Acne wrinkles

Usually you have to deal with either acne or wrinkles, but some of us, the lucky ones, need to find a solution to the problem of “how to take care of your facial skin when you have both acne and wrinkles at the same time.”

This question is very serious, since improper treatment of acne by drying out the skin will lead to the appearance of new wrinkles and the deepening of existing ones. Conversely, some anti-wrinkle face creams may contain natural and not so natural oils, as well as ingredients that are not compatible with acne, which means they can aggravate the situation.

What should you do first?

If you are over 25, or even more so already 30, and your skin begins to lose its elasticity, and acne still bothers you, then you need to find out what the reason is.

The answer to the question of why wrinkles appear is simple and clear, however, there should be no acne after 25, which means you need to look for and eliminate the cause.


So, first of all, we need to rule out hormonal imbalance, so we take hormone tests. If everything is normal here, again by elimination, we move on to the second most likely cause - gastrointestinal problems, which means consultation and examination with an endocrinologist.

Acne and wrinkles - basic care rules

  1. First of all, eliminate fatty creams from your routine., emollient, high in oils. There is no need to rub almond or any other “miracle oil” into wrinkles. If you really like to use natural oils in your daily care, choose the lightest ones that are easily absorbed, such as, for example, rosehip or argan oil, grape oil.
  1. Skip harsh acne cleanserswhich greatly dry out the skin. Dryness and lack of moisture are our biggest enemy, as this is the second cause of premature aging after ultraviolet radiation.
  1. Look for cosmetics that are suitable for “all skin types.” Of course, this is not everything to pay attention to, but, for example, creams based on hyaluronic acid are suitable for all types, and therefore are recommended as a moisturizer, since they do not clog pores and maintain moisture levels, preventing wrinkles from deepening. Retinol is also suitable for skin with acne and wrinkles, as it skillfully combats both problems.

Acne and wrinkles - how and what to take care of?

Okay, so we are already looking for the cause of acne, but since this is almost always not a short process, let's find out how to care for the skin so as not to harm it, but, on the contrary, to improve its condition and appearance.

Step 1: Cleanse

We choose care products that gently exfoliate and remove impurities without disturbing the water-lipid balance of the epidermis. What does it mean? We don’t buy those “special washes” with sulfates, tar soap and everything else. We are looking for alpha and beta hydroacids (AHA and BHA) including green tea extract, chamomile, glycerin, or simply choose products that are positioned as “moisturizing” or “soft”.

To cleanse makeup, before washing it is better to use wet wipes created for this purpose.

Step 2. Tonic lotion with AHA and BHA acids

When they talk about BHA acid, they mean salicylic acid, but be careful - you shouldn’t just buy salicylic acid in alcohol at the pharmacy and use it. This can only be done if you are 18, your skin is very oily and there are no traces of wrinkles. Salicylic acid is the best acne treatment, however, after 25 years, it is best used only in a well-formulated lotion. Believe me, it may not dry out the skin at all if the manufacturer’s laboratory knows what they are doing.

AHA acid, also known as lactic acid, exfoliates the skin and renews it, which is useful for fighting wrinkles. Read also about peeling with lactic acid.

Lotion with AHA and BHA acid, which I currently use and really like:

Cosrx Natural BHA Skin Returning Toner


Step 3(A). Revitalizing serum

For the third step, we have 2 options, since both means are necessary, but it is better not to use them together, but alternately.

This step is necessary for us, since our skin is special, we need to take care of it and treat it, so I highly recommend trying good serums. Some may change your idea of ​​cosmetics, as I did with the serum from Estee Lauder - Advanced Night Repair.

Serums are powerful products aimed at restoring, moisturizing, stimulating collagen production and more. Thanks to their light texture, serums penetrate deeply and do not clog pores.

I cannot refuse ANR because, despite the fact that the manufacturer did not promise anything like this, in the morning, after evening application, I discovered that my acne had lost its redness and became smaller. Just one night!

I’m not trying to convince you to buy this particular product, it’s not cheap (I buy it for my birthday once a year??), and it’s easy to run into fakes. Find yours by reading reviews and reviews, buying samples first to test.

We use the serum only at night. You can, of course, apply it in the morning, since there are no restrictions, however, it is believed that these products work best at night.

Step 3(B). Retinol cream

Retinol is used to treat both acne and wrinkles. This is one of the most active and effective ingredients in cosmetics. Read also about how it works and how to use retinol face cream correctly.

Step 4. Moisturizer

The right cream for skin with wrinkles and acne should have a light texture, absorb quickly and not clog pores. Read more about the rules for choosing a moisturizer in the article: Face cream with hyaluronic acid.

Step 5: Sunscreen or lotion

Naturally, this step is only for the morning routine. We often neglect UV protection products. For some reason, most of us think that these creams are only needed for a seaside vacation.

I'm probably repeating this for the hundredth time, but there is no greater enemy to the youth of our skin than the sun. It's sad, of course, but ultraviolet rays destroy the collagen of the epidermis, which is very difficult to restore. Why face creams with collagen will not help, read the material: Collagen for the face.

The end of the article is not as sad as the beginning, is it? Taking care of skin with wrinkles and acne is difficult, but not so difficult that you give up. The main thing is to be able to choose the right cosmetics, since the only natural products we can use are chamomile or calendula decoctions, honey masks, and aloe vera gel.

If you have questions or want to share your experience, leave a comment!

This is interesting:


Natalya, hello! I read this article again. Of all the steps, I am missing anti-aging cream or serum (restoring) and retinol.
Foam cleanser (composition: water; a complex of soft surfactants based on betaine and derivatives of castor, coconut and rapeseed oils; lemon balm, chamomile and green tea extracts; urea; glycerin; menthol; glycolic, lactic, citric and succinic acids; a complex of mineral salts; vitamin C; perfume composition; caton.),
Tonic (water; glycerin; dry ginseng extract; glucose; urea; natural ocean salts; citric, succinic, tartaric, glutamic, lactic acids; β-carotene, vitamins C, PP; perfume composition; sodium benzoate.) with fruit acids. Do you think it's a good lineup?
Morning while hyaluronic acid (I didn’t like using it in its pure form, it’s not economical) and day cream with SPF Natura Sibirika
Evening question. Neutrogena came to me, I smeared myself for 2 evenings and at the same time washed and toned with fruit acids - no reaction. I don’t know what % of retinol, it’s not written on the tube, but you said it’s not enough, do you know how much? So what is the correct way to use retinol if you can’t use acids, but you can’t refuse them for my skin? Should I still buy a wash and toner for the evening, but without acids?
I also read that retinol is better in the autumn-winter period and combine it with vitamin C in morning care. People use Laroche-pose Redermik S (reviews that it dries out) and Caudalie antioxidant serum C15 (reviews are mixed). Don’t you use something similar? Plus alternate all this with acidic creams and lotions and all in winter! It turns out that I started retinol in the summer, I’m afraid that it might show up later.. What do you think?
There are so many questions, excuse me, I don’t know how much I’ve been suffering, this despite the fact that I had at least some idea about care, and some people still wash their faces with soap and don’t take a steam bath)))

I just read reviews about the foam and tonic from Mirra that I use, they don’t risk using them in the summer, if you put it off until the fall, then I don’t know what to use now ((((

1. The cleansing foam seems good, but the main thing here is how your skin feels after it. It should not dry out and leave it clean.
2. The tonic is good, I would try it.
3. As for cream with retinol and fruit acids, it’s probably still a myth that these products do not combine. I’ve already read in several reputable magazines about various myths about retinol, and this one was also among them.
4. This is probably the first time I’ve heard about vitamin C and retinol. But today serums and creams with this vitamin are very popular. Vitamin C is considered a good addition to anti-aging care.
5. Everyone recommends using retinol in the fall and winter due to increased skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, and the negative result manifests itself immediately in the form of age spots. If there is a good cream with SPF factor, then there is nothing to be afraid of.
I haven’t tried serums with vitamin C yet, but I want to because I’m curious what it is and what the effect will be, although of course I don’t think that this product should be included in the “base”. These serums usually come as an addition: if you like it, that’s good, if you don’t, that’s fine.

Yes, everything is fine. If you don’t spend a lot of time outside in the heat and apply a good cream with ultraviolet protection generously, nothing bad will happen, unless, of course, your skin is particularly light or sensitive.

Mirra does not indicate the concentration of ingredients; it is classified and patented, as the consultant explained. But the percentage of acids there is not high, so on websites selling Mirra they write ready-made programs for different skin types and seasons, and they recommend using it in the summer. I read a little about antioxidant protection and realized that it was needed, and Mirra’s consultant confirmed it. They need to neutralize free radicals, which, when in excess, oxidize and contribute to skin aging. In principle, vitamin C is found in day creams, but in one of the last places, and in special products there seems to be a larger amount of it.

The face mask has an anti-inflammatory effect, is natural and one of the most effective for problem skin. It will nourish the skin, lighten spots, get rid of scars, and improve complexion. The skin will become soft and smooth.

Acne and pimples on the face often leave marks in the form of dark spots and scars. If you have problem skin, then regular use of the mask will help you get rid of: wrinkles, scars and acne scars on your face.

A face mask will remove acne marks and smooth out wrinkles


  1. 1 teaspoon honey
  2. 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
  3. 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  4. 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

Cooking method:

Mix all ingredients together.

If you have sensitive skin, prepare a mask without lemon. In such cases, add a little more honey to the mixture so that it is not thick.

This mask is not recommended for people suffering from rosacea and other vascular skin diseases, as honey dilates blood vessels. As a honey substitute, you can use white or green clay. The mixture is mixed in the same proportion with the other ingredients of the mask and diluted with water to the desired consistency.

Mode of application:

Apply the mask to your face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. Leave it on for 30 minutes, or at least 10 minutes if you can't stand the tingling sensation it causes. It calms down in the first 5 minutes, then disappears. After the time has passed, wash off the mask and apply the cream you usually use.

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what pharmaceutical cream is good for both acne and wrinkles?)

Zinc ointment for wrinkles. The product has many useful properties, thanks to which it is used to solve many cosmetic problems, including eliminating wrinkles. Zinc is a natural sunscreen that protects the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays, which are the main cause of early skin aging. The ointment should be applied in a thin layer to problem areas of the skin before leaving the house. It should be borne in mind that zinc dries the skin very much, so it is better to use it in combination with a moisturizer.

Hydrocortisone ointment. The drug is an analogue of the famous Botox injections, although it has a completely different principle of action. Hydrocortisone ointment is able to retain moisture in the skin, causing wrinkles to stretch and become less noticeable. The ointment should be applied to the skin in a thin layer 2 times a day.

Relief ointment. This ointment, like other remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids, has long been used to combat skin aging. The fact is that such preparations contain shark oil, which promotes tissue compaction and cell regeneration. In addition, the ointment instantly eliminates circles and puffiness under the eyes. It is recommended to apply the ointment to the skin morning and evening.

Heparin ointment for wrinkles. It has anti-edematous properties, so it is widely used to care for the skin under the eyes to eliminate bruises, bags and fine wrinkles. Apply the ointment to clean skin with gentle movements 2 times a day.

Radevit ointment for wrinkles. The drug contains large doses of vitamins A, E, D2, thanks to which regular use of the ointment can significantly improve the condition of the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and make the complexion more fresh. The ointment should be applied to the face with massaging movements. Use morning and evening.

Solcoseryl ointment. The drug is able to increase collagen production, restore damaged tissue, and improve blood circulation. Thanks to this, regular use of this ointment gives an excellent rejuvenating effect. Before going to bed, the ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the problem area of ​​the skin. The procedure should be carried out every other day. Attention! Before using ointments, you must carefully read the instructions for use. Many ointments are intended to be used for a short period of time. Advantages of anti-wrinkle ointment Contains safe components Affordable price High efficiency Ease of use Disadvantages of anti-wrinkle ointment Presence of contraindications. Read the instructions for use carefully. Individual intolerance to the drug is possible.

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Retinoic ointment for face. Use for wrinkles and acne

Of course, every person strives to have a flawless, attractive appearance. And it is the condition of the skin that can say a lot about the state of our health, well-being and mood. To everyone’s chagrin, our lifestyle, all our bad habits, diseases of our body, unfavorable environment, etc. reflected by problems of premature skin aging, acne, dermatitis, etc.

With the constant improvement of the pharmaceutical industry, a huge number of new drugs are being developed and used in the fight against skin problems. But you still need to remember that in addition to all the progressive pharmaceutical innovations, there are old proven remedies that are not inferior in their effect to new products. Retinoic ointment, which is the main active component of most gels and ointments, is one of these products.

Effect of retinoic ointment on facial skin

Retinoic ointment is a fairly effective remedy in the fight against many skin problems, such as acne of varying degrees of manifestation, severe acne, some manifestations of dermatitis, etc. The action of this ointment is based on retinoic acid, which is an analogue of vitamin A.

This component is included in many products that fight acne and acne and anti-aging cosmetics, because takes an important part in many cellular processes. The effect of retinoic ointment is manifested in:

  1. activation and stimulation of cell regeneration processes;
  2. regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands and significantly reducing skin oiliness;
  3. skin regeneration;
  4. positive effect on collagen synthesis;
  5. increasing immunity and skin resistance and much more.

This happens due to the ability to penetrate deep into the skin, while other advertised drugs cannot do this.

It is recommended to use retinoic ointment in separate courses several times a year for one to two weeks.

It is best to do this during gentle sunshine - autumn and spring. At the same time, you need to avoid alcohol-based products and procedures such as peeling and solarium.

From wrinkles or how to maintain youth

Active forms of vitamin A play a very important role in the process of cell renewal, because They solve many skin problems, and most importantly, eliminate most of the visible signs of aging. Also, retinol (or vitamin A) takes an active part in skin renewal processes. Therefore, retinoic ointment is very often used in the fight against wrinkles. But now derivatives of retinoic acid, which are called retinoids, are used to a greater extent.

The entire effect of retinoic ointment in the fight against such signs of aging as wrinkles is to catalyze the process of renewal of skin cells and metabolism. This results in faster collagen production. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is also normalized, which in turn provides the drug with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

When using retinoic ointment in the fight against wrinkles, the following results are observed:

  1. thinning of the stratum corneum, due to which the skin becomes more delicate;
  2. the layer of the epidermis thickens, and its cells renew themselves much faster;
  3. control of pigmentation and keratinization processes in the outer layer of skin (epidermis);
  4. collagen and elastin are restored in the dermis;
  5. There is a constant renewal of the upper layers of the skin.

To prevent and eliminate wrinkles, retinoic ointment should be applied in a thin layer at intervals of about two to three days to ensure normal sensitivity to the drug.

It is recommended to use this cream before bed after cleansing the skin (the drug must be applied after some time so that the skin has time to dry after cleansing), avoiding the skin around the eyes. When you are confident that the ointment is well tolerated, then you can start using the drug in the form of a night cream every day.

In the fight against acne

Acne, acne, and dermatitis are the main problems that retinoic ointment combats. Of course, with the advent of newfangled acne medications, this remedy was forgotten, but in vain. After all, retinoic ointment is a very effective remedy in eliminating skin problems.

The retinoids included in the ointment have many positive properties that help get rid of acne:

  1. narrowing of pores;
  2. regulation and normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  3. getting rid of inflammatory processes around the problem area of ​​the skin;
  4. accelerating the skin recovery process after acne;
  5. preventing the emergence of new skin problems.

Most dermatological problems are based on improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Due to the release of excess sebum around the glands, inflammatory processes begin. This is the main reason for the appearance of pimples, blackheads, etc. And retinoic ointment, by reducing the secretion of sebum, helps get rid of skin problems precisely due to its anti-inflammatory effect. Unlike other drugs, this particular ointment can bring the sebaceous glands back to normal much faster.

However, before using retinoic ointment, you should carefully read the instructions for use.

Remember that the product must be applied to cleansed skin. You can use the ointment no more than twice a day. Expect that there may be side effects such as dry skin, itching, new pimples, etc. This happens due to the fact that the product contains ethyl alcohol. In this case, treatment should be suspended.

Contraindications and side effects

In addition to the positive effect on the skin that retinoids have, there are a number of negative aspects:

  1. dry skin;
  2. redness and peeling of the skin;
  3. with prolonged use of the ointment, vitamin A hyperavitaminosis may develop;

Also, despite its effectiveness in combating many skin problems, there are a number of contraindications to its use.

When treating the skin with retinoic ointment, it is necessary to take into account individual intolerance to the individual components that make up the drug. When planning pregnancy, during pregnancy and lactation, you should also avoid using the ointment. You should carefully consider the use of retinoic ointment if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc. You should also not use this ointment simultaneously with other products that have a similar effect, which also contain retinoids, etc.

Keep in mind that when using retinoic ointment, you should definitely use a moisturizer; you should not apply the ointment to the area around the mouth, even if there are skin defects there; you should avoid peeling and other procedures that dry out the skin.

In conclusion, it should be said that retinoic ointment is not a cosmetic product. But if you have chosen it in the fight against skin problems, then, of course, you need to carefully study the instructions for use of the drug, read all the consumer reviews, and the best solution would be to consult a doctor.

Retinoic ointment - a miracle product for the face

As it turns out, skin care can require minimal physical and time investment.

Ointments are excellent care products, sold in pharmacies and known to almost everyone.

In particular, retinoic ointment, when used as a facial skin care product, gives stunning results.

What is in its composition and how to use this ointment correctly, how often should it be used?

And wouldn’t it also be negative consequences from its use and won't the time period of its use simply be wasted? All this will be discussed further.

Read our article about how Dimexide is used in cosmetology for facial care.

Miracle remedy

Does retinoic ointment help with acne and wrinkles?

The above ointment is part of a large group of drugs called "Retinoids".

They were developed in the second half of the 20th century with the purpose fight acne on the face.

But later it was found that in addition to this problem, these drugs remarkably help rejuvenation facial skin.

Retinoic ointment includes several components.

Also the ointment contains the following components:

  1. emulsion wax;
  2. glycerol;
  3. Vaseline oil;
  4. ethanol;
  5. purified water;
  6. butylated hydroxytoluene;
  7. butylated hydroxyanisole.

What results can you expect?

Retinoic ointment is actively used as caring, so and how anti-aging facial skin product.

Thanks to its composition, it promotes accelerated renewal of the epidermis, as well as increasing its elasticity.

The appearance of the skin of the face, with regular use of the ointment, becomes healthier, the skin becomes softer and becomes velvety.

This ointment smoothes expression lines and wrinkles. It also has a noticeable tightening effect on sagging skin. But such a result can be expected only with its constant use.

This remedy is also used to resolve the following issues, related to facial skin:

  1. presence of acne;
  2. presence of acne;
  3. the presence of dermatitis on the skin of the face;
  4. excessive secretion of fat on the skin of the face;
  5. acne on the skin;
  6. seborrhea.

Instructions for use

Retinoic ointment is used only after pre-wash your face with mild soap, no matter for what purpose it is used: to smooth out wrinkles, to treat skin from acne or to prevent skin aging.

If after the specified period of time the skin does not develop no negative reactions, retinoic ointment can be safely used further.

If this drug is used to treat any of the above skin problems (pimples, blackheads, acne, seborrhea, dermatitis, etc.), then the ointment must be applied only on the problem area of ​​the skin, carefully rubbing it into it.

Use the ointment until the skin problem is eliminated, but strictly only once a day.

How to use retinoic ointment for wrinkles? If this remedy is used for the purpose of skin rejuvenation or prevention of aging, then apply the ointment with massage movements over the entire surface of the face.

After 1 hour, any remaining ointment that has not been absorbed into the skin should be removed with a paper napkin.

You can also add it to the cream, which you use, in a 1:1 ratio. It is better to use this mixture before bed.

Masks at home

At home, the ointment can be used as follows:

  1. Mix it with pharmaceutical vitamin E, which is sold in ampoules, in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mixture can be applied to the face for 20-30 minutesand then wash your face with warm water. Can be used 1-2 times a week.
  2. Make a mask by mixing the above ointment with a pharmacy ampoule vitamin A. Spread the mixture all over your face for 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water or herbal decoction. The mask is used only once a week.
  3. Mix a teaspoon of ointment with 1 teaspoon of aloe juice. Apply the mixture to your skin and keep for up to 20 minutes, then rinse your face well with non-hot water.
  4. Make a mixture of the same amount retinoic ointment, almond and burdock oil. Apply it all over your face for 30 min. Then wash it off with water.

All of these masks wonderfully fight wrinkles on the skin, and also noticeably tighten it, giving it a fresh and healthy look. But during their application it is worth avoid the eye area.

Available contraindications

Retinoic ointment is not suitable for every girl. To its use there are the following contraindications:

  1. period of pregnancy and lactation;
  2. age category up to 14 years;
  3. intolerance to the components of the drug;
  4. presence of wounds, burns, scratches on the skin;
  5. pregnancy planning.

It is also necessary refuse further use of the productif, after using it, you notice such manifestations as swelling of the lips and mucous membranes of the eyelids, the appearance of age spots on the skin, swelling of the tongue or throat, and difficulty breathing after using the ointment.

All these signs may indicate individual intolerance to the drug. Retinoic ointment can be apply at any age (except as indicated in contraindications).

We draw a conclusion

Effective skin care doesn't always have to be expensive. Retinoic ointment is inexpensive and results-producing product.

But it is necessary to use it only after checking for the presence of an allergic reaction to this drug, and also not to delay use for longer than 3 months.

Before using the ointment, you must carefully read the contraindications for its use, so as not to aggravate existing skin problems and not get into other troubles. It is better to consult a dermatologist.

You can learn about the effectiveness of the product from the video: