Cream for impending eyelids

The problem of the impending century is most often faced by women who have crossed the forty-year mark. However, young girls are not protected from such a scourge. The defect gives the face a tired and unhealthy appearance, visually adding several years to the actual age. Ladies with this feature face problems when applying makeup; it is difficult for them to apply shadows or draw arrows. Because they are forced to constantly squint, expression lines form on the forehead and between the eyebrows at an early age.

Causes of drooping upper eyelid

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out what caused the formation of such a defect in appearance. In some cases, it is enough to slightly change your usual lifestyle, and sometimes you cannot do without surgical intervention.


Most often, drooping eyelids are formed due to the following root causes:

  1. Lack of sleep. The most banal and common problem that most modern women face. An extra minute of sleep is worth its weight in gold; their lack greatly affects the state of the body. Lack of sleep also causes bags under the eyes to increase;
  2. Fast weight loss. If you suffer from extra pounds, then the skin on your face becomes tense; therefore, if you suddenly lose weight, it sags;
  3. Use of low quality cosmetics. If you choose products that are not suitable for your skin type, there is a high risk of allergies. Therefore, it is better to purchase cosmetics consisting of natural ingredients. Before use, do a test: apply a small amount of product to the inside of your wrist. If after a few minutes there is no itching or redness, then the cosmetics are suitable for you;
  4. Allergy is a protective reaction of the body, sometimes triggered by food or medications;
  5. Blepharophimosis is a congenital pathology. Caused by underdevelopment of the muscles responsible for raising the eyelids;
  6. Heredity. If one of your relatives suffered from a similar problem, then there is a high risk that the defect will appear in you too. In this case, only surgery or cosmetic procedures in a beauty salon will help;
  7. Decreased production of collagen and elastin due to age-related changes in the body;
  8. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, they cause swelling of the upper eyelids.
Once the cause is determined, treatment can begin. Do not forget to first consult with a specialist who will prescribe the correct treatment.

Are drooping eyelids a sign of illness?

In some cases, a cosmetic defect is a symptom of a malfunction in the body:

  1. Swelling of the face is the first signal that you have kidney problems. Contact a urologist immediately;
  2. Violation of water balance. Drink at least two liters of clean water per day, minimize the amount of salt.

A healthy lifestyle is the key to beauty

If you don’t know how to remove drooping eyelids without surgery, perhaps it’s enough to review your diet and adjust your lifestyle. Let's figure out which habits you need to get rid of and which ones you need to acquire in order to restore beauty and health:

  1. Your best friend is water. This axiom is told to children from an early age, but in the frantic pace of modern life, we often forget about it. After all, sometimes, due to workload, there is no time to eat, let alone “life-giving moisture.” Meanwhile, you need to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Swelling occurs not only from a lack of fluid, but also from its excess, so it is not recommended to drink two hours before bedtime;


  1. Cosmetics, “goodbye.” We do not encourage you to completely stop using cosmetics, but they should be washed off thoroughly before going to bed. To cleanse your face, purchase a special tonic or lotion;
  2. Forget about bad habits. Cigarettes and alcoholic drinks are the main enemies of not only health, but also beauty. Those who do not watch their diet and consume large amounts of fatty and spicy foods can prepare in advance to fight various ailments. Bad habits lead to blockage of blood vessels, disrupting the circulation of fluid in the body;
  3. Dream. Three hours of rest is definitely not enough to look rested and fresh. You need to sleep at least seven hours a day. Ventilate the room, choose a comfortable pillow and take the correct position. It is not recommended to sleep on your stomach, since in this position the blood flows intensely to the eyelids.

Try to spend more time in the fresh air so that your skin is saturated with oxygen.

How to remove drooping eyelids at home

You can start the fight against drooping eyelids at home, the main thing is to carry out all the procedures correctly and daily. If you don’t have the money or time to visit a beauty salon, then grandma’s recipes and cosmetics will come to the rescue.


There are a large number of drugs that promise women instant results. Most often this is a simple advertising ploy, however, there are several “magic” remedies that really cope well with the problem:

  1. Heparin ointment combats swelling and drooping skin over the upper eyelid. Helps get rid of small wrinkles;
  2. Zinc ointment restores muscle tone and protects the epidermis from harmful UV rays;
  3. Blefarogel. The drug contains hyaluronic acid, which effectively fights puffiness, dark circles under the eyes and drooping eyelids;
  4. Cream “Energy Charge” from Avon. Moisturizes delicate skin, saturating it with moisture and eliminating the “sagging eyelid” effect;
  5. Expert cream “Adaptive cellular rejuvenation” from “Black Pearl”.

Massage technique

The procedure helps restore blood circulation and relieve tension from the facial muscles. It must be performed extremely carefully, since the skin of the eyelids is thin and any stretching movement will only worsen the condition.

Before starting the massage, apply moisturizing cream or serum to the treatment area, warm up the epidermis with a steam bath. To achieve maximum effect, the procedure is repeated every day, the result is noticeable after a month. If you take breaks between sessions, you will not be able to get rid of the problem. In this situation, regularity is the key to success.

You need to massage your eyelids twice a day (morning and evening). With your ring fingers, make synchronized movements from the bridge of your nose to your temples for four minutes.

You can learn how to tighten the upper eyelid with massage at home by watching the video

Exercises from the impending century

Another great way to combat sagging skin is exercise. The face, just like the rest of the body, has muscles. To maintain their tone, daily training is required.

How to remove drooping eyelids at home? The answer is simple, blink more often, at least five minutes throughout the day. The following exercises are also worth trying:

  1. Stretch your facial muscles to avoid strain and injury. Open your eyes as wide as possible and bat your eyelashes;
  2. Fix your index fingers on the superciliary arch, try to frown, while exerting “finger” resistance to avoid the formation of folds on the bridge of the nose. Repeat ten times;
  3. Place your thumbs under the inside of your eyebrows and slightly pull the skin up, hold in this position for thirty seconds. Lower your eyebrows, but don't close your eyes. Repeat the exercise twenty times, then perform the same manipulations at the outer corner of the eyebrows;
  4. Pinch the skin under the eyebrows, moving in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Repeat eight times.

Such a complex will relieve swelling in a short time and restore tone to the facial muscles.

Masks and compresses


Home cosmetology does an excellent job of tightening the skin; the most relevant products are compresses based on black tea or phytotherapeutic decoctions. Try preparing the following types of masks that will help you gain an open look and forget about drooping eyelids:

  1. Grate ½ potato on a fine grater, add one egg yolk, 1 tsp. sauerkraut and 1 tbsp. wheat flour. Apply the resulting composition for ten minutes;
  2. Beat the white and yolk of one egg, add a pinch of salt. Pour 1 tbsp into the mixture. vegetable or olive oil and apply the composition to the upper eyelid, leave for fifteen minutes;
  3. Grind a couple of aloe leaves, mix with 1 tsp. moisturizer and a few drops of tea tree. Let it brew for an hour in a cool place. The mask is applied for fifteen minutes.

For compresses, use parsley, potato, chamomile or calendula juice. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to the upper eyelid, leave for five to ten minutes. Finally, apply moisturizer.

Salon treatments

If home methods do not help get rid of the impending eyelid, it’s time to go to a cosmetologist. The specialist will recommend one of the popular procedures:

  1. Collagen lifting. A special serum is used, the result is visible after a month. The skin becomes tightened, the muscles elastic;
  2. Botox injections. After a course of injections, the eyelids lift slightly and the gaze becomes more open;
  3. Microcurrent therapy. I apply electric current to the epidermis, as a result, the process of tissue restoration is accelerated;
  4. Lymphatic drainage. Massage aimed at eliminating swelling. It can be manual or hardware;
  5. Laser therapy. The most effective method in the fight for youth and beauty. Under the influence of a laser, blood circulation accelerates and muscle tone increases;
  6. Filler injections. Aimed at filling voids under the skin.
The choice of procedure is yours, but it’s still worth listening to the recommendations of specialists

Hardware lifting

Myostimulation is used to tighten sagging faces. The essence of the procedure is to apply pulsed current to the skin. As a result, blood circulation improves, metabolism is normalized, muscle tone increases, and sagging eyelids are tightened. Myostimulation also has a positive effect on lymph circulation and helps get rid of swelling.

Hardware lifting is not recommended for people with cancer, pregnant women and those with heart problems. On average, the price of one procedure is from 500 to 3000 rubles.

Makeup for drooping eyes


You won’t be able to get rid of the problem in a short time, so you need to learn to look beautiful even with sagging eyelids. You can disguise them with the help of proper makeup:

  1. Blend the shadows with the eyelid open;
  2. Avoid thick lines when drawing arrows;
  3. Mascara is applied to the upper eyelashes;
  4. Pearlescent shadows will draw attention to the flaw, so it’s better to forget about them for a while;
  5. Correctly drawn arrows will help to visually lift the eyelid;
  6. Light shadows under the lower eyelid will give an open look.

Choose cosmetics in natural shades, avoid bright and provocative makeup, which will attract attention to your problem.

How to tighten sagging eyelids using folk methods?

Drooping of the upper eyelid is a cosmetic defect that can be eliminated in various ways. If you don’t trust plastic surgeons and don’t want to spend money on expensive procedures in a beauty salon, try “grandmother’s recipes.”

  1. Take fresh parsley, fill a glass with it and crush thoroughly, add water. Pour the broth into a saucepan and boil. Cool the finished liquid, distribute it into ice trays and put it in the freezer. Every morning, wipe your face and eyelids with “healing” cubes;
  2. Parsley can also be used to prepare a compress for the eyes; soak cotton pads in the broth and apply to the eyelids for twenty minutes;
  3. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of dried sage and let steep for three hours. Strain the solution and divide in half. Put one in the refrigerator, heat the second on the stove. Make contrast compresses, change them every two minutes. It is enough to complete five approaches;
  4. Mix one egg with a spoon of olive oil, apply the mixture to the skin and leave for twenty minutes;
  5. Squeeze the juice out of the potatoes and sauerkraut, combine them and add flour. The mixture should have the consistency of sour cream. Apply it to the upper eyelid, rinse off after five minutes;
  6. Dissolve 4 tbsp in one glass of milk. soda Whisk the mixture thoroughly and refrigerate for about thirty minutes. Soak cotton swabs in milk and apply to your eyes, leave for twenty minutes. At the end of the procedure, perform a contrast wash.

How to remove a sagging eyelid at home, you will learn by watching the video

When is surgery needed?

A visit to a plastic surgeon cannot be avoided if the cause of a sagging eyelid is a hernia and a large amount of skin. With the help of blepharoplasty, the defect is eliminated in one session. The procedure does not cause complications, so you should not be afraid or delay visiting the clinic. What is blepharoplasty?

The surgeon removes excess skin and applies a small suture; it is almost impossible to notice with the naked eye. You will experience discomfort for some time after the operation, but you will get an open look without wrinkles and unsightly “bags” above the eyes. The price of the procedure starts from 20,000 rubles. The final cost depends on the qualifications of the doctors, the type of drugs used and the popularity of the clinic.

The procedure has contraindications:

  1. Oncology;
  2. Menstruation;
  3. Venereal and skin diseases;
  4. Increased intraocular pressure;
  5. Problems with the thyroid gland;
  6. Poor blood clotting.

Also, after plastic surgery, according to patients, vision improves significantly, since nothing interferes with a full view.



There are a large number of effective methods for getting rid of sagging eyelids. At home, do gymnastics and special exercises, make masks and compresses. If finances allow, then visit a cosmetologist. And, of course, to preserve your beauty and youth longer, get rid of bad habits and balance your diet.
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The problem of drooping eyelids worries both girls under 30 and older women. Eyes with drooping eyelids give the face a sad look. After 40 years, the skin of the eyelids stretches and droops due to age-related changes.

At a young age, drooping eyelids are observed in those who have had it since birth. Since drooping eyelids cause physical and aesthetic inconvenience, they try to get rid of it through surgery, the use of creams, ointments and folk remedies.

How to adjust your habits

  1. It is necessary to drink enough water throughout the day - 8-9 glasses. Particularly active fluid consumption should occur in the first half of the day. 2 hours before bedtime, stop consuming water intensively, as this leads to the appearance of edema the next day.


  2. You should adhere to a proper rest regime, i.e. sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
  3. Before going to bed, decorative cosmetics are carefully removed from the face, including the skin of the eyelids; for this purpose it is recommended to use hypoallergenic makeup removers
  4. Cosmetics, both skincare and decorative, are selected strictly according to skin type.
  5. They adhere to the principles of a healthy diet: exclude salty, fried, smoked, fatty foods, and include more plant foods in the diet.
  6. Stop smoking and frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages.


If the problem of an impending eyelid cannot be solved by conservative methods, since there is significant overhang, then the only effective way to eradicate the problem is an operation called blepharoplasty. The process involves making an incision along the eyelid and removing excess skin. The procedure is performed with a laser, which avoids blood loss.

The duration of the operation is from 1 to 3 hours. It can be done under local or general anesthesia. The rehabilitation period takes place within 5 days. The cost of the operation depends on the severity of the cosmetic defect. The effect lasts for 10-15 years. Then the elasticity of the eyelids decreases and the operation must be repeated.


There are several contraindications to the operation:

  1. blood clotting disorder;
  2. increased intraocular pressure;
  3. endocrine diseases;
  4. infection;
  5. dermatitis;
  6. oncological diseases;
  7. critical days.

The advantages of blepharoplasty are:

  1. increasing viewing angle;
  2. reducing the number of facial wrinkles;
  3. invisible seam;
  4. minimal possibility of complications.


  1. severe discomfort after surgery for some time;
  2. deterioration of vision during the rehabilitation period.

Salon treatments to remove drooping eyelids

Salon procedures such as:

  1. Lymphatic drainage – is a massage that is aimed at removing swelling. It is performed manually or using special devices.

  2. krem-ot-navisshego-veka-wOwPakO.webp

    Laser – promotes skin regeneration, accelerates metabolic processes, eliminates the first signs of aging. The skin of the eyelids is toned and tightened.
  3. Fillers – preparations that are injected under the skin and stimulate collagen production contain hyaluronic acid. They fill the skin with moisture, causing the eyelids to lift.
  4. Microcurrent therapy – the skin of the eyelids is exposed to a device that produces an electric discharge, as a result the regeneration process is accelerated and a tightening effect is provided.
  5. Introduction of collagen serum. The procedure should be performed regularly, then the skin will tighten, the muscles will become toned, and the problem of the impending eyelid will disappear.
  6. Botulinum toxin injections – gives a good effect, but even greater drooping of the eyelid is possible.


  7. Radiofrequency thermolifting. A thermal laser is used to dissolve lumps and cause loose skin to tighten.

Ointments and creams

Significant results are achieved by medicinal ointments and creams containing highly active ingredients:

  1. Ointment Relief. Contains shark oil, which helps tighten eyelids, eliminate swelling and crow's feet.


  2. Zinc ointment. Prevents the appearance of early signs of aging, protects against UV rays, and has a tightening effect.
  3. Heparin ointment. Removes swelling, a network of wrinkles, tones the skin, promotes eyelid lifting.
  4. Blefarogel. Thanks to the hyaluronic acid contained in the composition, it gives a moisturizing effect, helps to tighten the eyelids, and removes swelling and bruises under the eyes.
  5. Roll-on cream “Black Pearl”. Moisturizes the skin. Recommended for eliminating the first wrinkles and tightening the skin of the eyelids.
  6. Cream from Green Mama “Schisandra and parsley”. It has a moisturizing and tightening effect, gives it a healthy look, tones, and gives a feeling of freshness.
  7. Cream fromAvon"Energy charge". Moisturizes, tones, lifts drooping eyelids.


To get rid of drooping eyelids, they resort to massage, as it allows you to restore lost tone to the skin:

  1. For 10 minutes, steam your face over a steam bath filled with either regular hot water or herbal decoction, while covering your head with a blanket or terry towel. For a steam bath, you can prepare the following composition: pour 3.5 liters of water into a container, add a handful of geranium flowers, sage grass, linden flowers and 40 grams of birch bark. Place the container in a water bath and boil for 25-30 minutes. If you don’t have time to take a steam bath, you can simply wash your face with hot water.


  2. After steaming the skin, apply a cream specifically designed for the eyelids. The cream provides the necessary tactile contact between fingers and skin. It improves the elasticity of the skin, increases the degree of gliding of the fingers, so that the massage is beneficial and does not additionally stretch the skin. The cream is rubbed in carefully to avoid contact of the composition with the mucous membrane of the eye.
  3. Manipulations begin from the wings of the nose. In the direction from the bridge of the nose to the outer corner of the eye, apply the ring fingers simultaneously from both sides. Don't press too hard. After running your fingers in this way about 30 times, perform the movement in the opposite direction.
  4. Perform a massage for 4-5 minutes, daily, 2 times a day, morning and evening.

Massage gives an excellent effect in combination with exercises for the impending eyelid.

Exercises for skin tone

Eyelid movements are controlled by muscles, so training the eye muscles gives good results:

  1. As a warm-up, you need to blink frequently.
  2. Then the eyes are opened wide and held tense for 3-4 seconds, then the eyes are closed tightly for 4 seconds. Do this 15 times.
  3. Index fingers fix the position of the eyebrows. Then they try to move their eyebrows to the right, frowning. Prevent this movement with your fingers - tension will arise, which will create the desired effect. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  4. Using pinching movements, work the area of ​​the upper eyelid in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples. It is enough to make 8 passes.


You can do another set of exercises that are also aimed at strengthening the eye muscles:

  1. Close the eyelids, roll the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise 5 times in one direction and the other.
  2. Without opening the eyelids, they look up-down-right-left.
  3. They blink frequently.
  4. They open their eyes wide, fixing the position in tension.
  5. Raise your eyebrows as much as possible, then close your eyes, hold for 2 seconds, lower your eyebrows and open your eyes. The exercise is done correctly if, when closing your eyes, you feel tension in the skin of your eyelids.

The effectiveness of traditional methods

After a month of systematic use of exercises, masks, and massage in combination, it is possible to lift the eyelid by 1-2 mm, make the skin more elastic, and remove facial wrinkles.

Folk recipes

Half a 200 gram glass is filled with chopped fresh parsley. Then knead it additionally with a masher. Fill the glass with water to the brim, pour the mixture completely into a small saucepan and boil with constant stirring for 2-3 minutes.

Plant parts are removed by straining the broth through cheesecloth. After waiting for the broth to reach room temperature, pour it into ice molds and put it in the refrigerator until it hardens; the resulting ice cubes are recommended to be used when performing morning procedures for wiping the skin of the eyelids.


Parsley decoction is not recommended for use if the skin is thin, as it contains bleaching agents.

The direction of circular movements when treating the skin of the eyelids with ice: from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, from the bridge of the nose along the lower eyelid, then from the outer corner to the bridge of the nose along the upper eyelid. Treatment should take no more than two to three minutes, otherwise bruising may occur.

You can also make ice from plain water or from a decoction of other medicinal herbs, such as chamomile, sage, lemon balm.

Mix chamomile flowers (35 g) and crushed oak bark (45 g), pour in 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 3-4 hours. One part of the broth must be cooled and the other heated.

Using cotton pads, contrast lotions are made, alternately applying cold and hot applications. The hot compress lasts for 3 minutes, the cold compress for 1.5 minutes. Make from 7 to 10 changes of compresses per procedure. Use the product daily before bed.

Eyelid skin tightening masks

A drooping eyelid (how to get rid of it using ointments and creams was described above) can be successfully corrected using masks:

  1. Mix 75 ml of milk with 3 tbsp. soda Beat the mixture with a blender and mixer and cool in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then soak cotton pads in milk and apply a compress to the skin of the eyelids. Leave the applications on for 20 minutes, then wash with hot and cold water alternately. The procedure is completed with a cold wash.
  2. Grate raw potatoes, place them in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Then take the same amount of sauerkraut juice and mix it with potato juice. To make the consistency convenient for application, add some flour to the composition. Apply the mixture to the upper eyelid for 5 minutes and then wash off with cool water. You can add a little olive oil to the mixture.
  3. Tear off two leaves from the aloe, squeeze the juice out of them, add moisturizing eye cream (1 tsp). Keep in the refrigerator until cool, soak a cotton pad in the composition, and then apply it to the upper eyelids and hold the compress for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
  4. Take two new bags of green or black tea. Dip them in hot water, cool and apply to the eyelids for 7-10 minutes.
  5. Grate half a medium potato, add one raw egg, and beat thoroughly with a fork. Place the mask on cotton pads and then apply it to the upper eyelid.
  6. Liquid honey (if it is candied, you need to melt it), cream and cottage cheese are combined in equal proportions. Weigh the ingredients with a fork and apply to the skin around the eyes. Keep the composition for 30 minutes.
  7. The yolk of one egg is mixed with cold-pressed olive oil and applied to the eyelids for 20 minutes.


Masks with cucumber will help get rid of drooping eyelids, but there may not be any results

Grate half the cucumber without peeling it, dilute the composition with 0.5 tsp. eye cream, add 2 drops. lemon juice and make applications. Keep the composition for about 15 minutes.

Makeup recommendations

  1. To apply shadows correctly and create competent, beautiful makeup, they are applied only with the eye open.
  2. Mascara is used only on the upper eyelashes.
  3. You should avoid highly matte and overly pearlescent shadows - both are undesirable.
  4. The arrows should be thin both on the upper and lower eyelids.
  5. The outer edge of the arrow should point upward.
  6. It is recommended to highlight the lower eyelid with light shadows.
  7. It is recommended to use cosmetics in natural shades.


There are a lot of techniques that help get rid of drooping eyelids, ranging from masks and compresses to blepharoplasty. Traditional methods will not change the situation dramatically, since excess skin will still remain; it can only be tightened, restoring its tone.

Laser correction is suitable for those who strive for an ideal result.

Video: how to get rid of an impending eyelid

Exercises against the impending eyelid:

5 makeup rules for drooping eyelids:

To prolong youth, reduce wrinkles and give the skin a glow, it is not at all necessary to resort to cosmetic tightening or lifting procedures. Eye cream can, in a short time without any additional products, improve turgor and normalize collagen synthesis in tissues. As a result, facial folds are smoothed out, the color of the epidermis is evened out and its density improves.

How to choose a good eye cream

When selecting cosmetic products, you need to take into account many factors: skin type, tendency to allergic reactions, properties of active ingredients. Based on this information, the pricing policy of the product, reviews and personal preferences, you can choose the ideal anti-wrinkle product.


Corrective eye cream

It is believed that the best eye cream must contain hyaluronic acid. It is a natural derivative of the body, hypoallergenic, and has a deep moisturizing and tightening effect. But the list of useful active substances used in cosmetics does not end with hyaluronic acid.

Active substances that are included in most effective eyelid wrinkle creams:

  1. Vitamin A. If you choose a product with retinol in its composition, you can be sure that your skin will be nourished and tightened. But this vitamin has an unpleasant feature: it causes peeling of the skin. Therefore, it is preferable to use a product that also contains tocopherol;
  2. Vitamin E. A gentle lifting ingredient that improves skin tone, reduces age spots and has moisturizing properties. Tocopherol is able to activate the production of collagen and elastane, but in the presence of deep wrinkles it is better if it is supplemented with amino acids;
  3. Seaweed extracts. Ideal ingredients for oily and problematic skin with high sensitivity. Thanks to the huge amount of minerals and essential acids in the composition, such products are used to nourish mature skin, lift eyelids, and moisturize the area under the eyes. Many kelp products are also known for their cooling properties;


  4. Essential and base oils. It is very important to nourish and moisturize the skin under the eyes well. Oil substances do an excellent job of both of these functions. Particularly popular are fatty extracts of rice, shea tree, cocoa, coconut, and olive. From essential oils you need to highlight barberry, passionflower, lemon;
  5. Plant extracts. Extracts from medicinal plants are great for dark circles under the eyes, dark spots, and fine wrinkles. Linen softens and smoothes the epidermis, passionflower normalizes metabolism and helps activate the production of collagen and elastane, ruscus is rich in unique nano-somas. In addition, extracts of chamomile, roses, rose hips, fruit plants, parsley, etc. are actively used;
  6. Animal products. Nowadays, products based on caviar, crushed pearls, honey, snail mucus and other similar components are very popular. Such preparations for wrinkles and for restoring elasticity are very expensive, because they often contain a minimum amount of preservatives and a maximum of natural ingredients;


    Pearl extract
  7. Synthetic compounds. These are all kinds of branded formulas. They can strengthen the tissue of the epidermis, improve its color and turgor and much more - depending on the purpose of the cream.

Naturally, these are not all possible components of eye creams, but most of these cosmetics are enriched with at least one of the listed ingredients.

Types of eye creams

Depending on the purpose, there are different types of eyelid creams:

Anti-aging. Aimed at strengthening fibers, activating the production of collagen and elastane, as well as protecting the skin. Helps improve nutrition and hydration. Some also provide enhanced nutrition. This is the eyelid restoration cream Vichy Liftactiv Yeux (Vichy), Evalar Laura, Eveline Cosmetics Argan Oil (Eveline), Holy Land Cosmetics Q10 Coenzyme Energizer Eye (Holy Land), Christian Dior Hydra Life Pro-Youth Sorbet (Dior), etc. d.;