty things to you - for example, drying out your already dry skin.

Don't forget about protective cosmetics. Creams and masks, that you use should contain vitamins A, E, C, retinoids, coenzymes, antioxidants, peptides, fatty oils, collagen, keratin, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, glycol and other ingredients beneficial to the skin.

It would be good to start using them not at the age of 45 in order to treat already formed wrinkles near the mouth, but at least at the age of 25, that is, at the moment when the processes of age-related changes are just beginning.

If you love Facebook building, be careful. On the one hand, facial gymnastics is a wonderful thing, a machine that allows the facial muscles to remain toned, eliminates jowls, a double chin and other unpleasant things. But excessive load on the perioral area is fraught with the formation of wrinkles: you remember that there is almost no fat and sebaceous glands there?

Well, now a few folk recipes that are designed to help you get rid of those hated wrinkles without leaving your home. So, in order to keep the skin around the lips smooth longer, our grandmothers advised:

Make “lip” masks from products containing a large amount of moisture and fat: cucumber, yogurt or sour cream.

Don't forget to include foods containing vitamin B2 in your diet: nuts, dairy products, grain bread, leafy green vegetables.

When applying a cream or mask, massage along the lines around the lips and from the lips to the chin - this will make the care more effective.

Expert commentary

“Almost all folk recipes work. However, their capabilities should not be overestimated. All this is great as a preventive measure, but neither sour cream nor celery can remove wrinkles that have already appeared. To do this, it is better to use modern cosmetology products, which are much more useful.”

How to effectively remove purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip

There are many ways to smooth out purse-string wrinkles and make wrinkles in the corners of the lips invisible.

Injections of fillers based on hyaluronic acid (Volbella, Equio) fill every wrinkle and thereby smooth them out. The undeniable advantage of gels is that they can solve all the problems of the mouth area - in particular, restore volume to the lips and smooth out the labio-mental folds under the lower lip.

To naturally correct purse-string wrinkles, the doctor must have a special microtechnique for administering the drug. Otherwise, excess filler distorts the smile and makes facial expressions robotic.

Biorevitalization with unstabilized hyaluronic acid, Ial-System provides hydration and effective correction of fine wrinkles around the mouth.

Introduction of a collagen-based drug within 2-3 weeks it tightens the skin, reduces sagging, smoothes out wrinkles and folds.

Mesotherapy with vitamins, microelements, collagen, elastin, etc. The effect appears slowly, but is more sustainable and delays further skin aging.

Botox – one or two injections will relieve muscle spasms, thereby smoothing out purse-string wrinkles and lifting the corners of the mouth. If Botox in its classic form is contraindicated for you, a more gentle mesobotox procedure or the introduction of the Argireline peptide is performed.

Mesothreads, installed along the contour of the lips. After resorption, the thread leaves a framework of collagen fibers, which strengthens the skin and smoothes out wrinkles.

Plasmafiller – Swiss plasma therapy Regen Lab – naturally launches the processes of rejuvenation and restoration of the skin, smoothes out wrinkles.

Chemical peeling improves the condition of the skin around the mouth, enhances cellular metabolism and blood flow - small wrinkles are smoothed out, large ones become less noticeable.

Laser peeling Using a fractional laser, Asklepion triggers the renewal of the upper layer of skin. As a result, purse-string wrinkles disappear and the skin rejuvenates.

Review from Natalia, 46 years old:

“I always looked younger than my age, but after 40 everything changed. I remained athletic and fit, but wrinkles appeared around my mouth that made me look twenty years older. I tried to fight it with creams - I moisturized the skin, but the creases did not go away.

At the Platinental clinic, Elena Vlasova recommended Botox. At first I was scared (I had heard about the horrors associated with it). However, as it turned out, it is not Botox itself that is scary, but non-professionals who inject it into the wrong glasses.

As a result, one procedure was enough for the wrinkles to disappear and the corners of the mouth to lift up, and this is very cool.”

In more complex cases, to solve the problem and elimination wrinkles require the use of surgical methods:

Lipofilling – filling skin folds with your own purified fat. This technique perfectly rejuvenates the skin, gives volume to the lips and smoothes purse-string wrinkles.

At Platinental, we advise our patients to use lipofilling as part of a comprehensive correction of age-related changes: young lips on a withered face will not deceive anyone.

Thread lift Waylock, Happy Elevator, Spring Fred. Lifting the skin and soft tissues with biodegradable threads solves the problem of nasolabial folds and marionette lines.

SMAS lifting in the comprehensive rejuvenation program, it also allows you to get rid of the deepest wrinkles in the mouth area - nasolabial and labiomental.

To solve the problem of wrinkles in the lip area, sign up for a consultation with a cosmetologist by calling:

in Moscow +7 495 723-48-38, +7 495 989-21-16,

in Kazan +7 843 236-66-66.

Make an appointment online and get a 30% discount on your consultation!

According to statistics, wrinkles in this area reveal a woman’s real age more strongly than on the forehead. There is no need to check the accuracy of the data - it is better to use one of the effective options that Lisa.ru offers.


The problem of wrinkles above the upper lip and how to remove them is relevant at any age. After all, often active facial expressions, and not the years lived, become the cause of the appearance of creases above the upper lip or in the corners of the mouth. If wrinkles on the forehead can be hidden with bangs, then it is problematic to do this near the lips: any banal actions like talking or kissing draw attention to the lips, and at the same time to the wrinkles.

Lovers of bright matte lipstick are also at risk. It requires not only the ideal condition of the teeth, but also the skin around the lips. Of course, you can always change the shade of lipstick to a light one, and cover your mouth with your hands when you laugh. But this will not solve the problem - you need to get rid of wrinkles using other methods.


Which ones exactly? If there are no severe creases, at first it’s enough just to pay a little more attention to caring for the area around the mouth. At least don’t be lazy to apply nourishing twice a day, firming or tightening cream. It’s also useful to use tools with AHA acids. In addition to exfoliating the skin, the products provide light polishing and smooth the surface of the skin.

For express transformation you can choose cream with botox effect. It fills wrinkles and the result lasts until you wash off your makeup in the evening. Many girls have experienced through experience that makeup bases with silicones also mask small expression wrinkles well. But you shouldn’t be overzealous with them: silicones, with constant use, can clog pores and spoil your complexion.

There is an opinion that you can get rid of wrinkles around the mouth using ordinary tape or adhesive tape. Allegedly, by gluing it to the back of your head at night and tightening the skin in the lower third of your face, you will also get rid of wrinkles in the “kissing area.” It is a myth! This will only aggravate the problem: instead of tightening, the skin will, on the contrary, stretch. And even if it were possible to tighten it, then in order to keep it in this position, it is necessary to create an internal supporting frame. For this it is necessary increase collagen and elastin production, and cages, not tape, will help you with this.


To solve the problem, you need to maintain skin tone. How to hide wrinkles around the lips or how to hide wrinkles in the corners of the lips is an eternal question. But Lisa.ru knows several effective ways!

1 Massage from a cosmetologist (or home gymnastics for the face)

If someone says it doesn't help, the culprit is the lack of a system. Exercises should be done regularly: “train” the muscles of the face and around the mouth for at least 5-7 minutes. When you get the desired effect, don't give up on training — several times a week you need to devote time to beauty.

In fact, it is not so difficult: at first you will need to learn the exercises by looking at yourself in the mirror to perfect the technique. And then you can do them “in between”: for example, when you are cleaning, washing dishes, stuck in traffic jams or watching your favorite TV series.

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For example, purse string wrinkles often appear in speakers, motivational speakers - those whose profession requires active articulation. They develop small vertical folds above the upper and under the lower lip (such wrinkles can be of different depths and lengths).

They appear because the skin tone becomes lower, the subcutaneous fatty tissue also becomes lower, and care is not enough to replenish the natural resources of the skin.

And also Purse-string wrinkles are typical for smokers! If you are familiar with this habit, maybe it’s easier to stop smoking than to grow old before your time? Among other habits that can lead to wrinkles around the mouth, and which will then have to be smoothed out, there are even seemingly harmless ones. For example, the habit of drinking soda through a straw or taking selfies with duck lips. Constant stretching of the lips leads to weakening of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles, which over time turn from small and thin to deep.


Wrinkles that start at the wings of the nose and go to the corners of the mouth are called nasolabial. More often they appear at a more mature age due to natural aging: the so-called gravitational ptosis, and skin tissues fall according to the laws of gravity. The less subcutaneous fat, the more noticeable these wrinkles can be. By the way, at a young age it is no exception for them. For example, due to malocclusion or improper articulation, they can appear in early years.

Do you remember the Nutcracker and his mouth and chin area, as if separated from the main face? Something similar happens in life. These wrinkles are called "puppets": Outwardly they share the lower lip and chin with other parts of the face. Some people have very deep folds and look clearly vertically downwards - this spoils not only the quality of the skin, but also the expression of the face. It seems that the person is sad or very dissatisfied with something. What contributes to the appearance of puppets? Gravitational ptosis, loss of muscle tone that “supports” the corners of the mouth.

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Botulinum toxin injections (simply - Botox) are no less popular. Girls all over the world love these “beauty injections” for their instant effect. And two weeks after the injections, the skin on the face becomes perfectly smooth. How it works: Botox relieves muscle spasms and allows you to smooth out “puppets” and, sometimes, “nasolabial lips”. But in the case of the latter, fillers will be much more effective. After the first Botox injections, the effect can last up to 8 months; repeated injections can shorten its duration to six months.

If you hear bad reviews, most likely the girls themselves are helping to reduce the effect. Botox “does not like” solariums and the sun - the substance is quickly destroyed when exposed to direct sunlight. Botox dissolves faster due to antibiotics: if you are sick, wait three weeks from the moment you finish the course, and then go to a cosmetologist.