Why does the skin on your fingertips peel?

People often experience peeling, redness and cracking on the skin of their hands. Various rashes lead to severe discomfort, and excessive dry skin is unsightly and repulsive. Why your fingertips peel is difficult to answer if there are no diagnostic and laboratory test results. The immediate cause of severe peeling is the rapid rejection of the upper layer of the epidermis. In this case, the skin simply does not have time to recover.

Etiology and symptoms of peeling fingertips

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Important: to speed up skin regeneration, you can take a course of vitamins and minerals; it is additionally recommended to enrich your diet with fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits, and normalize your drinking regime.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to regularly wash your hands in warm water using gentle products; thoroughly dry your hands before going outside; In winter, always use protective equipment.

It is not so easy to identify the reasons why the skin on the fingers peels off, and what to do if the skin on the pads of the fingertips peels and cracks.

A large percentage of such cases are ignored by patients, although such a disorder is often a reflection of chronic diseases.

Why does the skin on my hands peel off?

When the skin on the fingers peels off, the reasons why the dermis may peel off are conventionally divided into two large groups: internal and external. The main difference is the speed at which symptoms manifest. In case of internal disorders, symptoms do not appear immediately, while in case of external disorders, desquamation of the dermis begins almost immediately after exposure to the provoking factor.

Internal reasons

Internal changes in the body are not obvious to humans, and therefore the appearance of incomprehensible signs causes a certain confusion. If peeling skin on and between your fingers does not improve with regular use of hand cream or lotion, it may be a symptom of internal changes. Such violations are divided into several groups:

  1. weakened immunity;
  2. change in hormonal levels;
  3. psycho-emotional stress;
  4. hereditary disorders;
  5. allergic reactions.

Weakened immunity

When a person’s general immunity is weakened, the body becomes overloaded. It becomes more susceptible to infectious pathogens that can affect both internal organs and skin.

Therefore, there are frequent cases of exacerbation of dermatitis against the background of inflammatory diseases.

Another reason is a lack of microelements.

When the human body experiences a lack of macro- and microelements, a gradual disruption of its normal activity occurs: immunity decreases, dryness and flaking of the skin appear.

Hormonal disbalance

Hormonal levels determine the activity of all organs and systems in the human body. Therefore, its changes affect the state of the entire organism. Hormonal changes are accompanied not only by peeling of the skin from the fingertips, but also changes in the condition of hair, nails, general weakness, deterioration of skin condition.

Nervous overstrain

Prolonged stress creates a strong burden on the body, causing metabolic processes to proceed much faster. This leads to the skin does not have time to fully renew itself naturally and therefore peeling and dryness occur. In addition, during psycho-emotional stress, the body consumes nutrients more actively, which also negatively affects its condition.

Hereditary predisposition

One of the common reasons for the appearance of peeling hands is heredity. Genetic factors determine not only the intensity of work of the whole organism, but also the activity of metabolic processes and the synthesis of new cells. The genetic nature of the appearance of peeling can be assumed if close relatives have a similar disorder.

Allergic reaction

In case of allergic reactions, patients experience itching and rashes on the surface of the skin. This reaction is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, desquamation of the dermis and the formation of crusts. The skin between the fingers is more often affected because it is thinner than on the palms.

There are frequent cases of skin atopy caused by an allergic reaction. Then part of the dermis becomes covered with crusts and with any impact a feeling of burning and discomfort occurs.

External reasons

Often the reasons why the skin peels off on the fingers and between them are due to factors beyond a person’s control. A large percentage of cases when the skin begins to peel off the fingertips is due to the negative effects of such reasons:

  1. aggressive chemical compounds in household chemicals;
  2. allergic reaction to used cosmetics;
  3. fungal skin diseases;
  4. violation of personal hygiene rules;
  5. seasonal changes in the body.

Note! The cause of peeling in adults can be a complex effect of external and internal causes.

Chemical substances

The use of aggressive compounds in household chemicals and neglect of the use of gloves leads to changes in the condition of the skin of the hands. Highly alkaline or acidic compounds can cause dryness, cracks and ulcers. They have a destructive effect not only on the skin, but also on the nail plates, leading to their thinning and brittleness.

Allergies to cosmetics and perfumes

The wrong selection of toilet soap or hand cream can also have a very negative impact on the condition of the skin. Therefore, when this symptom appears, it is worth analyzing whether your hand skin care has changed recently. If yes, stop using these skincare products for a while.

Fungal infections

With fungal diseases, the fungus begins to multiply in the upper layers of the skin. This is accompanied by peeling, itching, and an unpleasant odor. The color of the affected area may change, becoming more yellow or even greenish. When a fungal infection occurs, the areas most often affected are between the fingers, around the nail plates, and the nail plates themselves. Equally often, the hands and legs suffer from the fungus, from which the dermis comes off in entire sections.

Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules

If hygiene requirements are not followed correctly, the local immunity of the skin is reduced. This leads to a decrease in resistance to pathogens, faster evaporation of moisture, and acceleration of the aging process of the dermis. Such cases are not uncommon in men who come into contact with large amounts of pollutants. - miners, drivers, builders.

Seasonal changes

Climate change also adversely affects the condition of the skin of the hands. Cold wind, frost, dry hot air provoke strong evaporation of moisture from the dermis. This is what causes dryness. Peeling may also occur as a result of using synthetic fabrics. — synthetic gloves disrupt the normal gas exchange of the dermis, which can lead to dryness.

Treatment methods

Therapy can be carried out in several ways:

  1. use of folk recipes;
  2. drug treatment;
  3. cosmetic procedures;
  4. taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  5. special diet.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is very inexpensive and therefore available for treatment to everyone. With their help you can get rid of peeling in the initial stages. But such remedies do not guarantee a complete cure for advanced cases and chronic diseases that manifest themselves as skin changes.

Note! It is best to select a method with your doctor.


The use of baths helps to act on the entire skin of the hands, thereby enhancing the therapeutic effect of use. A starch solution is excellent for eliminating peeling. - 1 tbsp. per liter of water. You need to soak your hands in this solution for a quarter of an hour, then wipe them dry and apply a nourishing cream.

Another remedy for eliminating peeling is boiled potatoes. Whole potatoes need to be peeled, mashed into a puree and mixed with a glass of milk. The resulting mixture is diluted with 400 ml of boiled water. The exposure time of such a bath is about 15-20 minutes. Then you need to rinse your hands with warm water without using soap and apply a nourishing cream.


Blue clay masks are great for preventing peeling. It contains antiseptic components that improve skin health. The easiest option is to dilute the clay with water to a creamy state. You can add a tablespoon of flaxseed or olive oil - they have a beneficial effect on the skin.


Wraps are another way to maintain the beauty of your hands. In the salon, such procedures are carried out using cosmetic paraffin, which contains extracts of medicinal herbs. At home, you can mix olive oil with a few drops of sandalwood and a pinch of turmeric. This mixture is applied under disposable gloves for 30-40 minutes.


Pharmacy products are excellent at helping to overcome flaking and dryness. The following products are used to treat hand skin:

  1. Ointment "Boro-Plus". A cosmetic product that not only softens the skin, but also contains antiseptics that prevent the occurrence of secondary infections. They have a rich structure, are easy to apply and spread over the surface of the skin.
  2. Radevit. A special ointment containing vitamin A. It has a beneficial effect on the epidermis, preventing it from drying out and peeling. Restores the protective functions of the skin and stimulates regeneration.
  3. Bepanten. An ointment based on dexpanthenol, which enhances regenerative processes in the skin. Helps maintain moisture levels and quickly restore skin.

Note! The selection of the drug should be carried out by the attending physician, since he will be able to choose exactly the composition that will be most effective, based on the causes of the phenomenon.

Cosmetology products

The cosmetology industry offers a lot of products. aimed at maintaining the beauty of hands. Such compositions contain oils, glycerin, panthenol, vitamins, due to which they restore the integrity of the skin. The most popular means are the following:

  1. Velor, Kalina. Inexpensive glycerin-based cream. Stimulates regeneration processes and prevents drying out.
  2. Delicate silk, Dr.Sante. Contains silk proteins, which have a softening and protective effect. Completely absorbed without leaving any discomfort.
  3. Softening, Home recipes. A budget cream that has an antiseptic and moisturizing effect. Prevents premature skin aging.

Vitamin complexes

To maintain beauty from the inside, vitamin and mineral complexes are used. Their use is justified during periods of seasonal vitamin deficiency, when the body lacks nutrients obtained from food. The following medications are used to prevent peeling:

  1. Aevit. A compound of fat-soluble vitamins A and E. Can be used both internally and externally, as part of masks and to enrich creams. Restores, stimulates regeneration, softens and promotes moisture retention.
  2. Vitrum Beauty. Vitamin-mineral complex that has a positive effect on the skin and its derivatives. Improves the condition of hair and nails, prevents the appearance of acne and peeling. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you must regularly take the complex for at least 1 month.
  3. Perfectil. Vitamin and mineral preparation with a high iron content. Has a beneficial effect on the skin, promoting its healing. In some cases, it may cause dyspeptic disorders, and therefore is not recommended for patients with gastrointestinal disorders,


No wonder there is an expression: “You are what you eat.” The foods you eat have a huge impact on your skin. and human health in general. If peeling occurs, patients are advised to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition:

  1. drink more clean water;
  2. limit consumption of fatty meat and fish;
  3. Avoid drinks with a lot of sugar and dyes;
  4. stop eating various chips, crackers and other snacks;
  5. enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits;
  6. give preference to lean varieties of meat and fish;
  7. Limit the amount of oils in cooked dishes.

Prevention of peeling

To prevent peeling and detachment of the dermis, you need to take very good care of your hands:

  1. dry your hands thoroughly after washing;
  2. use moisturizer at night;
  3. when in prolonged contact with water and detergents, use gloves;
  4. Choose soft formulations for cleansing your hands that do not contain aggressive components.

Preventive measures will help minimize the likelihood of dry hand skin caused by external factors. If these measures do not help and symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor for examination.

Almost every person has faced the problem of dry skin from time to time. Excessive dryness, roughness and tightness of the skin of the face and body cause discomfort and indicate health problems.

It’s also upsetting when the skin on your hands becomes dry and, for unknown reasons, peeling appears. But you really want the touch of your fingers to be gentle and pleasant, and your skin to be smooth and silky.

It is believed that a woman's age is revealed by her hands. Therefore, they should always be well-groomed, sleek and look young. It's no secret that for many, redness, irritation and peeling of the skin of the hands is considered a real tragedy that must be dealt with.

  1. Quick navigation through the article:
  2. The main causes of dry and flaky hands
  3. How to treat peeling hands in children
  4. How to treat annoying dry skin on your hands
  5. Medications
  6. Folk remedies
  7. Treatment procedures in beauty salons
  8. How to care for the skin of your hands (prevention)
  9. Reviews

The cause of this problem, in most cases, is lack of moisture in the upper layers of the skin - epidermis. The main task of the upper layer of skin is to protect against environmental influences.

It protects the skin from all kinds of toxins and dehydration. Drying of the epidermis leads to dryness, flaking and cracking.

Peeling and cracking of the top layer of skin can lead to very disastrous consequences. In the most advanced cases, this can result in serious skin defects and even blood poisoning.

Peeling of the skin on the fingers looks especially noticeable and unaesthetic. Therefore, the reasons that cause it need to be analyzed in detail and ways to improve the skin must be found.

The main causes of dry and flaky hands

Basic causes of excessive dryness and irritation According to the method of occurrence, hands can be divided into two groups:

  1. Arose under the influence of external factors;
  1. Arose under the influence of internal changes in the functioning of human vital organs.

External factors effects on the skin give rise to the following reasons:

Natural negative influences. These are frostbite, chapping, sunburn and others.

Dry indoor air or low humidity is the cause of both dry skin and dry mucous membranes.

Poor ecology - the entry of polluted air through the pores in the skin causes various types of irritation, accompanied by dryness and flaking.

Incorrect and irregular skin care means incorrectly selected cosmetics. For example, in winter you need to use only highly nourishing healing ointment for the skin. Moisturizing creams at sub-zero temperatures will contribute to cracking of the epidermis.

Exposure to chemicals – detergents, building materials (gypsum, cement, etc.)

The reasons that cause dryness, cracks and irritation of the skin on the fingers caused by internal factors are all kinds of problems in the body and the functioning of organs, the consequences of which cause external changes on the skin of the hands in the form of dryness, redness and irritation.

[box type=»info» ] Peeling and cracking of the top layer of skin can lead to very disastrous consequences. In the most advanced cases, this can result in serious skin defects and even blood poisoning.[/box]

These include:

Metabolic disorders.

Lack of vitamins (A, E, etc.) and minerals (calcium and others) in the immune system.

Skin diseases (allergy, psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea and other diseases).

Heredity or genetic predisposition.

Hormonal imbalances associated with age.

Lack of fluid in the body.

Anemia, disturbance of intestinal microflora.

Poor nutrition.

Stressful situations.

A very important point is exact determination of the cause changes in the skin, since some internal factors of its manifestation require immediate consultation with a doctor and qualified treatment.

How to treat peeling hands in children

In children, peeling skin on the fingers is much more common. The reason for this is that children are more susceptible to various kinds of unfavorable factors. It is the children's body that suffers most from environmental problems.

Currently, there are practically no children who are not affected by the problem of allergic diathesis. The problem may be not only in nutrition and ecology, but often Children's cosmetics can cause an allergic reaction , manifested by peeling of the fingers.

Often, emollient baby creams, which mothers rely on to combat dryness, give the opposite result. Creams for a child should not be selected with beautiful pictures or a pleasant smell, but first of all - hypoallergenic.

Since children have growing bodies, they require a lot of calcium. Therefore, peeling of the skin on the fingers is a consequence of the cause, the deficiency of this element.

This manifestation is especially common in the spring. Lack of sunlight, which carries vitamin D, lack of vegetables and fresh herbs, all this provokes the development of vitamin deficiency in the body.

In this case, treatment will require balanced nutrition and the introduction of an additional vitamin complex , the choice of which is better to decide on after consulting with a pediatrician.

But sometimes it happens that the causes of peeling and redness of the skin on the hands and fingers are infectious, fungal or parasitic diseases - scabies, scarlet fever, athlete's foot and others. In such cases, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist, he will prescribe appropriate examination and treatment.

How to treat annoying dry skin on your hands

Treatment of dry skin is carried out in accordance with the reasons that caused it. In case of diseases caused by internal factors, treatment can only be prescribed by a highly qualified specialist.

After carrying out the treatment prescribed by your doctor, you will be able to forget for a long time about such a phenomenon as peeling skin on your fingers.

[box type=”info” ]Since children have growing bodies, they need a lot of calcium. Therefore, peeling of the skin on the fingers is a consequence of the cause, the deficiency of this element.[/box]

Other causes that are more common are considered chapping and vitamin deficiency . Remedies that can be used for dry skin are conventionally divided into medicinal and folk.


If dry skin is accompanied by cracks, irritation and peeling, the main medication should be ointments containing dexpanthenol.

It is part of the ointment of the same name, Pantoderma, D-panthenol and Bepanthen. The effect of these drugs is associated with the content of provitamin B5.

These drugs help improve metabolic processes and regeneration of skin layers, actively accelerating its healing. However, to a small extent they have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Another drug recommended for irritation and peeling on the skin of the hands and fingers is Dexpanthenol E .

The reason why the use of this drug is recommended is the combination of vitamin E and dexpanthenol, which relieves inflammation and damage to the skin.

Vitamin E helps enhance the regenerative qualities of the drug. It is recommended to use this drug under adverse weather conditions in order to prevent their negative consequences.

To get rid of dryness and cracks on your fingers, you can use hyaluronic acid.

After eliminating irritation, folk remedies and cosmetic preparations can be used to moisturize and add elasticity.

Folk remedies

TO folk remedies relate:

Healthy nourishing oil wraps for hands. Oils restore skin elasticity and nourish it with vitamins. The most effective use of heated oil is to enhance metabolic processes.

To get the best results, it is recommended to do hand wraps using flaxseed, olive, or even sunflower oil.

So, for oil wrap with slightly warmed vegetable oil soak gauze and wrap your hands in it, wear gloves on top. Leave for 15 minutes. For serious damage, repeat the procedure 2 times per week - until the peeling disappears.

You can make wraps not only based on oil alone, but also by adding other ingredients. Gives a very good effect next recipe : olive oil is mixed in a water bath with honey in equal proportions (half a glass each) and a teaspoon of salicylic acid is added.

This recipe prevents peeling of the skin on the fingers by weakening the causes of its appearance - salicylic acid is an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.


Hyalurgic acid relieves dryness and cracks

Special therapeutic baths that combat flaking of the skin of the hands.

All kinds of baths have an excellent effect in relieving skin irritation. They are prepared with herbs - plantain, chamomile, sage, linden, mint, dill and others; baths made from whey or milk are also useful.

In order to prepare a herbal bath, you need to brew a tablespoon of dry medicinal herb with one glass of boiling water, cover, and let it brew for half an hour.

Then strain the broth, cool to a temperature of 30 - 36˚C, and hold your hands in it 15 minutes. After this procedure, dry your hands and use a nourishing cream or medicinal ointment.

Cosmetic masks for dry hands.

In addition to wraps and baths, you can use masks that soften and moisturize the skin of your hands. Of the folk remedies, the most effective and accessible are potato and oatmeal masks .

For cooking potato mask Boil potato tubers with skins, mash and add butter and milk. After which this paste is applied warm to the hands and left to act for twenty minutes.

Then rinse off, blot dry with a towel or napkin and apply nourishing cream.

[box type=”info” ]When cracks appear, you can use ointments based on traditional medicine recipes.

For example, ointment based on calendula. It is prepared as follows: take half a glass of dried flowers of this plant, and one glass of melted lard. Calendula is ground to a powdery form and melted lard is added to it.[/box]

Oatmeal mask for hands is prepared as follows: boil oatmeal and add vegetable oil to it. After cooling to 37˚C, apply to the skin of the hands for 18 – 22 minutes. After rinsing, the skin is also lubricated with cream.

Masks are applied twice a day. The course of treatment ranges from four to seven days.

If cracks appear, you can use ointments based on traditional medicine recipes.

For example, ointment based on calendula. It is prepared as follows: take half a glass of dried flowers of this plant, and one glass of melted lard. Calendula is ground to a powdery form and melted lard is added to it.

Everything is mixed until smooth. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator and applied twice a day for five to six days.

Treatment procedures in beauty salons

In beauty salons, masks and wraps are offered as moisturizing and nourishing treatments - paraffin, mud, chocolate and others.

To combat peeling of the skin on the hands and fingers caused by the causes of age-related withering, masks are offered using hyaluronic acid and mesotherapy.

How to care for the skin of your hands (prevention)

In order to prevent problems associated with the condition of the skin of the hands, it is necessary to provide them with proper care. In this regard, it is necessary to comply with a number of rules:

Cleanliness of hands is a prevention of the penetration of infections and parasites into the body. But hand washing and disinfection must be carried out with means that ensure their hydration and nutrition .

Proper nutrition rich in vitamins. It is useful to eat salads richly seasoned with herbs and vegetable oils containing vitamin E. It slows down oxidative processes in the skin, is an excellent antioxidant and protects the body from harmful influences.

Sufficient drink. Since our body is 65% water, it is necessary to maintain its water balance.

Daily use of cosmetics for hand skin care - moisturizing and nourishing creams . After thirty years, the use of creams containing ultraviolet filters.

Hand protection when in contact with household chemicals. Household cleaning must be done with gloves, since irritation caused by chemicals is one of the main causes of peeling skin on the fingers. It will be better if, before putting them on, lubricate the skin of your hands with a nourishing cream.

Protection of hands from unpleasant influences of the external environment. In the cold season it is necessary wearing gloves or mittens, which will prevent chapping or frostbite.

Maintain the temperature of the water - for washing it should be warm. The ideal option would be when the water for washing is at room temperature.

In addition, you need to protect your hands from injuries and mechanical damage, which also cause irritation and peeling.

A towel for hand care should have a soft texture and absorb moisture well, so that you can wipe with it easily, as if dabbing.

Dear women, may your hands always be well-groomed and sleek!