Hygienic Massage

Hygienic massage: prevention and recovery

Hygienic massage is one of the methods of physical rehabilitation and disease prevention, which is used as an independent procedure and in combination with physical therapy and hygienic measures. This method has a wide spectrum of action and can be used to prevent various diseases, restore performance after significant mental and physical stress, and also as a rehabilitation measure to restore the body after certain diseases and injuries. Hygienic massage is also used as a means of combating unfavorable working conditions.

There are several types of hygienic massage, each of which has its own characteristics and is used depending on the goals and objectives. Preventive massage is aimed at promoting health and preventing diseases. Restorative massage is used to restore performance after physical and mental stress, as well as after illnesses and injuries. Toning and soothing massages are aimed at improving the general condition of the body and its functionality. Self-massage is a way to perform a hygienic massage yourself.

However, before starting a hygienic massage, it is necessary to take into account certain restrictions and contraindications. Elderly people and people who have suffered a serious illness are advised to use more gentle forms of massage. During the first sessions, massage techniques should be less intense. Hygienic massage sessions should not be performed in feverish conditions, in acute inflammatory processes, with a tendency to bleeding, in blood diseases, purulent processes, thrombophlebitis and significant varicose veins, in various skin diseases, inflammation of the lymph nodes, gangrene, tumors, chronic osteomyelitis, active form of tuberculosis. In addition, you should not massage the abdomen if you have a hernia, with urolithiasis or cholelithiasis, during menstruation, or during pregnancy.

Hygienic massage can be performed both on individual areas of the body and on the entire body. When performing massage on individual areas of the body, it is necessary to take into account the anatomy and physiology of each area. For example, a neck and head massage can reduce muscle tension and eliminate headaches, a back and lower back massage can help eliminate back pain and improve the functioning of internal organs, and a foot massage can help improve blood circulation and reduce swelling.

Carrying out a hygienic massage requires certain knowledge and skills, so it is best to contact a specialist - a massage therapist who can carry out the procedure in accordance with the characteristics of your body and state of health. However, if you want to carry out a hygienic massage yourself, you need to carefully study the techniques and methods of massage, and also contact a specialist to receive recommendations and advice on the procedure.

In general, hygienic massage is an important method of prevention and restoration of health, which can be used either independently or in combination with other treatment methods. The main thing is to remember about contraindications and restrictions, and contact a specialist if necessary.