Early wrinkles on the face

Wrinkles are considered a sign of old age, however, the first wrinkles on the face can appear in the prime of life. For many girls, the appearance of “signs of the times” on the face is a disaster. Let's figure out why early wrinkles appear and how to fight for youthful and smooth skin.


There are many reasons that provoke the early appearance of wrinkles on the face. Often, the formation of wrinkles is influenced by a complex of factors.


So, the most common causes of early skin aging are:

  1. Heredity. Individual structural features of the skin are inherited. Therefore, if close female relatives (mother, grandmother, older sister) have such cosmetic problems, then anti-aging care is recommended to begin immediately after 20 years. The reason for the formation of folds at a young age is the thin epidermis. At the same time, in men, the upper layer of skin is initially thicker, and the appearance of the first wrinkles is usually observed after 30 years.
  2. Dry skin. Lack of moisture is a consequence of external causes. The first expression lines on the face can appear before the age of 20.
  3. Harmful working and living conditions. Early wrinkles often appear in people who, due to their professional activities, spend a lot of time in the open sun or in the cold. But working indoors can also cause skin dehydration, because many offices have extremely low levels of air humidity.
  4. Incorrect care. Unwillingness or ignorance of the basic rules of skin care is one of the common reasons for the appearance of early wrinkles.
  5. Love for tanning. Wrinkles at an early age can appear in girls who love to visit beaches and solariums, but do not use protection against ultraviolet exposure.
  6. Smoking. This bad habit contributes to the activation of the aging process, having a negative effect on the skin, both from the inside and outside.
  7. Sudden weight fluctuations. Fans of strict diets should remember that they risk getting wrinkles on their face. It is especially important to avoid unbalanced diets.
  8. Active facial expressions. It is this reason that contributes to the formation of dynamic wrinkles, which are commonly called expression wrinkles. For example, girls who have poor eyesight and do not wear glasses or contacts are at risk of getting early wrinkles around the eyes, since they have to squint to see an object.

  1. Wrong mode. Constant lack of sleep, lack of walks in the fresh air and low physical activity contribute to the appearance of wrinkles on the face.
  2. Stress. Nervous tension causes the release of certain hormones (cortisol, adrenaline), which contribute to the occurrence of muscle spasms on the face. And this leads to poor blood circulation and early skin aging.


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Ways to fight

Let's figure out whether it is possible to eliminate early wrinkles on the face. To fight for youthful skin, you can use both home and salon methods; each option has its own advantages.

Salon treatments The good thing is that the results from their use can be seen very quickly, usually within a few days, and sometimes within a few hours after the session. The downside is the fairly high prices and the presence of contraindications to the procedures. In addition, after using injection techniques, it requires time for rehabilitation, since immediately after the procedure bruises may appear in the injection area.

Care at home does not allow you to get quick results, it requires systematicity and perseverance. But on the other hand, such care is practically free. Another advantage is the fact that you can carry out home procedures at any free moment. And this is very convenient during a busy schedule.


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Salon techniques

Wrinkles can be smoothed out at an early age using a variety of procedures. The appointment of a rejuvenating program is carried out individually, taking into account the characteristics of the facial skin.


This method is based on the injection of drugs containing botulinum toxin into the muscles. The drugs block impulses entering muscle tissue, causing the muscles to relax. During the period of action of botulinum toxin, the muscles remain static, that is, the main cause of the appearance of facial wrinkles is eliminated.

While the wrinkles are shallow, muscle relaxation leads to their smoothing. But the effect does not appear immediately, improvements can be noticed on days 3-4, and the most pronounced effect will occur 7-14 days after administration of the drug.

Over time, the effect of the drug weakens. And when muscle mobility is restored to 80-90%, it will be possible to repeat the procedure. As a rule, repeated administration must be carried out every 5-8 months (depending on individual reactions).

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization

Both of these procedures are aimed at stimulating natural regeneration processes in the skin. The essence of the procedures is the introduction of special drugs subcutaneously. The difference between mesotherapy and biorevitalization lies in the composition of the products used.

When performing biorevitalization, the main component of the drug is hyaluronic acid. In mesotherapy, more complex cocktails are used.

Results can be seen immediately after the first injection of the drug. However, to achieve the best result, it is recommended to complete the full course, consisting of 2-5 procedures.


This method is based on the effect of light streams emitted by a special device on the skin. The result of the procedure is the smoothing of superficial wrinkles and improvement of skin tone.


To obtain the best result, several procedures are performed (from 3 to 7) with a break between sessions of three weeks.

Laser rejuvenation

This modern technique is based on the impact of a laser beam on all layers of the skin. During the procedure, the lower layers of the epidermis are evaporated and relief irregularities (wrinkles) are eliminated.

To consolidate the effect, several sessions will be required, their number is determined individually.

Chemical peeling

The essence of the procedure is to “dissolve” the surface layer of epidermal cells. As a result of exposure to chemicals, dead cells are removed and the regeneration process is stimulated. Thanks to this, the face looks fresher and wrinkles are smoothed out.

It is necessary to choose the composition for the procedure and determine the number of sessions individually.

Other techniques

In addition to the above procedures, beauty salons can offer more gentle procedures to get rid of early wrinkles:

  1. professional cosmetic massage;
  2. conducting a course of masks using professional cosmetics.

There are also more exotic methods of rejuvenation, for example, rejuvenation using hirudotherapy or snail massage.

Home methods

If you can’t see a cosmetologist, you can try to get rid of early wrinkles using home remedies. Let's figure out what to do to eliminate the first wrinkles on the skin.

This will require a set of procedures:

  1. ice washes;
  2. special gymnastics;
  3. self-massage;
  4. rejuvenating masks.

Ice wash

This is a very simple but useful procedure. You need to wipe your face with an ice cube every morning, following the massage lines. There is no need to press on the skin; the movement should be light and sliding.

To make ice, you can take mineral water, but it is better to prepare a decoction of chamomile, parsley or sage. After completing the procedure, let your face air dry a little, and then apply a cream suitable for your skin type.


Regular performance of special exercises allows you to eliminate early wrinkles under the eyes, smooth out nasolabial folds, and even out the texture of the skin on the forehead and around the mouth.


Exercises need to be repeated 5-10 times:

  1. close your eyes tightly (do not wince) and then relax your muscles;
  2. blink rapidly for 10 seconds;
  3. place your fingers under your eyebrows, press the skin and lift your eyebrows up, coping with the resistance;
  4. Press the skin at the outer corners of the eye with your fingers, close your eyes tightly;
  5. take a deep breath, trying to inflate the wings of your nose, then exhale through the left corner of your mouth. Repeat the exercise, but exhale air through the right corner of your mouth;
  6. inhale slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth, stretching your lips forward;
  7. place your fingers on your forehead just above your eyebrows, and now raise your eyebrows up;
  8. fix the skin at the inner corner of the eye, in the middle of the eyebrow and at the outer corner of the eye, and now try to close your eyes tightly;
  9. We pump up the workout with an exercise that causes blood flow to the skin. Smoothly turn your head to the left “all the way”, after three seconds, lower your head forward down, trying to touch your chin to your chest. Repeat on the other side.


This procedure stimulates blood circulation and effectively smoothes wrinkles. There are different massage techniques, but you should start mastering this procedure with a classic cosmetic massage.



  1. wash your face and hands well;
  2. apply cream or cosmetic oil;
  3. Perform movements with fingertips, strictly along massage lines;
  4. the procedure includes three movements - stroking, rubbing and kneading;
  5. We perform the first movement by lightly sliding our fingers over the skin;
  6. when performing the second movement, you need to slightly increase the pressure, but make sure that the skin does not stretch;
  7. kneading is the most difficult part of the procedure, since you need to have a significant impact on the facial muscles, but not stretch the skin. Place the pads of three fingers on the massaged area and make pressing pulsating movements for 3-5 seconds, then move your fingers and repeat the effect;
  8. The session must be completed by stroking.

Mask recipes

One of the most effective home methods for combating early wrinkles is homemade cosmetic masks made from natural products. They need to be done twice a week.

Triple procedure

This is a very effective mask; to carry out the procedure, you need to prepare three cosmetic compositions.

  1. First: Steam two tablespoons of small oat flakes with a small amount of hot milk to make a thick “porridge”, let it brew until it cools completely. Mix the mixture with a tablespoon of unrefined vegetable oil, for example, sesame or flaxseed.
  2. Second: heat a dessert spoon of natural honey, mix with a finely grated green apple (apple mass will require two tablespoons);
  3. Third: mix a tablespoon of sour cream with raw yolk and three drops of lemon juice.

Now you need to cleanse and steam your face, and apply the first composition. Rinse off with warm water after a quarter of an hour. Repeat the same with the second and third composition. Complete the procedure by washing with cold water.


Masks made from fresh fruits moisturize the skin very well, and therefore fight early wrinkles. It is necessary to grind the fruit pulp on a grater and mix it with a spoon of sour cream. Apply this mixture for half an hour.


For masks it is recommended to use:


In a new interview, Sofia Rotaru shared her amazing secrets of beauty, long youth and creative plans.
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To prevent the appearance of early wrinkles you need to:

  1. lead the healthiest lifestyle possible: get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, spend time in the fresh air;
  2. drink more clean water;
  3. provide your skin with proper care, use high-quality cosmetics appropriate for your age and skin type.

The first thing we associate with aging is wrinkles.

We directly associate their appearance with age.

Whether it’s nasolabial, eyebrow or so-called crow’s feet around the eyes, we attribute all these wrinkles to age-related changes.

Indeed, as our skin ages, it loses its elasticity and firmness, which leads to the appearance of hated wrinkles.

Causes of wrinkles

But there are also physical signs of aging that have nothing to do with age at all.

Other lifestyle and environmental factors can also negatively affect your appearance. These include poor diet, poor diet, lack of sleep and chronic stress.

Unfortunately, negative factors actually contribute to the appearance of early wrinkles. The wrinkles you see in the mirror may have more to do with your daily habits than you think.

To turn back time and slow down the appearance of new wrinkles, be sure to take into account the main reasons for their appearance:

Everyone knows that the main enemy of healthy skin is the sun. Ultraviolet rays, penetrating into the deepest layers of the skin, not only cause sunburn, but also lead to premature aging, sagging and wrinkles.

By avoiding the sun, you protect yourself from cancer and also prolong the youth and beauty of your skin.

According to dermatologist Jerome Polozkin, the most common cause of wrinkles is the sun. By damaging our skin, it provokes the appearance of wrinkles.

The thing is that exposure to the sun on our skin leads to loss of collagen and elastin, which, in turn, contributes to skin wrinkling.

To protect your skin and prolong its youth, be sure to use sunscreen (at least SPF 30).

When you go out in the sun, especially if you plan to swim in the water, be sure to reapply high-protection sunscreen. It will protect the skin from sunburn and also prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.

You may not have thought too much about the benefits or harms of the environment in which you live. However, it has been proven that it can have a significant impact on the appearance of deep and fine wrinkles.

Pollution is another factor that contributes to free radical damage, explains Maral K. Skelsey, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and director of the Dermatologic Surgery Center in Washington.

A 2010 study published in a scientific journal found that women who lived in urban areas had more wrinkles and age spots than women who lived in rural areas for 24 years or more.

If you live in a densely populated city (large metropolitan area) and take good care of your skin, be sure to wash your face at night before going to bed to remove pollutants.

Harm to facial skin

Sleep plays a very important role in how good we look.

You've probably heard that healthy and adequate sleep is essential to feeling better, and it can even help you lose weight.

But did you know that good sleep also helps your skin stay smooth and beautiful longer? “Lack of sleep leads to the development of wrinkles because the pH of the skin changes and it loses moisture,” explains Skelly.

“Additionally, it is during sleep that harmful toxins are flushed out of the body.”

Be sure to try to get enough sleep. Adequate sleep should be at least 6-8 hours a day. By getting enough sleep, you bring maximum benefits to your health; remember: sleep is not only good health, but also fresh beauty.

A busy work schedule or personal drama not only takes a toll on your mental and emotional well-being; they can also affect you physically, making you look worse.

"Stress increases cortisol levels, which reduces the skin's ability to retain moisture," says Skelly. “In addition, elevated blood sugar levels damage collagen and elastin fibers in the skin.

These two main building materials provide support to skin cells and prevent sagging and the development of wrinkles on the skin."

Try to reduce the level of stress present in your life. An ordinary walk after dinner and simple communication with friends help fight stress.

Everyone knows that sugar causes weight gain, especially in the abdominal area. By giving up sugar, you will begin to notice improvements in your figure.

But there is another reason to give up sweets - sugar causes your skin to age.

"Consuming too much sugar will undoubtedly lead to premature aging. Once sugar enters the body, it undergoes a process called glycation, which affects the quality of our skin," explains Christina Goldenberg, MD, a dermatologist at one of the scientific centers of dermatology.

“Unfortunately, sugar, as well as sugar-containing foods, destroys collagen and elastin, killing the beauty of our skin.

When sugar binds to these building blocks of skin (collagen and elastane), it weakens them and causes fine lines and wrinkles to appear. When glycation occurs, the body also produces toxic products that cause premature aging."

To reap maximum health and beauty benefits, try eliminating sugar for at least 2-4 weeks and you will see results very soon.

You'll have more energy, lose weight, and start to notice how your wrinkles become less pronounced.

If you've been wearing the same old pair of glasses for years and are desperate for a new prescription, you're not only harming your eyes, but also worsening the condition of your skin.

"Squinting and other active facial expressions are the result of muscle contraction. The more we use our muscles, the stronger and more developed they become," explains Goldenberg.

"These muscle movements cause skin cells to shrink, resulting in wrinkles. Therefore, excessive squinting will lead to deeper wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity."

So stop squinting, feel free to wear glasses, and be sure to visit your eye doctor to get the right prescription as soon as possible. And one more piece of advice: don’t neglect sunglasses; be sure to wear them when in direct sunlight.

7. Drinking through a straw

Some people really like to drink liquids through a straw.

Of course, using a straw when drinking drinks like tea or Coca Cola can protect your teeth from stains, but there is another, negative side to using a straw.

It can cause so-called nasolabial wrinkles around the mouth.

Just as squinting causes wrinkles around the eyes, drinking with a straw creates fine lines and creases in the skin around the mouth.

This is due to contraction of the muscles around the lip area. If you drink through a straw frequently, your muscles will become stronger and your wrinkles will become deeper, more pronounced, and more obvious, explains Goldenberg.

Dry skin isn't just a nuisance; it can add several years to your life at once.

"Unfortunately, chronically dry skin is more susceptible to wrinkles," explains Skelly. “A drying environment can lead to a loss of skin tone as well as some skin changes, including the appearance of wrinkles.”

Make sure to keep your skin well moisturized both day and night, especially paying attention to your facial skin.

Buying a nourishing eye cream is also a good idea; the skin under the eyes is thinner and more sensitive and more susceptible to negative factors, so it needs careful care.

The nicotine in cigarettes causes the blood vessels in the skin to constrict, making it more prone to wrinkles because vital nutrients cannot reach the epidermis,” explains Skelly.

In addition, smoking is associated with lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. But you've probably heard this before. Therefore, we advise you to definitely quit smoking as soon as possible!

Everyone repeats it like a mantra: “It’s easier to prevent wrinkles than to fight them later.” But how to ensure prevention, what cosmetics to use, what ingredients to look for on labels? Now we'll tell you.

  1. Early wrinkles: causes of appearance
  2. Types of early wrinkles
  3. 11 steps to prevent early wrinkles
  4. Anti-wrinkle products

Early wrinkles: causes of appearance

The first thing to remember: physiological and actual age are not the same thing. According to statistics, the difference between them can reach 15 years. Moreover, almost a quarter of women have skin that looks older than their actual age.

One of the most striking markers of aging is wrinkles. These longitudinal and transverse grooves appear as a result of damage to collagen and elastin fibers. At first thin and invisible, over time the wrinkles deepen, transforming into creases and folds.

The reasons leading to the appearance of early wrinkles can be both external and internal.

Lack of physical activity impairs metabolism in the skin and muscles and blood supply. © iStock

External reasons

Smoking, in addition to the general toxic effect, it impairs microcirculation, reduces the antioxidant potential of the body, as a result, the skin becomes dull and rough.

Lack of sleep triggers a cascade of hormonal reactions, worsening the condition of the skin. In addition, lack of sleep means that the skin, like any other organ, does not have time to go through the necessary nighttime recovery cycle.

Tanning craze provokes photoaging: pigmentation, wrinkles, dry skin.

Lack of physical activity impairs metabolism and blood supply to the skin and muscles (including the face). On the other hand, exercising too intensely can lead to hormonal imbalances caused by fatigue.

Unbalanced diet. “Hungry” diets, sudden weight loss or excessive obesity - all this contributes to early skin aging. For example, fat deficiency often leads to insufficient restoration of the protective hydrolipid mantle.

Incorrect use of cosmetics. This primarily applies to cleansing and whitening products that dry out the skin. Due to moisture loss, renewal processes slow down and the skin becomes vulnerable.

Internal reasons

Genetic tendency to early skin aging.

Hormonal disorders (the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid depends on the amount of female sex hormones estrogen).

Too active facial expressions.

Lead a healthy lifestyle: eat right, move more, try to get enough sleep, avoid stress. © iStock

Types of early wrinkles

Modern cosmetology divides early wrinkles into two types.

Static - they are caused by various internal and external factors.

Mimic - the main reasons for their appearance are clear from the name.

With very lively facial expressions (the habit of squinting, frowning, raising eyebrows in surprise), due to frequent muscle contraction, wrinkles can appear as early as 18–20 years.

Among the various morphotypes of aging, the finely wrinkled type is distinguished; its dominant feature is wrinkles, as well as dry skin.

Wrinkles are also classified according to where they appear.

On the forehead

As a rule, wrinkles in this area are the result of excessive facial expressions. Self-control methods and Botox injections can help you get rid of the habit of wrinkling your forehead. Among cosmetic products, anti-aging creams and products with a Botox-like effect based on hexapeptides are useful.

Around eyes

We owe crow's feet to both the habit of squinting and accelerated aging processes. Very thin and delicate, with a minimum number of pores and sebaceous glands, the skin around the eyes is the first to lose elasticity.

In the corners of the mouth

These wrinkles are also of a mimic nature. Use anti-aging products - creams and gel fillers.

Wrinkles of "sorrow"

Sharp stripes stretching from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth not only make you look older, but also give your face a dissatisfied or sad expression. The easiest way to slow down their deepening is to make an appointment with a cosmetologist, for example, for injections of hyaluronic acid preparations.

Cosmetic products include creams: moisturizing, nourishing, and with filler effects.

On the neck

Early “ring” wrinkles on the neck most often appear due to genetic predisposition, improper sleep (for example, too high a pillow), and the habit of reading in bed. Review your habits and regularly apply nourishing and moisturizing creams to your neck and décolleté a couple of hours before bedtime.

The cause of premature wrinkles may be a genetic tendency to early skin aging. © iStock

11 steps to prevent early wrinkles

Our task is to prolong the skin’s ability to self-heal as much as possible.

Lead a healthy lifestyle: eat right, move more, try to get enough sleep, avoid stress.

Monitor your hormonal levels and visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist once a year.

Take care of your skin. Remember: cleansing-exfoliating-moisturizing is a necessary minimum program. Well, night care should not be ignored either.

Apply cosmetics along massage lines, this will help avoid stretching the skin.

Drink water. Loss of moisture is one of the main causes of early wrinkles, and even oily skin can be dehydrated.

Don't sunbathe without sunscreen.

Protect your skin from adverse weather conditions - frost, wind, temperature changes.

Correct the consequences of photoaging (hyperkeratosis, pigmentation, early wrinkles) using products with retinol and retinoids. Use them in autumn and winter.

Don't neglect skin care products around your eyes.

Watch your facial expressions.

Do self-massage and facial exercises. They strengthen facial muscles, improve blood circulation and skin nutrition.

Anti-wrinkle products

Anti-wrinkle and skin firming cream LiftActiv Supreme, Vichy

A complex based on caffeine and adenosine fights expression lines, promotes skin renewal, and provides a lifting effect. The skin looks young and elastic throughout the day.

Hyaluro-face mask Revitalift Filler [ha], L’Oréal Paris

Fragmented hyaluronic acid in the product promotes deep hydration of the epidermis. The skin is smoothed, becomes elastic, small wrinkles are filled, and the volume of the face is restored.

Antioxidant serum for oily and normal skin Phloretin CF, SkinCeuticals

The formula is based on antioxidants: phloretin, pure L-ascorbic (10%) and ferulic acids - neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals, fights the manifestations of photoaging, that is, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, uneven shade and texture.