Blefarogel 1 and 2 what are the differences

Blefarogel 1 belongs to the category of broad-spectrum drugs that are widely used in ophthalmic practice. The medication is widely used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the eyelids.

It is recommended to use the drug daily for prevention of excessive eye fatigue.

What is it used for?

The use of the medicine must be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions if there are appropriate indications:

  1. Medicine helps fight blepharitis – inflammatory process on the eyelids. If a patient has demodicosis, he is recommended to use this medicine.
  2. The drug is recommended for prophylaxis various ophthalmological diseases when wearing contact lenses.
  3. If a person works at a computer for a long time every day, then he is recommended to use this medicine.
  4. With the help of medication, barley is effectively treated.
  5. The drug can be used in cosmetology, since with its help the beauty and youth of the eyelids are preserved.

Gel composition

Composition of the drug:

  1. The drug is made on the basis of hyaluronic acid, which belongs to the category of natural substances and is part of the vitreous body.
  2. The medicine also consists of a reference humidifier, with the help of which moisture regulation in cells is carried out. With the help of this substance, the ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands of the eyelids are cleaned and their secretion is normalized. During the period of use of the product, the skin of the eyelids is moisturized and elastic.
  3. The drug contains aloe vera extract. This substance has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and tonic properties. Thanks to this component, the symptoms of skin irritation are relieved, as well as metabolism is improved. During the period of use of the medication, it eliminates dry eyes and relieves the feeling of fatigue.

Instructions for use

Before using the drug, it is imperative to read the instructions, which will eliminate the possibility of developing undesirable effects. It is a hygienic, therapeutic and prophylactic drug. Which is allowed for daily use.


  1. Before using the medicine, it is recommended to thoroughly remove cosmetics from the skin of the eyelids.. After this, wash your face with warm water and rub in thoroughly. It is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and dry.
  2. A small amount of gel is applied to the area around the eyes and eyelashes with your index finger.. The manipulation should be carried out with light massaging movements. This will ensure the highest quality absorption of the medicine. Thanks to this method of applying the drug, it is possible to simultaneously perform a stimulating massage, which guarantees the normal functioning of the local circulatory system.
  3. In order to achieve the highest therapeutic effect, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment, the duration of which is 1 month.. Before applying the drug, the patient must remove contact lenses. When treating various diseases, it is recommended to carry out manipulation twice a day. If pathological processes are being prevented, then a single use of the medicine will be sufficient.
  4. If a person has signs of eyelid fatigue, then the medicine can be used during the day. If the patient has a chronic form of blepharitis, this requires twice the use of the medicine. Treatment is carried out until symptoms are completely eliminated. To prevent blepharitis and stye, the medication is used once a day before bedtime.

Side effects

Improper use of the medicine may lead to undesirable effects:

  1. Most often, patients experienced a burning sensation in the eyelid area after applying the medication. This undesirable effect does not require medical attention, as it goes away on its own within a few minutes.
  2. Some patients experienced allergic reactions after using the drug, which is explained by hypersensitivity to its components. Allergies often manifest as swelling of the eyelids. Some patients were diagnosed with redness of the skin at the site of application of the drug.


Before using the medicine, it is imperative to take into account the following contraindications:

  1. If the patient has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, its use is strictly prohibited. The patient can check for contraindications independently without visiting a doctor.
  2. Before using the medicine as directed, apply a small amount of the product on the inside of the wrist.. If a burning sensation or redness of the skin occurs, the use of the medicine is strictly prohibited.
  3. If a patient is diagnosed with increased dryness of the eyelids, then the use of the medication is strictly prohibited..
  4. If a person wears contact lenses, then before using the medicine they must be removed without fail. It is allowed to put on lenses only 15 minutes after the procedure.

Does pharmaceutical gel help in the fight against wrinkles around the eyes?

Blefarogel is not an age-related medication. It is used in the fight against wrinkles thanks to its unique composition.

With the help of moisturizing components it is ensured:

  1. Elasticity and firmness of the skin, which allows you to maintain youthful eyelids and remove bags under the eyes.
  2. The medicine provides skin care and slows down the aging process. The patient must remember that the action of the medication is not aimed at preventing the appearance of wrinkles. In order to eliminate wrinkles, patients must use the drug three times a day.

The gel is applied in a thick layer to previously cleansed eyelid skin. The appearance of the first results of using the medicine will be observed after a week.

Patients are recommended to use the product in a course lasting three weeks. If necessary, it can be repeated after a month's break.

Blefarogel 1 and Blefarogel 2: what is the difference?

There are two types of medicine - Blefarogel 1 and Blefarogel 2. What's the difference?

The difference between these drugs lies in their composition and effect. The first of the drugs is developed on the basis of hyaluronic acid, aloe extract, methylparaben, propylene glycol, carbomer, glycerin, and deionized water.

Blepharogel 2 includes not only the above components, but also sulfur. Thanks to the presence of this component, the anti-demodectic and antiseptic effect of the drug is ensured.

Blefarogel 1 Blefarogel 2

The medicine is recommended for the treatment and prevention of dry eye syndrome. If tear production is impaired when wearing contact lenses, the patient must use this drug. It is highly effective in relieving eye fatigue.

Relieving inflammation and itching from the eyelids;

The action of the medicine is aimed at effectively eliminating scales and crusts that may appear on the eyelids. Thanks to the active components of the medicine, the skin of the eyelids is moisturized and its turgor is increased;

Medicine is used to treat and prevent blepharitis, regardless of its etiology.

The drug is recommended for use in the treatment of demodicosis. This is a disease that occurs when exposed to parasitic mites that live in the eyelashes. Thanks to the use of the drug, the number of demodex populations is reduced.

Blefarogel 1 is widely used for the treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases of the eyelids.

special instructions

During the period of use of the drug, no cases of overdose were observed. There is no information on drug interactions between the drug.

That is why patients must consult a doctor before using the drug.


As analogues of eyelid gel, Blefarogel can be used:

  1. Dexodem. A cream that is suitable for treating eyelids and for treating any other areas of skin with demodicosis.
  2. Blepharolosion. Solution for the prevention of eyelid care. Can be used as a therapeutic agent.
  3. Demazol. Contains chamomile extract, olive oil and excipients. Together, these components act on the causative agents of demadecosis, quickly eliminating the rash and relieving itching.

The cost of the medicine is quite low, which ensures its availability to a wide range of patients.

You can buy the drug in a pharmacy at a price from 220 rubles. The cost of the medication may vary depending on the region.

Storage conditions

After production of the medicine, it is allowed to be used for three years.

It is recommended to store the medication in a temperature range of 5-30 degrees Celsius. During storage of the drug, care must be taken to limit children's access to it. After the expiration date of the medicine, it must be disposed of.

Many women strive to maintain youthful and healthy skin around their eyes. For several years now, the Russian ophthalmology and cosmetology market has been dominated by a domestically developed product, Blepharogel. The drug was created specifically to care for sensitive skin and fight eyelid diseases. It has a light texture of a quickly absorbed gel and a composition that is harmless to the eye.

Composition of Blefarogel 1

The drug acts on the surface of the eyelids, which is why it becomes so important to contain safe ingredients for the health of the eyes and skin around them. The drug has a patented composition, and its harmlessness and effectiveness have been confirmed by dozens of laboratory studies. Gel ingredients:

  1. Hyaluronic acid - fills dehydrated eyelid skin with moisture, which eliminates flaking and hides small expression wrinkles. Gives the skin the desired firmness and elasticity.
  2. Glycerin is also involved in the exchange process of fluid in skin tissues. Thanks to the glycerin film, the skin does not lose precious liquid. The glycerin barrier also protects existing skin microdamages from infections.
  3. Deionized water accelerates cell division and allows tissues to regenerate faster.
  4. Aloe vera extract - disinfects and heals damage, improves metabolic processes in skin tissues.
  5. Carbomer and methylparaben are contained in small quantities and act as a preservative and thickener for the composition of the drug.

The product contains only natural ingredients, which is why it is so popular not only among buyers, but also among ophthalmologists.

Indications for use

The drug Blefarogel is harmless and can be used by almost everyone; even pregnancy and the lactation period are not contraindications. Blepharogel for eyes has a hypoallergenic composition. However, there is no need to use the gel without the following indications:

  1. If you spend a lot of time in front of a monitor and constantly strain your eyes throughout the day.
  2. Blepharitis of various etiologies.
  3. If you have wrinkles, swelling and bags under the eyes. In the fight against these problems, the use of Blefarogel 2 will be most suitable.
  4. Demodicosis is an infection by a microscopic mite.
  5. Dry eye effect.

Not recommended for use in the following cases:

  1. If individual intolerance to one of the ingredients of the product is identified.
  2. When wearing contact lenses, before using the gel, you should remove them and put them on only after 15 minutes.
  3. You should pay attention to the expiration date and do not use the gel after the specified date.

How to apply the drug

To maximize the effect of using the medicinal product, it is important to carry out the application procedure correctly. Step-by-step instructions for using Blepharogel:

  1. Remove eye makeup, thoroughly cleanse the skin of the eyelids and hands. Remove contact lenses.
  2. Distribute a little gel onto your fingertips.
  3. Apply the gel to the skin of the eyelids and the most affected areas using circular movements. In case of manifested demodicosis, the gel is also applied to the eyelash line.
  4. Continue the procedure until the gel is completely absorbed.

Such manipulations are recommended to be carried out twice a day for acute blepharitis and once a day before bedtime as a preventive measure for the disease or for chronic eye fatigue.

It should be noted that the instructions for Blefarogel 1 differ slightly from the method of using Blefarogel 2.

Difference between Blefarogel 1 and 2

Today the ophthalmology market offers two generations of Blefarogel. A distinctive feature of the second generation blepharogel is its cosmetic focus and improved antibacterial properties. Recommended for use in the presence of minor wrinkles and dryness. Based on customer reviews, after 7 days of use you can see the results of rejuvenation.

Sulfur, as a disinfecting element in the composition of the drug, gives a high healing effect. And moisturizing components will restore radiance and elasticity to the skin. Also, in case of acute demodicosis, it is most preferable to use the second generation gel.

Blepharogel is universal eyelid skin care product, while being characterized by low cost and high efficiency.

Any female representative dreams of staying young and beautiful longer. The eyes are the first to reveal age, whose delicate skin of the eyelids, being in constant motion, is exposed to natural factors. Age-related wrinkles appear, causing anxiety, sadness, even despair and internal protest.

Advantages of Blefarogel, its features

How to stop the movement of time or slightly reduce this destructive force? Cosmetics, nanotechnology and the latest scientific achievements, which include Blefarogel, come to the rescue.

Blefarogel 1 and 2. We will tell you what the difference is in our article

In the fight against eyelid folds, good results have been demonstrated by a unique cosmetic and medical drug – Blepharogel, existing in two forms. One drug treats diseases, the other complements the line of anti-aging products, and together they regulate regenerative processes, strengthening the dermis.

The main advantage is the natural ingredients that are non-addictive and the absence of adverse reactions.

Blefarogel 1 and 2: what is their difference can be found out by studying the composition and instructions for use of the drugs.

Blefarogel-2 belongs to cosmetic hydrating personal care products and is aimed at careful care of the eyelids, during which they are moisturized and saved from the consequences of overdrying.

Its components help suppress blepharitis of various origins, as well as successfully fight against demodicosis. Unlike No. 2, form No. 1 is a cosmetic product with a delicate, easily absorbed gel structure.

Main reasons for using it:

  1. relief from fatigue;
  2. elimination of discomfort;
  3. relief from “dry eye” condition when wearing contact lenses;
  4. anti-inflammatory effect;
  5. therapeutic agent for rejuvenation;
  6. healing of the skin, this applies not only to Blefarogel No. 1, but also No. 2 (their differences will be discussed further).

Composition of Blefarogel 1 and 2

The products under consideration have different compositions, as shown in the table.

Blefarogel 1 and 2: what is the difference
№1 №2
Deionized water
Hyaluronic acid
Aloe vera
Sulfur derivatives

Deionized water is a medium freed from the presence of ions. It helps the rapid healing of microdamages due to the fact that it significantly increases the rate of cell division.

Glycerin accumulates moisture directly from the air, transferring it further to the layers of epidermal cells. Like putty, it fills in the smallest irregularities, turning the surface into a uniformly smooth one.

Hyaluronic acid is a component of the epithelial and connective tissues of the human body. It controls the basic function of maintaining the frequency of the excretory ducts of the glands: sebaceous, meibomian and sweat. With the help of hyaluronic acid, congestion is neutralized, it acts on the correct production of their secretion.

In her charge:

  1. elasticity;
  2. regenerative processes;
  3. cell localization.

Aloe vera actively stimulates cellular metabolism and is an excellent fighter against:

  1. fluid retention in tissues;
  2. bacterial infection.

Agave extract, as aloe is also called, provides antimicrobial properties and accelerates metabolic processes.

Blefarogel-2 contains one more component that is not in No. 1 - sulfur. The synergistic effect of agave and sulfur eliminates the formation of edema and hyperemia in a short time. In addition, sulfur successfully fights pathogens. Under its influence, epidermal cells begin to function normally and divide more actively.

Sulfur promotes:

  1. accelerating the processes of assimilation and dissimilation;
  2. uninterrupted blood microcirculation;
  3. strengthening immunity.

Blepharogel 1 and 2: what is the difference in action on the skin

Blefarogel-1 is used as a care product for the eyelids every day. It fights well against irritation, hyperemia, itching, and prevents the occurrence of styes. It is especially in demand for people who prefer contact lenses to glasses, who work for hours on the Internet at a computer monitor, and who, due to their occupation, unnecessarily strain their eyesight.

Massaging the eyelids with ophthalmic gel will improve blood microcirculation, metabolic processes, normalize the stability of tear film formation, get rid of fatigue and eliminate excessive dryness in the eyes.

Blefarogel-2 is recommended for the treatment of demodicosis, relief of inflammation, swelling, smoothing wrinkles, preventing swelling and other signs of fatigue. Thanks to the sulfur present in the gel, the gel quickly solves emerging problems without causing harm to the epidermis. Correct and systematic use of the product allows you to see amazing results.

It is important to know! The sulfur contained in Blefarogel-2 suppresses the development of harmful mites and pathogens, providing an antiseptic and acaricidal effect, which is so necessary in the treatment of demodicosis.

Indications for use of Blefarogel 1 and 2

To improve well-being directly related to the condition of the eyelids, Blefarogel-1 is used in the following cases:

  1. Chronic diseases affecting the eyelids, including blepharitis.
  2. Xerophthalmia, or dry eye disease, one of the causes of which is a lack of vitamin A.
  3. Fatigue of the organ of vision due to overload.
  4. Disorders of tear secretion when rubbing contact lenses.
  5. Barley (inflammation of the hair follicle).

Blefarogel-2 is recommended for the treatment of the following manifestations:

  1. prevention and elimination of inflammatory reactions of the eyelids (including acute and chronic blepharitis);
  2. preventive measures for dry eyes;
  3. preventing the appearance of styes;
  4. normalization of tear production;
  5. relieving fatigue syndrome, eliminating swelling and wrinkles;
  6. hygiene of the organ of vision exposed to stress when working with office equipment or with documents;
  7. prevention of rupture of blood vessels on the membrane of the eyeball.

Instructions for using Blefarogel 1

Blepharogel-1 is used as a daily eye and eyelid care product as follows. A small amount of gel is carefully applied with light movements to eyelids cleaned of makeup and allowed to absorb.

Contact lenses must be removed before using the gel. After applying the gel, you need to lie down with your eyes closed, and it is not advisable to do this while wearing lenses, since blood circulation is disrupted. The gel is applied in a thin layer with massage circular movements. on the upper and lower eyelids towards the lacrimal lake.

To quickly eliminate stye, already at the first symptoms - pain when blinking, redness and characteristic thickening of the eyelid, the gel is used twice - in the morning and in the evening. According to reviews, after three days there is no trace of the disease, but it is recommended to consolidate the result and extend the treatment course to a week.

The package insert for the product warns to be careful when handling the gel, otherwise getting it in the eyes may cause an unbearable burning sensation.

Instructions for use of Blefarogel 2

Apply a small amount of product to previously cleaned eyelids using a cotton pad. At first the movements are light, barely touching, but later they acquire a noticeable massage character. The helium structure of Blefarogel-2 is carefully rubbed in a circle for 120 seconds, smoothly moving to the edge of the eyelashes.

Note! If infection with demodicosis is noted, then the gel is best applied daily to the skin of the eyelids in 2-3 doses. When the signs of the disease are weakened, as well as for its prevention, a single use per day will be sufficient, but this should be done regularly throughout the entire treatment course.

To finally get rid of chronic blepharitis, it is recommended to use the drug 2 times a day after morning washing until the signs of the disease completely disappear. For preventive measures against inflammation, it is enough to apply the gel once, preferably at night.

The product is also successfully used during physiotherapeutic procedures: electro-, phono- and magnetophoresis.

Contraindications to the use of Blepharogel

There are no obvious contraindications to the use of the drug. Unless a person has an individual negative reaction to one of the ingredients in the composition. There is a proper warning about this in the package insert, the contents of which should be read first.

There are no restrictions on the use of Blepharogel 1 and 2, even for pregnant women and for mothers during lactation, and it doesn’t matter what their difference is, they allow you to take care of the healthy condition of the eyelids during this difficult and responsible period of a woman’s life.

Be careful! If Blefarogel gets on the mucous membranes, and there is no difference between 1 and 2, allergic reactions may occur, expressed in lacrimation and short-term discomfort.

Where to buy Blefarogel 1 and 2, price

The product in question is in demand among the population, therefore in Moscow and the region the cost of Blefarogel fluctuates and exceeds that in other regions. You can buy it in pharmacies without presenting a prescription. The price in Russia for Blefarogel-1 is on average 253 rubles, and for No. 2 – 259 rubles.

What is the difference between Blefarogel 1 and 2 - in the composition and purpose of the drugs. However, they are similar in one thing - they effectively care for the delicate skin of the eyelids, restoring it to its former youth, elasticity and beauty.

Blefarogel 1 and 2. What is the difference, see this useful video:

Doctors recommend Blepharogel: