How to cover pimples with foundation

A painfully familiar problem to many, especially troubling in the spring, is acne. They cause a constant feeling of inferiority and embarrassment, less often itching and other unpleasant sensations. What to do if you can’t quickly remove acne on your face? How to cover them before leaving the house? The question interests many. Of course, there are many ways, you just need to choose the one that suits your specific skin type.

Foundation will help

How to cover up acne on your face with foundation? This method is the most popular. The cream must meet the requirements stated on the label and have maximum effect.

Pay attention to the composition

The main rule when choosing a cream is a low percentage of fat content and the presence of anti-inflammatory components in the composition.

General recommendations are as follows:

  1. minimum percentage of fat content (or oil free);
  2. non-comedogenic (no comedones);
  3. lack of chemical-based dyes;
  4. a small amount of flavors and fragrances.


Pink foundation will highlight the presence of acne on the face. Dark shades of foundation will look good only on dark, healthy skin. Therefore, you need to select the color of the cream based on your own skin tone, at least a little lighter.

After covering with foundation, inflamed pimples scattered abundantly over the face must be sprinkled with powder. It should be light brown in color.

The best option for not very healthy skin would be mineral-based cosmetics. It contains shimmering particles. Choosing a foundation, as you can see, is not easy. Sometimes you can make the situation worse and give rise to new rashes.

The disguise must be correct

How can you cover up acne on your face to achieve lasting results? There are several secrets.

What to do next, how to hide acne on your face? How to cover up correctly? After moisturizing and cleansing the skin, we apply the base - a thin layer of cream that will be the basis of makeup. The main purpose of this product is to “stick” the remaining layers of makeup. In addition, such a base blocks the penetration of various infections into cleansed skin and accelerates the healing of inflamed areas.

When choosing a foundation, you need to start from the required density, consistency and components. A good basic composition necessarily includes beneficial acids, soothing oils, antibacterial extracts and extracts from medicinal herbs.


The next point is working as a proofreader. It is designed to mask individual inflamed areas. If you have pimples on your face, how can you cover them up with concealer? You need to choose a fairly thick product, since just a drop of it can hide even very large pimples. If it is customary to apply the makeup base with a sponge, then for the corrective agent you need to take a special soft brush. With its help, you can easily blend the boundaries of the corrector with the rest of your makeup. The product blends perfectly with the skin and hides enlarged, inflamed pores.

Branded products contain yeast and beet extract, shea butter, and Indian date. These elements control the amount of subcutaneous fat produced. The presence of special pigmenting components in the corrector gives the makeup a twelve-hour guarantee. In all respects, this is an ideal remedy for inflamed skin.


To perfectly fix previous products and disguise unhealthy shine, you need to use powder that easily dissipates. Microscopic particles of powder even out the tone and complexion. The skin acquires a velvety matte tone, and pimples are hidden. If the powder is a roll-on powder, you will need a fan brush to apply it evenly. Loose powder will hide oily spots around acne. It is applied with the large bristles of a natural brush. Place powder literally on the tip of the brush and move in a circular motion from the bottom of the face to the forehead.

If after a layer of powder traces of inflammation are visible, then what should you do? How to cover up acne on your face with foundation? You need to apply a couple more drops of cream to problem areas and sprinkle with powder again.

The effect of a light sea tan or a young, healthy glow can be achieved using liquid blush. It is worth applying two or three dots on the cheekbones and blending with your fingertips.

Bronzer will complete the makeup. Preference is given to a tone that is slightly darker than the natural color of the skin. It should be applied to the chin, sinuses and outer corners of the eyelids.

How to cover up red pimples on your face? If there are several of them, then you need to mask each one separately, starting from the center, and then blend the foundation with circular movements. If there are many of them, select any one and further process each one.

Secret disguise without makeup

Girls who consider makeup a waste of money and time are tormented by the question of how to cover up acne on their face without foundation. Toothpaste will help them.

Antibiotics also work well for this. A tablet crushed into a pulp (Naphthyzin, Streptotsid or the like) should be applied to the problem area. Then you need to wait ten minutes and remove the product with a damp cloth.

There are ways to reduce the size of acne and make them invisible. Place two or three drops of Visina onto a small piece of cotton swab (literally a few millimeters) and apply it to the inflammation. It will narrow the blood vessels and dry the skin in the problem area. Or take a small piece of cotton pad, moisten it with water and freeze it. Apply an ice disc to the pimple and leave for no more than five minutes. These procedures significantly reduce the size of the rash.

Makeup Features

During the period of exacerbation of acne on the face, makeup should be done, taking into account some subtleties.

Blush also requires caution. It’s better to give them up altogether for a while.

And most importantly, all cosmetics should be long-lasting. Otherwise, it may crumble or drain and expose what has been hidden for so long.


The main thing is to understand that the question should not be how to cover up pimples on the face, but that they need to be cured!

If you don’t know how to carefully cover pimples on your face with foundation, use the recommendations of makeup artists. Thanks to modern cosmetics, you can hide any imperfections. For severe rashes, it is better to give the skin a chance to breathe.

The main way to disguise acne is the gradual application of corrective products. Apply foundation and powder to your entire face, and lubricate areas of inflammation with corrector and concealer.

How to cover up acne on your face with foundation

The foundation can hide imperfections if its color and density are chosen correctly. If you often have isolated breakouts, buy a light beige or green concealer. Also pay attention to BB or CC creams. Liquid concealer will hide the most severe rashes and is suitable for evening makeup.

When choosing a concealer foundation, consider your skin type:

  1. for oily skin, a light texture is suitable; the composition should contain antiseptic, anti-inflammatory components;
  2. for dry dermis, use a denser, creamy base;
  3. Those with sensitive skin should use cosmetics labeled “hypoallergenic.”

Important! Acne and constant inflammatory elements cannot be hidden; it is better to seek help from a cosmetologist and dermatologist. Due to the layers of foundation, concealer, and powder on problem areas, the face does not breathe, and the pores become clogged.

You cannot use a pink or darker foundation, these colors will only highlight imperfections. Concealing cosmetics should contain the following components: zinc, salicylic acid, sulfur, calendula extract, St. John's wort, tea tree, vitamins A, E, B.

Skin preparation

For skin with inflammatory elements, the stage of cleansing and preparing the dermis for makeup is very important. Before applying cosmetics, wash with warm distilled or boiled water. Use light products: gel, foam, milk mousse, tonic. It is not recommended to use a scrub; it can cause new acne to appear.

Interesting! Many girls recommend using laundry soap, which fights excess sebum. But it dries out a lot and provokes peeling.

Moisturize your face with a light day cream, this stage is especially important for women over 35 years old. For those with oily dermis, it is better to purchase a mattifying agent with absorbent components. After application, wait 20-30 minutes for the product to be completely absorbed. The procedure is not carried out if you use BB cream.

Next, you need to spot treat the inflamed areas with antiseptic agents. Buy an antibacterial pencil or concealer that will not only disguise but also dry out acne. In emergency cases, you can fight pustules with the help of a targeted application of Visin eye drops or syntomycin ointment.

Applying cream to face

To disguise imperfections on the face, it is recommended to purchase a foundation brush. It should always be clean, so after makeup it is washed under warm running water. The sponge is less hygienic and can cause new rashes to appear. When applying cosmetics with your fingers, you risk leaving streaks and damaging inflamed skin.

To quickly cover up acne on your face, learn the step-by-step algorithm for masking acne with foundation:

  1. Cleanse and then moisturize your face.
  2. Apply a thin layer of makeup base or primer to prevent your makeup from smudging by the end of the day.
  3. If there are still traces of acne on your face, take a corrector (green or light beige) and treat the pink areas. Cover the sore area with concealer on top.
  4. Apply foundation precisely over the entire face, neck, and décolleté. Then distribute it. If you need to hide minor imperfections, foundation does not have to be applied all over the skin.
  5. To eliminate oily shine, treat the problem area with powder.
  6. Reapply matte concealer: around the pimple, apply a dark pencil to the red edge and a light pencil to the middle.

This method of masking acne is suitable for emergency cases. You shouldn’t overload your face with so much makeup every day. Especially if you have problem skin and it’s summer outside.

The most important mistakes when using foundation

It is necessary to cover pimples on the face with foundation carefully. Any mistakes in makeup will only emphasize unevenness and redness. Follow the recommendations of cosmetologists and makeup artists:

  1. the foundation should match your skin type and color;
  2. a thick concealer is not suitable for daily makeup;
  3. carefully blend the concealer and foundation;
  4. for a better, softer distribution of the concealer, you need to wet the end of the pencil;
  5. do not apply pink foundation; it is better to use light natural tones;
  6. the concealer should be dense and matte;
  7. do not apply many layers of cosmetics to avoid the mask effect;
  8. do not forget to wash off your makeup before going to bed;
  9. Do not squeeze the pimple, especially before applying cosmetics.

Important! In makeup, do not use red lipstick and pink blush, they will attract attention to your problem. If you have acne, it is best to focus on the eyes. If an abscess has formed on the forehead, highlight the lips with brown or burgundy color.

If you've covered up your pimples, be sure to carry powder and concealer with you to touch up your makeup throughout the day. To eliminate the problem, purchase antibacterial agents; you can use natural decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs as a tonic.

We invite you to watch step-by-step instructions for applying makeup to your face:

When not to use foundation

Recommendations for masking acne are suitable in extreme cases. You can hide imperfections before an important event or photo shoot. Girls with problem skin need acne treatment. You cannot use foundation in the following cases:

  1. allergic rashes;
  2. eczema or psoriasis on the face;
  3. pimples that have developed into cysts;
  4. dermatitis;
  5. herpes infection;
  6. intolerance to ingredients contained in cosmetics.

If you use thick products every day, your skin will not be able to breathe and receive moisture from the environment. Pores become clogged and bacteria multiply, causing new breakouts. Therefore, be sure to consult a dermatologist. You may need to adjust your diet, change your cosmetics, or normalize your hormonal levels.


The sudden appearance of pimples on the face often prevents women from looking perfect. If you are familiar with this problem, be sure to have a thick foundation, corrector and concealer in green and light beige tones in your cosmetic bag. It is recommended to apply makeup in several stages. To avoid aggravating your skin condition, clean it and moisturize it. In case of extensive inflammation or the presence of skin diseases, you should consult a dermatologist.

Many women suffer from unsightly acne on their face. In this case, not everyone has the patience to wait until the treatment brings results. In this case, you should take the advice of makeup artists, because the abundance of cosmetics allows you to hide almost all imperfections. Every woman wants to be beautiful. Alas, it is impossible to control the processes that occur in the body, but it is because of them that skin rashes occur. Poor nutrition, hormonal imbalance, sedentary lifestyle and many other factors can trigger the appearance of inflammation, which greatly affects the appearance. In this case, the most effective way to hide imperfections is to cover up acne on your face with foundation.

Is it possible to cover pimples with foundation?

Many factors can provoke the appearance of acne on the face - these include disruptions in the hormonal system, improper care, and the use of bad cosmetics. Bad habits also have a detrimental effect on the face, often causing acne. But not all girls know whether it is possible to disguise acne with foundation.

You can use foundation. The main thing is not to apply a thick layer of cream; you need to allow the skin to breathe. After all, blockage often leads to the appearance of a rash.

It should be remembered that if acne appears on your face, you need to visit a dermatologist. Masking acne with foundation is a method of only temporarily hiding the problem, but not solving it. It is important to treat acne promptly.

How to choose foundation for acne skin

For oily epidermis, it is advisable to give preference to special foundation creams that are marked “hypoallergenic”. Its consistency should be light so that it hides acne on the face well and does not block the access of oxygen to the cells.

It is worth focusing on water-based cosmetics (oil free), which contain minerals. It is desirable that it contains tea tree essential oil, folic acid, selenium, vitamins A and E. These substances protect the skin from harmful influences, nourish it and normalize sebum production.

When purchasing a foundation for the face that hides acne, you need to pay attention to the consistency. It should not be thick and should contain anti-inflammatory components. Only in this case can you be sure that the foundation will not cause new acne to appear.

The foundation should be:

  1. with a minimum percentage of fat content (ideally it should be free of oils);
  2. without chemical dyes;
  3. without flavors and fragrances;
  4. hypoallergenic.

It is advisable to buy creamy foundations, in a convenient bottle, with a brush or dispenser. With their help, you can remove any imperfections on the face - be it purulent pimples, scars from them, blackheads. Modern moisture-resistant foundations, thanks to reflective pigments, help even out the complexion and refresh it.

In order to save money, you should not use cheap and low-quality foundation for acne. It is necessary to buy a cream that is intended for oily and problem skin. It is important to choose cosmetics only from well-known companies and brands. You can purchase foundation in trusted online stores, beauty salons, and pharmacies.

Which foundation conceals acne better?

Foundation with a pinkish tint can make acne on your face even more noticeable. Dark creams are perfect only for dark-skinned women. It is necessary to choose the color of cosmetics, taking into account your natural skin tone or a little lighter.

One of the best options for painful facial skin with large areas of rashes is a creamy mineral-based foundation. It contains special shimmering particles.

When using new cosmetics, it is important to test them for allergies. To do this, you need to apply a little product to your hand and observe the reaction throughout the day. If redness, itching and pimples are not noticed, then you can safely use this product. Otherwise, the condition of the facial skin can worsen and new rashes will not keep you waiting.

How to properly cover pimples with foundation

To better hide acne with foundation, it is recommended to buy a special brush. It is important to keep it clean, so after applying foundation you should rinse it with plain water. A cotton pad is not hygienic and can cause new pimples to form.

Using ordinary cosmetics, you can easily hide acne on your face from prying eyes, without resorting to the services of stylists and makeup artists. The only thing you need is a little time, a mirror and decorative cosmetics.

To hide minor imperfections on your face, it is important to follow step-by-step instructions:

  1. First you need to cleanse your face of minor impurities. If you skip this step, it will be difficult to apply the foundation evenly to the skin. For this purpose, you can use milk, lotion or foam for washing, as well as tonic and special wipes. It is recommended to cleanse oily epidermis with gel; it cannot be used to cleanse dry skin, because it is very drying. It is best to choose special tonics that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. After cleansing your face, rub moisturizer into your skin. With its help you can prevent dry skin and normalize the production of skin secretions.
  3. Concealer should be applied pointwise to the pimples and wait 15 minutes so that it can dry. You cannot apply concealer to the area around the inflammation, in which case the acne will look even more noticeable. To remove redness, you need to buy a greenish shade concealer. Such cosmetics not only help hide minor defects, but also dry out inflammation on the face. Medicinal cosmetics contain bactericidal additives that have a disinfecting effect.
  4. Makeup base or primer. It is necessary to apply the product, it is an excellent basis for subsequent makeup: thanks to the composition, the makeup will last much longer, and the face will look smoother and more even. You can find primers that are designed for oily skin. A makeup base will help combat oily shine. Those with dry skin are advised to use moisturizing makeup bases.
  5. Now you need to cover the pimples with foundation. Thanks to it, you can create smooth facial skin on which it is impossible to notice the slightest flaw. It is advisable to mask pimples with a darker foundation, and then apply a light product to the entire face.
  6. Shimmering cream or powder. Such decorative cosmetics consist of tiny shiny particles that scatter light. They remove redness, the face looks healthy and radiant. You need to buy powder or cream that matches your skin tone. Such cosmetics are not applied to the entire face area. It emphasizes the cheekbones, applies a little on the chin, and a little on the forehead.
  7. Concealer is applied again. It is advisable to have a nude matte concealer, ideally both dark and light tone. The dark color should be used to outline the area next to the swelling, and the light color should be applied to the peak itself. The main thing is to slightly shade the boundaries, otherwise the pimple will be even more noticeable. Apply in the same way as greenish - dotted.
  8. All that remains is to apply the powder. Using a bone, apply powder with light movements all over your face.

Many people believe that covering pimples with foundation can get rid of all problems in one fell swoop. As a temporary measure, this is a great solution, but if used for a long time, it will only make the situation worse! Foundation, especially thick consistency, cannot be used for everyday makeup! Its use will be an ideal solution for a photo shoot or going out.

When is it better not to use foundation for acne?

The above algorithm for applying decorative cosmetics can only be used in exceptional cases. For daily makeup, you should use light-based cosmetics and choose a foundation that covers acne well. It is important to remember that women with a lot of rashes that do not go away for a long time should start acne treatment.

You should not use foundation in the following cases:

  1. allergic rash;
  2. weeping eczema or psoriasis on the face;
  3. rashes that have developed into cysts;
  4. contact dermatitis;
  5. herpes;
  6. individual intolerance to the components contained in the foundation.

If you apply thick makeup to your face every day, the epidermis will not be able to be saturated with oxygen and receive a sufficient amount of fluid from the environment. As a result, the pores will become clogged, and pathogenic bacteria will begin to multiply intensively, causing new acne to appear. Therefore, it is important to identify the cause of the rash and exclude the presence of serious diseases. It's worth visiting a dermatologist. To get rid of acne you will have to adjust your diet, change your cosmetics, walk more in the fresh air and exercise regularly.

Tips and tricks

If you managed to disguise acne with the help of foundation, you should definitely carry all the necessary cosmetics with you in order to update your makeup in time.

To reduce acne, it is important to cleanse your facial skin daily. Tonics, cleansing gels, and antiseptics are suitable.

After each use of the brush, you should wash it thoroughly to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria during subsequent application.

Even if you don’t have enough time for makeup, you can’t neglect preliminary care procedures before makeup. You should always cleanse and moisturize your face before applying makeup.

If you apply a lot of foundation to problem skin, the epidermis will not be able to be sufficiently saturated with oxygen, which will lead to premature aging and fading of the facial skin.

To remove visible imperfections, you need to use light natural tones. To disguise acne, you can only use creams that are light in consistency.

It is important to smooth out the boundaries when applying different cosmetics so that the acne is masked and not highlighted.

When you have achieved smooth skin on your face, you should not apply blush or bright pink lipstick. Beige, brown or peach-colored cosmetics are suitable. It is not recommended to use red lipstick.

When applying makeup, you need to highlight your eyes. Smokey ice is perfect.